diff options
authorAndrew Gerrand <adg@golang.org>2011-12-22 09:53:52 +1100
committerAndrew Gerrand <adg@golang.org>2011-12-22 09:53:52 +1100
commit1cf45e388d723d02b073a5ea7d27abf8b45f02a1 (patch)
parentfa02bac80953660924a2b00f1f9f8eea8569d717 (diff)
dashboard: delete old build dashboard code
R=rsc CC=golang-dev https://golang.org/cl/5502063
3 files changed, 4 insertions, 621 deletions
diff --git a/misc/dashboard/godashboard/app.yaml b/misc/dashboard/godashboard/app.yaml
index 215c163306..8c76704371 100644
--- a/misc/dashboard/godashboard/app.yaml
+++ b/misc/dashboard/godashboard/app.yaml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
application: godashboard
-version: 8
+version: 9
runtime: python
api_version: 1
@@ -21,5 +21,6 @@ handlers:
- url: /project.*
script: package.py
-- url: /.*
- script: gobuild.py
+- url: /
+ static_files: main.html
+ upload: main.html
diff --git a/misc/dashboard/godashboard/gobuild.py b/misc/dashboard/godashboard/gobuild.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 3202b40b64..0000000000
--- a/misc/dashboard/godashboard/gobuild.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,576 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
-# license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-# This is the server part of the continuous build system for Go. It must be run
-# by AppEngine.
-from django.utils import simplejson
-from google.appengine.api import mail
-from google.appengine.api import memcache
-from google.appengine.ext import db
-from google.appengine.ext import webapp
-from google.appengine.ext.webapp import template
-from google.appengine.ext.webapp.util import run_wsgi_app
-import datetime
-import hashlib
-import logging
-import os
-import re
-import bz2
-# local imports
-from auth import auth
-import const
-# The majority of our state are commit objects. One of these exists for each of
-# the commits known to the build system. Their key names are of the form
-# <commit number (%08x)> "-" <hg hash>. This means that a sorting by the key
-# name is sufficient to order the commits.
-# The commit numbers are purely local. They need not match up to the commit
-# numbers in an hg repo. When inserting a new commit, the parent commit must be
-# given and this is used to generate the new commit number. In order to create
-# the first Commit object, a special command (/init) is used.
-# N.B. user is a StringProperty, so it must be type 'unicode'.
-# desc is a BlobProperty, so it must be type 'string'. [sic]
-class Commit(db.Model):
- num = db.IntegerProperty() # internal, monotonic counter.
- node = db.StringProperty() # Hg hash
- parentnode = db.StringProperty() # Hg hash
- user = db.StringProperty()
- date = db.DateTimeProperty()
- desc = db.BlobProperty()
- # This is the list of builds. Each element is a string of the form <builder
- # name> '`' <log hash>. If the log hash is empty, then the build was
- # successful.
- builds = db.StringListProperty()
- fail_notification_sent = db.BooleanProperty()
-# A CompressedLog contains the textual build log of a failed build.
-# The key name is the hex digest of the SHA256 hash of the contents.
-# The contents is bz2 compressed.
-class CompressedLog(db.Model):
- log = db.BlobProperty()
-N = 30
-def builderInfo(b):
- f = b.split('-', 3)
- if len(f) < 2:
- f.append(None)
- goos = f[0]
- goarch = f[1]
- note = ""
- if len(f) > 2:
- note = f[2]
- return {'name': b, 'goos': goos, 'goarch': goarch, 'note': note}
-def builderset():
- q = Commit.all()
- q.order('-__key__')
- results = q.fetch(N)
- builders = set()
- for c in results:
- builders.update(set(parseBuild(build)['builder'] for build in c.builds))
- return builders
-class MainPage(webapp.RequestHandler):
- def get(self):
- self.response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'text/html; charset=utf-8'
- try:
- page = int(self.request.get('p', 1))
- if not page > 0:
- raise
- except:
- page = 1
- try:
- num = int(self.request.get('n', N))
- if num <= 0 or num > 200:
- raise
- except:
- num = N
- offset = (page-1) * num
- q = Commit.all()
- q.order('-__key__')
- results = q.fetch(num, offset)
- revs = [toRev(r) for r in results]
- builders = {}
- for r in revs:
- for b in r['builds']:
- if b['builder'] in builders:
- continue
- bi = builderInfo(b['builder'])
- builders[b['builder']] = bi
- bad_builders = [key for key in builders if not builders[key]['goarch']]
- for key in bad_builders:
- del builders[key]
- for r in revs:
- r['builds'] = [b for b in r['builds'] if b['builder'] not in bad_builders]
- for r in revs:
- have = set(x['builder'] for x in r['builds'])
- need = set(builders.keys()).difference(have)
- for n in need:
- r['builds'].append({'builder': n, 'log':'', 'ok': False})
- r['builds'].sort(cmp = byBuilder)
- builders = list(builders.items())
- builders.sort()
- values = {"revs": revs, "builders": [v for k,v in builders]}
- values['num'] = num
- values['prev'] = page - 1
- if len(results) == num:
- values['next'] = page + 1
- values['bad'] = bad_builders
- path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'main.html')
- self.response.out.write(template.render(path, values))
-# A DashboardHandler is a webapp.RequestHandler but provides
-# authenticated_post - called by post after authenticating
-# json - writes object in json format to response output
-class DashboardHandler(webapp.RequestHandler):
- def post(self):
- if not auth(self.request):
- self.response.set_status(403)
- return
- self.authenticated_post()
- def authenticated_post(self):
- return
- def json(self, obj):
- self.response.set_status(200)
- simplejson.dump(obj, self.response.out)
- return
-# Todo serves /todo. It tells the builder which commits need to be built.
-class Todo(DashboardHandler):
- def get(self):
- builder = self.request.get('builder')
- key = 'todo-%s' % builder
- response = memcache.get(key)
- if response is None:
- # Fell out of memcache. Rebuild from datastore results.
- # We walk the commit list looking for nodes that have not
- # been built by this builder.
- q = Commit.all()
- q.order('-__key__')
- todo = []
- first = None
- for c in q.fetch(N+1):
- if first is None:
- first = c
- if not built(c, builder):
- todo.append({'Hash': c.node})
- response = simplejson.dumps(todo)
- memcache.set(key, response, 3600)
- self.response.set_status(200)
- self.response.out.write(response)
-def built(c, builder):
- for b in c.builds:
- if b.startswith(builder+'`'):
- return True
- return False
-# Log serves /log/. It retrieves log data by content hash.
-class LogHandler(DashboardHandler):
- def get(self):
- self.response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'text/plain; charset=utf-8'
- hash = self.request.path[5:]
- l = CompressedLog.get_by_key_name(hash)
- if l is None:
- self.response.set_status(404)
- return
- log = bz2.decompress(l.log)
- self.response.set_status(200)
- self.response.out.write(log)
-# Init creates the commit with id 0. Since this commit doesn't have a parent,
-# it cannot be created by Build.
-class Init(DashboardHandler):
- def authenticated_post(self):
- date = parseDate(self.request.get('date'))
- node = self.request.get('node')
- if not validNode(node) or date is None:
- logging.error("Not valid node ('%s') or bad date (%s %s)", node, date, self.request.get('date'))
- self.response.set_status(500)
- return
- commit = Commit(key_name = '00000000-%s' % node)
- commit.num = 0
- commit.node = node
- commit.parentnode = ''
- commit.user = self.request.get('user')
- commit.date = date
- commit.desc = self.request.get('desc').encode('utf8')
- commit.put()
- self.response.set_status(200)
-# The last commit when we switched to using entity groups.
-# This is the root of the new commit entity group.
-RootCommitKeyName = '00000f26-f32c6f1038207c55d5780231f7484f311020747e'
-# CommitHandler serves /commit.
-# A GET of /commit retrieves information about the specified commit.
-# A POST of /commit creates a node for the given commit.
-# If the commit already exists, the POST silently succeeds (like mkdir -p).
-class CommitHandler(DashboardHandler):
- def get(self):
- node = self.request.get('node')
- if not validNode(node):
- return self.json({'Status': 'FAIL', 'Error': 'malformed node hash'})
- n = nodeByHash(node)
- if n is None:
- return self.json({'Status': 'FAIL', 'Error': 'unknown revision'})
- return self.json({'Status': 'OK', 'Node': nodeObj(n)})
- def authenticated_post(self):
- # Require auth with the master key, not a per-builder key.
- if self.request.get('builder'):
- self.response.set_status(403)
- return
- node = self.request.get('node')
- date = parseDate(self.request.get('date'))
- user = self.request.get('user')
- desc = self.request.get('desc').encode('utf8')
- parenthash = self.request.get('parent')
- if not validNode(node) or not validNode(parenthash) or date is None:
- return self.json({'Status': 'FAIL', 'Error': 'malformed node, parent, or date'})
- n = nodeByHash(node)
- if n is None:
- p = nodeByHash(parenthash)
- if p is None:
- return self.json({'Status': 'FAIL', 'Error': 'unknown parent'})
- # Want to create new node in a transaction so that multiple
- # requests creating it do not collide and so that multiple requests
- # creating different nodes get different sequence numbers.
- # All queries within a transaction must include an ancestor,
- # but the original datastore objects we used for the dashboard
- # have no common ancestor. Instead, we use a well-known
- # root node - the last one before we switched to entity groups -
- # as the as the common ancestor.
- root = Commit.get_by_key_name(RootCommitKeyName)
- def add_commit():
- if nodeByHash(node, ancestor=root) is not None:
- return
- # Determine number for this commit.
- # Once we have created one new entry it will be lastRooted.num+1,
- # but the very first commit created in this scheme will have to use
- # last.num's number instead (last is likely not rooted).
- q = Commit.all()
- q.order('-__key__')
- q.ancestor(root)
- last = q.fetch(1)[0]
- num = last.num+1
- n = Commit(key_name = '%08x-%s' % (num, node), parent = root)
- n.num = num
- n.node = node
- n.parentnode = parenthash
- n.user = user
- n.date = date
- n.desc = desc
- n.put()
- db.run_in_transaction(add_commit)
- n = nodeByHash(node)
- if n is None:
- return self.json({'Status': 'FAIL', 'Error': 'failed to create commit node'})
- return self.json({'Status': 'OK', 'Node': nodeObj(n)})
-# Build serves /build.
-# A POST to /build records a new build result.
-class Build(webapp.RequestHandler):
- def post(self):
- if not auth(self.request):
- self.response.set_status(403)
- return
- builder = self.request.get('builder')
- log = self.request.get('log').encode('utf8')
- loghash = ''
- if len(log) > 0:
- loghash = hashlib.sha256(log).hexdigest()
- l = CompressedLog(key_name=loghash)
- l.log = bz2.compress(log)
- l.put()
- node = self.request.get('node')
- if not validNode(node):
- logging.error('Invalid node %s' % (node))
- self.response.set_status(500)
- return
- n = nodeByHash(node)
- if n is None:
- logging.error('Cannot find node %s' % (node))
- self.response.set_status(404)
- return
- nn = n
- def add_build():
- n = nodeByHash(node, ancestor=nn)
- if n is None:
- logging.error('Cannot find hash in add_build: %s %s' % (builder, node))
- return
- s = '%s`%s' % (builder, loghash)
- for i, b in enumerate(n.builds):
- if b.split('`', 1)[0] == builder:
- # logging.error('Found result for %s %s already' % (builder, node))
- n.builds[i] = s
- break
- else:
- # logging.error('Added result for %s %s' % (builder, node))
- n.builds.append(s)
- n.put()
- db.run_in_transaction(add_build)
- key = 'todo-%s' % builder
- memcache.delete(key)
- c = getBrokenCommit(node, builder)
- if c is not None and not c.fail_notification_sent:
- notifyBroken(c, builder, log)
- self.response.set_status(200)
-def getBrokenCommit(node, builder):
- """
- getBrokenCommit returns a Commit that breaks the build.
- The Commit will be either the one specified by node or the one after.
- """
- # Squelch mail if already fixed.
- head = firstResult(builder)
- if broken(head, builder) == False:
- return
- # Get current node and node before, after.
- cur = nodeByHash(node)
- if cur is None:
- return
- before = nodeBefore(cur)
- after = nodeAfter(cur)
- if broken(before, builder) == False and broken(cur, builder):
- return cur
- if broken(cur, builder) == False and broken(after, builder):
- return after
- return
-def firstResult(builder):
- q = Commit.all().order('-__key__')
- for c in q.fetch(20):
- for i, b in enumerate(c.builds):
- p = b.split('`', 1)
- if p[0] == builder:
- return c
- return None
-def nodeBefore(c):
- return nodeByHash(c.parentnode)
-def nodeAfter(c):
- return Commit.all().filter('parenthash', c.node).get()
-def notifyBroken(c, builder, log):
- def send():
- n = Commit.get(c.key())
- if n is None:
- logging.error("couldn't retrieve Commit '%s'" % c.key())
- return False
- if n.fail_notification_sent:
- return False
- n.fail_notification_sent = True
- return n.put()
- if not db.run_in_transaction(send):
- return
- # get last 100 lines of the build log
- log = '\n'.join(log.split('\n')[-100:])
- subject = const.mail_fail_subject % (builder, c.desc.split('\n')[0])
- path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'fail-notify.txt')
- body = template.render(path, {
- "builder": builder,
- "node": c.node,
- "user": c.user,
- "desc": c.desc,
- "loghash": logHash(c, builder),
- "log": log,
- })
- mail.send_mail(
- sender=const.mail_from,
- to=const.mail_fail_to,
- subject=subject,
- body=body
- )
-def logHash(c, builder):
- for i, b in enumerate(c.builds):
- p = b.split('`', 1)
- if p[0] == builder:
- return p[1]
- return ""
-def broken(c, builder):
- """
- broken returns True if commit c breaks the build for the specified builder,
- False if it is a good build, and None if no results exist for this builder.
- """
- if c is None:
- return None
- for i, b in enumerate(c.builds):
- p = b.split('`', 1)
- if p[0] == builder:
- return len(p[1]) > 0
- return None
-def node(num):
- q = Commit.all()
- q.filter('num =', num)
- n = q.get()
- return n
-def nodeByHash(hash, ancestor=None):
- q = Commit.all()
- q.filter('node =', hash)
- if ancestor is not None:
- q.ancestor(ancestor)
- n = q.get()
- return n
-# nodeObj returns a JSON object (ready to be passed to simplejson.dump) describing node.
-def nodeObj(n):
- return {
- 'Hash': n.node,
- 'ParentHash': n.parentnode,
- 'User': n.user,
- 'Date': n.date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M %z'),
- 'Desc': n.desc,
- }
-class FixedOffset(datetime.tzinfo):
- """Fixed offset in minutes east from UTC."""
- def __init__(self, offset):
- self.__offset = datetime.timedelta(seconds = offset)
- def utcoffset(self, dt):
- return self.__offset
- def tzname(self, dt):
- return None
- def dst(self, dt):
- return datetime.timedelta(0)
-def validNode(node):
- if len(node) != 40:
- return False
- for x in node:
- o = ord(x)
- if (o < ord('0') or o > ord('9')) and (o < ord('a') or o > ord('f')):
- return False
- return True
-def parseDate(date):
- if '-' in date:
- (a, offset) = date.split('-', 1)
- try:
- return datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(float(a), FixedOffset(0-int(offset)))
- except ValueError:
- return None
- if '+' in date:
- (a, offset) = date.split('+', 1)
- try:
- return datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(float(a), FixedOffset(int(offset)))
- except ValueError:
- return None
- try:
- return datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(float(date))
- except ValueError:
- return None
-email_re = re.compile('^[^<]+<([^>]*)>$')
-def toUsername(user):
- r = email_re.match(user)
- if r is None:
- return user
- email = r.groups()[0]
- return email.replace('@golang.org', '')
-def dateToShortStr(d):
- return d.strftime('%a %b %d %H:%M')
-def parseBuild(build):
- [builder, logblob] = build.split('`')
- return {'builder': builder, 'log': logblob, 'ok': len(logblob) == 0}
-def nodeInfo(c):
- return {
- "node": c.node,
- "user": toUsername(c.user),
- "date": dateToShortStr(c.date),
- "desc": c.desc,
- "shortdesc": c.desc.split('\n', 2)[0]
- }
-def toRev(c):
- b = nodeInfo(c)
- b['builds'] = [parseBuild(build) for build in c.builds]
- return b
-def byBuilder(x, y):
- return cmp(x['builder'], y['builder'])
-# Give old builders work; otherwise they pound on the web site.
-class Hwget(DashboardHandler):
- def get(self):
- self.response.out.write("8000\n")
-# This is the URL map for the server. The first three entries are public, the
-# rest are only used by the builders.
-application = webapp.WSGIApplication(
- [('/', MainPage),
- ('/hw-get', Hwget),
- ('/log/.*', LogHandler),
- ('/commit', CommitHandler),
- ('/init', Init),
- ('/todo', Todo),
- ('/build', Build),
- ], debug=True)
-def main():
- run_wsgi_app(application)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- main()
diff --git a/misc/dashboard/godashboard/main.html b/misc/dashboard/godashboard/main.html
index 0e8b97b1dc..4cd98d851d 100644
--- a/misc/dashboard/godashboard/main.html
+++ b/misc/dashboard/godashboard/main.html
@@ -6,8 +6,6 @@
- <a id="top"></a>
<ul class="menu">
<li>Build Status</li>
<li><a href="/package">Packages</a></li>
@@ -21,45 +19,5 @@
<p class="notice">The build status dashboard has moved to <a href="http://build.golang.org">build.golang.org</a>.</p>
- <table class="alternate" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <th></th>
- {% for b in builders %}
- <th class="builder">{{b.goos}}<br>{{b.goarch}}<br>{{b.note}}</th>
- {% endfor %}
- <th></th>
- <th></th>
- <th></th>
- </tr>
- {% for r in revs %}
- <tr>
- <td class="revision"><span class="hash"><a href="https://code.google.com/p/go/source/detail?r={{r.node}}">{{r.node|slice:":12"}}</a></span></td>
- {% for b in r.builds %}
- <td class="result">
- {% if b.ok %}
- <span class="ok">ok</span>
- {% else %}
- {% if b.log %}
- <a class="fail" href="/log/{{b.log}}">fail</a>
- {% else %}
- &nbsp;
- {% endif %}
- {% endif %}
- </td>
- {% endfor %}
- <td class="user">{{r.user|escape}}</td>
- <td class="date">{{r.date|escape}}</td>
- <td class="desc">{{r.shortdesc|escape}}</td>
- </tr>
- {% endfor %}
- </table>
- <div class="paginate">
- <a{% if prev %} href="?n={{num}}&p={{prev}}"{% else %} class="inactive"{% endif %}>prev</a>
- <a{% if next %} href="?n={{num}}&p={{next}}"{% else %} class="inactive"{% endif %}>next</a>
- <a{% if prev %} href="?n={{num}}&p=1"{% else %} class="inactive"{% endif %}>top</a>
- </div>