# Appendices ## Acknowledgements This research was supported in part by NSF grants CNS-1111539, CNS-1314637, CNS-1526306, CNS-1619454, and CNS-1640548. ## Parameters with suggested values. [Section:PARAM_VALS] (All suggested values chosen arbitrarily) {param:MAX_SAMPLE_THRESHOLD} -- 20% {param:MAX_SAMPLE_SIZE} -- 60 {param:GUARD_LIFETIME} -- 120 days ```text {param:REMOVE_UNLISTED_GUARDS_AFTER} -- 20 days [previously ENTRY_GUARD_REMOVE_AFTER] {param:MIN_FILTERED_SAMPLE} -- 20 {param:N_PRIMARY_GUARDS} -- 3 {param:PRIMARY_GUARDS_RETRY_SCHED} We recommend the following schedule, which is the one used in Arti: -- Use the "decorrelated-jitter" algorithm from "dir-spec.txt" section 5.5 where `base_delay` is 30 seconds and `cap` is 6 hours. This legacy schedule is the one used in C tor: -- every 10 minutes for the first six hours, -- every 90 minutes for the next 90 hours, -- every 4 hours for the next 3 days, -- every 9 hours thereafter. {param:GUARDS_RETRY_SCHED} -- We recommend the following schedule, which is the one used in Arti: -- Use the "decorrelated-jitter" algorithm from "dir-spec.txt" section 5.5 where `base_delay` is 10 minutes and `cap` is 36 hours. This legacy schedule is the one used in C tor: -- every hour for the first six hours, -- every 4 hours for the 90 hours, -- every 18 hours for the next 3 days, -- every 36 hours thereafter. {param:INTERNET_LIKELY_DOWN_INTERVAL} -- 10 minutes {param:NONPRIMARY_GUARD_CONNECT_TIMEOUT} -- 15 seconds {param:NONPRIMARY_GUARD_IDLE_TIMEOUT} -- 10 minutes {param:MEANINGFUL_RESTRICTION_FRAC} -- .2 {param:EXTREME_RESTRICTION_FRAC} -- .01 {param:GUARD_CONFIRMED_MIN_LIFETIME} -- 60 days {param:NUM_USABLE_PRIMARY_GUARDS} -- 1 {param:NUM_USABLE_PRIMARY_DIRECTORY_GUARDS} -- 3 ``` ## Random values [Section:RANDOM] Frequently, we want to randomize the expiration time of something so that it's not easy for an observer to match it to its start time. We do this by randomizing its start date a little, so that we only need to remember a fixed expiration interval. By RAND(now, INTERVAL) we mean a time between now and INTERVAL in the past, chosen uniformly at random. ## Why not a sliding scale of primaryness? [Section:CVP] At one meeting, I floated the idea of having "primaryness" be a continuous variable rather than a boolean. I'm no longer sure this is a great idea, but I'll try to outline how it might work. To begin with: being "primary" gives it a few different traits: 1) We retry primary guards more frequently. [Section:RETRYING] ```text 2) We don't even _try_ building circuits through lower-priority guards until we're pretty sure that the higher-priority primary guards are down. (With non-primary guards, on the other hand, we launch exploratory circuits which we plan not to use if higher-priority guards succeed.) [Section:SELECTING] 3) We retry them all one more time if a circuit succeeds after the net has been down for a while. [Section:ON_SUCCESS] We could make each of the above traits continuous: 1) We could make the interval at which a guard is retried depend continuously on its position in CONFIRMED_GUARDS. 2) We could change the number of guards we test in parallel based on their position in CONFIRMED_GUARDS. 3) We could change the rule for how long the higher-priority guards need to have been down before we call a circuit based on a possible network-down condition. For example, we could retry the first guard if we tried it more than 10 seconds ago, the second if we tried it more than 20 seconds ago, etc. ``` I am pretty sure, however, that if these are worth doing, they need more analysis! Here's why: ```text * They all have the potential to leak more information about a guard's exact position on the list. Is that safe? Is there any way to exploit that? I don't think we know. * They all seem like changes which it would be relatively simple to make to the code after we implement the simpler version of the algorithm described above. ``` ## Controller changes We will add to control-spec.txt a new possible circuit state, GUARD_WAIT, that can be given as part of circuit events and GETINFO responses about circuits. A circuit is in the GUARD_WAIT state when it is fully built, but we will not use it because a circuit with a better guard might become built too. ## Persistent state format The persistent state format doesn't need to be part of this specification, since different implementations can do it differently. Nonetheless, here's the one Tor uses: The "state" file contains one Guard entry for each sampled guard in each instance of the guard state (see section 2). The value of this Guard entry is a set of space-separated K=V entries, where K contains any nonspace character except =, and V contains any nonspace characters. Implementations must retain any unrecognized K=V entries for a sampled guard when they regenerate the state file. The order of K=V entries is not allowed to matter. Recognized fields (values of K) are: ```text "in" -- the name of the guard state instance that this sampled guard is in. If a sampled guard is in two guard states instances, it appears twice, with a different "in" field each time. Required. "rsa_id" -- the RSA id digest for this guard, encoded in hex. Required. "bridge_addr" -- If the guard is a bridge, its configured address and port (this can be the ORPort or a pluggable transport port). Optional. "nickname" -- the guard's nickname, if any. Optional. "sampled_on" -- the date when the guard was sampled. Required. "sampled_by" -- the Tor version that sampled this guard. Optional. "unlisted_since" -- the date since which the guard has been unlisted. Optional. "listed" -- 0 if the guard is not listed; 1 if it is. Required. "confirmed_on" -- date when the guard was confirmed. Optional. "confirmed_idx" -- position of the guard in the confirmed list. Optional. "pb_use_attempts", "pb_use_successes", "pb_circ_attempts", "pb_circ_successes", "pb_successful_circuits_closed", "pb_collapsed_circuits", "pb_unusable_circuits", "pb_timeouts" -- state for the circuit path bias algorithm, given in decimal fractions. Optional. ``` All dates here are given as a (spaceless) ISO8601 combined date and time in UTC (e.g., 2016-11-29T19:39:31).