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index 49231bf25d2..4ca3956de80 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -19,22 +19,20 @@ BSD-style license found in the LICENSE file.
Official binary distributions are available at https://golang.org/dl/.
After downloading a binary release, visit https://golang.org/doc/install
-or load [doc/install.html](./doc/install.html) in your web browser for installation
+for installation instructions.
#### Install From Source
If a binary distribution is not available for your combination of
operating system and architecture, visit
-https://golang.org/doc/install/source or load [doc/install-source.html](./doc/install-source.html)
-in your web browser for source installation instructions.
+for source installation instructions.
### Contributing
Go is the work of thousands of contributors. We appreciate your help!
-To contribute, please read the contribution guidelines:
- https://golang.org/doc/contribute.html
+To contribute, please read the contribution guidelines at https://golang.org/doc/contribute.html.
Note that the Go project uses the issue tracker for bug reports and
proposals only. See https://golang.org/wiki/Questions for a list of
diff --git a/doc/install-source.html b/doc/install-source.html
deleted file mode 100644
index f0a909263cf..00000000000
--- a/doc/install-source.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,777 +0,0 @@
- "Title": "Installing Go from source",
- "Path": "/doc/install/source"
-<h2 id="introduction">Introduction</h2>
-Go is an open source project, distributed under a
-<a href="/LICENSE">BSD-style license</a>.
-This document explains how to check out the sources,
-build them on your own machine, and run them.
-Most users don't need to do this, and will instead install
-from precompiled binary packages as described in
-<a href="/doc/install">Getting Started</a>,
-a much simpler process.
-If you want to help develop what goes into those precompiled
-packages, though, read on.
-<div class="detail">
-There are two official Go compiler toolchains.
-This document focuses on the <code>gc</code> Go
-compiler and tools.
-For information on how to work on <code>gccgo</code>, a more traditional
-compiler using the GCC back end, see
-<a href="/doc/install/gccgo">Setting up and using gccgo</a>.
-The Go compilers support the following instruction sets:
- <code>amd64</code>, <code>386</code>
- The <code>x86</code> instruction set, 64- and 32-bit.
- <code>arm64</code>, <code>arm</code>
- The <code>ARM</code> instruction set, 64-bit (<code>AArch64</code>) and 32-bit.
- <code>mips64</code>, <code>mips64le</code>, <code>mips</code>, <code>mipsle</code>
- The <code>MIPS</code> instruction set, big- and little-endian, 64- and 32-bit.
- <code>ppc64</code>, <code>ppc64le</code>
- The 64-bit PowerPC instruction set, big- and little-endian.
- <code>riscv64</code>
- The 64-bit RISC-V instruction set.
- <code>s390x</code>
- The IBM z/Architecture.
- <code>wasm</code>
- <a href="https://webassembly.org">WebAssembly</a>.
-The compilers can target the AIX, Android, DragonFly BSD, FreeBSD,
-Illumos, Linux, macOS/iOS (Darwin), NetBSD, OpenBSD, Plan 9, Solaris,
-and Windows operating systems (although not all operating systems
-support all architectures).
-A list of ports which are considered "first class" is available at the
-<a href="/wiki/PortingPolicy#first-class-ports">first class ports</a>
-wiki page.
-The full set of supported combinations is listed in the
-discussion of <a href="#environment">environment variables</a> below.
-See the main installation page for the <a href="/doc/install#requirements">overall system requirements</a>.
-The following additional constraints apply to systems that can be built only from source:
-<li>For Linux on PowerPC 64-bit, the minimum supported kernel version is 2.6.37, meaning that
-Go does not support CentOS 6 on these systems.
-<h2 id="go14">Install Go compiler binaries for bootstrap</h2>
-The Go toolchain is written in Go. To build it, you need a Go compiler installed.
-The scripts that do the initial build of the tools look for a "go" command
-in <code>$PATH</code>, so as long as you have Go installed in your
-system and configured in your <code>$PATH</code>, you are ready to build Go
-from source.
-Or if you prefer you can set <code>$GOROOT_BOOTSTRAP</code> to the
-root of a Go installation to use to build the new Go toolchain;
-<code>$GOROOT_BOOTSTRAP/bin/go</code> should be the go command to use.</p>
-There are four possible ways to obtain a bootstrap toolchain:
-<li>Download a recent binary release of Go.
-<li>Cross-compile a toolchain using a system with a working Go installation.
-<li>Use gccgo.
-<li>Compile a toolchain from Go 1.4, the last Go release with a compiler written in C.
-These approaches are detailed below.
-<h3 id="bootstrapFromBinaryRelease">Bootstrap toolchain from binary release</h3>
-To use a binary release as a bootstrap toolchain, see
-<a href="/dl/">the downloads page</a> or use any other
-packaged Go distribution.
-<h3 id="bootstrapFromCrosscompiledSource">Bootstrap toolchain from cross-compiled source</h3>
-To cross-compile a bootstrap toolchain from source, which is
-necessary on systems Go 1.4 did not target (for
-example, <code>linux/ppc64le</code>), install Go on a different system
-and run <a href="/src/bootstrap.bash">bootstrap.bash</a>.
-When run as (for example)
-$ GOOS=linux GOARCH=ppc64 ./bootstrap.bash
-<code>bootstrap.bash</code> cross-compiles a toolchain for that <code>GOOS/GOARCH</code>
-combination, leaving the resulting tree in <code>../../go-${GOOS}-${GOARCH}-bootstrap</code>.
-That tree can be copied to a machine of the given target type
-and used as <code>GOROOT_BOOTSTRAP</code> to bootstrap a local build.
-<h3 id="bootstrapFromGccgo">Bootstrap toolchain using gccgo</h3>
-To use gccgo as the bootstrap toolchain, you need to arrange
-for <code>$GOROOT_BOOTSTRAP/bin/go</code> to be the go tool that comes
-as part of gccgo 5. For example on Ubuntu Vivid:
-$ sudo apt-get install gccgo-5
-$ sudo update-alternatives --set go /usr/bin/go-5
-$ GOROOT_BOOTSTRAP=/usr ./make.bash
-<h3 id="bootstrapFromSource">Bootstrap toolchain from C source code</h3>
-To build a bootstrap toolchain from C source code, use
-either the git branch <code>release-branch.go1.4</code> or
-<a href="https://dl.google.com/go/go1.4-bootstrap-20171003.tar.gz">go1.4-bootstrap-20171003.tar.gz</a>,
-which contains the Go 1.4 source code plus accumulated fixes
-to keep the tools running on newer operating systems.
-(Go 1.4 was the last distribution in which the toolchain was written in C.)
-After unpacking the Go 1.4 source, <code>cd</code> to
-the <code>src</code> subdirectory, set <code>CGO_ENABLED=0</code> in
-the environment, and run <code>make.bash</code> (or,
-on Windows, <code>make.bat</code>).
-Once the Go 1.4 source has been unpacked into your GOROOT_BOOTSTRAP directory,
-you must keep this git clone instance checked out to branch
-<code>release-branch.go1.4</code>. Specifically, do not attempt to reuse
-this git clone in the later step named "Fetch the repository." The go1.4
-bootstrap toolchain <b>must be able</b> to properly traverse the go1.4 sources
-that it assumes are present under this repository root.
-Note that Go 1.4 does not run on all systems that later versions of Go do.
-In particular, Go 1.4 does not support current versions of macOS.
-On such systems, the bootstrap toolchain must be obtained using one of the other methods.
-<h2 id="git">Install Git, if needed</h2>
-To perform the next step you must have Git installed. (Check that you
-have a <code>git</code> command before proceeding.)
-If you do not have a working Git installation,
-follow the instructions on the
-<a href="https://git-scm.com/downloads">Git downloads</a> page.
-<h2 id="ccompiler">(Optional) Install a C compiler</h2>
-To build a Go installation
-with <code><a href="/cmd/cgo">cgo</a></code> support, which permits Go
-programs to import C libraries, a C compiler such as <code>gcc</code>
-or <code>clang</code> must be installed first. Do this using whatever
-installation method is standard on the system.
-To build without <code>cgo</code>, set the environment variable
-<code>CGO_ENABLED=0</code> before running <code>all.bash</code> or
-<h2 id="fetch">Fetch the repository</h2>
-<p>Change to the directory where you intend to install Go, and make sure
-the <code>goroot</code> directory does not exist. Then clone the repository
-and check out the latest release tag (<code class="versionTag">go1.12</code>,
-for example):</p>
-$ git clone https://go.googlesource.com/go goroot
-$ cd goroot
-$ git checkout <span class="versionTag"><i>&lt;tag&gt;</i></span>
-<p class="whereTag">
-Where <code>&lt;tag&gt;</code> is the version string of the release.
-<p>Go will be installed in the directory where it is checked out. For example,
-if Go is checked out in <code>$HOME/goroot</code>, executables will be installed
-in <code>$HOME/goroot/bin</code>. The directory may have any name, but note
-that if Go is checked out in <code>$HOME/go</code>, it will conflict with
-the default location of <code>$GOPATH</code>.
-See <a href="#gopath"><code>GOPATH</code></a> below.</p>
-Reminder: If you opted to also compile the bootstrap binaries from source (in an
-earlier section), you still need to <code>git clone</code> again at this point
-(to checkout the latest <code>&lt;tag&gt;</code>), because you must keep your
-go1.4 repository distinct.
-<h2 id="head">(Optional) Switch to the master branch</h2>
-<p>If you intend to modify the go source code, and
-<a href="/doc/contribute.html">contribute your changes</a>
-to the project, then move your repository
-off the release branch, and onto the master (development) branch.
-Otherwise, skip this step.</p>
-$ git checkout master
-<h2 id="install">Install Go</h2>
-To build the Go distribution, run
-$ cd src
-$ ./all.bash
-(To build under Windows use <code>all.bat</code>.)
-If all goes well, it will finish by printing output like:
-Installed Go for linux/amd64 in /home/you/go.
-Installed commands in /home/you/go/bin.
-*** You need to add /home/you/go/bin to your $PATH. ***
-where the details on the last few lines reflect the operating system,
-architecture, and root directory used during the install.
-<div class="detail">
-For more information about ways to control the build, see the discussion of
-<a href="#environment">environment variables</a> below.
-<code>all.bash</code> (or <code>all.bat</code>) runs important tests for Go,
-which can take more time than simply building Go. If you do not want to run
-the test suite use <code>make.bash</code> (or <code>make.bat</code>)
-<h2 id="testing">Testing your installation</h2>
-Check that Go is installed correctly by building a simple program.
-Create a file named <code>hello.go</code> and put the following program in it:
-package main
-import "fmt"
-func main() {
- fmt.Printf("hello, world\n")
-Then run it with the <code>go</code> tool:
-$ go run hello.go
-hello, world
-If you see the "hello, world" message then Go is installed correctly.
-<h2 id="gopath">Set up your work environment</h2>
-You're almost done.
-You just need to do a little more setup.
-<a href="/doc/code.html" class="download" id="start">
-<span class="big">How to Write Go Code</span>
-<span class="desc">Learn how to set up and use the Go tools</span>
-The <a href="/doc/code.html">How to Write Go Code</a> document
-provides <b>essential setup instructions</b> for using the Go tools.
-<h2 id="tools">Install additional tools</h2>
-The source code for several Go tools (including <a href="/cmd/godoc/">godoc</a>)
-is kept in <a href="https://golang.org/x/tools">the go.tools repository</a>.
-To install one of the tools (<code>godoc</code> in this case):
-$ go get golang.org/x/tools/cmd/godoc
-To install these tools, the <code>go</code> <code>get</code> command requires
-that <a href="#git">Git</a> be installed locally.
-You must also have a workspace (<code>GOPATH</code>) set up;
-see <a href="/doc/code.html">How to Write Go Code</a> for the details.
-<h2 id="community">Community resources</h2>
-The usual community resources such as
-<code>#go-nuts</code> on the <a href="https://freenode.net/">Freenode</a> IRC server
-and the
-<a href="//groups.google.com/group/golang-nuts">Go Nuts</a>
-mailing list have active developers that can help you with problems
-with your installation or your development work.
-For those who wish to keep up to date,
-there is another mailing list, <a href="//groups.google.com/group/golang-checkins">golang-checkins</a>,
-that receives a message summarizing each checkin to the Go repository.
-Bugs can be reported using the <a href="//golang.org/issue/new">Go issue tracker</a>.
-<h2 id="releases">Keeping up with releases</h2>
-New releases are announced on the
-<a href="//groups.google.com/group/golang-announce">golang-announce</a>
-mailing list.
-Each announcement mentions the latest release tag, for instance,
-<code class="versionTag">go1.9</code>.
-To update an existing tree to the latest release, you can run:
-$ cd go/src
-$ git fetch
-$ git checkout <span class="versionTag"><i>&lt;tag&gt;</i></psan>
-$ ./all.bash
-<p class="whereTag">
-Where <code>&lt;tag&gt;</code> is the version string of the release.
-<h2 id="environment">Optional environment variables</h2>
-The Go compilation environment can be customized by environment variables.
-<i>None is required by the build</i>, but you may wish to set some
-to override the defaults.
-The root of the Go tree, often <code>$HOME/go1.X</code>.
-Its value is built into the tree when it is compiled, and
-defaults to the parent of the directory where <code>all.bash</code> was run.
-There is no need to set this unless you want to switch between multiple
-local copies of the repository.
-The value assumed by installed binaries and scripts when
-<code>$GOROOT</code> is not set explicitly.
-It defaults to the value of <code>$GOROOT</code>.
-If you want to build the Go tree in one location
-but move it elsewhere after the build, set
-<code>$GOROOT_FINAL</code> to the eventual location.
-<li id="gopath"><code>$GOPATH</code>
-The directory where Go projects outside the Go distribution are typically
-checked out. For example, <code>golang.org/x/tools</code> might be checked out
-to <code>$GOPATH/src/golang.org/x/tools</code>. Executables outside the
-Go distribution are installed in <code>$GOPATH/bin</code> (or
-<code>$GOBIN</code>, if set). Modules are downloaded and cached in
-<p>The default location of <code>$GOPATH</code> is <code>$HOME/go</code>,
-and it's not usually necessary to set <code>GOPATH</code> explicitly. However,
-if you have checked out the Go distribution to <code>$HOME/go</code>,
-you must set <code>GOPATH</code> to another location to avoid conflicts.
-The directory where executables outside the Go distribution are installed
-using the <a href="/cmd/go">go command</a>. For example,
-<code>go get golang.org/x/tools/cmd/godoc</code> downloads, builds, and
-installs <code>$GOBIN/godoc</code>. By default, <code>$GOBIN</code> is
-<code>$GOPATH/bin</code> (or <code>$HOME/go/bin</code> if <code>GOPATH</code>
-is not set). After installing, you will want to add this directory to
-your <code>$PATH</code> so you can use installed tools.
-Note that the Go distribution's executables are installed in
-<code>$GOROOT/bin</code> (for executables invoked by people) or
-<code>$GOTOOLDIR</code> (for executables invoked by the go command;
-defaults to <code>$GOROOT/pkg/$GOOS_GOARCH</code>) instead of
-<li><code>$GOOS</code> and <code>$GOARCH</code>
-The name of the target operating system and compilation architecture.
-These default to the values of <code>$GOHOSTOS</code> and
-<code>$GOHOSTARCH</code> respectively (described below).
-Choices for <code>$GOOS</code> are
-<code>android</code>, <code>darwin</code>, <code>dragonfly</code>,
-<code>freebsd</code>, <code>illumos</code>, <code>ios</code>, <code>js</code>,
-<code>linux</code>, <code>netbsd</code>, <code>openbsd</code>,
-<code>plan9</code>, <code>solaris</code> and <code>windows</code>.
-Choices for <code>$GOARCH</code> are
-<code>amd64</code> (64-bit x86, the most mature port),
-<code>386</code> (32-bit x86), <code>arm</code> (32-bit ARM), <code>arm64</code> (64-bit ARM),
-<code>ppc64le</code> (PowerPC 64-bit, little-endian), <code>ppc64</code> (PowerPC 64-bit, big-endian),
-<code>mips64le</code> (MIPS 64-bit, little-endian), <code>mips64</code> (MIPS 64-bit, big-endian),
-<code>mipsle</code> (MIPS 32-bit, little-endian), <code>mips</code> (MIPS 32-bit, big-endian),
-<code>s390x</code> (IBM System z 64-bit, big-endian), and
-<code>wasm</code> (WebAssembly 32-bit).
-The valid combinations of <code>$GOOS</code> and <code>$GOARCH</code> are:
-<table cellpadding="0">
-<th width="50"></th><th align="left" width="100"><code>$GOOS</code></th> <th align="left" width="100"><code>$GOARCH</code></th>
-<td></td><td><code>aix</code></td> <td><code>ppc64</code></td>
-<td></td><td><code>android</code></td> <td><code>386</code></td>
-<td></td><td><code>android</code></td> <td><code>amd64</code></td>
-<td></td><td><code>android</code></td> <td><code>arm</code></td>
-<td></td><td><code>android</code></td> <td><code>arm64</code></td>
-<td></td><td><code>darwin</code></td> <td><code>amd64</code></td>
-<td></td><td><code>darwin</code></td> <td><code>arm64</code></td>
-<td></td><td><code>dragonfly</code></td> <td><code>amd64</code></td>
-<td></td><td><code>freebsd</code></td> <td><code>386</code></td>
-<td></td><td><code>freebsd</code></td> <td><code>amd64</code></td>
-<td></td><td><code>freebsd</code></td> <td><code>arm</code></td>
-<td></td><td><code>illumos</code></td> <td><code>amd64</code></td>
-<td></td><td><code>ios</code></td> <td><code>arm64</code></td>
-<td></td><td><code>js</code></td> <td><code>wasm</code></td>
-<td></td><td><code>linux</code></td> <td><code>386</code></td>
-<td></td><td><code>linux</code></td> <td><code>amd64</code></td>
-<td></td><td><code>linux</code></td> <td><code>arm</code></td>
-<td></td><td><code>linux</code></td> <td><code>arm64</code></td>
-<td></td><td><code>linux</code></td> <td><code>ppc64</code></td>
-<td></td><td><code>linux</code></td> <td><code>ppc64le</code></td>
-<td></td><td><code>linux</code></td> <td><code>mips</code></td>
-<td></td><td><code>linux</code></td> <td><code>mipsle</code></td>
-<td></td><td><code>linux</code></td> <td><code>mips64</code></td>
-<td></td><td><code>linux</code></td> <td><code>mips64le</code></td>
-<td></td><td><code>linux</code></td> <td><code>riscv64</code></td>
-<td></td><td><code>linux</code></td> <td><code>s390x</code></td>
-<td></td><td><code>netbsd</code></td> <td><code>386</code></td>
-<td></td><td><code>netbsd</code></td> <td><code>amd64</code></td>
-<td></td><td><code>netbsd</code></td> <td><code>arm</code></td>
-<td></td><td><code>openbsd</code></td> <td><code>386</code></td>
-<td></td><td><code>openbsd</code></td> <td><code>amd64</code></td>
-<td></td><td><code>openbsd</code></td> <td><code>arm</code></td>
-<td></td><td><code>openbsd</code></td> <td><code>arm64</code></td>
-<td></td><td><code>plan9</code></td> <td><code>386</code></td>
-<td></td><td><code>plan9</code></td> <td><code>amd64</code></td>
-<td></td><td><code>plan9</code></td> <td><code>arm</code></td>
-<td></td><td><code>solaris</code></td> <td><code>amd64</code></td>
-<td></td><td><code>windows</code></td> <td><code>386</code></td>
-<td></td><td><code>windows</code></td> <td><code>amd64</code></td>
-<li><code>$GOHOSTOS</code> and <code>$GOHOSTARCH</code>
-The name of the host operating system and compilation architecture.
-These default to the local system's operating system and
-Valid choices are the same as for <code>$GOOS</code> and
-<code>$GOARCH</code>, listed above.
-The specified values must be compatible with the local system.
-For example, you should not set <code>$GOHOSTARCH</code> to
-<code>arm</code> on an x86 system.
-<li><code>$GO386</code> (for <code>386</code> only, defaults to <code>sse2</code>)
-This variable controls how gc implements floating point computations.
- <li><code>GO386=softfloat</code>: use software floating point operations; should support all x86 chips (Pentium MMX or later).</li>
- <li><code>GO386=sse2</code>: use SSE2 for floating point operations; has better performance but only available on Pentium 4/Opteron/Athlon 64 or later.</li>
-<li><code>$GOARM</code> (for <code>arm</code> only; default is auto-detected if building
-on the target processor, 6 if not)
-This sets the ARM floating point co-processor architecture version the run-time
-should target. If you are compiling on the target system, its value will be auto-detected.
- <li><code>GOARM=5</code>: use software floating point; when CPU doesn't have VFP co-processor</li>
- <li><code>GOARM=6</code>: use VFPv1 only; default if cross compiling; usually ARM11 or better cores (VFPv2 or better is also supported)</li>
- <li><code>GOARM=7</code>: use VFPv3; usually Cortex-A cores</li>
-If in doubt, leave this variable unset, and adjust it if required
-when you first run the Go executable.
-The <a href="//golang.org/wiki/GoArm">GoARM</a> page
-on the <a href="//golang.org/wiki">Go community wiki</a>
-contains further details regarding Go's ARM support.
-<li><code>$GOMIPS</code> (for <code>mips</code> and <code>mipsle</code> only) <br> <code>$GOMIPS64</code> (for <code>mips64</code> and <code>mips64le</code> only)
- These variables set whether to use floating point instructions. Set to "<code>hardfloat</code>" to use floating point instructions; this is the default. Set to "<code>softfloat</code>" to use soft floating point.
-<li><code>$GOPPC64</code> (for <code>ppc64</code> and <code>ppc64le</code> only)
-This variable sets the processor level (i.e. Instruction Set Architecture version)
-for which the compiler will target. The default is <code>power8</code>.
- <li><code>GOPPC64=power8</code>: generate ISA v2.07 instructions</li>
- <li><code>GOPPC64=power9</code>: generate ISA v3.00 instructions</li>
-<li><code>$GOWASM</code> (for <code>wasm</code> only)
- <p>
- This variable is a comma separated list of <a href="https://github.com/WebAssembly/proposals">experimental WebAssembly features</a> that the compiled WebAssembly binary is allowed to use.
- The default is to use no experimental features.
- </p>
- <ul>
- <li><code>GOWASM=satconv</code>: generate <a href="https://github.com/WebAssembly/nontrapping-float-to-int-conversions/blob/master/proposals/nontrapping-float-to-int-conversion/Overview.md">saturating (non-trapping) float-to-int conversions</a></li>
- <li><code>GOWASM=signext</code>: generate <a href="https://github.com/WebAssembly/sign-extension-ops/blob/master/proposals/sign-extension-ops/Overview.md">sign-extension operators</a></li>
- </ul>
-Note that <code>$GOARCH</code> and <code>$GOOS</code> identify the
-<em>target</em> environment, not the environment you are running on.
-In effect, you are always cross-compiling.
-By architecture, we mean the kind of binaries
-that the target environment can run:
-an x86-64 system running a 32-bit-only operating system
-must set <code>GOARCH</code> to <code>386</code>,
-not <code>amd64</code>.
-If you choose to override the defaults,
-set these variables in your shell profile (<code>$HOME/.bashrc</code>,
-<code>$HOME/.profile</code>, or equivalent). The settings might look
-something like this:
-export GOARCH=amd64
-export GOOS=linux
-although, to reiterate, none of these variables needs to be set to build,
-install, and develop the Go tree.
diff --git a/doc/install.html b/doc/install.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 706d66c0079..00000000000
--- a/doc/install.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,315 +0,0 @@
- "Title": "Getting Started",
- "Path": "/doc/install"
-<div class="hideFromDownload">
-<h2 id="download">Download the Go distribution</h2>
-<a href="/dl/" id="start" class="download">
-<span class="big">Download Go</span>
-<span class="desc">Click here to visit the downloads page</span>
-<a href="/dl/" target="_blank">Official binary
-distributions</a> are available for the FreeBSD (release 10-STABLE and above),
-Linux, macOS (10.11 and above), and Windows operating systems and
-the 32-bit (<code>386</code>) and 64-bit (<code>amd64</code>) x86 processor
-If a binary distribution is not available for your combination of operating
-system and architecture, try
-<a href="/doc/install/source">installing from source</a> or
-<a href="/doc/install/gccgo">installing gccgo instead of gc</a>.
-<h2 id="requirements">System requirements</h2>
-Go <a href="/dl/">binary distributions</a> are available for these supported operating systems and architectures.
-Please ensure your system meets these requirements before proceeding.
-If your OS or architecture is not on the list, you may be able to
-<a href="/doc/install/source">install from source</a> or
-<a href="/doc/install/gccgo">use gccgo instead</a>.
-<table class="codetable" frame="border" summary="requirements">
-<th align="center">Operating system</th>
-<th align="center">Architectures</th>
-<th align="center">Notes</th>
-<tr><td colspan="3"><hr></td></tr>
-<tr><td>FreeBSD 10.3 or later</td> <td>amd64, 386</td> <td>Debian GNU/kFreeBSD not supported</td></tr>
-<tr valign='top'><td>Linux 2.6.23 or later with glibc</td> <td>amd64, 386, arm, arm64,<br>s390x, ppc64le</td> <td>CentOS/RHEL 5.x not supported.<br>Install from source for other libc.</td></tr>
-<tr><td>macOS 10.11 or later</td> <td>amd64</td> <td>use the clang or gcc<sup>&#8224;</sup> that comes with Xcode<sup>&#8225;</sup> for <code>cgo</code> support</td></tr>
-<tr valign='top'><td>Windows 7, Server 2008R2 or later</td> <td>amd64, 386</td> <td>use MinGW (<code>386</code>) or MinGW-W64 (<code>amd64</code>) gcc<sup>&#8224;</sup>.<br>No need for cygwin or msys.</td></tr>
-<sup>&#8224;</sup>A C compiler is required only if you plan to use
-<a href="/cmd/cgo">cgo</a>.<br/>
-<sup>&#8225;</sup>You only need to install the command line tools for
-<a href="https://developer.apple.com/Xcode/">Xcode</a>. If you have already
-installed Xcode 4.3+, you can install it from the Components tab of the
-Downloads preferences panel.
-</div><!-- hideFromDownload -->
-<h2 id="install">Install the Go tools</h2>
-If you are upgrading from an older version of Go you must
-first <a href="#uninstall">remove the existing version</a>.
-<div id="tarballInstructions">
-<h3 id="tarball">Linux, macOS, and FreeBSD tarballs</h3>
-<a href="/dl/">Download the archive</a>
-and extract it into <code>/usr/local</code>, creating a Go tree in
-<code>/usr/local/go</code>. For example:
-tar -C /usr/local -xzf <span class="downloadFilename">go$VERSION.$OS-$ARCH.tar.gz</span>
-<p class="hideFromDownload">
-Choose the archive file appropriate for your installation.
-For instance, if you are installing Go version 1.2.1 for 64-bit x86 on Linux,
-the archive you want is called <code>go1.2.1.linux-amd64.tar.gz</code>.
-(Typically these commands must be run as root or through <code>sudo</code>.)
-Add <code>/usr/local/go/bin</code> to the <code>PATH</code> environment
-variable. You can do this by adding this line to your <code>/etc/profile</code>
-(for a system-wide installation) or <code>$HOME/.profile</code>:
-export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin
-<b>Note</b>: changes made to a <code>profile</code> file may not apply until the
-next time you log into your computer.
-To apply the changes immediately, just run the shell commands directly
-or execute them from the profile using a command such as
-<code>source $HOME/.profile</code>.
-</div><!-- tarballInstructions -->
-<div id="darwinPackageInstructions">
-<h3 id="macos"><div id="osx"></div>macOS package installer</h3>
-<a href="/dl/">Download the package file</a>,
-open it, and follow the prompts to install the Go tools.
-The package installs the Go distribution to <code>/usr/local/go</code>.
-The package should put the <code>/usr/local/go/bin</code> directory in your
-<code>PATH</code> environment variable. You may need to restart any open
-Terminal sessions for the change to take effect.
-</div><!-- darwinPackageInstructions -->
-<div id="windowsInstructions">
-<h3 id="windows">Windows</h3>
-<p class="hideFromDownload">
-The Go project provides two installation options for Windows users
-(besides <a href="/doc/install/source">installing from source</a>):
-a zip archive that requires you to set some environment variables and an
-MSI installer that configures your installation automatically.
-<div id="windowsInstallerInstructions">
-<h4 id="windows_msi">MSI installer</h4>
-Open the <a href="/dl/">MSI file</a>
-and follow the prompts to install the Go tools.
-By default, the installer puts the Go distribution in <code>c:\Go</code>.
-The installer should put the <code>c:\Go\bin</code> directory in your
-<code>PATH</code> environment variable. You may need to restart any open
-command prompts for the change to take effect.
-</div><!-- windowsInstallerInstructions -->
-<div id="windowsZipInstructions">
-<h4 id="windows_zip">Zip archive</h4>
-<a href="/dl/">Download the zip file</a> and extract it into the directory of your choice (we suggest <code>c:\Go</code>).
-Add the <code>bin</code> subdirectory of your Go root (for example, <code>c:\Go\bin</code>) to your <code>PATH</code> environment variable.
-</div><!-- windowsZipInstructions -->
-<h4 id="windows_env">Setting environment variables under Windows</h4>
-Under Windows, you may set environment variables through the "Environment
-Variables" button on the "Advanced" tab of the "System" control panel. Some
-versions of Windows provide this control panel through the "Advanced System
-Settings" option inside the "System" control panel.
-</div><!-- windowsInstructions -->
-<h2 id="testing">Test your installation</h2>
-Check that Go is installed correctly by building a simple program, as follows.
-Create a file named <code>hello.go</code> that looks like:
-package main
-import "fmt"
-func main() {
- fmt.Printf("hello, world\n")
-Then build it with the <code>go</code> tool:
-<pre class="testUnix">
-$ <b>go build hello.go</b>
-<pre class="testWindows">
-C:\Users\Gopher\go\src\hello&gt; <b>go build hello.go</b>
-The command above will build an executable named
-<code class="testUnix">hello</code><code class="testWindows">hello.exe</code>
-in the current directory alongside your source code.
-Execute it to see the greeting:
-<pre class="testUnix">
-$ <b>./hello</b>
-hello, world
-<pre class="testWindows">
-C:\Users\Gopher\go\src\hello&gt; <b>hello</b>
-hello, world
-If you see the "hello, world" message then your Go installation is working.
-Before rushing off to write Go code please read the
-<a href="/doc/code.html">How to Write Go Code</a> document,
-which describes some essential concepts about using the Go tools.
-<h2 id="extra_versions">Installing extra Go versions</h2>
-It may be useful to have multiple Go versions installed on the same machine, for
-example, to ensure that a package's tests pass on multiple Go versions.
-Once you have one Go version installed, you can install another (such as 1.10.7)
-as follows:
-$ go get golang.org/dl/go1.10.7
-$ go1.10.7 download
-The newly downloaded version can be used like <code>go</code>:
-$ go1.10.7 version
-go version go1.10.7 linux/amd64
-All Go versions available via this method are listed on
-<a href="https://godoc.org/golang.org/dl#pkg-subdirectories">the download page</a>.
-You can find where each of these extra Go versions is installed by looking
-at its <code>GOROOT</code>; for example, <code>go1.10.7 env GOROOT</code>.
-To uninstall a downloaded version, just remove its <code>GOROOT</code> directory
-and the <code>goX.Y.Z</code> binary.
-<h2 id="uninstall">Uninstalling Go</h2>
-To remove an existing Go installation from your system delete the
-<code>go</code> directory. This is usually <code>/usr/local/go</code>
-under Linux, macOS, and FreeBSD or <code>c:\Go</code>
-under Windows.
-You should also remove the Go <code>bin</code> directory from your
-<code>PATH</code> environment variable.
-Under Linux and FreeBSD you should edit <code>/etc/profile</code> or
-If you installed Go with the <a href="#macos">macOS package</a> then you
-should remove the <code>/etc/paths.d/go</code> file.
-Windows users should read the section about <a href="#windows_env">setting
-environment variables under Windows</a>.
-<h2 id="help">Getting help</h2>
- For help, see the <a href="/help/">list of Go mailing lists, forums, and places to chat</a>.
- Report bugs either by running “<b><code>go</code> <code>bug</code></b>”, or
- manually at the <a href="https://golang.org/issue">Go issue tracker</a>.