# Publishing the signed consensus { #publishing-signed-consensus } The voting period ends at the valid-after time. If the consensus has been signed by a majority of authorities, these documents are made available at `http:///tor/status-vote/current/consensus.z` and `http:///tor/status-vote/current/consensus-signatures.z` ```text [XXX current/consensus-signatures is not currently implemented, as it is not used in the voting protocol.] [XXX possible future features include support for downloading old consensuses.] The other vote documents are analogously made available under http:///tor/status-vote/current/authority.z http:///tor/status-vote/current/.z http:///tor/status-vote/current/d/.z http:///tor/status-vote/current/bandwidth.z ``` once the voting period ends, regardless of the number of signatures. The authorities serve another consensus of each flavor "F" from the locations ```text /tor/status-vote/(current|next)/consensus-F.z. and /tor/status-vote/(current|next)/consensus-F/+....z. ``` The standard URLs for bandwidth list files first-appeared in Tor 0.3.5.