``` [Last updated 9 Sep 2015] This is an update to the Tor proposal status overview. I last sent one of these out almost a year ago; since 0.2.6 has entered feature freeze, I really ought to do this regularly again. Future versions of this document will be maintained in the torspec repository as "proposals/proposal-status.txt". I'll still send them to tor-dev periodically. If you're looking for something to review, think about, or comment on: Review 219 if you're a DNS geek, or you'd like Tor to work better with more DNS types. Review 220 (ed25519 identity keys) and 228 (cross-certification) if you like designing signature things, if you have good ideas about future-proofing key type migration, or if you care about making Tor servers' identity keys stronger. Review 223 (ACE handshake) if you're a cryptographer, or a cryptography implementer, and you'd like an even faster replacement for the ntor handshake. Review 224 if you want to look through a big, complex protocol with a lot of pieces. Also review it if you care about hidden services and making them better. Review 226 if you're interested in bridgedb development. Review 241 for a big chance at making Tor clients and hidden services more secure. Review something else if you want to take a possibly good idea that needs more momentum and promote it, fix it up, or finally kill it off. I note in passing that many of the proposals below seem stalled, perhaps permanently: some because we don't know how to answer their open questions, others because we're not sure if they're a good idea, others because they don't seem implementable yet. Is that the best way to characterize it? Should we have a new "stalled" proposal status or something? Should we have a "rejected-pending-revision" status that we use effectively for everything that doesn't seem likely to get revised or implemented any time soon? Other suggestions would be welcome. Finally: if you've sent something to tor-dev or to me that should have a proposal number, but doesn't have one yet, please ping me again to remind me! **NOTE**: The dates after each paragraph indicate when I last revised the paragraph. 140 Provide diffs between consensuses [ACCEPTED] This proposal describes a way to transmit less directory traffic by sending only differences between consensuses, rather than the consensuses themselves. Daniel Marti implemented this for his GSoC project last summer; it is still under revision and on target for merge into 0.2.8. (See ticket #13339) (9/2015) 156 Tracking blocked ports on the client side This proposal provides a way for clients to learn which ports they are (and aren't) able to connect to, and connect to the ones that work. It comes with a patch, too. It also lets routers track ports that _they_ can't connect to. I'm a little unconvinced that this will help a great deal: most clients that have some ports blocked will need bridges, not just restriction to a smaller set of ports. This could be good behind restrictive firewalls, though. The router-side part is a little iffy: routers that can't connect to each other violate one of our network topology assumptions, and even if we do want to track failed router->router connections, the routers need to be sure that they aren't fooled into trying to connect repeatedly to a series of nonexistent addresses in an attempt to make them believe that (say) they can't reach port 443. This one is a paradigmatic "open" proposal: it needs more discussion. The patch probably also needs to be ported to 0.2.3.x; it touches some code that has changed. This is likely also to be relevant for the ideas of proposal 241, and maybe superseded by some version of that proposal. (2/2015) 164 Reporting the status of server votes This proposal explains a way for authorities to provide a slightly more verbose document that relay operators can use to diagnose reasons that their router was or was not listed in the consensus. These documents would be like slightly more verbose versions of the authorities' votes, and would explain *why* the authority voted as it did. It wouldn't be too hard to implement, and would be a fine project for somebody who wants to get to know the directory code. (5/2011) 165 Easy migration for voting authority sets This is a design for how to change the set of authorities without having a flag day where the authority operators all reconfigure their authorities at once. It needs more discussion. One difficulty here is that we aren't talking much about changing the set of authorities, but that may be a chicken-and-egg issue, since changing the set is so onerous. If anybody is interested, it would be great to move the discussion ahead here. (5/2011) 168 Reduce default circuit window This proposal reduces the default window for circuit sendme cells. I think it's implemented (or mostly implemented) in If so, we should make sure that tor-spec.txt is updated and close it. (11/2013) Should update Tor-spec, should close this. (9/2015) Actually, wait, did we ever implement this? Ugh. (9/2015) 172 GETINFO controller option for circuit information [accepted] 173 GETINFO Option Expansion [accepted] These would help controllers (particularly arm) provide more useful information about a running Tor process. They're accepted and some parts of 173 are even implemented: somebody just needs to implement the rest. (5/2011) 177 Abstaining from votes on individual flags Here's my proposal for letting authorities have opinions about some (flag,router) combinations without voting on whether _every_ router should have that flag. It's simple, and I think it's basically right. With more discussion and review, somebody could/should build it, I think. (11/2013) 182 Credit Bucket This proposal suggests an alternative approach to our current token-bucket based rate-limiting, that promises better performance, less buffering insanity, and a possible end to double-gating issues. (6/2012) 188 Bridge Guards and other anti-enumeration defenses This proposal suggests some ways to make it harder for a relay on the Tor network to enumerate a list of Tor bridges. Worth investigating and possibly implementing. (6/2012) 189 AUTHORIZE and AUTHORIZED cells 190 Bridge Client Authorization Based on a Shared Secret [NEEDS-REVISION] 191 Bridge Detection Resistance against MITM-capable Adversaries Proposal 187 reserved the AUTHORIZE cell type; these proposals suggests how it could work to try to make it harder to probe for Tor bridges. They need more alternatives and attention, and possibly some revision and analysis. Number 190 needs revision, since its protocol isn't actually so great. (11/2013) Mark as RESERVE? (9/2015) 192 Automatically retrieve and store information about bridges This proposal gives an enhancement to the bridge information protocol, where clients remember more things about bridges, and are able to update what they know about them over time. Could help a lot with bridge churn. (6/2012) Mark as RESERVE? Do we still even want this? (9/2015) 195 TLS certificate normalization for Tor 0.2.4.x Here's the followup to proposal 179, containing all the parts of proposal 179 that didn't get built, and a couple of other tricks besides to try to make Tor's default protocol less detectable. I'm pretty psyched about the part where we let relays drop in any any self-signed or CA-issued certificate that they like. Some of this is done in ticket #7145; we should decide, however, how much we want to push towards normalizing the main Tor protocol. Some of the NSA documents published in Der Spiegel this past December imply that this kind of fingerprinting can be helpful for snoops; we should take another look at it. (2/2015) I think we should take a pass over this, pick the parts we still think are relevant, and call them ACCEPTED. (9/2015) --- 201 Make bridges report statistics on daily v3 network status requests Here's a proposal for bridges to better estimate the number of bridge users. (6/2012) 202 Two improved relay encryption protocols for Tor cells Here's a sketch of the two broad classes of alternatives for improving how relay encryption works. Right now, progress on this proposal is stalled waiting for the ideal wide-block construction to come along the line. AEZ seems like it might be close to what we need. Other cryptographers are also looking at designs that might be a good match. (9/2015) 203 Avoiding censorship by impersonating an HTTPS server This one is a design for making a bridge that acts like an HTTPS server (by *being* an HTTPS server) until the user proves they know it's a bridge. (11/2013) Didn't we do something like this? (9/2015) 209 Tuning the Parameters for the Path Bias Defense In this proposal, Mike discusses alternative parameters for getting better result out of the path-bias-attack detection code. (11/2013) 210 Faster Headless Consensus Bootstrapping This proposal suggests that we get our initial consensus by launching multiple connections in parallel, and fetching the consensus from whichever one completes. In my opinion, that would be a fine idea when we're fetching our initial consensus from non-Authority DirSources, but we shouldnt' do anything to increase the load on authorities. (11/2013) This needs an update; it's a pretty good idea, and Mike and Roger like it. It goes will with FallbackDirSource stuff. (9/2015) 212 Increase Acceptable Consensus Age This proposal suggests that we increase the maximum age of a consensus that clients are willing to use when they can't find a new one, in order to make the network robust for longer against a failure to reach consensus. In my opinion, we should do that. If I recall correctly, there was some tor-dev discussion on this one that should get incorporated into a final, implementable version. (11/2013) Mark as ACCEPTED? Needs another review first! (9/2015) 219 Support for full DNS and DNSSEC resolution in Tor Here's a design to allow Tor to support a full range of DNS request types. It probably isn't adequate on its to make DNSSEC work realistically, since naive DNSSEC requires many round trips that wouldn't be practical over Tor. It has a ton of inline discussion that needs to get resolved before this is buildable. One thing to consider here is whether we can get the server-side done with reasonable confidence, and figure out the client side once more servers have upgraded. (12/2013) 224 Next-Generation Hidden Services in Tor This proposal outlines a more or less completely revised version of the Tor hidden services protocol, improved to accomodate better cryptography, better scalability, and defenses for several attacks we'd never considered when we did the original design. Some parts of this one are clearly right; some (like scalability) are entirely unwritten. This proposal needs a lot of attention and improvements to get it done right. I hope to implement this over the course of 2015-2016. (2/2015) 226 Scalability and Stability Improvements to BridgeDB: Switching to a Distributed Database System and RDBMS This one outlines design and behavior changes for a seriously refactored bridgedb. (2/2014) I should find out if Isis has a status update for this. (9/2015) 229 Further SOCKS5 extensions Here's a nice idea for how we can support a new SOCKS5 protocol extension to relay information between clients and Tor, and between Tor and pluggable transports, more effectively. It also adds some additional SOCKS5 error codes. There are some open questions to answer. "Trunnel" has an implementation of the protocol extension formats in its examples directory. (2/2015) 230 How to change RSA1024 relay identity keys [DRAFT] 231 Migrating authority RSA1024 identity keys [DRAFT] Who remembers the OpenSSL "Heartbleed" vulnerability? These proposals I wrote try to explain safer mechanisms for a bunch of servers to migrate their RSA1024 identity keys at once. I'm not sure we'll be able to build thee, though: implementating proposal 220 above seems cleverer to me. (2/2015) Proposal 220 is in progress, and will retroactively SUPERSEDE this one. (9/2015) 232 Pluggable Transport through SOCKS proxy [OPEN] Arturo Filastò wrote this proposal for chaining pluggable transports which themselves need to go through proxies. Seems potentially useful! (2/2015) 233 Making Tor2Web mode faster [OPEN] This one by Virgil, Fabio, and Giovanni describes a couple of ways that Tor2Web builds of Tor can save some circuit hops that they use today. Potentially useful for Tor2Web; any implementation needs to be sure that it never changes the behavior of non-tor2web clients. (2/2015) 234 Adding remittance field to directory specification [OPEN] Virgil, Leif, and Rob added this proposal for relays to specify payment addresses for schemes that want to compensate relay operators for their use of bandwidth. (2/2015) 235 Stop assigning (and eventually supporting) the Named flag [DRAFT] This proposal is about removing the Named flag. (Thanks to Sebastian Hahn for writing it!) The rationale is that the naming system for relays never worked particularly well, and it had strange and hard-to-explain security properties. We've implemented the key part of this already: directory authorities don't assign the Named flag any longer. Next up will be removing client support for parsing and understanding it. (2/2015) 236 The move to a single guard node [OPEN] This proposal suggests that to limit client fingerprinting, and to limit opportunities for attacks, clients should use a single guard node, rotated infrequently. This transition is in progress; we use a single guard node for circuit traffic now, but in order to make guards more long-lived, we need to adjust how they are chosen. George has a patch for that as #9321, targetting inclusion into 0.2.6. (Thanks to George Kadianakis and Nicholas Hopper for writing this one.) (2/2015) 237 All relays are directory servers [OPEN] Matthew Finkel wrote this proposal to describe a transition to a world where Tor relays can be directory servers without having an open DirPort -- and eventually, where every relay can be a DirServer. He has an implementation, possibly for 0.2.6 or 0.2.7, in ticket #12538. (2/2015) Compare to proposal 185; it may supersede that one. Review again and mark as accepted maybe? (9/2015) 239 Consensus Hash Chaining [DRAFT] Here's the start of a good idea that Andrea Shepard wrote up (with some help from Nick). The idea is to make it hard even for a set of corrupt authorities (or authority-key-thieves) to make a personalized false consensus for a target user, by authenticating the whole sequence as a hash chain. Others on tor-dev suggested improvements and had good questions (thanks, Leif and Sebastian G!) (2/2015) Needs revisions while we still remember what those revisions are. (9/2015) 240 Early signing key revocation for directory authorities [DRAFT] This one is another Andrea+Nick collaboration about certificate revocation for our most sensitive keys. If an authority key needs to be replaced, it would be great to take the old one out of circulation as fast as possible. Peter Palfrader on tor-dev had some ideas for making this better. (2/2015) Needs revisions while we still remember what those revisions are. (9/2015) 242 Better performance and usability for the MyFamily option [OPEN] Describes a mechanism for using a new ed25519 signature type to reduce the complexity of adding nodes to a family and the size of family lines. (9/2015) 245 Deprecating and removing the TAP circuit extension protocol [DRAFT] Explains a migration path for finally removing all support for the TAP circuit extension protocol over several Tor versions. (9/2015) 246 Merging Hidden Service Directories and Introduction Points [OPEN] XXXX 247 Defending Against Guard Discovery Attacks using Vanguards [DRAFT] XXXX 248 Remove all RSA identity keys [DRAFT] Explains a migration path for removing RSA1024 identity keys in the future, once all Tor instances support Ed25519 identity keys. (9/2015) 249 Allow CREATE cells with >505 bytes of handshake data [DRAFT] Explains how to split CREATE cells (and other stuff) across multiple RELAY_EXTEND cells. This one will be helpful if we want to add support for some kind of circuit extension protocol containing a postquantum forward-secure handshake, like ntru or ring-lwe. (9/2015) 250 Random Number Generation During Tor Voting [DRAFT] Describes a commit-and-reveal protocol for creating shared randomness among the authorities during the voting process. Required for a few other proposals, such as 224. (9/2015) 251 Padding for netflow record resolution reduction [DRAFT] Proposes a periodic "keepalive-like" packet be sent over quiet Tor connections, so that incidental netflow record collection in default router configurations reveals less about when flows begin and end. 252 Single Onion Services [DRAFT] XXXX 253 Out of Band Circuit HMACs [DRAFT] Allows participating nodes to authenticate the whole contents of a circuit point-to-point so as to better resist or detect some kinds of tagging attacks. (9/2015) 254 Padding Negotiation [DRAFT] Describes general mechanisms and new cells/commands for requesting various types of padding between clients and relays, for use in defending against both website traffic fingerprinting as well as hidden service circuit setup fingerprinting. (9/2015) 255 Controller features to allow for load-balancing hidden services [DRAFT] Specifies a technique to improve the scalability of hidden services by decoupling the introduction and rendezvous functionality so that they can be performed in separate physical machines. 256 Key revocation for relays and authorities [OPEN] Specifies how directory authorities and relays can revoke compromised long-term identity keys. 257 Refactoring authorities and making them more isolated from the net [META] Describes a strategy for making directory authorities less vulnerable to DoS by reducing their exposure to the network. 258 Denial-of-service resistance for directory authorities [ACCEPTED] Describes heuristics that directory authorities can deploy to reduce the threat of DoS due to large directory connection volumes. 259 New Guard Selection Behaviour [OBSOLETE] Specifies an improved guard-picking algorithm that is capable of defending against targetted attacks. The proposal has since been obsoleted by proposal 271. 260 Rendezvous Single Onion Services [FINISHED] Specifies a performance optimization for hidden service that do not care about location anonymity, so that they build 1-hop circuits instead of 3-hop circuits to reduce communication latency. 261 AEZ for relay cryptography [OPEN] Specifies a circuit encryption scheme that is resistant to tagging end-to-end correlation attacks. 262 Re-keying live circuits with new cryptographic material [OPEN] Specifies a way to rekey our circuit crypto so that we allow greater amounts of encrypted data through them. 263 Request to change key exchange protocol for handshake v1.2 [OBSOLETE] Specifies a quantum-safe key agreement algorithm for Tor circuits. The proposal was supereceded by proposal 269. 264 Putting version numbers on the Tor subprotocols [CLOSED] Specifies a way for relays to do versioning using their descriptors. In the past we used the Tor version string for versioning, which is not an elegant approach. 265 Load Balancing with Overhead Parameters [ACCEPTED] The proposal provides new load balancing equations for Tor which are capable of taking into account non-standard traffic like padding or directory and hidden service traffic. 266 Removing current obsolete clients from the Tor network [DRAFT] Specifies ways to disable outdated and insecure Tor clients. 267 Tor Consensus Transparency [DRAFT] Specifies how to apply the certificate transparency approach of TLS to Tor consensus and vote documents, in an attempt to make attacks more easily detectable. 268 New Guard Selection Behaviour [DRAFT] Specifies an improved guard-picking algorithm that is capable of defending against targetted attacks. The proposal has since been obsoleted by proposal 271. 269 Transitionally secure hybrid handshakes [DRAFT] Describes a generalised protocol for composing X25519 key exchanges with post-quantum ones. 270 RebelAlliance: A Post-Quantum Secure Hybrid Handshake Based on NewHope [DRAFT] Describes a hybrid handshake based on the ntor handshake and the NewHope post-quantum key exchange. Currently needs revision to specify how this proposal depends upon prop#269. 271 Another algorithm for guard selection [OPEN] Specifies an improved guard-picking algorithm that is capable of defending against targetted attacks. 272 Listed routers should be Valid, Running, and treated as such [FINISHED] This proposal describes a change in how clients understand consensus flags, and how authorities vote on consensuses. 273 Exit relay pinning for web services [DRAFT] The proposal specifies a scheme for websites to prevent additional security against malicious exit nodes, by specifying their own set of exit nodes. 279 A Name System API for Tor Onion Services [DRAFT] The proposal specifies a modular system for integrating naming systems (GNS, Namecoin, etc.) with Tor onion services. 294 TLS 1.3 Migration [DRAFT] A work-in-progress draft proposal detailing the process of migrating to TLS 1.3 (which is not yet finalised at the time of this writing) and which parts of our current, more idiosyncratic, uses of TLS can be removed. ```