Pluggable Transport Specification Jacob Appelbaum Nick Mathewson Overview This proposal describes a way to decouple protocol-level obfuscation from the core Tor protocol in order to better resist client-bridge censorship. Our approach is to specify a means to add pluggable transport implementations to Tor clients and bridges so that they can negotiate a superencipherment for the Tor protocol. It is based on Proposal 180: see that document and its discussion for more background and motivation issue, and a discussion of issues in writing pluggable transpots. Specifications: Client behavior We extend the bridge line format to allow you to say which method to use to connect to a bridge. The new format is: Bridge method address:port [[keyid=]id-fingerprint] [k=v] [k=v] [k=v] To connect to such a bridge, the Tor program needs to know which SOCKS proxy will support the transport called "method". It then connects to this proxy, and asks it to connect to address:port. If [id-fingerprint] is provided, Tor should expect the public identity key on the TLS connection to match the digest provided in [id-fingerprint]. If any [k=v] items are provided, they are configuration parameters for the proxy: Tor should separate them with semicolons and put them in the user and password fields of the request, splitting them across the fields as necessary. If a key or value value must contain a semicolon or a backslash, it is escaped with a backslash. Method names must be C identifiers. For reference, the old bridge format was Bridge address[:port] [id-fingerprint] where port defaults to 443 and the id-fingerprint is optional. The new format can be distinguished from the old one by checking if the first argument has any non-C-identifier characters. (Looking for a period should be a simple way.) Also, while the id-fingerprint could optionally include whitespace in the old format, whitespace in the id-fingerprint is not permitted in the new format. Example: if the bridge line is "bridge trebuchet keyid=09F911029D74E35BD84156C5635688C009F909F9 rocks=20 height=5.6m" AND if the Tor client knows that the 'trebuchet' method is supported, the client should connect to the proxy that provides the 'trebuchet' method, ask it to connect to, and provide the string "rocks=20;height=5.6m" as the username, the password, or split across the username and password. There are two ways to tell Tor clients about protocol proxies: external proxies and managed proxies. An external proxy is configured with ClientTransportPlugin socks4 [auth=X] or ClientTransportPlugin socks5 [username=X] [password=Y] as in "ClientTransportPlugin trebuchet socks5". This example tells Tor that another program is already running to handle 'trubuchet' connections, and Tor doesn't need to worry about it. A managed proxy is configured with ClientTransportPlugin exec [options] as in "ClientTransportPlugin trebuchet exec /usr/libexec/trebuchet --managed". This example tells Tor to launch an external program to provide a socks proxy for 'trebuchet' connections. The Tor client only launches one instance of each external program with a given set of options, even if the same executable and options are listed for more than one method. In managed proxies, can be a comma-separated list of pluggable transport method names, as in: "ClientTransportPlugin pawn,bishop,rook exec /bin/ptproxy --managed". If instead of a transport method, the torrc lists "*" for a managed proxy, Tor uses that proxy for all transport methods that the plugin supports. So "ClientTransportPlugin * exec /usr/libexec/tor/foobar" tells Tor that Tor should use the foobar plugin for every method that the proxy supports. See the "Managed proxy interface" section below for details on how Tor learns which methods a plugin supports. If two plugins support the same method, Tor should use whichever one is listed first. The same program can implement a managed or an external proxy: it just needs to take an argument saying which one to be. Server behavior Server proxies are configured similarly to client proxies. When launching a proxy, the server must tell it what ORPort it has configured, and what address (if any) it can listen on. The server must tell the proxy which (if any) methods it should provide if it can; the proxy needs to tell the server which methods it is actually providing, and on what ports. When a client connects to the proxy, the proxy may need a way to tell the server some identifier for the client address. It does this in-band. As before, the server lists proxies in its torrc. These can be external proxies that run on their own, or managed proxies that Tor launches. An external server proxy is configured as ServerTransportPlugin proxy ... as in "ServerTransportPlugin trebuchet proxy rocks=heavy". The param=val pairs and the address are used to make the bridge configuration information that we'll tell users. A managed proxy is configured as ServerTransportPlugin exec [options] or ServerTransportPlugin * exec [options] When possible, Tor should launch only one binary of each binary/option pair configured. So if the torrc contains ClientTransportPlugin foo exec /usr/bin/megaproxy --foo ClientTransportPlugin bar exec /usr/bin/megaproxy --bar ServerTransportPlugin * exec /usr/bin/megaproxy --foo then Tor will launch the megaproxy binary twice: once with the option --foo and once with the option --bar. The address that a managed proxy will use to bind can be configured with: ServerTransportListenAddr For example, a valid configuration would be: ServerTransportPlugin obfs2,obfs3,stegotorus exec /usr/bin/obfsproxy --managed ServerTransportListenAddr obfs2 ServerTransportListenAddr stegotorus If no ServerTransportListenAddr is specified and it's the first time that Tor encounters that transport, Tor will instruct the managed proxy to bind to a random TCP port on If Tor has seen the trasport before, it will instruct the managed proxy to bind to the same TCP port that the transport used last time. Managed proxy interface When the Tor client or relay launches a managed proxy, it communicates via environment variables. At a minimum, it sets (in addition to the normal environment variables inherited from Tor): {Client and server} "TOR_PT_STATE_LOCATION" -- A filesystem directory path where the proxy should store state if it wants to. This directory is not required to exist, but the proxy SHOULD be able to create it if it doesn't. The proxy MUST NOT store state elsewhere. Example: TOR_PT_STATE_LOCATION=/var/lib/tor/pt_state/ "TOR_PT_MANAGED_TRANSPORT_VER" -- To tell the proxy which versions of this configuration protocol Tor supports. Future versions will give a comma-separated list. Clients MUST accept comma-separated lists containing any version that they recognize, and MUST work correctly even if some of the versions they don't recognize are non-numeric. Valid version characters are non-space, non-comma printing ASCII characters. Example: TOR_PT_MANAGED_TRANSPORT_VER=1,1a,2,4B {Client only} "TOR_PT_CLIENT_TRANSPORTS" -- A comma-separated list of which methods this client should enable, or * if all methods should be enabled. The proxy SHOULD ignore methods that it doesn't recognize. Example: TOR_PT_CLIENT_TRANSPORTS=trebuchet,battering_ram,ballista {Server only} "TOR_PT_EXTENDED_SERVER_PORT" -- An
: where tor should be listening for connections speaking the extended ORPort protocol (See the "The extended ORPort protocol" section below). If tor does not support the extended ORPort protocol, it MUST use the empty string as the value of this environment variable. Example: TOR_PT_EXTENDED_SERVER_PORT= "TOR_PT_ORPORT" -- Our regular ORPort in a form suitable for local connections, i.e. connections from the proxy to the ORPort. Example: TOR_PT_ORPORT= "TOR_PT_SERVER_BINDADDR" -- A comma seperated list of - pairs, where is a transport name and is the adress:port on which it should listen for client proxy connections. The keys holding transport names must appear on the same order as they appear on TOR_PT_SERVER_TRANSPORTS. This might be the advertised address, or might be a local address that Tor will forward ports to. It MUST be an address that will work with bind(). Example: TOR_PT_SERVER_BINDADDR=trebuchet-,ballista- "TOR_PT_SERVER_TRANSPORTS" -- A comma-separated list of server methods that the proxy should support, or * if all methods should be enabled. The proxy SHOULD ignore methods that it doesn't recognize. Example: TOR_PT_SERVER_TRANSPORTS=trebuchet,ballista "TOR_PT_AUTH_COOKIE_FILE" -- A filesystem path where the proxy should expect to find the authentication cookie to be able to communicate with the Extended ORPort and TransportControlPort. TOR_PT_AUTH_COOKIE_FILE is optional and might not be present in the environment of the proxy. The transport proxy replies by writing NL-terminated lines to stdout. The line metaformat is ::= ::= | ::= ::= * ::= | ::= ::= ::= Tor MUST ignore lines with keywords that it doesn't recognize. First, if there's an error parsing the environment variables, the proxy should write: ENV-ERROR and exit. If the environment variables were correctly formatted, the proxy should write: VERSION to say that it supports this configuration protocol version (example "VERSION 1"). It must either pick a version that Tor told it about in TOR_PT_MANAGED_TRANSPORT_VER, or pick no version at all, say: VERSION-ERROR no-version and exit. The proxy should then open its ports. If running as a client proxy, it should not use fixed ports; instead it should autoselect ports to avoid conflicts. A client proxy should by default only listen on localhost for connections. A server proxy SHOULD try to listen at a consistent port, though it SHOULD pick a different one if the port it last used is now allocated. A client or server proxy then should tell which methods it has made available and how. It does this by printing zero or more CMETHOD and SMETHOD lines to its stdout. These lines look like: CMETHOD socks4/socks5 [ARGS=arglist] \ [OPT-ARGS=arglist] as in CMETHOD trebuchet socks5 ARGS=rocks,height \ OPT-ARGS=tensile-strength The ARGS field lists mandatory parameters that must appear in every bridge line for this method. The OPT-ARGS field lists optional parameters. If no ARGS or OPT-ARGS field is provided, Tor should not check the parameters in bridge lines for this method. The proxy should print a single "CMETHODS DONE" line after it is finished telling Tor about the client methods it provides. If it tries to supply a client method but can't for some reason, it should say: CMETHOD-ERROR A proxy should also tell Tor about the server methods it is providing by printing zero or more SMETHOD lines. These lines look like: SMETHOD [options] If there's an error setting up a configured server method, the proxy should say: SMETHOD-ERROR as in SMETHOD-ERROR trebuchet could not setup 'trebuchet' method The 'address:port' part of an SMETHOD line is the address to put in the bridge line. The Options part is a list of space-separated K:V flags that Tor should know about. Recognized options are: SMETHOD and CMETHOD lines may be interspersed, to allow the proxies to report methods as they become available, even when some methods may require probing your network, connecting to some kind of peers, etc before they are set up. After the final SMETHOD line, the proxy says "SMETHODS DONE". The proxy SHOULD NOT tell Tor about a server or client method unless it is actually open and ready to use. Tor clients SHOULD NOT use any method from a client proxy or advertise any method from a server proxy UNLESS it is listed as a possible method for that proxy in torrc, and it is listed by the proxy as a method it supports. Proxies should respond to a single INT signal by closing their listener ports and not accepting any new connections, but keeping all connections open, then terminating when connections are all closed. Proxies should respond to a second INT signal by shutting down cleanly. The managed proxy configuration protocol version defined in this section is "1". So, for example, if tor supports this configuration protocol it should set the environment variable: TOR_PT_MANAGED_TRANSPORT_VER=1