diff options
authorBrad Fitzpatrick <bradfitz@golang.org>2011-01-19 15:13:42 -0500
committerRuss Cox <rsc@golang.org>2011-01-19 15:13:42 -0500
commitf96c1d076ad24992f2f028736e3941e74a1ae4b6 (patch)
parenta4f6ed3574c7c6edc673346c0629d866108ace7e (diff)
http: support for relative URLs
R=rsc, adg CC=golang-dev https://golang.org/cl/4002041
2 files changed, 210 insertions, 94 deletions
diff --git a/src/pkg/http/url.go b/src/pkg/http/url.go
index e4aa077e52..efd90d81eb 100644
--- a/src/pkg/http/url.go
+++ b/src/pkg/http/url.go
@@ -114,62 +114,6 @@ func shouldEscape(c byte, mode encoding) bool {
return true
-// CanonicalPath applies the algorithm specified in RFC 2396 to
-// simplify the path, removing unnecessary . and .. elements.
-func CanonicalPath(path string) string {
- buf := []byte(path)
- a := buf[0:0]
- // state helps to find /.. ^.. ^. and /. patterns.
- // state == 1 - prev char is '/' or beginning of the string.
- // state > 1 - prev state > 0 and prev char was '.'
- // state == 0 - otherwise
- state := 1
- cnt := 0
- for _, v := range buf {
- switch v {
- case '/':
- s := state
- state = 1
- switch s {
- case 2:
- a = a[0 : len(a)-1]
- continue
- case 3:
- if cnt > 0 {
- i := len(a) - 4
- for ; i >= 0 && a[i] != '/'; i-- {
- }
- a = a[0 : i+1]
- cnt--
- continue
- }
- default:
- if len(a) > 0 {
- cnt++
- }
- }
- case '.':
- if state > 0 {
- state++
- }
- default:
- state = 0
- }
- l := len(a)
- a = a[0 : l+1]
- a[l] = v
- }
- switch {
- case state == 2:
- a = a[0 : len(a)-1]
- case state == 3 && cnt > 0:
- i := len(a) - 4
- for ; i >= 0 && a[i] != '/'; i-- {
- }
- a = a[0 : i+1]
- }
- return string(a)
// URLUnescape unescapes a string in ``URL encoded'' form,
// converting %AB into the byte 0xAB and '+' into ' ' (space).
@@ -553,3 +497,99 @@ func EncodeQuery(m map[string][]string) string {
return strings.Join(parts, "&")
+// resolvePath applies special path segments from refs and applies
+// them to base, per RFC 2396.
+func resolvePath(basepath string, refpath string) string {
+ base := strings.Split(basepath, "/", -1)
+ refs := strings.Split(refpath, "/", -1)
+ if len(base) == 0 {
+ base = []string{""}
+ }
+ for idx, ref := range refs {
+ switch {
+ case ref == ".":
+ base[len(base)-1] = ""
+ case ref == "..":
+ newLen := len(base) - 1
+ if newLen < 1 {
+ newLen = 1
+ }
+ base = base[0:newLen]
+ base[len(base)-1] = ""
+ default:
+ if idx == 0 || base[len(base)-1] == "" {
+ base[len(base)-1] = ref
+ } else {
+ base = append(base, ref)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return strings.Join(base, "/")
+// IsAbs returns true if the URL is absolute.
+func (url *URL) IsAbs() bool {
+ return url.Scheme != ""
+// ParseURL parses a URL in the context of a base URL. The URL in ref
+// may be relative or absolute. ParseURL returns nil, err on parse
+// failure, otherwise its return value is the same as ResolveReference.
+func (base *URL) ParseURL(ref string) (*URL, os.Error) {
+ refurl, err := ParseURL(ref)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ return base.ResolveReference(refurl), nil
+// ResolveReference resolves a URI reference to an absolute URI from
+// an absolute base URI, per RFC 2396 Section 5.2. The URI reference
+// may be relative or absolute. ResolveReference always returns a new
+// URL instance, even if the returned URL is identical to either the
+// base or reference. If ref is an absolute URL, then ResolveReference
+// ignores base and returns a copy of ref.
+func (base *URL) ResolveReference(ref *URL) *URL {
+ url := new(URL)
+ switch {
+ case ref.IsAbs():
+ *url = *ref
+ default:
+ // relativeURI = ( net_path | abs_path | rel_path ) [ "?" query ]
+ *url = *base
+ if ref.RawAuthority != "" {
+ // The "net_path" case.
+ url.RawAuthority = ref.RawAuthority
+ url.Host = ref.Host
+ url.RawUserinfo = ref.RawUserinfo
+ }
+ switch {
+ case url.OpaquePath:
+ url.Path = ref.Path
+ url.RawPath = ref.RawPath
+ url.RawQuery = ref.RawQuery
+ case strings.HasPrefix(ref.Path, "/"):
+ // The "abs_path" case.
+ url.Path = ref.Path
+ url.RawPath = ref.RawPath
+ url.RawQuery = ref.RawQuery
+ default:
+ // The "rel_path" case.
+ path := resolvePath(base.Path, ref.Path)
+ if !strings.HasPrefix(path, "/") {
+ path = "/" + path
+ }
+ url.Path = path
+ url.RawPath = url.Path
+ url.RawQuery = ref.RawQuery
+ if ref.RawQuery != "" {
+ url.RawPath += "?" + url.RawQuery
+ }
+ }
+ url.Fragment = ref.Fragment
+ }
+ url.Raw = url.String()
+ return url
diff --git a/src/pkg/http/url_test.go b/src/pkg/http/url_test.go
index 9a67185d24..0801f7ff3e 100644
--- a/src/pkg/http/url_test.go
+++ b/src/pkg/http/url_test.go
@@ -510,44 +510,6 @@ func TestURLEscape(t *testing.T) {
-type CanonicalPathTest struct {
- in string
- out string
-var canonicalTests = []CanonicalPathTest{
- {"", ""},
- {"/", "/"},
- {".", ""},
- {"./", ""},
- {"/a/", "/a/"},
- {"a/", "a/"},
- {"a/./", "a/"},
- {"./a", "a"},
- {"/a/../b", "/b"},
- {"a/../b", "b"},
- {"a/../../b", "../b"},
- {"a/.", "a/"},
- {"../.././a", "../../a"},
- {"/../.././a", "/../../a"},
- {"a/b/g/../..", "a/"},
- {"a/b/..", "a/"},
- {"a/b/.", "a/b/"},
- {"a/b/../../../..", "../.."},
- {"a./", "a./"},
- {"/../a/b/../../../", "/../../"},
- {"../a/b/../../../", "../../"},
-func TestCanonicalPath(t *testing.T) {
- for _, tt := range canonicalTests {
- actual := CanonicalPath(tt.in)
- if tt.out != actual {
- t.Errorf("CanonicalPath(%q) = %q, want %q", tt.in, actual, tt.out)
- }
- }
type UserinfoTest struct {
User string
Password string
@@ -597,3 +559,117 @@ func TestEncodeQuery(t *testing.T) {
+var resolvePathTests = []struct {
+ base, ref, expected string
+ {"a/b", ".", "a/"},
+ {"a/b", "c", "a/c"},
+ {"a/b", "..", ""},
+ {"a/", "..", ""},
+ {"a/", "../..", ""},
+ {"a/b/c", "..", "a/"},
+ {"a/b/c", "../d", "a/d"},
+ {"a/b/c", ".././d", "a/d"},
+ {"a/b", "./..", ""},
+ {"a/./b", ".", "a/./"},
+ {"a/../", ".", "a/../"},
+ {"a/.././b", "c", "a/.././c"},
+func TestResolvePath(t *testing.T) {
+ for _, test := range resolvePathTests {
+ got := resolvePath(test.base, test.ref)
+ if got != test.expected {
+ t.Errorf("For %q + %q got %q; expected %q", test.base, test.ref, got, test.expected)
+ }
+ }
+var resolveReferenceTests = []struct {
+ base, rel, expected string
+ // Absolute URL references
+ {"http://foo.com?a=b", "https://bar.com/", "https://bar.com/"},
+ {"http://foo.com/", "https://bar.com/?a=b", "https://bar.com/?a=b"},
+ {"http://foo.com/bar", "mailto:foo@example.com", "mailto:foo@example.com"},
+ // Path-absolute references
+ {"http://foo.com/bar", "/baz", "http://foo.com/baz"},
+ {"http://foo.com/bar?a=b#f", "/baz", "http://foo.com/baz"},
+ {"http://foo.com/bar?a=b", "/baz?c=d", "http://foo.com/baz?c=d"},
+ // Scheme-relative
+ {"https://foo.com/bar?a=b", "//bar.com/quux", "https://bar.com/quux"},
+ // Path-relative references:
+ // ... current directory
+ {"http://foo.com", ".", "http://foo.com/"},
+ {"http://foo.com/bar", ".", "http://foo.com/"},
+ {"http://foo.com/bar/", ".", "http://foo.com/bar/"},
+ // ... going down
+ {"http://foo.com", "bar", "http://foo.com/bar"},
+ {"http://foo.com/", "bar", "http://foo.com/bar"},
+ {"http://foo.com/bar/baz", "quux", "http://foo.com/bar/quux"},
+ // ... going up
+ {"http://foo.com/bar/baz", "../quux", "http://foo.com/quux"},
+ {"http://foo.com/bar/baz", "../../../../../quux", "http://foo.com/quux"},
+ {"http://foo.com/bar", "..", "http://foo.com/"},
+ {"http://foo.com/bar/baz", "./..", "http://foo.com/"},
+ // "." and ".." in the base aren't special
+ {"http://foo.com/dot/./dotdot/../foo/bar", "../baz", "http://foo.com/dot/./dotdot/../baz"},
+ // Triple dot isn't special
+ {"http://foo.com/bar", "...", "http://foo.com/..."},
+ // Fragment
+ {"http://foo.com/bar", ".#frag", "http://foo.com/#frag"},
+func TestResolveReference(t *testing.T) {
+ mustParseURL := func(url string) *URL {
+ u, err := ParseURLReference(url)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("Expected URL to parse: %q, got error: %v", url, err)
+ }
+ return u
+ }
+ for _, test := range resolveReferenceTests {
+ base := mustParseURL(test.base)
+ rel := mustParseURL(test.rel)
+ url := base.ResolveReference(rel)
+ urlStr := url.String()
+ if urlStr != test.expected {
+ t.Errorf("Resolving %q + %q != %q; got %q", test.base, test.rel, test.expected, urlStr)
+ }
+ }
+ // Test that new instances are returned.
+ base := mustParseURL("http://foo.com/")
+ abs := base.ResolveReference(mustParseURL("."))
+ if base == abs {
+ t.Errorf("Expected no-op reference to return new URL instance.")
+ }
+ barRef := mustParseURL("http://bar.com/")
+ abs = base.ResolveReference(barRef)
+ if abs == barRef {
+ t.Errorf("Expected resolution of absolute reference to return new URL instance.")
+ }
+ // Test the convenience wrapper too
+ base = mustParseURL("http://foo.com/path/one/")
+ abs, _ = base.ParseURL("../two")
+ expected := "http://foo.com/path/two"
+ if abs.String() != expected {
+ t.Errorf("ParseURL wrapper got %q; expected %q", abs.String(), expected)
+ }
+ _, err := base.ParseURL("")
+ if err == nil {
+ t.Errorf("Expected an error from ParseURL wrapper parsing an empty string.")
+ }