diff options
13 files changed, 5354 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/misc/nacl/testzip.proto b/misc/nacl/testzip.proto
index 8a8784c8be..bb7b39d8ca 100644
--- a/misc/nacl/testzip.proto
+++ b/misc/nacl/testzip.proto
@@ -18,6 +18,10 @@ go src=..
+ compile
+ internal
+ syntax
+ parser.go
diff --git a/src/cmd/compile/internal/syntax/dumper.go b/src/cmd/compile/internal/syntax/dumper.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bb369fc705
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/cmd/compile/internal/syntax/dumper.go
@@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
+// Copyright 2016 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+// This file implements printing of syntax tree structures.
+package syntax
+import (
+ "fmt"
+ "io"
+ "reflect"
+ "unicode"
+ "unicode/utf8"
+// Fdump dumps the structure of the syntax tree rooted at n to w.
+// It is intended for debugging purposes; no specific output format
+// is guaranteed.
+func Fdump(w io.Writer, n Node) (err error) {
+ p := dumper{
+ output: w,
+ ptrmap: make(map[Node]int),
+ last: '\n', // force printing of line number on first line
+ }
+ defer func() {
+ if e := recover(); e != nil {
+ err = e.(localError).err // re-panics if it's not a localError
+ }
+ }()
+ if n == nil {
+ p.printf("nil\n")
+ return
+ }
+ p.dump(reflect.ValueOf(n), n)
+ p.printf("\n")
+ return
+type dumper struct {
+ output io.Writer
+ ptrmap map[Node]int // node -> dump line number
+ indent int // current indentation level
+ last byte // last byte processed by Write
+ line int // current line number
+var indentBytes = []byte(". ")
+func (p *dumper) Write(data []byte) (n int, err error) {
+ var m int
+ for i, b := range data {
+ // invariant: data[0:n] has been written
+ if b == '\n' {
+ m, err = p.output.Write(data[n : i+1])
+ n += m
+ if err != nil {
+ return
+ }
+ } else if p.last == '\n' {
+ p.line++
+ _, err = fmt.Fprintf(p.output, "%6d ", p.line)
+ if err != nil {
+ return
+ }
+ for j := p.indent; j > 0; j-- {
+ _, err = p.output.Write(indentBytes)
+ if err != nil {
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ p.last = b
+ }
+ if len(data) > n {
+ m, err = p.output.Write(data[n:])
+ n += m
+ }
+ return
+// localError wraps locally caught errors so we can distinguish
+// them from genuine panics which we don't want to return as errors.
+type localError struct {
+ err error
+// printf is a convenience wrapper that takes care of print errors.
+func (p *dumper) printf(format string, args ...interface{}) {
+ if _, err := fmt.Fprintf(p, format, args...); err != nil {
+ panic(localError{err})
+ }
+// dump prints the contents of x.
+// If x is the reflect.Value of a struct s, where &s
+// implements Node, then &s should be passed for n -
+// this permits printing of the unexported span and
+// comments fields of the embedded isNode field by
+// calling the Span() and Comment() instead of using
+// reflection.
+func (p *dumper) dump(x reflect.Value, n Node) {
+ switch x.Kind() {
+ case reflect.Interface:
+ if x.IsNil() {
+ p.printf("nil")
+ return
+ }
+ p.dump(x.Elem(), nil)
+ case reflect.Ptr:
+ if x.IsNil() {
+ p.printf("nil")
+ return
+ }
+ // special cases for identifiers w/o attached comments (common case)
+ if x, ok := x.Interface().(*Name); ok {
+ p.printf(x.Value)
+ return
+ }
+ p.printf("*")
+ // Fields may share type expressions, and declarations
+ // may share the same group - use ptrmap to keep track
+ // of nodes that have been printed already.
+ if ptr, ok := x.Interface().(Node); ok {
+ if line, exists := p.ptrmap[ptr]; exists {
+ p.printf("(Node @ %d)", line)
+ return
+ }
+ p.ptrmap[ptr] = p.line
+ n = ptr
+ }
+ p.dump(x.Elem(), n)
+ case reflect.Slice:
+ if x.IsNil() {
+ p.printf("nil")
+ return
+ }
+ p.printf("%s (%d entries) {", x.Type(), x.Len())
+ if x.Len() > 0 {
+ p.indent++
+ p.printf("\n")
+ for i, n := 0, x.Len(); i < n; i++ {
+ p.printf("%d: ", i)
+ p.dump(x.Index(i), nil)
+ p.printf("\n")
+ }
+ p.indent--
+ }
+ p.printf("}")
+ case reflect.Struct:
+ typ := x.Type()
+ // if span, ok := x.Interface().(lexical.Span); ok {
+ // p.printf("%s", &span)
+ // return
+ // }
+ p.printf("%s {", typ)
+ p.indent++
+ first := true
+ if n != nil {
+ p.printf("\n")
+ first = false
+ // p.printf("Span: %s\n", n.Span())
+ // if c := *n.Comments(); c != nil {
+ // p.printf("Comments: ")
+ // p.dump(reflect.ValueOf(c), nil) // a Comment is not a Node
+ // p.printf("\n")
+ // }
+ }
+ for i, n := 0, typ.NumField(); i < n; i++ {
+ // Exclude non-exported fields because their
+ // values cannot be accessed via reflection.
+ if name := typ.Field(i).Name; isExported(name) {
+ if first {
+ p.printf("\n")
+ first = false
+ }
+ p.printf("%s: ", name)
+ p.dump(x.Field(i), nil)
+ p.printf("\n")
+ }
+ }
+ p.indent--
+ p.printf("}")
+ default:
+ switch x := x.Interface().(type) {
+ case string:
+ // print strings in quotes
+ p.printf("%q", x)
+ default:
+ p.printf("%v", x)
+ }
+ }
+func isExported(name string) bool {
+ ch, _ := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(name)
+ return unicode.IsUpper(ch)
diff --git a/src/cmd/compile/internal/syntax/dumper_test.go b/src/cmd/compile/internal/syntax/dumper_test.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fd38e7ca78
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/cmd/compile/internal/syntax/dumper_test.go
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+// Copyright 2016 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package syntax
+import (
+ "os"
+ "testing"
+func TestDump(t *testing.T) {
+ if testing.Short() {
+ t.Skip("skipping test in short mode")
+ }
+ ast, err := ReadFile(*src, nil, 0)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatal(err)
+ }
+ Fdump(os.Stdout, ast)
diff --git a/src/cmd/compile/internal/syntax/nodes.go b/src/cmd/compile/internal/syntax/nodes.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4e264c1e82
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/cmd/compile/internal/syntax/nodes.go
@@ -0,0 +1,425 @@
+// Copyright 2016 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package syntax
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Nodes
+type Node interface {
+ aNode()
+type node struct {
+ doc *Comment // nil means no comment(s) attached
+ pos uint32
+ line uint32
+func (*node) aNode() {}
+func (n *node) init(p *parser) {
+ n.pos = uint32(p.pos)
+ n.line = uint32(p.line)
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Files
+type File struct {
+ PkgName *Name
+ DeclList []Decl
+ Pragmas []Pragma
+ Lines int
+ node
+type Pragma struct {
+ Line int
+ Text string
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Declarations
+type (
+ Decl interface {
+ Node
+ aDecl()
+ }
+ ImportDecl struct {
+ LocalPkgName *Name // including "."; nil means no rename present
+ Path *BasicLit
+ Group *Group // nil means not part of a group
+ decl
+ }
+ ConstDecl struct {
+ NameList []*Name
+ Type Expr // nil means no type
+ Values Expr // nil means no values
+ Group *Group // nil means not part of a group
+ decl
+ }
+ TypeDecl struct {
+ Name *Name
+ Type Expr
+ Group *Group // nil means not part of a group
+ decl
+ }
+ VarDecl struct {
+ NameList []*Name
+ Type Expr // nil means no type
+ Values Expr // nil means no values
+ Group *Group // nil means not part of a group
+ decl
+ }
+ FuncDecl struct {
+ Attr map[string]bool // go:attr map
+ Recv *Field // nil means regular function
+ Name *Name
+ Type *FuncType
+ Body []Stmt // nil means no body (forward declaration)
+ decl
+ }
+type decl struct{ node }
+func (*decl) aDecl() {}
+// All declarations belonging to the same group point to the same Group node.
+type Group struct {
+ dummy int // not empty so we are guaranteed different Group instances
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Expressions
+type (
+ Expr interface {
+ Node
+ aExpr()
+ }
+ // Value
+ Name struct {
+ Value string
+ expr
+ }
+ // Value
+ BasicLit struct {
+ Value string
+ Kind LitKind
+ expr
+ }
+ // Type { ElemList[0], ElemList[1], ... }
+ CompositeLit struct {
+ Type Expr // nil means no literal type
+ ElemList []Expr
+ NKeys int // number of elements with keys
+ expr
+ }
+ // Key: Value
+ KeyValueExpr struct {
+ Key, Value Expr
+ expr
+ }
+ // func Type { Body }
+ FuncLit struct {
+ Type *FuncType
+ Body []Stmt
+ expr
+ }
+ // (X)
+ ParenExpr struct {
+ X Expr
+ expr
+ }
+ // X.Sel
+ SelectorExpr struct {
+ X Expr
+ Sel *Name
+ expr
+ }
+ // X[Index]
+ IndexExpr struct {
+ X Expr
+ Index Expr
+ expr
+ }
+ // X[Index[0] : Index[1] : Index[2]]
+ SliceExpr struct {
+ X Expr
+ Index [3]Expr
+ expr
+ }
+ // X.(Type)
+ AssertExpr struct {
+ X Expr
+ // TODO(gri) consider using Name{"..."} instead of nil (permits attaching of comments)
+ Type Expr
+ expr
+ }
+ Operation struct {
+ Op Operator
+ X, Y Expr // Y == nil means unary expression
+ expr
+ }
+ // Fun(ArgList[0], ArgList[1], ...)
+ CallExpr struct {
+ Fun Expr
+ ArgList []Expr
+ HasDots bool // last argument is followed by ...
+ expr
+ }
+ // ElemList[0], ElemList[1], ...
+ ListExpr struct {
+ ElemList []Expr
+ expr
+ }
+ // [Len]Elem
+ ArrayType struct {
+ // TODO(gri) consider using Name{"..."} instead of nil (permits attaching of comments)
+ Len Expr // nil means Len is ...
+ Elem Expr
+ expr
+ }
+ // []Elem
+ SliceType struct {
+ Elem Expr
+ expr
+ }
+ // ...Elem
+ DotsType struct {
+ Elem Expr
+ expr
+ }
+ // struct { FieldList[0] TagList[0]; FieldList[1] TagList[1]; ... }
+ StructType struct {
+ FieldList []*Field
+ TagList []*BasicLit // i >= len(TagList) || TagList[i] == nil means no tag for field i
+ expr
+ }
+ // Name Type
+ // Type
+ Field struct {
+ Name *Name // nil means anonymous field/parameter (structs/parameters), or embedded interface (interfaces)
+ Type Expr // field names declared in a list share the same Type (identical pointers)
+ node
+ }
+ // interface { MethodList[0]; MethodList[1]; ... }
+ InterfaceType struct {
+ MethodList []*Field
+ expr
+ }
+ FuncType struct {
+ ParamList []*Field
+ ResultList []*Field
+ expr
+ }
+ // map[Key]Value
+ MapType struct {
+ Key Expr
+ Value Expr
+ expr
+ }
+ // chan Elem
+ // <-chan Elem
+ // chan<- Elem
+ ChanType struct {
+ Dir ChanDir // 0 means no direction
+ Elem Expr
+ expr
+ }
+type expr struct{ node }
+func (*expr) aExpr() {}
+type ChanDir uint
+const (
+ _ ChanDir = iota
+ SendOnly
+ RecvOnly
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Statements
+type (
+ Stmt interface {
+ Node
+ aStmt()
+ }
+ SimpleStmt interface {
+ Stmt
+ aSimpleStmt()
+ }
+ EmptyStmt struct {
+ simpleStmt
+ }
+ LabeledStmt struct {
+ Label *Name
+ Stmt Stmt
+ stmt
+ }
+ BlockStmt struct {
+ Body []Stmt
+ stmt
+ }
+ ExprStmt struct {
+ X Expr
+ simpleStmt
+ }
+ SendStmt struct {
+ Chan, Value Expr // Chan <- Value
+ simpleStmt
+ }
+ DeclStmt struct {
+ DeclList []Decl
+ stmt
+ }
+ AssignStmt struct {
+ Op Operator // 0 means no operation
+ Lhs, Rhs Expr // Rhs == ImplicitOne means Lhs++ (Op == Add) or Lhs-- (Op == Sub)
+ simpleStmt
+ }
+ BranchStmt struct {
+ Tok token // Break, Continue, Fallthrough, or Goto
+ Label *Name
+ stmt
+ }
+ CallStmt struct {
+ Tok token // Go or Defer
+ Call *CallExpr
+ stmt
+ }
+ ReturnStmt struct {
+ Results Expr // nil means no explicit return values
+ stmt
+ }
+ IfStmt struct {
+ Init SimpleStmt
+ Cond Expr
+ Then []Stmt
+ Else Stmt // either *IfStmt or *BlockStmt
+ stmt
+ }
+ ForStmt struct {
+ Init SimpleStmt // incl. *RangeClause
+ Cond Expr
+ Post SimpleStmt
+ Body []Stmt
+ stmt
+ }
+ SwitchStmt struct {
+ Init SimpleStmt
+ Tag Expr
+ Body []*CaseClause
+ stmt
+ }
+ SelectStmt struct {
+ Body []*CommClause
+ stmt
+ }
+type (
+ RangeClause struct {
+ Lhs Expr // nil means no Lhs = or Lhs :=
+ Def bool // means :=
+ X Expr // range X
+ simpleStmt
+ }
+ TypeSwitchGuard struct {
+ // TODO(gri) consider using Name{"..."} instead of nil (permits attaching of comments)
+ Lhs *Name // nil means no Lhs :=
+ X Expr // X.(type)
+ expr
+ }
+ CaseClause struct {
+ Cases Expr // nil means default clause
+ Body []Stmt
+ node
+ }
+ CommClause struct {
+ Comm SimpleStmt // send or receive stmt; nil means default clause
+ Body []Stmt
+ node
+ }
+type stmt struct{ node }
+func (stmt) aStmt() {}
+type simpleStmt struct {
+ stmt
+func (simpleStmt) aSimpleStmt() {}
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Comments
+type CommentKind uint
+const (
+ Above CommentKind = iota
+ Below
+ Left
+ Right
+type Comment struct {
+ Kind CommentKind
+ Text string
+ Next *Comment
diff --git a/src/cmd/compile/internal/syntax/parser.go b/src/cmd/compile/internal/syntax/parser.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f267d4b2c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/cmd/compile/internal/syntax/parser.go
@@ -0,0 +1,2062 @@
+// Copyright 2016 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package syntax
+import (
+ "fmt"
+ "io"
+ "strings"
+const debug = false
+const trace = false
+type parser struct {
+ scanner
+ fnest int // function nesting level (for error handling)
+ xnest int // expression nesting level (for complit ambiguity resolution)
+ indent []byte // tracing support
+ nerrors int // error count
+func (p *parser) init(src io.Reader, errh ErrorHandler) {
+ p.scanner.init(src, func(pos, line int, msg string) {
+ p.nerrors++
+ if !debug && errh != nil {
+ errh(pos, line, msg)
+ return
+ }
+ panic(fmt.Sprintf("%d: %s\n", line, msg))
+ })
+ p.fnest = 0
+ p.xnest = 0
+ p.indent = nil
+ p.nerrors = 0
+func (p *parser) got(tok token) bool {
+ if p.tok == tok {
+ p.next()
+ return true
+ }
+ return false
+func (p *parser) want(tok token) {
+ if !p.got(tok) {
+ p.syntax_error("expecting " + tok.String())
+ p.advance()
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Error handling
+// syntax_error reports a syntax error at the current line.
+func (p *parser) syntax_error(msg string) {
+ if trace {
+ defer p.trace("syntax_error (" + msg + ")")()
+ }
+ if p.tok == _EOF && p.nerrors > 0 {
+ return // avoid meaningless follow-up errors
+ }
+ // add punctuation etc. as needed to msg
+ switch {
+ case msg == "":
+ // nothing to do
+ case strings.HasPrefix(msg, "in"), strings.HasPrefix(msg, "at"), strings.HasPrefix(msg, "after"):
+ msg = " " + msg
+ case strings.HasPrefix(msg, "expecting"):
+ msg = ", " + msg
+ default:
+ // plain error - we don't care about current token
+ p.error("syntax error: " + msg)
+ return
+ }
+ // determine token string
+ var tok string
+ switch p.tok {
+ case _Name, _Literal:
+ tok = p.lit
+ case _Operator:
+ tok = p.op.String()
+ case _AssignOp:
+ tok = p.op.String() + "="
+ case _IncOp:
+ tok = p.op.String()
+ tok += tok
+ default:
+ tok = tokstring(p.tok)
+ }
+ p.error("syntax error: unexpected " + tok + msg)
+// Like syntax_error, but reports error at given line rather than current lexer line.
+func (p *parser) syntax_error_at(lineno uint32, msg string) {
+ // TODO(gri) fix this
+ // defer func(lineno int32) {
+ // lexlineno = lineno
+ // }(lexlineno)
+ // lexlineno = lineno
+ p.syntax_error(msg)
+// The stopset contains keywords that start a statement.
+// They are good synchronization points in case of syntax
+// errors and (usually) shouldn't be skipped over.
+const stopset uint64 = 1<<_Break |
+ 1<<_Const |
+ 1<<_Continue |
+ 1<<_Defer |
+ 1<<_Fallthrough |
+ 1<<_For |
+ 1<<_Func |
+ 1<<_Go |
+ 1<<_Goto |
+ 1<<_If |
+ 1<<_Return |
+ 1<<_Select |
+ 1<<_Switch |
+ 1<<_Type |
+ 1<<_Var
+// Advance consumes tokens until it finds a token of the stopset or followlist.
+// The stopset is only considered if we are inside a function (p.fnest > 0).
+// The followlist is the list of valid tokens that can follow a production;
+// if it is empty, exactly one token is consumed to ensure progress.
+func (p *parser) advance(followlist ...token) {
+ if len(followlist) == 0 {
+ p.next()
+ return
+ }
+ // compute follow set
+ // TODO(gri) the args are constants - do as constant expressions?
+ var followset uint64 = 1 << _EOF // never skip over EOF
+ for _, tok := range followlist {
+ followset |= 1 << tok
+ }
+ for !(contains(followset, p.tok) || p.fnest > 0 && contains(stopset, p.tok)) {
+ p.next()
+ }
+func tokstring(tok token) string {
+ switch tok {
+ case _EOF:
+ return "EOF"
+ case _Comma:
+ return "comma"
+ case _Semi:
+ return "semicolon or newline"
+ }
+ return tok.String()
+// usage: defer p.trace(msg)()
+func (p *parser) trace(msg string) func() {
+ fmt.Printf("%5d: %s%s (\n", p.line, p.indent, msg)
+ const tab = ". "
+ p.indent = append(p.indent, tab...)
+ return func() {
+ p.indent = p.indent[:len(p.indent)-len(tab)]
+ if x := recover(); x != nil {
+ panic(x) // skip print_trace
+ }
+ fmt.Printf("%5d: %s)\n", p.line, p.indent)
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Package files
+// Parse methods are annotated with matching Go productions as appropriate.
+// The annotations are intended as guidelines only since a single Go grammar
+// rule may be covered by multiple parse methods and vice versa.
+// SourceFile = PackageClause ";" { ImportDecl ";" } { TopLevelDecl ";" } .
+func (p *parser) file() *File {
+ if trace {
+ defer p.trace("file")()
+ }
+ f := new(File)
+ f.init(p)
+ // PackageClause
+ p.want(_Package)
+ f.PkgName = p.name()
+ p.want(_Semi)
+ // don't bother continuing if package clause has errors
+ if p.nerrors > 0 {
+ return nil
+ }
+ // { ImportDecl ";" }
+ for p.got(_Import) {
+ f.DeclList = p.appendGroup(f.DeclList, p.importDecl)
+ p.want(_Semi)
+ }
+ // { TopLevelDecl ";" }
+ for p.tok != _EOF {
+ switch p.tok {
+ case _Const:
+ p.next()
+ f.DeclList = p.appendGroup(f.DeclList, p.constDecl)
+ case _Type:
+ p.next()
+ f.DeclList = p.appendGroup(f.DeclList, p.typeDecl)
+ case _Var:
+ p.next()
+ f.DeclList = p.appendGroup(f.DeclList, p.varDecl)
+ case _Func:
+ p.next()
+ f.DeclList = append(f.DeclList, p.funcDecl())
+ default:
+ if p.tok == _Lbrace && len(f.DeclList) > 0 && emptyFuncDecl(f.DeclList[len(f.DeclList)-1]) {
+ // opening { of function declaration on next line
+ p.syntax_error("unexpected semicolon or newline before {")
+ } else {
+ p.syntax_error("non-declaration statement outside function body")
+ }
+ p.advance(_Const, _Type, _Var, _Func)
+ continue
+ }
+ if p.tok != _EOF && !p.got(_Semi) {
+ p.syntax_error("after top level declaration")
+ p.advance(_Const, _Type, _Var, _Func)
+ }
+ }
+ // p.tok == _EOF
+ f.Lines = p.source.line
+ f.Pragmas = p.pragmas
+ return f
+func emptyFuncDecl(dcl Decl) bool {
+ f, ok := dcl.(*FuncDecl)
+ return ok && f.Body == nil
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Declarations
+// appendGroup(f) = f | "(" { f ";" } ")" .
+func (p *parser) appendGroup(list []Decl, f func(*Group) Decl) []Decl {
+ if p.got(_Lparen) {
+ g := new(Group)
+ for p.tok != _EOF && p.tok != _Rparen {
+ list = append(list, f(g))
+ if !p.osemi(_Rparen) {
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ p.want(_Rparen)
+ return list
+ }
+ return append(list, f(nil))
+func (p *parser) importDecl(group *Group) Decl {
+ if trace {
+ defer p.trace("importDecl")()
+ }
+ d := new(ImportDecl)
+ d.init(p)
+ switch p.tok {
+ case _Name:
+ d.LocalPkgName = p.name()
+ case _Dot:
+ n := new(Name)
+ n.init(p)
+ n.Value = "."
+ d.LocalPkgName = n
+ p.next()
+ }
+ if p.tok == _Literal && p.kind == StringLit {
+ d.Path = p.oliteral()
+ } else {
+ p.syntax_error("missing import path; require quoted string")
+ p.advance(_Semi, _Rparen)
+ }
+ d.Group = group
+ return d
+// ConstSpec = IdentifierList [ [ Type ] "=" ExpressionList ] .
+func (p *parser) constDecl(group *Group) Decl {
+ if trace {
+ defer p.trace("constDecl")()
+ }
+ d := new(ConstDecl)
+ d.init(p)
+ d.NameList = p.nameList(p.name())
+ if p.tok != _EOF && p.tok != _Semi && p.tok != _Rparen {
+ d.Type = p.tryType()
+ if p.got(_Assign) {
+ d.Values = p.exprList()
+ }
+ }
+ d.Group = group
+ return d
+// TypeSpec = identifier Type .
+func (p *parser) typeDecl(group *Group) Decl {
+ if trace {
+ defer p.trace("typeDecl")()
+ }
+ d := new(TypeDecl)
+ d.init(p)
+ d.Name = p.name()
+ d.Type = p.tryType()
+ if d.Type == nil {
+ p.syntax_error("in type declaration")
+ p.advance(_Semi, _Rparen)
+ }
+ d.Group = group
+ return d
+// VarSpec = IdentifierList ( Type [ "=" ExpressionList ] | "=" ExpressionList ) .
+func (p *parser) varDecl(group *Group) Decl {
+ if trace {
+ defer p.trace("varDecl")()
+ }
+ d := new(VarDecl)
+ d.init(p)
+ d.NameList = p.nameList(p.name())
+ if p.got(_Assign) {
+ d.Values = p.exprList()
+ } else {
+ d.Type = p.type_()
+ if p.got(_Assign) {
+ d.Values = p.exprList()
+ }
+ }
+ d.Group = group
+ return d
+// FunctionDecl = "func" FunctionName ( Function | Signature ) .
+// FunctionName = identifier .
+// Function = Signature FunctionBody .
+// MethodDecl = "func" Receiver MethodName ( Function | Signature ) .
+// Receiver = Parameters .
+func (p *parser) funcDecl() *FuncDecl {
+ if trace {
+ defer p.trace("funcDecl")()
+ }
+ f := new(FuncDecl)
+ f.init(p)
+ if p.tok == _Lparen {
+ rcvr := p.paramList()
+ switch len(rcvr) {
+ case 0:
+ p.error("method has no receiver")
+ return nil // TODO(gri) better solution
+ case 1:
+ f.Recv = rcvr[0]
+ default:
+ p.error("method has multiple receivers")
+ return nil // TODO(gri) better solution
+ }
+ }
+ if p.tok != _Name {
+ p.syntax_error("expecting name or (")
+ p.advance(_Lbrace, _Semi)
+ return nil
+ }
+ // TODO(gri) check for regular functions only
+ // if name.Sym.Name == "init" {
+ // name = renameinit()
+ // if params != nil || result != nil {
+ // p.error("func init must have no arguments and no return values")
+ // }
+ // }
+ // if localpkg.Name == "main" && name.Name == "main" {
+ // if params != nil || result != nil {
+ // p.error("func main must have no arguments and no return values")
+ // }
+ // }
+ f.Name = p.name()
+ f.Type = p.funcType()
+ f.Body = p.funcBody()
+ // TODO(gri) deal with function properties
+ // if noescape && body != nil {
+ // p.error("can only use //go:noescape with external func implementations")
+ // }
+ return f
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Expressions
+func (p *parser) expr() Expr {
+ if trace {
+ defer p.trace("expr")()
+ }
+ return p.binaryExpr(0)
+// Expression = UnaryExpr | Expression binary_op Expression .
+func (p *parser) binaryExpr(prec int) Expr {
+ // don't trace binaryExpr - only leads to overly nested trace output
+ x := p.unaryExpr()
+ for (p.tok == _Operator || p.tok == _Star) && p.prec > prec {
+ t := new(Operation)
+ t.init(p)
+ t.Op = p.op
+ t.X = x
+ tprec := p.prec
+ p.next()
+ t.Y = p.binaryExpr(tprec)
+ x = t
+ }
+ return x
+// UnaryExpr = PrimaryExpr | unary_op UnaryExpr .
+func (p *parser) unaryExpr() Expr {
+ if trace {
+ defer p.trace("unaryExpr")()
+ }
+ switch p.tok {
+ case _Operator, _Star:
+ switch p.op {
+ case Mul, Add, Sub, Not, Xor:
+ x := new(Operation)
+ x.init(p)
+ x.Op = p.op
+ p.next()
+ x.X = p.unaryExpr()
+ return x
+ case And:
+ p.next()
+ x := new(Operation)
+ x.init(p)
+ x.Op = And
+ // unaryExpr may have returned a parenthesized composite literal
+ // (see comment in operand) - remove parentheses if any
+ x.X = unparen(p.unaryExpr())
+ return x
+ }
+ case _Arrow:
+ // receive op (<-x) or receive-only channel (<-chan E)
+ p.next()
+ // If the next token is _Chan we still don't know if it is
+ // a channel (<-chan int) or a receive op (<-chan int(ch)).
+ // We only know once we have found the end of the unaryExpr.
+ x := p.unaryExpr()
+ // There are two cases:
+ //
+ // <-chan... => <-x is a channel type
+ // <-x => <-x is a receive operation
+ //
+ // In the first case, <- must be re-associated with
+ // the channel type parsed already:
+ //
+ // <-(chan E) => (<-chan E)
+ // <-(chan<-E) => (<-chan (<-E))
+ if x, ok := x.(*ChanType); ok {
+ // x is a channel type => re-associate <-
+ dir := SendOnly
+ t := x
+ for ok && dir == SendOnly {
+ dir = t.Dir
+ if dir == RecvOnly {
+ // t is type <-chan E but <-<-chan E is not permitted
+ // (report same error as for "type _ <-<-chan E")
+ p.syntax_error("unexpected <-, expecting chan")
+ // already progressed, no need to advance
+ }
+ t.Dir = RecvOnly
+ t, ok = t.Elem.(*ChanType)
+ }
+ if dir == SendOnly {
+ // channel dir is <- but channel element E is not a channel
+ // (report same error as for "type _ <-chan<-E")
+ p.syntax_error(fmt.Sprintf("unexpected %v, expecting chan", t))
+ // already progressed, no need to advance
+ }
+ return x
+ }
+ // x is not a channel type => we have a receive op
+ return &Operation{Op: Recv, X: x}
+ }
+ return p.pexpr(false)
+// callStmt parses call-like statements that can be preceded by 'defer' and 'go'.
+func (p *parser) callStmt() *CallStmt {
+ if trace {
+ defer p.trace("callStmt")()
+ }
+ s := new(CallStmt)
+ s.init(p)
+ s.Tok = p.tok
+ p.next()
+ x := p.pexpr(p.tok == _Lparen) // keep_parens so we can report error below
+ switch x := x.(type) {
+ case *CallExpr:
+ s.Call = x
+ case *ParenExpr:
+ p.error(fmt.Sprintf("expression in %s must not be parenthesized", s.Tok))
+ // already progressed, no need to advance
+ default:
+ p.error(fmt.Sprintf("expression in %s must be function call", s.Tok))
+ // already progressed, no need to advance
+ }
+ return s // TODO(gri) should we return nil in case of failure?
+// Operand = Literal | OperandName | MethodExpr | "(" Expression ")" .
+// Literal = BasicLit | CompositeLit | FunctionLit .
+// BasicLit = int_lit | float_lit | imaginary_lit | rune_lit | string_lit .
+// OperandName = identifier | QualifiedIdent.
+func (p *parser) operand(keep_parens bool) Expr {
+ if trace {
+ defer p.trace("operand " + p.tok.String())()
+ }
+ switch p.tok {
+ case _Name:
+ return p.name()
+ case _Literal:
+ return p.oliteral()
+ case _Lparen:
+ p.next()
+ p.xnest++
+ x := p.expr() // expr_or_type
+ p.xnest--
+ p.want(_Rparen)
+ // Optimization: Record presence of ()'s only where needed
+ // for error reporting. Don't bother in other cases; it is
+ // just a waste of memory and time.
+ // Parentheses are not permitted on lhs of := .
+ // switch x.Op {
+ // keep_parens = true
+ // }
+ // Parentheses are not permitted around T in a composite
+ // literal T{}. If the next token is a {, assume x is a
+ // composite literal type T (it may not be, { could be
+ // the opening brace of a block, but we don't know yet).
+ if p.tok == _Lbrace {
+ keep_parens = true
+ }
+ // Parentheses are also not permitted around the expression
+ // in a go/defer statement. In that case, operand is called
+ // with keep_parens set.
+ if keep_parens {
+ x = &ParenExpr{X: x}
+ }
+ return x
+ case _Func:
+ p.next()
+ t := p.funcType()
+ if p.tok == _Lbrace {
+ p.fnest++
+ p.xnest++
+ f := new(FuncLit)
+ f.init(p)
+ f.Type = t
+ f.Body = p.funcBody()
+ p.xnest--
+ p.fnest--
+ return f
+ }
+ return t
+ case _Lbrack, _Chan, _Map, _Struct, _Interface:
+ return p.type_() // othertype
+ case _Lbrace:
+ // common case: p.header is missing simpleStmt before { in if, for, switch
+ p.syntax_error("missing operand")
+ // '{' will be consumed in pexpr - no need to consume it here
+ return nil
+ default:
+ p.syntax_error("expecting expression")
+ p.advance()
+ return nil
+ }
+ // Syntactically, composite literals are operands. Because a complit
+ // type may be a qualified identifier which is handled by pexpr
+ // (together with selector expressions), complits are parsed there
+ // as well (operand is only called from pexpr).
+// PrimaryExpr =
+// Operand |
+// Conversion |
+// PrimaryExpr Selector |
+// PrimaryExpr Index |
+// PrimaryExpr Slice |
+// PrimaryExpr TypeAssertion |
+// PrimaryExpr Arguments .
+// Selector = "." identifier .
+// Index = "[" Expression "]" .
+// Slice = "[" ( [ Expression ] ":" [ Expression ] ) |
+// ( [ Expression ] ":" Expression ":" Expression )
+// "]" .
+// TypeAssertion = "." "(" Type ")" .
+// Arguments = "(" [ ( ExpressionList | Type [ "," ExpressionList ] ) [ "..." ] [ "," ] ] ")" .
+func (p *parser) pexpr(keep_parens bool) Expr {
+ if trace {
+ defer p.trace("pexpr")()
+ }
+ x := p.operand(keep_parens)
+ for {
+ switch p.tok {
+ case _Dot:
+ p.next()
+ switch p.tok {
+ case _Name:
+ // pexpr '.' sym
+ t := new(SelectorExpr)
+ t.init(p)
+ t.X = x
+ t.Sel = p.name()
+ x = t
+ case _Lparen:
+ p.next()
+ if p.got(_Type) {
+ t := new(TypeSwitchGuard)
+ t.init(p)
+ t.X = x
+ x = t
+ } else {
+ t := new(AssertExpr)
+ t.init(p)
+ t.X = x
+ t.Type = p.expr()
+ x = t
+ }
+ p.want(_Rparen)
+ default:
+ p.syntax_error("expecting name or (")
+ p.advance(_Semi, _Rparen)
+ }
+ case _Lbrack:
+ p.next()
+ p.xnest++
+ var i Expr
+ if p.tok != _Colon {
+ i = p.expr()
+ if p.got(_Rbrack) {
+ // x[i]
+ t := new(IndexExpr)
+ t.init(p)
+ t.X = x
+ t.Index = i
+ x = t
+ p.xnest--
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ // x[i:...
+ t := new(SliceExpr)
+ t.init(p)
+ t.X = x
+ t.Index[0] = i
+ p.want(_Colon)
+ if p.tok != _Colon && p.tok != _Rbrack {
+ // x[i:j...
+ t.Index[1] = p.expr()
+ }
+ if p.got(_Colon) {
+ // x[i:j:...]
+ if t.Index[1] == nil {
+ p.error("middle index required in 3-index slice")
+ }
+ if p.tok != _Rbrack {
+ // x[i:j:k...
+ t.Index[2] = p.expr()
+ } else {
+ p.error("final index required in 3-index slice")
+ }
+ }
+ p.want(_Rbrack)
+ x = t
+ p.xnest--
+ case _Lparen:
+ // call or conversion
+ // convtype '(' expr ocomma ')'
+ c := new(CallExpr)
+ c.init(p)
+ c.Fun = x
+ c.ArgList, c.HasDots = p.argList()
+ x = c
+ case _Lbrace:
+ // operand may have returned a parenthesized complit
+ // type; accept it but complain if we have a complit
+ t := unparen(x)
+ // determine if '{' belongs to a complit or a compound_stmt
+ complit_ok := false
+ switch t.(type) {
+ case *Name, *SelectorExpr:
+ if p.xnest >= 0 {
+ // x is considered a comptype
+ complit_ok = true
+ }
+ case *ArrayType, *SliceType, *StructType, *MapType:
+ // x is a comptype
+ complit_ok = true
+ }
+ if !complit_ok {
+ break loop
+ }
+ if t != x {
+ p.syntax_error("cannot parenthesize type in composite literal")
+ // already progressed, no need to advance
+ }
+ n := p.complitexpr()
+ n.Type = x
+ x = n
+ default:
+ break loop
+ }
+ }
+ return x
+// Element = Expression | LiteralValue .
+func (p *parser) bare_complitexpr() Expr {
+ if trace {
+ defer p.trace("bare_complitexpr")()
+ }
+ if p.tok == _Lbrace {
+ // '{' start_complit braced_keyval_list '}'
+ return p.complitexpr()
+ }
+ return p.expr()
+// LiteralValue = "{" [ ElementList [ "," ] ] "}" .
+func (p *parser) complitexpr() *CompositeLit {
+ if trace {
+ defer p.trace("complitexpr")()
+ }
+ x := new(CompositeLit)
+ x.init(p)
+ p.want(_Lbrace)
+ p.xnest++
+ for p.tok != _EOF && p.tok != _Rbrace {
+ // value
+ e := p.bare_complitexpr()
+ if p.got(_Colon) {
+ // key ':' value
+ l := new(KeyValueExpr)
+ l.init(p)
+ l.Key = e
+ l.Value = p.bare_complitexpr()
+ e = l
+ x.NKeys++
+ }
+ x.ElemList = append(x.ElemList, e)
+ if !p.ocomma(_Rbrace) {
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ p.xnest--
+ p.want(_Rbrace)
+ return x
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Types
+func (p *parser) type_() Expr {
+ if trace {
+ defer p.trace("type_")()
+ }
+ if typ := p.tryType(); typ != nil {
+ return typ
+ }
+ p.syntax_error("")
+ p.advance()
+ return nil
+func indirect(typ Expr) Expr {
+ return &Operation{Op: Mul, X: typ}
+// tryType is like type_ but it returns nil if there was no type
+// instead of reporting an error.
+// Type = TypeName | TypeLit | "(" Type ")" .
+// TypeName = identifier | QualifiedIdent .
+// TypeLit = ArrayType | StructType | PointerType | FunctionType | InterfaceType |
+// SliceType | MapType | Channel_Type .
+func (p *parser) tryType() Expr {
+ if trace {
+ defer p.trace("tryType")()
+ }
+ switch p.tok {
+ case _Star:
+ // ptrtype
+ p.next()
+ return indirect(p.type_())
+ case _Arrow:
+ // recvchantype
+ p.next()
+ p.want(_Chan)
+ t := new(ChanType)
+ t.init(p)
+ t.Dir = RecvOnly
+ t.Elem = p.chanElem()
+ return t
+ case _Func:
+ // fntype
+ p.next()
+ return p.funcType()
+ case _Lbrack:
+ // '[' oexpr ']' ntype
+ // '[' _DotDotDot ']' ntype
+ p.next()
+ p.xnest++
+ if p.got(_Rbrack) {
+ // []T
+ p.xnest--
+ t := new(SliceType)
+ t.init(p)
+ t.Elem = p.type_()
+ return t
+ }
+ // [n]T
+ t := new(ArrayType)
+ t.init(p)
+ if !p.got(_DotDotDot) {
+ t.Len = p.expr()
+ }
+ p.want(_Rbrack)
+ p.xnest--
+ t.Elem = p.type_()
+ return t
+ case _Chan:
+ // _Chan non_recvchantype
+ // _Chan _Comm ntype
+ p.next()
+ t := new(ChanType)
+ t.init(p)
+ if p.got(_Arrow) {
+ t.Dir = SendOnly
+ }
+ t.Elem = p.chanElem()
+ return t
+ case _Map:
+ // _Map '[' ntype ']' ntype
+ p.next()
+ p.want(_Lbrack)
+ t := new(MapType)
+ t.init(p)
+ t.Key = p.type_()
+ p.want(_Rbrack)
+ t.Value = p.type_()
+ return t
+ case _Struct:
+ return p.structType()
+ case _Interface:
+ return p.interfaceType()
+ case _Name:
+ return p.dotname(p.name())
+ case _Lparen:
+ p.next()
+ t := p.type_()
+ p.want(_Rparen)
+ return t
+ }
+ return nil
+func (p *parser) funcType() *FuncType {
+ if trace {
+ defer p.trace("funcType")()
+ }
+ typ := new(FuncType)
+ typ.init(p)
+ typ.ParamList = p.paramList()
+ typ.ResultList = p.funcResult()
+ return typ
+func (p *parser) chanElem() Expr {
+ if trace {
+ defer p.trace("chanElem")()
+ }
+ if typ := p.tryType(); typ != nil {
+ return typ
+ }
+ p.syntax_error("missing channel element type")
+ // assume element type is simply absent - don't advance
+ return nil
+func (p *parser) dotname(name *Name) Expr {
+ if trace {
+ defer p.trace("dotname")()
+ }
+ if p.got(_Dot) {
+ s := new(SelectorExpr)
+ s.init(p)
+ s.X = name
+ s.Sel = p.name()
+ return s
+ }
+ return name
+// StructType = "struct" "{" { FieldDecl ";" } "}" .
+func (p *parser) structType() *StructType {
+ if trace {
+ defer p.trace("structType")()
+ }
+ typ := new(StructType)
+ typ.init(p)
+ p.want(_Struct)
+ p.want(_Lbrace)
+ for p.tok != _EOF && p.tok != _Rbrace {
+ p.fieldDecl(typ)
+ if !p.osemi(_Rbrace) {
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ p.want(_Rbrace)
+ return typ
+// InterfaceType = "interface" "{" { MethodSpec ";" } "}" .
+func (p *parser) interfaceType() *InterfaceType {
+ if trace {
+ defer p.trace("interfaceType")()
+ }
+ typ := new(InterfaceType)
+ typ.init(p)
+ p.want(_Interface)
+ p.want(_Lbrace)
+ for p.tok != _EOF && p.tok != _Rbrace {
+ if m := p.methodDecl(); m != nil {
+ typ.MethodList = append(typ.MethodList, m)
+ }
+ if !p.osemi(_Rbrace) {
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ p.want(_Rbrace)
+ return typ
+// FunctionBody = Block .
+func (p *parser) funcBody() []Stmt {
+ if trace {
+ defer p.trace("funcBody")()
+ }
+ if p.got(_Lbrace) {
+ p.fnest++
+ body := p.stmtList()
+ p.fnest--
+ p.want(_Rbrace)
+ if body == nil {
+ body = []Stmt{new(EmptyStmt)}
+ }
+ return body
+ }
+ return nil
+// Result = Parameters | Type .
+func (p *parser) funcResult() []*Field {
+ if trace {
+ defer p.trace("funcResult")()
+ }
+ if p.tok == _Lparen {
+ return p.paramList()
+ }
+ if result := p.tryType(); result != nil {
+ f := new(Field)
+ f.init(p)
+ f.Type = result
+ return []*Field{f}
+ }
+ return nil
+func (p *parser) addField(styp *StructType, name *Name, typ Expr, tag *BasicLit) {
+ if tag != nil {
+ for i := len(styp.FieldList) - len(styp.TagList); i > 0; i-- {
+ styp.TagList = append(styp.TagList, nil)
+ }
+ styp.TagList = append(styp.TagList, tag)
+ }
+ f := new(Field)
+ f.init(p)
+ f.Name = name
+ f.Type = typ
+ styp.FieldList = append(styp.FieldList, f)
+ if debug && tag != nil && len(styp.FieldList) != len(styp.TagList) {
+ panic("inconsistent struct field list")
+ }
+// FieldDecl = (IdentifierList Type | AnonymousField) [ Tag ] .
+// AnonymousField = [ "*" ] TypeName .
+// Tag = string_lit .
+func (p *parser) fieldDecl(styp *StructType) {
+ if trace {
+ defer p.trace("fieldDecl")()
+ }
+ var name *Name
+ switch p.tok {
+ case _Name:
+ name = p.name()
+ if p.tok == _Dot || p.tok == _Literal || p.tok == _Semi || p.tok == _Rbrace {
+ // embed oliteral
+ typ := p.qualifiedName(name)
+ tag := p.oliteral()
+ p.addField(styp, nil, typ, tag)
+ return
+ }
+ // new_name_list ntype oliteral
+ names := p.nameList(name)
+ typ := p.type_()
+ tag := p.oliteral()
+ for _, name := range names {
+ p.addField(styp, name, typ, tag)
+ }
+ case _Lparen:
+ p.next()
+ if p.tok == _Star {
+ // '(' '*' embed ')' oliteral
+ p.next()
+ typ := indirect(p.qualifiedName(nil))
+ p.want(_Rparen)
+ tag := p.oliteral()
+ p.addField(styp, nil, typ, tag)
+ p.error("cannot parenthesize embedded type")
+ } else {
+ // '(' embed ')' oliteral
+ typ := p.qualifiedName(nil)
+ p.want(_Rparen)
+ tag := p.oliteral()
+ p.addField(styp, nil, typ, tag)
+ p.error("cannot parenthesize embedded type")
+ }
+ case _Star:
+ p.next()
+ if p.got(_Lparen) {
+ // '*' '(' embed ')' oliteral
+ typ := indirect(p.qualifiedName(nil))
+ p.want(_Rparen)
+ tag := p.oliteral()
+ p.addField(styp, nil, typ, tag)
+ p.error("cannot parenthesize embedded type")
+ } else {
+ // '*' embed oliteral
+ typ := indirect(p.qualifiedName(nil))
+ tag := p.oliteral()
+ p.addField(styp, nil, typ, tag)
+ }
+ default:
+ p.syntax_error("expecting field name or embedded type")
+ p.advance(_Semi, _Rbrace)
+ }
+func (p *parser) oliteral() *BasicLit {
+ if p.tok == _Literal {
+ b := new(BasicLit)
+ b.init(p)
+ b.Value = p.lit
+ b.Kind = p.kind
+ p.next()
+ return b
+ }
+ return nil
+// MethodSpec = MethodName Signature | InterfaceTypeName .
+// MethodName = identifier .
+// InterfaceTypeName = TypeName .
+func (p *parser) methodDecl() *Field {
+ if trace {
+ defer p.trace("methodDecl")()
+ }
+ switch p.tok {
+ case _Name:
+ name := p.name()
+ // accept potential name list but complain
+ hasNameList := false
+ for p.got(_Comma) {
+ p.name()
+ hasNameList = true
+ }
+ if hasNameList {
+ p.syntax_error("name list not allowed in interface type")
+ // already progressed, no need to advance
+ }
+ f := new(Field)
+ f.init(p)
+ if p.tok != _Lparen {
+ // packname
+ f.Type = p.qualifiedName(name)
+ return f
+ }
+ f.Name = name
+ f.Type = p.funcType()
+ return f
+ case _Lparen:
+ p.next()
+ f := new(Field)
+ f.init(p)
+ f.Type = p.qualifiedName(nil)
+ p.want(_Rparen)
+ p.error("cannot parenthesize embedded type")
+ return f
+ default:
+ p.syntax_error("")
+ p.advance(_Semi, _Rbrace)
+ return nil
+ }
+// ParameterDecl = [ IdentifierList ] [ "..." ] Type .
+func (p *parser) paramDecl() *Field {
+ if trace {
+ defer p.trace("paramDecl")()
+ }
+ f := new(Field)
+ f.init(p)
+ switch p.tok {
+ case _Name:
+ f.Name = p.name()
+ switch p.tok {
+ case _Name, _Star, _Arrow, _Func, _Lbrack, _Chan, _Map, _Struct, _Interface, _Lparen:
+ // sym name_or_type
+ f.Type = p.type_()
+ case _DotDotDot:
+ // sym dotdotdot
+ f.Type = p.dotsType()
+ case _Dot:
+ // name_or_type
+ // from dotname
+ f.Type = p.dotname(f.Name)
+ f.Name = nil
+ }
+ case _Arrow, _Star, _Func, _Lbrack, _Chan, _Map, _Struct, _Interface, _Lparen:
+ // name_or_type
+ f.Type = p.type_()
+ case _DotDotDot:
+ // dotdotdot
+ f.Type = p.dotsType()
+ default:
+ p.syntax_error("expecting )")
+ p.advance(_Comma, _Rparen)
+ return nil
+ }
+ return f
+// ...Type
+func (p *parser) dotsType() *DotsType {
+ if trace {
+ defer p.trace("dotsType")()
+ }
+ t := new(DotsType)
+ t.init(p)
+ p.want(_DotDotDot)
+ t.Elem = p.tryType()
+ if t.Elem == nil {
+ p.error("final argument in variadic function missing type")
+ }
+ return t
+// Parameters = "(" [ ParameterList [ "," ] ] ")" .
+// ParameterList = ParameterDecl { "," ParameterDecl } .
+func (p *parser) paramList() (list []*Field) {
+ if trace {
+ defer p.trace("paramList")()
+ }
+ p.want(_Lparen)
+ var named int // number of parameters that have an explicit name and type
+ for p.tok != _EOF && p.tok != _Rparen {
+ if par := p.paramDecl(); par != nil {
+ if debug && par.Name == nil && par.Type == nil {
+ panic("parameter without name or type")
+ }
+ if par.Name != nil && par.Type != nil {
+ named++
+ }
+ list = append(list, par)
+ }
+ if !p.ocomma(_Rparen) {
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ // distribute parameter types
+ if named == 0 {
+ // all unnamed => found names are named types
+ for _, par := range list {
+ if typ := par.Name; typ != nil {
+ par.Type = typ
+ par.Name = nil
+ }
+ }
+ } else if named != len(list) {
+ // some named => all must be named
+ var typ Expr
+ for i := len(list) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
+ if par := list[i]; par.Type != nil {
+ typ = par.Type
+ if par.Name == nil {
+ typ = nil // error
+ }
+ } else {
+ par.Type = typ
+ }
+ if typ == nil {
+ p.syntax_error("mixed named and unnamed function parameters")
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ p.want(_Rparen)
+ return
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Statements
+// We represent x++, x-- as assignments x += ImplicitOne, x -= ImplicitOne.
+// ImplicitOne should not be used elsewhere.
+var ImplicitOne = &BasicLit{Value: "1"}
+// SimpleStmt = EmptyStmt | ExpressionStmt | SendStmt | IncDecStmt | Assignment | ShortVarDecl .
+// simpleStmt may return missing_stmt if labelOk is set.
+func (p *parser) simpleStmt(lhs Expr, rangeOk bool) SimpleStmt {
+ if trace {
+ defer p.trace("simpleStmt")()
+ }
+ if rangeOk && p.got(_Range) {
+ // _Range expr
+ if debug && lhs != nil {
+ panic("invalid call of simpleStmt")
+ }
+ return p.rangeClause(nil, false)
+ }
+ if lhs == nil {
+ lhs = p.exprList()
+ }
+ if _, ok := lhs.(*ListExpr); !ok && p.tok != _Assign && p.tok != _Define {
+ // expr
+ switch p.tok {
+ case _AssignOp:
+ // lhs op= rhs
+ op := p.op
+ p.next()
+ return p.newAssignStmt(op, lhs, p.expr())
+ case _IncOp:
+ // lhs++ or lhs--
+ op := p.op
+ p.next()
+ return p.newAssignStmt(op, lhs, ImplicitOne)
+ case _Arrow:
+ // lhs <- rhs
+ p.next()
+ s := new(SendStmt)
+ s.init(p)
+ s.Chan = lhs
+ s.Value = p.expr()
+ return s
+ default:
+ // expr
+ return &ExprStmt{X: lhs}
+ }
+ }
+ // expr_list
+ switch p.tok {
+ case _Assign:
+ p.next()
+ if rangeOk && p.got(_Range) {
+ // expr_list '=' _Range expr
+ return p.rangeClause(lhs, false)
+ }
+ // expr_list '=' expr_list
+ return p.newAssignStmt(0, lhs, p.exprList())
+ case _Define:
+ //lno := lineno
+ p.next()
+ if rangeOk && p.got(_Range) {
+ // expr_list ':=' range expr
+ return p.rangeClause(lhs, true)
+ }
+ // expr_list ':=' expr_list
+ rhs := p.exprList()
+ if x, ok := rhs.(*TypeSwitchGuard); ok {
+ switch lhs := lhs.(type) {
+ case *Name:
+ x.Lhs = lhs
+ case *ListExpr:
+ p.error(fmt.Sprintf("argument count mismatch: %d = %d", len(lhs.ElemList), 1))
+ default:
+ // TODO(mdempsky): Have Expr types implement Stringer?
+ p.error(fmt.Sprintf("invalid variable name %s in type switch", lhs))
+ }
+ return &ExprStmt{X: x}
+ }
+ return p.newAssignStmt(Def, lhs, rhs)
+ default:
+ p.syntax_error("expecting := or = or comma")
+ p.advance(_Semi, _Rbrace)
+ return nil
+ }
+func (p *parser) rangeClause(lhs Expr, def bool) *RangeClause {
+ r := new(RangeClause)
+ r.init(p)
+ r.Lhs = lhs
+ r.Def = def
+ r.X = p.expr()
+ return r
+func (p *parser) newAssignStmt(op Operator, lhs, rhs Expr) *AssignStmt {
+ a := new(AssignStmt)
+ a.init(p)
+ a.Op = op
+ a.Lhs = lhs
+ a.Rhs = rhs
+ return a
+func (p *parser) labeledStmt(label *Name) Stmt {
+ if trace {
+ defer p.trace("labeledStmt")()
+ }
+ var ls Stmt // labeled statement
+ if p.tok != _Rbrace && p.tok != _EOF {
+ ls = p.stmt()
+ if ls == missing_stmt {
+ // report error at line of ':' token
+ p.syntax_error_at(label.line, "missing statement after label")
+ // we are already at the end of the labeled statement - no need to advance
+ return missing_stmt
+ }
+ }
+ s := new(LabeledStmt)
+ s.init(p)
+ s.Label = label
+ s.Stmt = ls
+ return s
+func (p *parser) blockStmt() *BlockStmt {
+ if trace {
+ defer p.trace("blockStmt")()
+ }
+ s := new(BlockStmt)
+ s.init(p)
+ p.want(_Lbrace)
+ s.Body = p.stmtList()
+ p.want(_Rbrace)
+ return s
+func (p *parser) declStmt(f func(*Group) Decl) *DeclStmt {
+ if trace {
+ defer p.trace("declStmt")()
+ }
+ s := new(DeclStmt)
+ s.init(p)
+ p.next() // _Const, _Type, or _Var
+ s.DeclList = p.appendGroup(nil, f)
+ return s
+func (p *parser) forStmt() Stmt {
+ if trace {
+ defer p.trace("forStmt")()
+ }
+ s := new(ForStmt)
+ s.init(p)
+ p.want(_For)
+ s.Init, s.Cond, s.Post = p.header(true)
+ s.Body = p.stmtBody("for clause")
+ return s
+// stmtBody parses if and for statement bodies.
+func (p *parser) stmtBody(context string) []Stmt {
+ if trace {
+ defer p.trace("stmtBody")()
+ }
+ if !p.got(_Lbrace) {
+ p.syntax_error("missing { after " + context)
+ p.advance(_Name, _Rbrace)
+ }
+ body := p.stmtList()
+ p.want(_Rbrace)
+ return body
+func (p *parser) header(forStmt bool) (init SimpleStmt, cond Expr, post SimpleStmt) {
+ if p.tok == _Lbrace {
+ return
+ }
+ outer := p.xnest
+ p.xnest = -1
+ if p.tok != _Semi {
+ // accept potential varDecl but complain
+ if p.got(_Var) {
+ p.error("var declaration not allowed in initializer")
+ }
+ init = p.simpleStmt(nil, forStmt)
+ // If we have a range clause, we are done.
+ if _, ok := init.(*RangeClause); ok {
+ p.xnest = outer
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ var condStmt SimpleStmt
+ if p.got(_Semi) {
+ if forStmt {
+ if p.tok != _Semi {
+ condStmt = p.simpleStmt(nil, false)
+ }
+ p.want(_Semi)
+ if p.tok != _Lbrace {
+ post = p.simpleStmt(nil, false)
+ }
+ } else if p.tok != _Lbrace {
+ condStmt = p.simpleStmt(nil, false)
+ }
+ } else {
+ condStmt = init
+ init = nil
+ }
+ // unpack condStmt
+ switch s := condStmt.(type) {
+ case nil:
+ // nothing to do
+ case *ExprStmt:
+ cond = s.X
+ default:
+ p.error("invalid condition, tag, or type switch guard")
+ }
+ p.xnest = outer
+ return
+func (p *parser) ifStmt() *IfStmt {
+ if trace {
+ defer p.trace("ifStmt")()
+ }
+ s := new(IfStmt)
+ s.init(p)
+ p.want(_If)
+ s.Init, s.Cond, _ = p.header(false)
+ if s.Cond == nil {
+ p.error("missing condition in if statement")
+ }
+ s.Then = p.stmtBody("if clause")
+ if p.got(_Else) {
+ if p.tok == _If {
+ s.Else = p.ifStmt()
+ } else {
+ s.Else = p.blockStmt()
+ }
+ }
+ return s
+func (p *parser) switchStmt() *SwitchStmt {
+ if trace {
+ defer p.trace("switchStmt")()
+ }
+ p.want(_Switch)
+ s := new(SwitchStmt)
+ s.init(p)
+ s.Init, s.Tag, _ = p.header(false)
+ if !p.got(_Lbrace) {
+ p.syntax_error("missing { after switch clause")
+ p.advance(_Case, _Default, _Rbrace)
+ }
+ for p.tok != _EOF && p.tok != _Rbrace {
+ s.Body = append(s.Body, p.caseClause())
+ }
+ p.want(_Rbrace)
+ return s
+func (p *parser) selectStmt() *SelectStmt {
+ if trace {
+ defer p.trace("selectStmt")()
+ }
+ p.want(_Select)
+ s := new(SelectStmt)
+ s.init(p)
+ if !p.got(_Lbrace) {
+ p.syntax_error("missing { after select clause")
+ p.advance(_Case, _Default, _Rbrace)
+ }
+ for p.tok != _EOF && p.tok != _Rbrace {
+ s.Body = append(s.Body, p.commClause())
+ }
+ p.want(_Rbrace)
+ return s
+func (p *parser) caseClause() *CaseClause {
+ if trace {
+ defer p.trace("caseClause")()
+ }
+ c := new(CaseClause)
+ c.init(p)
+ switch p.tok {
+ case _Case:
+ p.next()
+ c.Cases = p.exprList()
+ case _Default:
+ p.next()
+ default:
+ p.syntax_error("expecting case or default or }")
+ p.advance(_Case, _Default, _Rbrace)
+ }
+ p.want(_Colon)
+ c.Body = p.stmtList()
+ return c
+func (p *parser) commClause() *CommClause {
+ if trace {
+ defer p.trace("commClause")()
+ }
+ c := new(CommClause)
+ c.init(p)
+ switch p.tok {
+ case _Case:
+ p.next()
+ lhs := p.exprList()
+ if _, ok := lhs.(*ListExpr); !ok && p.tok == _Arrow {
+ // lhs <- x
+ } else {
+ // lhs
+ // lhs = <-x
+ // lhs := <-x
+ if p.tok == _Assign || p.tok == _Define {
+ // TODO(gri) check that lhs has at most 2 entries
+ } else if p.tok == _Colon {
+ // TODO(gri) check that lhs has at most 1 entry
+ } else {
+ panic("unimplemented")
+ }
+ }
+ c.Comm = p.simpleStmt(lhs, false)
+ case _Default:
+ p.next()
+ default:
+ p.syntax_error("expecting case or default or }")
+ p.advance(_Case, _Default, _Rbrace)
+ }
+ p.want(_Colon)
+ c.Body = p.stmtList()
+ return c
+// TODO(gri) find a better solution
+var missing_stmt Stmt = new(EmptyStmt) // = Nod(OXXX, nil, nil)
+// Statement =
+// Declaration | LabeledStmt | SimpleStmt |
+// GoStmt | ReturnStmt | BreakStmt | ContinueStmt | GotoStmt |
+// FallthroughStmt | Block | IfStmt | SwitchStmt | SelectStmt | ForStmt |
+// DeferStmt .
+// stmt may return missing_stmt.
+func (p *parser) stmt() Stmt {
+ if trace {
+ defer p.trace("stmt " + p.tok.String())()
+ }
+ // Most statements (assignments) start with an identifier;
+ // look for it first before doing anything more expensive.
+ if p.tok == _Name {
+ lhs := p.exprList()
+ if label, ok := lhs.(*Name); ok && p.got(_Colon) {
+ return p.labeledStmt(label)
+ }
+ return p.simpleStmt(lhs, false)
+ }
+ switch p.tok {
+ case _Lbrace:
+ return p.blockStmt()
+ case _Var:
+ return p.declStmt(p.varDecl)
+ case _Const:
+ return p.declStmt(p.constDecl)
+ case _Type:
+ return p.declStmt(p.typeDecl)
+ case _Operator, _Star:
+ switch p.op {
+ case Add, Sub, Mul, And, Xor, Not:
+ return p.simpleStmt(nil, false) // unary operators
+ }
+ case _Literal, _Func, _Lparen, // operands
+ _Lbrack, _Struct, _Map, _Chan, _Interface, // composite types
+ _Arrow: // receive operator
+ return p.simpleStmt(nil, false)
+ case _For:
+ return p.forStmt()
+ case _Switch:
+ return p.switchStmt()
+ case _Select:
+ return p.selectStmt()
+ case _If:
+ return p.ifStmt()
+ case _Fallthrough:
+ p.next()
+ s := new(BranchStmt)
+ s.init(p)
+ s.Tok = _Fallthrough
+ return s
+ // // will be converted to OFALL
+ // stmt := Nod(OXFALL, nil, nil)
+ // stmt.Xoffset = int64(block)
+ // return stmt
+ case _Break, _Continue:
+ tok := p.tok
+ p.next()
+ s := new(BranchStmt)
+ s.init(p)
+ s.Tok = tok
+ if p.tok == _Name {
+ s.Label = p.name()
+ }
+ return s
+ case _Go, _Defer:
+ return p.callStmt()
+ case _Goto:
+ p.next()
+ s := new(BranchStmt)
+ s.init(p)
+ s.Tok = _Goto
+ s.Label = p.name()
+ return s
+ // stmt := Nod(OGOTO, p.new_name(p.name()), nil)
+ // stmt.Sym = dclstack // context, for goto restrictions
+ // return stmt
+ case _Return:
+ p.next()
+ s := new(ReturnStmt)
+ s.init(p)
+ if p.tok != _Semi && p.tok != _Rbrace {
+ s.Results = p.exprList()
+ }
+ return s
+ case _Semi:
+ s := new(EmptyStmt)
+ s.init(p)
+ return s
+ }
+ return missing_stmt
+// StatementList = { Statement ";" } .
+func (p *parser) stmtList() (l []Stmt) {
+ if trace {
+ defer p.trace("stmtList")()
+ }
+ for p.tok != _EOF && p.tok != _Rbrace && p.tok != _Case && p.tok != _Default {
+ s := p.stmt()
+ if s == missing_stmt {
+ break
+ }
+ l = append(l, s)
+ // customized version of osemi:
+ // ';' is optional before a closing ')' or '}'
+ if p.tok == _Rparen || p.tok == _Rbrace {
+ continue
+ }
+ if !p.got(_Semi) {
+ p.syntax_error("at end of statement")
+ p.advance(_Semi, _Rbrace)
+ }
+ }
+ return
+// Arguments = "(" [ ( ExpressionList | Type [ "," ExpressionList ] ) [ "..." ] [ "," ] ] ")" .
+func (p *parser) argList() (list []Expr, hasDots bool) {
+ if trace {
+ defer p.trace("argList")()
+ }
+ p.want(_Lparen)
+ p.xnest++
+ for p.tok != _EOF && p.tok != _Rparen {
+ list = append(list, p.expr()) // expr_or_type
+ hasDots = p.got(_DotDotDot)
+ if !p.ocomma(_Rparen) || hasDots {
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ p.xnest--
+ p.want(_Rparen)
+ return
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Common productions
+func (p *parser) name() *Name {
+ // no tracing to avoid overly verbose output
+ n := new(Name)
+ n.init(p)
+ if p.tok == _Name {
+ n.Value = p.lit
+ p.next()
+ } else {
+ n.Value = "_"
+ p.syntax_error("expecting name")
+ p.advance()
+ }
+ return n
+// IdentifierList = identifier { "," identifier } .
+// The first name must be provided.
+func (p *parser) nameList(first *Name) []*Name {
+ if trace {
+ defer p.trace("nameList")()
+ }
+ if debug && first == nil {
+ panic("first name not provided")
+ }
+ l := []*Name{first}
+ for p.got(_Comma) {
+ l = append(l, p.name())
+ }
+ return l
+// The first name may be provided, or nil.
+func (p *parser) qualifiedName(name *Name) Expr {
+ if trace {
+ defer p.trace("qualifiedName")()
+ }
+ switch {
+ case name != nil:
+ // name is provided
+ case p.tok == _Name:
+ name = p.name()
+ default:
+ name = new(Name)
+ name.init(p)
+ p.syntax_error("expecting name")
+ p.advance(_Dot, _Semi, _Rbrace)
+ }
+ return p.dotname(name)
+// ExpressionList = Expression { "," Expression } .
+func (p *parser) exprList() Expr {
+ if trace {
+ defer p.trace("exprList")()
+ }
+ x := p.expr()
+ if p.got(_Comma) {
+ list := []Expr{x, p.expr()}
+ for p.got(_Comma) {
+ list = append(list, p.expr())
+ }
+ t := new(ListExpr)
+ t.init(p) // TODO(gri) what is the correct thing here?
+ t.ElemList = list
+ x = t
+ }
+ return x
+// osemi parses an optional semicolon.
+func (p *parser) osemi(follow token) bool {
+ switch p.tok {
+ case _Semi:
+ p.next()
+ return true
+ case _Rparen, _Rbrace:
+ // semicolon is optional before ) or }
+ return true
+ }
+ p.syntax_error("expecting semicolon, newline, or " + tokstring(follow))
+ p.advance(follow)
+ return false
+// ocomma parses an optional comma.
+func (p *parser) ocomma(follow token) bool {
+ switch p.tok {
+ case _Comma:
+ p.next()
+ return true
+ case _Rparen, _Rbrace:
+ // comma is optional before ) or }
+ return true
+ }
+ p.syntax_error("expecting comma or " + tokstring(follow))
+ p.advance(follow)
+ return false
+// unparen removes all parentheses around an expression.
+func unparen(x Expr) Expr {
+ for {
+ p, ok := x.(*ParenExpr)
+ if !ok {
+ break
+ }
+ x = p.X
+ }
+ return x
diff --git a/src/cmd/compile/internal/syntax/parser_test.go b/src/cmd/compile/internal/syntax/parser_test.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..12fc019414
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/cmd/compile/internal/syntax/parser_test.go
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+// Copyright 2016 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package syntax
+import (
+ "bytes"
+ "flag"
+ "fmt"
+ "io/ioutil"
+ "path/filepath"
+ "runtime"
+ "strings"
+ "sync"
+ "testing"
+ "time"
+var fast = flag.Bool("fast", false, "parse package files in parallel")
+var src = flag.String("src", "parser.go", "source file to parse")
+var verify = flag.Bool("verify", false, "verify idempotent printing")
+func TestParse(t *testing.T) {
+ _, err := ReadFile(*src, nil, 0)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatal(err)
+ }
+func TestStdLib(t *testing.T) {
+ if testing.Short() {
+ t.Skip("skipping test in short mode")
+ }
+ var m1 runtime.MemStats
+ runtime.ReadMemStats(&m1)
+ start := time.Now()
+ type parseResult struct {
+ filename string
+ lines int
+ }
+ results := make(chan parseResult)
+ go func() {
+ for _, dir := range []string{
+ runtime.GOROOT(),
+ //"/Users/gri/src",
+ } {
+ walkDirs(t, dir, func(filename string) {
+ if debug {
+ fmt.Printf("parsing %s\n", filename)
+ }
+ ast, err := ReadFile(filename, nil, 0)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatal(err)
+ }
+ if *verify {
+ verifyPrint(filename, ast)
+ }
+ results <- parseResult{filename, ast.Lines}
+ })
+ }
+ close(results)
+ }()
+ var count, lines int
+ for res := range results {
+ count++
+ lines += res.lines
+ if testing.Verbose() {
+ fmt.Printf("%5d %s (%d lines)\n", count, res.filename, res.lines)
+ }
+ }
+ dt := time.Since(start)
+ var m2 runtime.MemStats
+ runtime.ReadMemStats(&m2)
+ dm := float64(m2.TotalAlloc-m1.TotalAlloc) / 1e6
+ fmt.Printf("parsed %d lines (%d files) in %v (%d lines/s)\n", lines, count, dt, int64(float64(lines)/dt.Seconds()))
+ fmt.Printf("allocated %.3fMb (%.3fMb/s)\n", dm, dm/dt.Seconds())
+func walkDirs(t *testing.T, dir string, action func(string)) {
+ fis, err := ioutil.ReadDir(dir)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Error(err)
+ return
+ }
+ var files, dirs []string
+ for _, fi := range fis {
+ if fi.Mode().IsRegular() {
+ if strings.HasSuffix(fi.Name(), ".go") {
+ path := filepath.Join(dir, fi.Name())
+ files = append(files, path)
+ }
+ } else if fi.IsDir() && fi.Name() != "testdata" {
+ path := filepath.Join(dir, fi.Name())
+ if !strings.Contains(path, "go/test") {
+ dirs = append(dirs, path)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if *fast {
+ var wg sync.WaitGroup
+ wg.Add(len(files))
+ for _, filename := range files {
+ go func(filename string) {
+ defer wg.Done()
+ action(filename)
+ }(filename)
+ }
+ wg.Wait()
+ } else {
+ for _, filename := range files {
+ action(filename)
+ }
+ }
+ for _, dir := range dirs {
+ walkDirs(t, dir, action)
+ }
+func verifyPrint(filename string, ast1 *File) {
+ var buf1 bytes.Buffer
+ _, err := Fprint(&buf1, ast1, true)
+ if err != nil {
+ panic(err)
+ }
+ ast2, err := ReadBytes(buf1.Bytes(), nil, 0)
+ if err != nil {
+ panic(err)
+ }
+ var buf2 bytes.Buffer
+ _, err = Fprint(&buf2, ast2, true)
+ if err != nil {
+ panic(err)
+ }
+ if bytes.Compare(buf1.Bytes(), buf2.Bytes()) != 0 {
+ fmt.Printf("--- %s ---\n", filename)
+ fmt.Printf("%s\n", buf1.Bytes())
+ fmt.Println()
+ fmt.Printf("--- %s ---\n", filename)
+ fmt.Printf("%s\n", buf2.Bytes())
+ fmt.Println()
+ panic("not equal")
+ }
diff --git a/src/cmd/compile/internal/syntax/printer.go b/src/cmd/compile/internal/syntax/printer.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0cacf1e5d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/cmd/compile/internal/syntax/printer.go
@@ -0,0 +1,942 @@
+// Copyright 2016 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+// This file implements printing of syntax trees in source format.
+package syntax
+import (
+ "bytes"
+ "fmt"
+ "io"
+ "strings"
+// TODO(gri) Consider removing the linebreaks flag from this signature.
+// Its likely rarely used in common cases.
+func Fprint(w io.Writer, x Node, linebreaks bool) (n int, err error) {
+ p := printer{
+ output: w,
+ linebreaks: linebreaks,
+ }
+ defer func() {
+ n = p.written
+ if e := recover(); e != nil {
+ err = e.(localError).err // re-panics if it's not a localError
+ }
+ }()
+ p.print(x)
+ p.flush(_EOF)
+ return
+func String(n Node) string {
+ var buf bytes.Buffer
+ _, err := Fprint(&buf, n, false)
+ if err != nil {
+ panic(err) // TODO(gri) print something sensible into buf instead
+ }
+ return buf.String()
+type ctrlSymbol int
+const (
+ none ctrlSymbol = iota
+ semi
+ blank
+ newline
+ indent
+ outdent
+ // comment
+ // eolComment
+type whitespace struct {
+ last token
+ kind ctrlSymbol
+ //text string // comment text (possibly ""); valid if kind == comment
+type printer struct {
+ output io.Writer
+ written int // number of bytes written
+ linebreaks bool // print linebreaks instead of semis
+ indent int // current indentation level
+ nlcount int // number of consecutive newlines
+ pending []whitespace // pending whitespace
+ lastTok token // last token (after any pending semi) processed by print
+// write is a thin wrapper around p.output.Write
+// that takes care of accounting and error handling.
+func (p *printer) write(data []byte) {
+ n, err := p.output.Write(data)
+ p.written += n
+ if err != nil {
+ panic(localError{err})
+ }
+var (
+ tabBytes = []byte("\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t")
+ newlineByte = []byte("\n")
+ blankByte = []byte(" ")
+func (p *printer) writeBytes(data []byte) {
+ if len(data) == 0 {
+ panic("expected non-empty []byte")
+ }
+ if p.nlcount > 0 && p.indent > 0 {
+ // write indentation
+ n := p.indent
+ for n > len(tabBytes) {
+ p.write(tabBytes)
+ n -= len(tabBytes)
+ }
+ p.write(tabBytes[:n])
+ }
+ p.write(data)
+ p.nlcount = 0
+func (p *printer) writeString(s string) {
+ p.writeBytes([]byte(s))
+// If impliesSemi returns true for a non-blank line's final token tok,
+// a semicolon is automatically inserted. Vice versa, a semicolon may
+// be omitted in those cases.
+func impliesSemi(tok token) bool {
+ switch tok {
+ case _Name,
+ _Break, _Continue, _Fallthrough, _Return,
+ /*_Inc, _Dec,*/ _Rparen, _Rbrack, _Rbrace: // TODO(gri) fix this
+ return true
+ }
+ return false
+// TODO(gri) provide table of []byte values for all tokens to avoid repeated string conversion
+func lineComment(text string) bool {
+ return strings.HasPrefix(text, "//")
+func (p *printer) addWhitespace(kind ctrlSymbol, text string) {
+ p.pending = append(p.pending, whitespace{p.lastTok, kind /*text*/})
+ switch kind {
+ case semi:
+ p.lastTok = _Semi
+ case newline:
+ p.lastTok = 0
+ // TODO(gri) do we need to handle /*-style comments containing newlines here?
+ }
+func (p *printer) flush(next token) {
+ // eliminate semis and redundant whitespace
+ sawNewline := next == _EOF
+ sawParen := next == _Rparen || next == _Rbrace
+ for i := len(p.pending) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
+ switch p.pending[i].kind {
+ case semi:
+ k := semi
+ if sawParen {
+ sawParen = false
+ k = none // eliminate semi
+ } else if sawNewline && impliesSemi(p.pending[i].last) {
+ sawNewline = false
+ k = none // eliminate semi
+ }
+ p.pending[i].kind = k
+ case newline:
+ sawNewline = true
+ case blank, indent, outdent:
+ // nothing to do
+ // case comment:
+ // // A multi-line comment acts like a newline; and a ""
+ // // comment implies by definition at least one newline.
+ // if text := p.pending[i].text; strings.HasPrefix(text, "/*") && strings.ContainsRune(text, '\n') {
+ // sawNewline = true
+ // }
+ // case eolComment:
+ // // TODO(gri) act depending on sawNewline
+ default:
+ panic("unreachable")
+ }
+ }
+ // print pending
+ prev := none
+ for i := range p.pending {
+ switch p.pending[i].kind {
+ case none:
+ // nothing to do
+ case semi:
+ p.writeString(";")
+ p.nlcount = 0
+ prev = semi
+ case blank:
+ if prev != blank {
+ // at most one blank
+ p.writeBytes(blankByte)
+ p.nlcount = 0
+ prev = blank
+ }
+ case newline:
+ const maxEmptyLines = 1
+ if p.nlcount <= maxEmptyLines {
+ p.write(newlineByte)
+ p.nlcount++
+ prev = newline
+ }
+ case indent:
+ p.indent++
+ case outdent:
+ p.indent--
+ if p.indent < 0 {
+ panic("negative indentation")
+ }
+ // case comment:
+ // if text := p.pending[i].text; text != "" {
+ // p.writeString(text)
+ // p.nlcount = 0
+ // prev = comment
+ // }
+ // // TODO(gri) should check that line comments are always followed by newline
+ default:
+ panic("unreachable")
+ }
+ }
+ p.pending = p.pending[:0] // re-use underlying array
+func mayCombine(prev token, next byte) (b bool) {
+ return // for now
+ // switch prev {
+ // case lexical.Int:
+ // b = next == '.' // 1.
+ // case lexical.Add:
+ // b = next == '+' // ++
+ // case lexical.Sub:
+ // b = next == '-' // --
+ // case lexical.Quo:
+ // b = next == '*' // /*
+ // case lexical.Lss:
+ // b = next == '-' || next == '<' // <- or <<
+ // case lexical.And:
+ // b = next == '&' || next == '^' // && or &^
+ // }
+ // return
+func (p *printer) print(args ...interface{}) {
+ for i := 0; i < len(args); i++ {
+ switch x := args[i].(type) {
+ case nil:
+ // we should not reach here but don't crash
+ case Node:
+ p.printNode(x)
+ case token:
+ // _Name implies an immediately following string
+ // argument which is the actual value to print.
+ var s string
+ if x == _Name {
+ i++
+ if i >= len(args) {
+ panic("missing string argument after _Name")
+ }
+ s = args[i].(string)
+ } else {
+ s = x.String()
+ }
+ // TODO(gri) This check seems at the wrong place since it doesn't
+ // take into account pending white space.
+ if mayCombine(p.lastTok, s[0]) {
+ panic("adjacent tokens combine without whitespace")
+ }
+ if x == _Semi {
+ // delay printing of semi
+ p.addWhitespace(semi, "")
+ } else {
+ p.flush(x)
+ p.writeString(s)
+ p.nlcount = 0
+ p.lastTok = x
+ }
+ case Operator:
+ if x != 0 {
+ p.flush(_Operator)
+ p.writeString(x.String())
+ }
+ case ctrlSymbol:
+ switch x {
+ case none, semi /*, comment*/ :
+ panic("unreachable")
+ case newline:
+ // TODO(gri) need to handle mandatory newlines after a //-style comment
+ if !p.linebreaks {
+ x = blank
+ }
+ }
+ p.addWhitespace(x, "")
+ // case *Comment: // comments are not Nodes
+ // p.addWhitespace(comment, x.Text)
+ default:
+ panic(fmt.Sprintf("unexpected argument %v (%T)", x, x))
+ }
+ }
+func (p *printer) printNode(n Node) {
+ // ncom := *n.Comments()
+ // if ncom != nil {
+ // // TODO(gri) in general we cannot make assumptions about whether
+ // // a comment is a /*- or a //-style comment since the syntax
+ // // tree may have been manipulated. Need to make sure the correct
+ // // whitespace is emitted.
+ // for _, c := range ncom.Alone {
+ // p.print(c, newline)
+ // }
+ // for _, c := range ncom.Before {
+ // if c.Text == "" || lineComment(c.Text) {
+ // panic("unexpected empty line or //-style 'before' comment")
+ // }
+ // p.print(c, blank)
+ // }
+ // }
+ p.printRawNode(n)
+ // if ncom != nil && len(ncom.After) > 0 {
+ // for i, c := range ncom.After {
+ // if i+1 < len(ncom.After) {
+ // if c.Text == "" || lineComment(c.Text) {
+ // panic("unexpected empty line or //-style non-final 'after' comment")
+ // }
+ // }
+ // p.print(blank, c)
+ // }
+ // //p.print(newline)
+ // }
+func (p *printer) printRawNode(n Node) {
+ switch n := n.(type) {
+ // expressions and types
+ case *Name:
+ p.print(_Name, n.Value) // _Name requires actual value following immediately
+ case *BasicLit:
+ p.print(_Name, n.Value) // _Name requires actual value following immediately
+ case *FuncLit:
+ p.print(n.Type, blank)
+ p.printBody(n.Body)
+ case *CompositeLit:
+ if n.Type != nil {
+ p.print(n.Type)
+ }
+ p.print(_Lbrace)
+ if n.NKeys > 0 && n.NKeys == len(n.ElemList) {
+ p.printExprLines(n.ElemList)
+ } else {
+ p.printExprList(n.ElemList)
+ }
+ p.print(_Rbrace)
+ case *ParenExpr:
+ p.print(_Lparen, n.X, _Rparen)
+ case *SelectorExpr:
+ p.print(n.X, _Dot, n.Sel)
+ case *IndexExpr:
+ p.print(n.X, _Lbrack, n.Index, _Rbrack)
+ case *SliceExpr:
+ p.print(n.X, _Lbrack)
+ if i := n.Index[0]; i != nil {
+ p.printNode(i)
+ }
+ p.print(_Colon)
+ if j := n.Index[1]; j != nil {
+ p.printNode(j)
+ }
+ if k := n.Index[2]; k != nil {
+ p.print(_Colon, k)
+ }
+ p.print(_Rbrack)
+ case *AssertExpr:
+ p.print(n.X, _Dot, _Lparen)
+ if n.Type != nil {
+ p.printNode(n.Type)
+ } else {
+ p.print(_Type)
+ }
+ p.print(_Rparen)
+ case *CallExpr:
+ p.print(n.Fun, _Lparen)
+ p.printExprList(n.ArgList)
+ if n.HasDots {
+ p.print(_DotDotDot)
+ }
+ p.print(_Rparen)
+ case *Operation:
+ if n.Y == nil {
+ // unary expr
+ p.print(n.Op)
+ // if n.Op == lexical.Range {
+ // p.print(blank)
+ // }
+ p.print(n.X)
+ } else {
+ // binary expr
+ // TODO(gri) eventually take precedence into account
+ // to control possibly missing parentheses
+ p.print(n.X, blank, n.Op, blank, n.Y)
+ }
+ case *KeyValueExpr:
+ p.print(n.Key, _Colon, blank, n.Value)
+ case *ListExpr:
+ p.printExprList(n.ElemList)
+ case *ArrayType:
+ var len interface{} = _DotDotDot
+ if n.Len != nil {
+ len = n.Len
+ }
+ p.print(_Lbrack, len, _Rbrack, n.Elem)
+ case *SliceType:
+ p.print(_Lbrack, _Rbrack, n.Elem)
+ case *DotsType:
+ p.print(_DotDotDot, n.Elem)
+ case *StructType:
+ p.print(_Struct)
+ if len(n.FieldList) > 0 && p.linebreaks {
+ p.print(blank)
+ }
+ p.print(_Lbrace)
+ if len(n.FieldList) > 0 {
+ p.print(newline, indent)
+ p.printFieldList(n.FieldList, n.TagList)
+ p.print(outdent, newline)
+ }
+ p.print(_Rbrace)
+ case *FuncType:
+ p.print(_Func)
+ p.printSignature(n)
+ case *InterfaceType:
+ p.print(_Interface)
+ if len(n.MethodList) > 0 && p.linebreaks {
+ p.print(blank)
+ }
+ p.print(_Lbrace)
+ if len(n.MethodList) > 0 {
+ p.print(newline, indent)
+ p.printMethodList(n.MethodList)
+ p.print(outdent, newline)
+ }
+ p.print(_Rbrace)
+ case *MapType:
+ p.print(_Map, _Lbrack, n.Key, _Rbrack, n.Value)
+ case *ChanType:
+ if n.Dir == RecvOnly {
+ p.print(_Arrow)
+ }
+ p.print(_Chan)
+ if n.Dir == SendOnly {
+ p.print(_Arrow)
+ }
+ p.print(blank, n.Elem)
+ // statements
+ case *DeclStmt:
+ p.printDecl(n.DeclList)
+ case *EmptyStmt:
+ // nothing to print
+ case *LabeledStmt:
+ p.print(outdent, n.Label, _Colon, indent, newline, n.Stmt)
+ case *ExprStmt:
+ p.print(n.X)
+ case *SendStmt:
+ p.print(n.Chan, blank, _Arrow, blank, n.Value)
+ case *AssignStmt:
+ p.print(n.Lhs)
+ if n.Rhs == ImplicitOne {
+ // TODO(gri) This is going to break the mayCombine
+ // check once we enable that again.
+ p.print(n.Op, n.Op) // ++ or --
+ } else {
+ p.print(blank, n.Op, _Assign, blank)
+ p.print(n.Rhs)
+ }
+ case *CallStmt:
+ p.print(n.Tok, blank, n.Call)
+ case *ReturnStmt:
+ p.print(_Return)
+ if n.Results != nil {
+ p.print(blank, n.Results)
+ }
+ case *BranchStmt:
+ p.print(n.Tok)
+ if n.Label != nil {
+ p.print(blank, n.Label)
+ }
+ case *BlockStmt:
+ p.printBody(n.Body)
+ case *IfStmt:
+ p.print(_If, blank)
+ if n.Init != nil {
+ p.print(n.Init, _Semi, blank)
+ }
+ p.print(n.Cond, blank)
+ p.printBody(n.Then)
+ if n.Else != nil {
+ p.print(blank, _Else, blank, n.Else)
+ }
+ case *SwitchStmt:
+ p.print(_Switch, blank)
+ if n.Init != nil {
+ p.print(n.Init, _Semi, blank)
+ }
+ if n.Tag != nil {
+ p.print(n.Tag, blank)
+ }
+ p.printSwitchBody(n.Body)
+ case *TypeSwitchGuard:
+ if n.Lhs != nil {
+ p.print(n.Lhs, blank, _Define, blank)
+ }
+ p.print(n.X, _Dot, _Lparen, _Type, _Rparen)
+ case *SelectStmt:
+ p.print(_Select, blank) // for now
+ p.printSelectBody(n.Body)
+ case *RangeClause:
+ if n.Lhs != nil {
+ tok := _Assign
+ if n.Def {
+ tok = _Define
+ }
+ p.print(n.Lhs, blank, tok, blank)
+ }
+ p.print(_Range, blank, n.X)
+ case *ForStmt:
+ p.print(_For, blank)
+ if n.Init == nil && n.Post == nil {
+ if n.Cond != nil {
+ p.print(n.Cond, blank)
+ }
+ } else {
+ if n.Init != nil {
+ p.print(n.Init)
+ // TODO(gri) clean this up
+ if _, ok := n.Init.(*RangeClause); ok {
+ p.print(blank)
+ p.printBody(n.Body)
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ p.print(_Semi, blank)
+ if n.Cond != nil {
+ p.print(n.Cond)
+ }
+ p.print(_Semi, blank)
+ if n.Post != nil {
+ p.print(n.Post, blank)
+ }
+ }
+ p.printBody(n.Body)
+ case *ImportDecl:
+ if n.Group == nil {
+ p.print(_Import, blank)
+ }
+ if n.LocalPkgName != nil {
+ p.print(n.LocalPkgName, blank)
+ }
+ p.print(n.Path)
+ case *ConstDecl:
+ if n.Group == nil {
+ p.print(_Const, blank)
+ }
+ p.printNameList(n.NameList)
+ if n.Type != nil {
+ p.print(blank, n.Type)
+ }
+ if n.Values != nil {
+ p.print(blank, _Assign, blank, n.Values)
+ }
+ case *TypeDecl:
+ if n.Group == nil {
+ p.print(_Type, blank)
+ }
+ p.print(n.Name, blank, n.Type)
+ case *VarDecl:
+ if n.Group == nil {
+ p.print(_Var, blank)
+ }
+ p.printNameList(n.NameList)
+ if n.Type != nil {
+ p.print(blank, n.Type)
+ }
+ if n.Values != nil {
+ p.print(blank, _Assign, blank, n.Values)
+ }
+ case *FuncDecl:
+ p.print(_Func, blank)
+ if r := n.Recv; r != nil {
+ p.print(_Lparen)
+ if r.Name != nil {
+ p.print(r.Name, blank)
+ }
+ p.printNode(r.Type)
+ p.print(_Rparen, blank)
+ }
+ p.print(n.Name)
+ p.printSignature(n.Type)
+ if n.Body != nil {
+ p.print(blank)
+ p.printBody(n.Body)
+ }
+ case *printGroup:
+ p.print(n.Tok, blank, _Lparen)
+ if len(n.Decls) > 0 {
+ p.print(newline, indent)
+ for _, d := range n.Decls {
+ p.printNode(d)
+ p.print(_Semi, newline)
+ }
+ p.print(outdent)
+ }
+ p.print(_Rparen)
+ // files
+ case *File:
+ p.print(_Package, blank, n.PkgName)
+ if len(n.DeclList) > 0 {
+ p.print(_Semi, newline, newline)
+ p.printDeclList(n.DeclList)
+ }
+ default:
+ panic(fmt.Sprintf("syntax.Iterate: unexpected node type %T", n))
+ }
+func (p *printer) printFields(fields []*Field, tags []*BasicLit, i, j int) {
+ if i+1 == j && fields[i].Name == nil {
+ // anonymous field
+ p.printNode(fields[i].Type)
+ } else {
+ for k, f := range fields[i:j] {
+ if k > 0 {
+ p.print(_Comma, blank)
+ }
+ p.printNode(f.Name)
+ }
+ p.print(blank)
+ p.printNode(fields[i].Type)
+ }
+ if i < len(tags) && tags[i] != nil {
+ p.print(blank)
+ p.printNode(tags[i])
+ }
+func (p *printer) printFieldList(fields []*Field, tags []*BasicLit) {
+ i0 := 0
+ var typ Expr
+ for i, f := range fields {
+ if f.Name == nil || f.Type != typ {
+ if i0 < i {
+ p.printFields(fields, tags, i0, i)
+ p.print(_Semi, newline)
+ i0 = i
+ }
+ typ = f.Type
+ }
+ }
+ p.printFields(fields, tags, i0, len(fields))
+func (p *printer) printMethodList(methods []*Field) {
+ for i, m := range methods {
+ if i > 0 {
+ p.print(_Semi, newline)
+ }
+ if m.Name != nil {
+ p.printNode(m.Name)
+ p.printSignature(m.Type.(*FuncType))
+ } else {
+ p.printNode(m.Type)
+ }
+ }
+func (p *printer) printNameList(list []*Name) {
+ for i, x := range list {
+ if i > 0 {
+ p.print(_Comma, blank)
+ }
+ p.printNode(x)
+ }
+func (p *printer) printExprList(list []Expr) {
+ for i, x := range list {
+ if i > 0 {
+ p.print(_Comma, blank)
+ }
+ p.printNode(x)
+ }
+func (p *printer) printExprLines(list []Expr) {
+ if len(list) > 0 {
+ p.print(newline, indent)
+ for _, x := range list {
+ p.print(x, _Comma, newline)
+ }
+ p.print(outdent)
+ }
+func groupFor(d Decl) (token, *Group) {
+ switch d := d.(type) {
+ case *ImportDecl:
+ return _Import, d.Group
+ case *ConstDecl:
+ return _Const, d.Group
+ case *TypeDecl:
+ return _Type, d.Group
+ case *VarDecl:
+ return _Var, d.Group
+ case *FuncDecl:
+ return _Func, nil
+ default:
+ panic("unreachable")
+ }
+type printGroup struct {
+ node
+ Tok token
+ Decls []Decl
+func (p *printer) printDecl(list []Decl) {
+ tok, group := groupFor(list[0])
+ if group == nil {
+ if len(list) != 1 {
+ panic("unreachable")
+ }
+ p.printNode(list[0])
+ return
+ }
+ // if _, ok := list[0].(*EmptyDecl); ok {
+ // if len(list) != 1 {
+ // panic("unreachable")
+ // }
+ // // TODO(gri) if there are comments inside the empty
+ // // group, we may need to keep the list non-nil
+ // list = nil
+ // }
+ // printGroup is here for consistent comment handling
+ // (this is not yet used)
+ var pg printGroup
+ // *pg.Comments() = *group.Comments()
+ pg.Tok = tok
+ pg.Decls = list
+ p.printNode(&pg)
+func (p *printer) printDeclList(list []Decl) {
+ i0 := 0
+ var tok token
+ var group *Group
+ for i, x := range list {
+ if s, g := groupFor(x); g == nil || g != group {
+ if i0 < i {
+ p.printDecl(list[i0:i])
+ p.print(_Semi, newline)
+ // print empty line between different declaration groups,
+ // different kinds of declarations, or between functions
+ if g != group || s != tok || s == _Func {
+ p.print(newline)
+ }
+ i0 = i
+ }
+ tok, group = s, g
+ }
+ }
+ p.printDecl(list[i0:])
+func (p *printer) printSignature(sig *FuncType) {
+ p.printParameterList(sig.ParamList)
+ if list := sig.ResultList; list != nil {
+ p.print(blank)
+ if len(list) == 1 && list[0].Name == nil {
+ p.printNode(list[0].Type)
+ } else {
+ p.printParameterList(list)
+ }
+ }
+func (p *printer) printParameterList(list []*Field) {
+ p.print(_Lparen)
+ if len(list) > 0 {
+ for i, f := range list {
+ if i > 0 {
+ p.print(_Comma, blank)
+ }
+ if f.Name != nil {
+ p.printNode(f.Name)
+ if i+1 < len(list) {
+ f1 := list[i+1]
+ if f1.Name != nil && f1.Type == f.Type {
+ continue // no need to print type
+ }
+ }
+ p.print(blank)
+ }
+ p.printNode(f.Type)
+ }
+ }
+ p.print(_Rparen)
+func (p *printer) printStmtList(list []Stmt, braces bool) {
+ for i, x := range list {
+ p.print(x, _Semi)
+ if i+1 < len(list) {
+ p.print(newline)
+ } else if braces {
+ // Print an extra semicolon if the last statement is
+ // an empty statement and we are in a braced block
+ // because one semicolon is automatically removed.
+ if _, ok := x.(*EmptyStmt); ok {
+ p.print(x, _Semi)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+func (p *printer) printBody(list []Stmt) {
+ p.print(_Lbrace)
+ if len(list) > 0 {
+ p.print(newline, indent)
+ p.printStmtList(list, true)
+ p.print(outdent, newline)
+ }
+ p.print(_Rbrace)
+func (p *printer) printSwitchBody(list []*CaseClause) {
+ p.print(_Lbrace)
+ if len(list) > 0 {
+ p.print(newline)
+ for i, c := range list {
+ p.printCaseClause(c, i+1 == len(list))
+ p.print(newline)
+ }
+ }
+ p.print(_Rbrace)
+func (p *printer) printSelectBody(list []*CommClause) {
+ p.print(_Lbrace)
+ if len(list) > 0 {
+ p.print(newline)
+ for i, c := range list {
+ p.printCommClause(c, i+1 == len(list))
+ p.print(newline)
+ }
+ }
+ p.print(_Rbrace)
+func (p *printer) printCaseClause(c *CaseClause, braces bool) {
+ if c.Cases != nil {
+ p.print(_Case, blank, c.Cases)
+ } else {
+ p.print(_Default)
+ }
+ p.print(_Colon)
+ if len(c.Body) > 0 {
+ p.print(newline, indent)
+ p.printStmtList(c.Body, braces)
+ p.print(outdent)
+ }
+func (p *printer) printCommClause(c *CommClause, braces bool) {
+ if c.Comm != nil {
+ p.print(_Case, blank)
+ p.print(c.Comm)
+ } else {
+ p.print(_Default)
+ }
+ p.print(_Colon)
+ if len(c.Body) > 0 {
+ p.print(newline, indent)
+ p.printStmtList(c.Body, braces)
+ p.print(outdent)
+ }
diff --git a/src/cmd/compile/internal/syntax/printer_test.go b/src/cmd/compile/internal/syntax/printer_test.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e8c2201e60
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/cmd/compile/internal/syntax/printer_test.go
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+// Copyright 2016 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package syntax
+import (
+ "fmt"
+ "os"
+ "testing"
+func TestPrint(t *testing.T) {
+ if testing.Short() {
+ t.Skip("skipping test in short mode")
+ }
+ ast, err := ReadFile(*src, nil, 0)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatal(err)
+ }
+ Fprint(os.Stdout, ast, true)
+ fmt.Println()
diff --git a/src/cmd/compile/internal/syntax/scanner.go b/src/cmd/compile/internal/syntax/scanner.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0f0f1ead9a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/cmd/compile/internal/syntax/scanner.go
@@ -0,0 +1,651 @@
+// Copyright 2016 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package syntax
+import (
+ "fmt"
+ "io"
+ "strings"
+ "unicode"
+ "unicode/utf8"
+type scanner struct {
+ source
+ nlsemi bool // if set '\n' and EOF translate to ';'
+ // current token, valid after calling next()
+ pos, line int
+ tok token
+ lit string // valid if tok is _Name or _Literal
+ kind LitKind // valid if tok is _Literal
+ op Operator // valid if tok is _Operator, _AssignOp, or _IncOp
+ prec int // valid if tok is _Operator, _AssignOp, or _IncOp
+ pragmas []Pragma
+func (s *scanner) init(src io.Reader, errh ErrorHandler) {
+ s.source.init(src, errh)
+ s.nlsemi = false
+func (s *scanner) next() {
+ nlsemi := s.nlsemi
+ s.nlsemi = false
+ // skip white space
+ c := s.getr()
+ for c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\n' && !nlsemi || c == '\r' {
+ c = s.getr()
+ }
+ // token start
+ s.pos, s.line = s.source.pos0(), s.source.line0
+ if isLetter(c) || c >= utf8.RuneSelf && unicode.IsLetter(c) {
+ s.ident()
+ return
+ }
+ switch c {
+ case -1:
+ if nlsemi {
+ s.tok = _Semi
+ break
+ }
+ s.tok = _EOF
+ case '\n':
+ s.tok = _Semi
+ case '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9':
+ s.number(c)
+ case '"':
+ s.stdString()
+ case '`':
+ s.rawString()
+ case '\'':
+ s.rune()
+ case '(':
+ s.tok = _Lparen
+ case '[':
+ s.tok = _Lbrack
+ case '{':
+ s.tok = _Lbrace
+ case ',':
+ s.tok = _Comma
+ case ';':
+ s.tok = _Semi
+ case ')':
+ s.nlsemi = true
+ s.tok = _Rparen
+ case ']':
+ s.nlsemi = true
+ s.tok = _Rbrack
+ case '}':
+ s.nlsemi = true
+ s.tok = _Rbrace
+ case ':':
+ if s.getr() == '=' {
+ s.tok = _Define
+ break
+ }
+ s.ungetr()
+ s.tok = _Colon
+ case '.':
+ c = s.getr()
+ if isDigit(c) {
+ s.ungetr()
+ s.source.r0-- // make sure '.' is part of literal (line cannot have changed)
+ s.number('.')
+ break
+ }
+ if c == '.' {
+ c = s.getr()
+ if c == '.' {
+ s.tok = _DotDotDot
+ break
+ }
+ s.ungetr()
+ s.source.r0-- // make next ungetr work (line cannot have changed)
+ }
+ s.ungetr()
+ s.tok = _Dot
+ case '+':
+ s.op, s.prec = Add, precAdd
+ c = s.getr()
+ if c != '+' {
+ goto assignop
+ }
+ s.nlsemi = true
+ s.tok = _IncOp
+ case '-':
+ s.op, s.prec = Sub, precAdd
+ c = s.getr()
+ if c != '-' {
+ goto assignop
+ }
+ s.nlsemi = true
+ s.tok = _IncOp
+ case '*':
+ s.op, s.prec = Mul, precMul
+ // don't goto assignop - want _Star token
+ if s.getr() == '=' {
+ s.tok = _AssignOp
+ break
+ }
+ s.ungetr()
+ s.tok = _Star
+ case '/':
+ c = s.getr()
+ if c == '/' {
+ s.lineComment()
+ goto redo
+ }
+ if c == '*' {
+ s.fullComment()
+ if s.source.line > s.line && nlsemi {
+ // A multi-line comment acts like a newline;
+ // it translates to a ';' if nlsemi is set.
+ s.tok = _Semi
+ break
+ }
+ goto redo
+ }
+ s.op, s.prec = Div, precMul
+ goto assignop
+ case '%':
+ s.op, s.prec = Rem, precMul
+ c = s.getr()
+ goto assignop
+ case '&':
+ c = s.getr()
+ if c == '&' {
+ s.op, s.prec = AndAnd, precAndAnd
+ s.tok = _Operator
+ break
+ }
+ s.op, s.prec = And, precMul
+ if c == '^' {
+ s.op = AndNot
+ c = s.getr()
+ }
+ goto assignop
+ case '|':
+ c = s.getr()
+ if c == '|' {
+ s.op, s.prec = OrOr, precOrOr
+ s.tok = _Operator
+ break
+ }
+ s.op, s.prec = Or, precAdd
+ goto assignop
+ case '~':
+ s.error("bitwise complement operator is ^")
+ fallthrough
+ case '^':
+ s.op, s.prec = Xor, precAdd
+ c = s.getr()
+ goto assignop
+ case '<':
+ c = s.getr()
+ if c == '=' {
+ s.op, s.prec = Leq, precCmp
+ s.tok = _Operator
+ break
+ }
+ if c == '<' {
+ s.op, s.prec = Shl, precMul
+ c = s.getr()
+ goto assignop
+ }
+ if c == '-' {
+ s.tok = _Arrow
+ break
+ }
+ s.ungetr()
+ s.op, s.prec = Lss, precCmp
+ s.tok = _Operator
+ case '>':
+ c = s.getr()
+ if c == '=' {
+ s.op, s.prec = Geq, precCmp
+ s.tok = _Operator
+ break
+ }
+ if c == '>' {
+ s.op, s.prec = Shr, precMul
+ c = s.getr()
+ goto assignop
+ }
+ s.ungetr()
+ s.op, s.prec = Gtr, precCmp
+ s.tok = _Operator
+ case '=':
+ if s.getr() == '=' {
+ s.op, s.prec = Eql, precCmp
+ s.tok = _Operator
+ break
+ }
+ s.ungetr()
+ s.tok = _Assign
+ case '!':
+ if s.getr() == '=' {
+ s.op, s.prec = Neq, precCmp
+ s.tok = _Operator
+ break
+ }
+ s.ungetr()
+ s.op, s.prec = Not, 0
+ s.tok = _Operator
+ default:
+ s.tok = 0
+ s.error(fmt.Sprintf("invalid rune %q", c))
+ goto redo
+ }
+ return
+ if c == '=' {
+ s.tok = _AssignOp
+ return
+ }
+ s.ungetr()
+ s.tok = _Operator
+func isLetter(c rune) bool {
+ return 'a' <= c && c <= 'z' || 'A' <= c && c <= 'Z' || c == '_'
+func isDigit(c rune) bool {
+ return '0' <= c && c <= '9'
+func (s *scanner) ident() {
+ s.startLit()
+ // accelerate common case (7bit ASCII)
+ c := s.getr()
+ for isLetter(c) || isDigit(c) {
+ c = s.getr()
+ }
+ // general case
+ if c >= utf8.RuneSelf {
+ for unicode.IsLetter(c) || c == '_' || unicode.IsDigit(c) {
+ c = s.getr()
+ }
+ }
+ s.ungetr()
+ lit := s.stopLit()
+ // possibly a keyword
+ if len(lit) >= 2 {
+ if tok := keywordMap[hash(lit)]; tok != 0 && strbyteseql(tokstrings[tok], lit) {
+ s.nlsemi = contains(1<<_Break|1<<_Continue|1<<_Fallthrough|1<<_Return, tok)
+ s.tok = tok
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ s.nlsemi = true
+ s.lit = string(lit)
+ s.tok = _Name
+// hash is a perfect hash function for keywords.
+// It assumes that s has at least length 2.
+func hash(s []byte) uint {
+ return (uint(s[0])<<4 ^ uint(s[1]) + uint(len(s))) & uint(len(keywordMap)-1)
+func strbyteseql(s string, b []byte) bool {
+ if len(s) == len(b) {
+ for i, b := range b {
+ if s[i] != b {
+ return false
+ }
+ }
+ return true
+ }
+ return false
+var keywordMap [1 << 6]token // size must be power of two
+func init() {
+ // populate keywordMap
+ for tok := _Break; tok <= _Var; tok++ {
+ h := hash([]byte(tokstrings[tok]))
+ if keywordMap[h] != 0 {
+ panic("imperfect hash")
+ }
+ keywordMap[h] = tok
+ }
+func (s *scanner) number(c rune) {
+ s.startLit()
+ if c != '.' {
+ s.kind = IntLit // until proven otherwise
+ if c == '0' {
+ c = s.getr()
+ if c == 'x' || c == 'X' {
+ // hex
+ c = s.getr()
+ hasDigit := false
+ for isDigit(c) || 'a' <= c && c <= 'f' || 'A' <= c && c <= 'F' {
+ c = s.getr()
+ hasDigit = true
+ }
+ if !hasDigit {
+ s.error("malformed hex constant")
+ }
+ goto done
+ }
+ // decimal 0, octal, or float
+ has8or9 := false
+ for isDigit(c) {
+ if c > '7' {
+ has8or9 = true
+ }
+ c = s.getr()
+ }
+ if c != '.' && c != 'e' && c != 'E' && c != 'i' {
+ // octal
+ if has8or9 {
+ s.error("malformed octal constant")
+ }
+ goto done
+ }
+ } else {
+ // decimal or float
+ for isDigit(c) {
+ c = s.getr()
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // float
+ if c == '.' {
+ s.kind = FloatLit
+ c = s.getr()
+ for isDigit(c) {
+ c = s.getr()
+ }
+ }
+ // exponent
+ if c == 'e' || c == 'E' {
+ s.kind = FloatLit
+ c = s.getr()
+ if c == '-' || c == '+' {
+ c = s.getr()
+ }
+ if !isDigit(c) {
+ s.error("malformed floating-point constant exponent")
+ }
+ for isDigit(c) {
+ c = s.getr()
+ }
+ }
+ // complex
+ if c == 'i' {
+ s.kind = ImagLit
+ s.getr()
+ }
+ s.ungetr()
+ s.nlsemi = true
+ s.lit = string(s.stopLit())
+ s.tok = _Literal
+func (s *scanner) stdString() {
+ s.startLit()
+ for {
+ r := s.getr()
+ if r == '"' {
+ break
+ }
+ if r == '\\' {
+ s.escape('"')
+ continue
+ }
+ if r == '\n' {
+ s.ungetr() // assume newline is not part of literal
+ s.error("newline in string")
+ break
+ }
+ if r < 0 {
+ s.error_at(s.pos, s.line, "string not terminated")
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ s.nlsemi = true
+ s.lit = string(s.stopLit())
+ s.kind = StringLit
+ s.tok = _Literal
+func (s *scanner) rawString() {
+ s.startLit()
+ for {
+ r := s.getr()
+ if r == '`' {
+ break
+ }
+ if r < 0 {
+ s.error_at(s.pos, s.line, "string not terminated")
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ // We leave CRs in the string since they are part of the
+ // literal (even though they are not part of the literal
+ // value).
+ s.nlsemi = true
+ s.lit = string(s.stopLit())
+ s.kind = StringLit
+ s.tok = _Literal
+func (s *scanner) rune() {
+ s.startLit()
+ r := s.getr()
+ if r == '\'' {
+ s.error("empty character literal")
+ } else if r == '\n' {
+ s.ungetr() // assume newline is not part of literal
+ s.error("newline in character literal")
+ } else {
+ ok := true
+ if r == '\\' {
+ ok = s.escape('\'')
+ }
+ r = s.getr()
+ if r != '\'' {
+ // only report error if we're ok so far
+ if ok {
+ s.error("missing '")
+ }
+ s.ungetr()
+ }
+ }
+ s.nlsemi = true
+ s.lit = string(s.stopLit())
+ s.kind = RuneLit
+ s.tok = _Literal
+func (s *scanner) lineComment() {
+ // recognize pragmas
+ var prefix string
+ r := s.getr()
+ switch r {
+ case 'g':
+ prefix = "go:"
+ case 'l':
+ prefix = "line "
+ default:
+ goto skip
+ }
+ s.startLit()
+ for _, m := range prefix {
+ if r != m {
+ s.stopLit()
+ goto skip
+ }
+ r = s.getr()
+ }
+ for r >= 0 {
+ if r == '\n' {
+ s.ungetr()
+ break
+ }
+ r = s.getr()
+ }
+ s.pragmas = append(s.pragmas, Pragma{
+ Line: s.line,
+ Text: strings.TrimSuffix(string(s.stopLit()), "\r"),
+ })
+ return
+ // consume line
+ for r != '\n' && r >= 0 {
+ r = s.getr()
+ }
+ s.ungetr() // don't consume '\n' - needed for nlsemi logic
+func (s *scanner) fullComment() {
+ for {
+ r := s.getr()
+ for r == '*' {
+ r = s.getr()
+ if r == '/' {
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ if r < 0 {
+ s.error_at(s.pos, s.line, "comment not terminated")
+ return
+ }
+ }
+func (s *scanner) escape(quote rune) bool {
+ var n int
+ var base, max uint32
+ c := s.getr()
+ switch c {
+ case 'a', 'b', 'f', 'n', 'r', 't', 'v', '\\', quote:
+ return true
+ case '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7':
+ n, base, max = 3, 8, 255
+ case 'x':
+ c = s.getr()
+ n, base, max = 2, 16, 255
+ case 'u':
+ c = s.getr()
+ n, base, max = 4, 16, unicode.MaxRune
+ case 'U':
+ c = s.getr()
+ n, base, max = 8, 16, unicode.MaxRune
+ default:
+ if c < 0 {
+ return true // complain in caller about EOF
+ }
+ s.error("unknown escape sequence")
+ return false
+ }
+ var x uint32
+ for i := n; i > 0; i-- {
+ d := base
+ switch {
+ case isDigit(c):
+ d = uint32(c) - '0'
+ case 'a' <= c && c <= 'f':
+ d = uint32(c) - ('a' - 10)
+ case 'A' <= c && c <= 'F':
+ d = uint32(c) - ('A' - 10)
+ }
+ if d >= base {
+ if c < 0 {
+ return true // complain in caller about EOF
+ }
+ if c != quote {
+ s.error(fmt.Sprintf("illegal character %#U in escape sequence", c))
+ } else {
+ s.error("escape sequence incomplete")
+ }
+ s.ungetr()
+ return false
+ }
+ // d < base
+ x = x*base + d
+ c = s.getr()
+ }
+ s.ungetr()
+ if x > max && n == 3 {
+ s.error(fmt.Sprintf("octal escape value > 255: %d", x))
+ return false
+ }
+ if x > max || 0xD800 <= x && x < 0xE000 /* surrogate range */ {
+ s.error("escape sequence is invalid Unicode code point")
+ return false
+ }
+ return true
diff --git a/src/cmd/compile/internal/syntax/scanner_test.go b/src/cmd/compile/internal/syntax/scanner_test.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..69e81aceca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/cmd/compile/internal/syntax/scanner_test.go
@@ -0,0 +1,354 @@
+// Copyright 2016 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package syntax
+import (
+ "fmt"
+ "os"
+ "testing"
+func TestScanner(t *testing.T) {
+ if testing.Short() {
+ t.Skip("skipping test in short mode")
+ }
+ src, err := os.Open("parser.go")
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatal(err)
+ }
+ defer src.Close()
+ var s scanner
+ s.init(src, nil)
+ for {
+ s.next()
+ if s.tok == _EOF {
+ break
+ }
+ switch s.tok {
+ case _Name:
+ fmt.Println(s.line, s.tok, "=>", s.lit)
+ case _Operator:
+ fmt.Println(s.line, s.tok, "=>", s.op, s.prec)
+ default:
+ fmt.Println(s.line, s.tok)
+ }
+ }
+func TestTokens(t *testing.T) {
+ // make source
+ var buf []byte
+ for i, s := range sampleTokens {
+ buf = append(buf, "\t\t\t\t"[:i&3]...) // leading indentation
+ buf = append(buf, s.src...) // token
+ buf = append(buf, " "[:i&7]...) // trailing spaces
+ buf = append(buf, "/* foo */ // bar\n"...) // comments
+ }
+ // scan source
+ var got scanner
+ got.init(&bytesReader{buf}, nil)
+ got.next()
+ for i, want := range sampleTokens {
+ nlsemi := false
+ if got.line != i+1 {
+ t.Errorf("got line %d; want %d", got.line, i+1)
+ }
+ if got.tok != want.tok {
+ t.Errorf("got tok = %s; want %s", got.tok, want.tok)
+ continue
+ }
+ switch want.tok {
+ case _Name, _Literal:
+ if got.lit != want.src {
+ t.Errorf("got lit = %q; want %q", got.lit, want.src)
+ continue
+ }
+ nlsemi = true
+ case _Operator, _AssignOp, _IncOp:
+ if got.op != want.op {
+ t.Errorf("got op = %s; want %s", got.op, want.op)
+ continue
+ }
+ if got.prec != want.prec {
+ t.Errorf("got prec = %s; want %s", got.prec, want.prec)
+ continue
+ }
+ nlsemi = want.tok == _IncOp
+ case _Rparen, _Rbrack, _Rbrace, _Break, _Continue, _Fallthrough, _Return:
+ nlsemi = true
+ }
+ if nlsemi {
+ got.next()
+ if got.tok != _Semi {
+ t.Errorf("got tok = %s; want ;", got.tok)
+ continue
+ }
+ }
+ got.next()
+ }
+ if got.tok != _EOF {
+ t.Errorf("got %q; want _EOF", got.tok)
+ }
+var sampleTokens = [...]struct {
+ tok token
+ src string
+ op Operator
+ prec int
+ // name samples
+ {_Name, "x", 0, 0},
+ {_Name, "X123", 0, 0},
+ {_Name, "foo", 0, 0},
+ {_Name, "Foo123", 0, 0},
+ {_Name, "foo_bar", 0, 0},
+ {_Name, "_", 0, 0},
+ {_Name, "_foobar", 0, 0},
+ {_Name, "a۰۱۸", 0, 0},
+ {_Name, "foo६४", 0, 0},
+ {_Name, "bar9876", 0, 0},
+ {_Name, "ŝ", 0, 0},
+ {_Name, "ŝfoo", 0, 0},
+ // literal samples
+ {_Literal, "0", 0, 0},
+ {_Literal, "1", 0, 0},
+ {_Literal, "12345", 0, 0},
+ {_Literal, "123456789012345678890123456789012345678890", 0, 0},
+ {_Literal, "01234567", 0, 0},
+ {_Literal, "0x0", 0, 0},
+ {_Literal, "0xcafebabe", 0, 0},
+ {_Literal, "0.", 0, 0},
+ {_Literal, "0.e0", 0, 0},
+ {_Literal, "0.e-1", 0, 0},
+ {_Literal, "0.e+123", 0, 0},
+ {_Literal, ".0", 0, 0},
+ {_Literal, ".0E00", 0, 0},
+ {_Literal, ".0E-0123", 0, 0},
+ {_Literal, ".0E+12345678901234567890", 0, 0},
+ {_Literal, ".45e1", 0, 0},
+ {_Literal, "3.14159265", 0, 0},
+ {_Literal, "1e0", 0, 0},
+ {_Literal, "1e+100", 0, 0},
+ {_Literal, "1e-100", 0, 0},
+ {_Literal, "2.71828e-1000", 0, 0},
+ {_Literal, "0i", 0, 0},
+ {_Literal, "1i", 0, 0},
+ {_Literal, "012345678901234567889i", 0, 0},
+ {_Literal, "123456789012345678890i", 0, 0},
+ {_Literal, "0.i", 0, 0},
+ {_Literal, ".0i", 0, 0},
+ {_Literal, "3.14159265i", 0, 0},
+ {_Literal, "1e0i", 0, 0},
+ {_Literal, "1e+100i", 0, 0},
+ {_Literal, "1e-100i", 0, 0},
+ {_Literal, "2.71828e-1000i", 0, 0},
+ {_Literal, "'a'", 0, 0},
+ {_Literal, "'\\000'", 0, 0},
+ {_Literal, "'\\xFF'", 0, 0},
+ {_Literal, "'\\uff16'", 0, 0},
+ {_Literal, "'\\U0000ff16'", 0, 0},
+ {_Literal, "`foobar`", 0, 0},
+ {_Literal, "`foo\tbar`", 0, 0},
+ {_Literal, "`\r`", 0, 0},
+ // operators
+ {_Operator, "||", OrOr, precOrOr},
+ {_Operator, "&&", AndAnd, precAndAnd},
+ {_Operator, "==", Eql, precCmp},
+ {_Operator, "!=", Neq, precCmp},
+ {_Operator, "<", Lss, precCmp},
+ {_Operator, "<=", Leq, precCmp},
+ {_Operator, ">", Gtr, precCmp},
+ {_Operator, ">=", Geq, precCmp},
+ {_Operator, "+", Add, precAdd},
+ {_Operator, "-", Sub, precAdd},
+ {_Operator, "|", Or, precAdd},
+ {_Operator, "^", Xor, precAdd},
+ {_Star, "*", Mul, precMul},
+ {_Operator, "/", Div, precMul},
+ {_Operator, "%", Rem, precMul},
+ {_Operator, "&", And, precMul},
+ {_Operator, "&^", AndNot, precMul},
+ {_Operator, "<<", Shl, precMul},
+ {_Operator, ">>", Shr, precMul},
+ // assignment operations
+ {_AssignOp, "+=", Add, precAdd},
+ {_AssignOp, "-=", Sub, precAdd},
+ {_AssignOp, "|=", Or, precAdd},
+ {_AssignOp, "^=", Xor, precAdd},
+ {_AssignOp, "*=", Mul, precMul},
+ {_AssignOp, "/=", Div, precMul},
+ {_AssignOp, "%=", Rem, precMul},
+ {_AssignOp, "&=", And, precMul},
+ {_AssignOp, "&^=", AndNot, precMul},
+ {_AssignOp, "<<=", Shl, precMul},
+ {_AssignOp, ">>=", Shr, precMul},
+ // other operations
+ {_IncOp, "++", Add, precAdd},
+ {_IncOp, "--", Sub, precAdd},
+ {_Assign, "=", 0, 0},
+ {_Define, ":=", 0, 0},
+ {_Arrow, "<-", 0, 0},
+ // delimiters
+ {_Lparen, "(", 0, 0},
+ {_Lbrack, "[", 0, 0},
+ {_Lbrace, "{", 0, 0},
+ {_Rparen, ")", 0, 0},
+ {_Rbrack, "]", 0, 0},
+ {_Rbrace, "}", 0, 0},
+ {_Comma, ",", 0, 0},
+ {_Semi, ";", 0, 0},
+ {_Colon, ":", 0, 0},
+ {_Dot, ".", 0, 0},
+ {_DotDotDot, "...", 0, 0},
+ // keywords
+ {_Break, "break", 0, 0},
+ {_Case, "case", 0, 0},
+ {_Chan, "chan", 0, 0},
+ {_Const, "const", 0, 0},
+ {_Continue, "continue", 0, 0},
+ {_Default, "default", 0, 0},
+ {_Defer, "defer", 0, 0},
+ {_Else, "else", 0, 0},
+ {_Fallthrough, "fallthrough", 0, 0},
+ {_For, "for", 0, 0},
+ {_Func, "func", 0, 0},
+ {_Go, "go", 0, 0},
+ {_Goto, "goto", 0, 0},
+ {_If, "if", 0, 0},
+ {_Import, "import", 0, 0},
+ {_Interface, "interface", 0, 0},
+ {_Map, "map", 0, 0},
+ {_Package, "package", 0, 0},
+ {_Range, "range", 0, 0},
+ {_Return, "return", 0, 0},
+ {_Select, "select", 0, 0},
+ {_Struct, "struct", 0, 0},
+ {_Switch, "switch", 0, 0},
+ {_Type, "type", 0, 0},
+ {_Var, "var", 0, 0},
+func TestScanErrors(t *testing.T) {
+ for _, test := range []struct {
+ src, msg string
+ pos, line int
+ }{
+ // Note: Positions for lexical errors are the earliest position
+ // where the error is apparent, not the beginning of the respective
+ // token.
+ // rune-level errors
+ {"fo\x00o", "invalid NUL character", 2, 1},
+ {"foo\n\ufeff bar", "invalid BOM in the middle of the file", 4, 2},
+ {"foo\n\n\xff ", "invalid UTF-8 encoding", 5, 3},
+ // token-level errors
+ {"x + ~y", "bitwise complement operator is ^", 4, 1},
+ {"foo$bar = 0", "invalid rune '$'", 3, 1},
+ {"const x = 0xyz", "malformed hex constant", 12, 1},
+ {"0123456789", "malformed octal constant", 10, 1},
+ {"0123456789. /* foobar", "comment not terminated", 12, 1}, // valid float constant
+ {"0123456789e0 /*\nfoobar", "comment not terminated", 13, 1}, // valid float constant
+ {"var a, b = 08, 07\n", "malformed octal constant", 13, 1},
+ {"(x + 1.0e+x)", "malformed floating-point constant exponent", 10, 1},
+ {`''`, "empty character literal", 1, 1},
+ {"'\n", "newline in character literal", 1, 1},
+ {`'\`, "missing '", 2, 1},
+ {`'\'`, "missing '", 3, 1},
+ {`'\x`, "missing '", 3, 1},
+ {`'\x'`, "escape sequence incomplete", 3, 1},
+ {`'\y'`, "unknown escape sequence", 2, 1},
+ {`'\x0'`, "escape sequence incomplete", 4, 1},
+ {`'\00'`, "escape sequence incomplete", 4, 1},
+ {`'\377' /*`, "comment not terminated", 7, 1}, // valid octal escape
+ {`'\378`, "illegal character U+0038 '8' in escape sequence", 4, 1},
+ {`'\400'`, "octal escape value > 255: 256", 5, 1},
+ {`'xx`, "missing '", 2, 1},
+ {"\"\n", "newline in string", 1, 1},
+ {`"`, "string not terminated", 0, 1},
+ {`"foo`, "string not terminated", 0, 1},
+ {"`", "string not terminated", 0, 1},
+ {"`foo", "string not terminated", 0, 1},
+ {"/*/", "comment not terminated", 0, 1},
+ {"/*\n\nfoo", "comment not terminated", 0, 1},
+ {"/*\n\nfoo", "comment not terminated", 0, 1},
+ {`"\`, "string not terminated", 0, 1},
+ {`"\"`, "string not terminated", 0, 1},
+ {`"\x`, "string not terminated", 0, 1},
+ {`"\x"`, "escape sequence incomplete", 3, 1},
+ {`"\y"`, "unknown escape sequence", 2, 1},
+ {`"\x0"`, "escape sequence incomplete", 4, 1},
+ {`"\00"`, "escape sequence incomplete", 4, 1},
+ {`"\377" /*`, "comment not terminated", 7, 1}, // valid octal escape
+ {`"\378"`, "illegal character U+0038 '8' in escape sequence", 4, 1},
+ {`"\400"`, "octal escape value > 255: 256", 5, 1},
+ {`s := "foo\z"`, "unknown escape sequence", 10, 1},
+ {`s := "foo\z00\nbar"`, "unknown escape sequence", 10, 1},
+ {`"\x`, "string not terminated", 0, 1},
+ {`"\x"`, "escape sequence incomplete", 3, 1},
+ {`var s string = "\x"`, "escape sequence incomplete", 18, 1},
+ {`return "\Uffffffff"`, "escape sequence is invalid Unicode code point", 18, 1},
+ // former problem cases
+ {"package p\n\n\xef", "invalid UTF-8 encoding", 11, 3},
+ } {
+ var s scanner
+ nerrors := 0
+ s.init(&bytesReader{[]byte(test.src)}, func(pos, line int, msg string) {
+ nerrors++
+ // only check the first error
+ if nerrors == 1 {
+ if msg != test.msg {
+ t.Errorf("%q: got msg = %q; want %q", test.src, msg, test.msg)
+ }
+ if pos != test.pos {
+ t.Errorf("%q: got pos = %d; want %d", test.src, pos, test.pos)
+ }
+ if line != test.line {
+ t.Errorf("%q: got line = %d; want %d", test.src, line, test.line)
+ }
+ } else if nerrors > 1 {
+ t.Errorf("%q: got unexpected %q at pos = %d, line = %d", test.src, msg, pos, line)
+ }
+ })
+ for {
+ s.next()
+ if s.tok == _EOF {
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ if nerrors == 0 {
+ t.Errorf("%q: got no error; want %q", test.src, test.msg)
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/cmd/compile/internal/syntax/source.go b/src/cmd/compile/internal/syntax/source.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..87c22fcc26
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/cmd/compile/internal/syntax/source.go
@@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
+// Copyright 2016 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package syntax
+import (
+ "fmt"
+ "io"
+ "unicode/utf8"
+// buf [...read...|...|...unread...|s|...free...]
+// ^ ^ ^ ^
+// | | | |
+// suf r0 r w
+type source struct {
+ src io.Reader
+ errh ErrorHandler
+ // source buffer
+ buf [4 << 10]byte
+ offs int // source offset of buf
+ r0, r, w int // previous/current read and write buf positions, excluding sentinel
+ line0, line int // previous/current line
+ err error // pending io error
+ // literal buffer
+ lit []byte // literal prefix
+ suf int // literal suffix; suf >= 0 means we are scanning a literal
+func (s *source) init(src io.Reader, errh ErrorHandler) {
+ s.src = src
+ s.errh = errh
+ s.buf[0] = utf8.RuneSelf // terminate with sentinel
+ s.offs = 0
+ s.r0, s.r, s.w = 0, 0, 0
+ s.line0, s.line = 1, 1
+ s.err = nil
+ s.lit = s.lit[:0]
+ s.suf = -1
+func (s *source) error(msg string) {
+ s.error_at(s.pos0(), s.line0, msg)
+func (s *source) error_at(pos, line int, msg string) {
+ if s.errh != nil {
+ s.errh(pos, line, msg)
+ return
+ }
+ panic(fmt.Sprintf("%d: %s", line, msg))
+// pos0 returns the byte position of the last character read.
+func (s *source) pos0() int {
+ return s.offs + s.r0
+func (s *source) ungetr() {
+ s.r, s.line = s.r0, s.line0
+func (s *source) getr() rune {
+ s.r0, s.line0 = s.r, s.line
+ // We could avoid at least one test that is always taken in the
+ // for loop below by duplicating the common case code (ASCII)
+ // here since we always have at least the sentinel (utf8.RuneSelf)
+ // in the buffer. Measure and optimize if necessary.
+ // make sure we have at least one rune in buffer, or we are at EOF
+ for s.r+utf8.UTFMax > s.w && !utf8.FullRune(s.buf[s.r:s.w]) && s.err == nil && s.w-s.r < len(s.buf) {
+ s.fill() // s.w-s.r < len(s.buf) => buffer is not full
+ }
+ // common case: ASCII and enough bytes
+ // (invariant: s.buf[s.w] == utf8.RuneSelf)
+ if b := s.buf[s.r]; b < utf8.RuneSelf {
+ s.r++
+ if b == 0 {
+ s.error("invalid NUL character")
+ goto redo
+ }
+ if b == '\n' {
+ s.line++
+ }
+ return rune(b)
+ }
+ // EOF
+ if s.r == s.w {
+ if s.err != io.EOF {
+ s.error(s.err.Error())
+ }
+ return -1
+ }
+ // uncommon case: not ASCII
+ r, w := utf8.DecodeRune(s.buf[s.r:s.w])
+ s.r += w
+ if r == utf8.RuneError && w == 1 {
+ s.error("invalid UTF-8 encoding")
+ goto redo
+ }
+ // BOM's are only allowed as the first character in a file
+ const BOM = 0xfeff
+ if r == BOM {
+ if s.r0 > 0 { // s.r0 is always > 0 after 1st character (fill will set it to 1)
+ s.error("invalid BOM in the middle of the file")
+ }
+ goto redo
+ }
+ return r
+func (s *source) fill() {
+ // Slide unread bytes to beginning but preserve last read char
+ // (for one ungetr call) plus one extra byte (for a 2nd ungetr
+ // call, only for ".." character sequence and float literals
+ // starting with ".").
+ if s.r0 > 1 {
+ // save literal prefix, if any
+ // (We see at most one ungetr call while reading
+ // a literal, so make sure s.r0 remains in buf.)
+ if s.suf >= 0 {
+ s.lit = append(s.lit, s.buf[s.suf:s.r0]...)
+ s.suf = 1 // == s.r0 after slide below
+ }
+ s.offs += s.r0 - 1
+ r := s.r - s.r0 + 1 // last read char plus one byte
+ s.w = r + copy(s.buf[r:], s.buf[s.r:s.w])
+ s.r = r
+ s.r0 = 1
+ }
+ // read more data: try a limited number of times
+ for i := 100; i > 0; i-- {
+ n, err := s.src.Read(s.buf[s.w : len(s.buf)-1]) // -1 to leave space for sentinel
+ if n < 0 {
+ panic("negative read") // incorrect underlying io.Reader implementation
+ }
+ s.w += n
+ if n > 0 || err != nil {
+ s.buf[s.w] = utf8.RuneSelf // sentinel
+ if err != nil {
+ s.err = err
+ }
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ s.err = io.ErrNoProgress
+func (s *source) startLit() {
+ s.suf = s.r0
+ s.lit = s.lit[:0] // reuse lit
+func (s *source) stopLit() []byte {
+ lit := s.buf[s.suf:s.r]
+ if len(s.lit) > 0 {
+ lit = append(s.lit, lit...)
+ }
+ s.suf = -1 // no pending literal
+ return lit
diff --git a/src/cmd/compile/internal/syntax/syntax.go b/src/cmd/compile/internal/syntax/syntax.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..85dddaa47f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/cmd/compile/internal/syntax/syntax.go
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+// Copyright 2016 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package syntax
+import (
+ "fmt"
+ "io"
+ "os"
+type Mode uint
+type ErrorHandler func(pos, line int, msg string)
+// TODO(gri) These need a lot more work.
+func ReadFile(filename string, errh ErrorHandler, mode Mode) (*File, error) {
+ src, err := os.Open(filename)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ defer src.Close()
+ return Read(src, errh, mode)
+type bytesReader struct {
+ data []byte
+func (r *bytesReader) Read(p []byte) (int, error) {
+ if len(r.data) > 0 {
+ n := copy(p, r.data)
+ r.data = r.data[n:]
+ return n, nil
+ }
+ return 0, io.EOF
+func ReadBytes(src []byte, errh ErrorHandler, mode Mode) (*File, error) {
+ return Read(&bytesReader{src}, errh, mode)
+func Read(src io.Reader, errh ErrorHandler, mode Mode) (*File, error) {
+ var p parser
+ p.init(src, errh)
+ p.next()
+ ast := p.file()
+ if errh == nil && p.nerrors > 0 {
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("%d syntax errors", p.nerrors)
+ }
+ return ast, nil
+func Write(w io.Writer, n *File) error {
+ panic("unimplemented")
diff --git a/src/cmd/compile/internal/syntax/tokens.go b/src/cmd/compile/internal/syntax/tokens.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bd0118a141
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/cmd/compile/internal/syntax/tokens.go
@@ -0,0 +1,263 @@
+// Copyright 2016 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package syntax
+import "fmt"
+type token uint
+const (
+ _ token = iota
+ _EOF
+ // names and literals
+ _Name
+ _Literal
+ // operators and operations
+ _Operator // excluding '*' (_Star)
+ _AssignOp
+ _IncOp
+ _Assign
+ _Define
+ _Arrow
+ _Star
+ // delimitors
+ _Lparen
+ _Lbrack
+ _Lbrace
+ _Rparen
+ _Rbrack
+ _Rbrace
+ _Comma
+ _Semi
+ _Colon
+ _Dot
+ _DotDotDot
+ // keywords
+ _Break
+ _Case
+ _Chan
+ _Const
+ _Continue
+ _Default
+ _Defer
+ _Else
+ _Fallthrough
+ _For
+ _Func
+ _Go
+ _Goto
+ _If
+ _Import
+ _Interface
+ _Map
+ _Package
+ _Range
+ _Return
+ _Select
+ _Struct
+ _Switch
+ _Type
+ _Var
+ tokenCount
+const (
+ // for BranchStmt
+ Break = _Break
+ Continue = _Continue
+ Fallthrough = _Fallthrough
+ Goto = _Goto
+ // for CallStmt
+ Go = _Go
+ Defer = _Defer
+var tokstrings = [...]string{
+ // source control
+ _EOF: "EOF",
+ // names and literals
+ _Name: "name",
+ _Literal: "literal",
+ // operators and operations
+ _Operator: "op",
+ _AssignOp: "op=",
+ _IncOp: "opop",
+ _Assign: "=",
+ _Define: ":=",
+ _Arrow: "<-",
+ _Star: "*",
+ // delimitors
+ _Lparen: "(",
+ _Lbrack: "[",
+ _Lbrace: "{",
+ _Rparen: ")",
+ _Rbrack: "]",
+ _Rbrace: "}",
+ _Comma: ",",
+ _Semi: ";",
+ _Colon: ":",
+ _Dot: ".",
+ _DotDotDot: "...",
+ // keywords
+ _Break: "break",
+ _Case: "case",
+ _Chan: "chan",
+ _Const: "const",
+ _Continue: "continue",
+ _Default: "default",
+ _Defer: "defer",
+ _Else: "else",
+ _Fallthrough: "fallthrough",
+ _For: "for",
+ _Func: "func",
+ _Go: "go",
+ _Goto: "goto",
+ _If: "if",
+ _Import: "import",
+ _Interface: "interface",
+ _Map: "map",
+ _Package: "package",
+ _Range: "range",
+ _Return: "return",
+ _Select: "select",
+ _Struct: "struct",
+ _Switch: "switch",
+ _Type: "type",
+ _Var: "var",
+func (tok token) String() string {
+ var s string
+ if 0 <= tok && int(tok) < len(tokstrings) {
+ s = tokstrings[tok]
+ }
+ if s == "" {
+ s = fmt.Sprintf("<tok-%d>", tok)
+ }
+ return s
+// Make sure we have at most 64 tokens so we can use them in a set.
+const _ uint64 = 1 << (tokenCount - 1)
+// contains reports whether tok is in tokset.
+func contains(tokset uint64, tok token) bool {
+ return tokset&(1<<tok) != 0
+type LitKind uint
+const (
+ IntLit LitKind = iota
+ FloatLit
+ ImagLit
+ RuneLit
+ StringLit
+type Operator uint
+const (
+ _ Operator = iota
+ Def // :=
+ Not // !
+ Recv // <-
+ // precOrOr
+ OrOr // ||
+ // precAndAnd
+ AndAnd // &&
+ // precCmp
+ Eql // ==
+ Neq // !=
+ Lss // <
+ Leq // <=
+ Gtr // >
+ Geq // >=
+ // precAdd
+ Add // +
+ Sub // -
+ Or // |
+ Xor // ^
+ // precMul
+ Mul // *
+ Div // /
+ Rem // %
+ And // &
+ AndNot // &^
+ Shl // <<
+ Shr // >>
+var opstrings = [...]string{
+ // prec == 0
+ Def: ":", // : in :=
+ Not: "!",
+ Recv: "<-",
+ // precOrOr
+ OrOr: "||",
+ // precAndAnd
+ AndAnd: "&&",
+ // precCmp
+ Eql: "==",
+ Neq: "!=",
+ Lss: "<",
+ Leq: "<=",
+ Gtr: ">",
+ Geq: ">=",
+ // precAdd
+ Add: "+",
+ Sub: "-",
+ Or: "|",
+ Xor: "^",
+ // precMul
+ Mul: "*",
+ Div: "/",
+ Rem: "%",
+ And: "&",
+ AndNot: "&^",
+ Shl: "<<",
+ Shr: ">>",
+func (op Operator) String() string {
+ var s string
+ if 0 <= op && int(op) < len(opstrings) {
+ s = opstrings[op]
+ }
+ if s == "" {
+ s = fmt.Sprintf("<op-%d>", op)
+ }
+ return s
+// Operator precedences
+const (
+ _ = iota
+ precOrOr
+ precAndAnd
+ precCmp
+ precAdd
+ precMul