``` Filename: 305-establish-intro-dos-defense-extention.txt Title: ESTABLISH_INTRO Cell DoS Defense Extension Author: David Goulet, George Kadianakis Created: 06-June-2019 Status: Closed 0. Abstract We propose introducing a new cell extension to the onion service version 3 ESTABLISH_INTRO cell in order for a service operator to send directives to the introduction point. 1. Introduction The idea behind this proposal is to provide a way for a service operator to give to the introduction points Denial of Service (DoS) defense parameters through the ESTABLISH_INTRO cell. We are currently developing onion service DoS defenses at the introduction point layer which for now has consensus parameter values for the defenses' knobs. This proposal would allow the service operator more flexibility for tuning these knobs and/or future parameters. 2. ESTABLISH_INTRO Cell DoS Extention We introduce a new extention to the ESTABLISH_INTRO cell. The EXTENSIONS field will be leveraged and a new protover will be introduced to reflect that change. As a reminder, this is the content of an ESTABLISH_INTRO cell (taken from rend-spec-v3.txt section 3.1.1): AUTH_KEY_TYPE [1 byte] AUTH_KEY_LEN [2 bytes] AUTH_KEY [AUTH_KEY_LEN bytes] N_EXTENSIONS [1 byte] N_EXTENSIONS times: EXT_FIELD_TYPE [1 byte] EXT_FIELD_LEN [1 byte] EXT_FIELD [EXT_FIELD_LEN bytes] HANDSHAKE_AUTH [MAC_LEN bytes] SIG_LEN [2 bytes] SIG [SIG_LEN bytes] We propose a new EXT_FIELD_TYPE value: [01] -- DOS_PARAMETERS. If this flag is set, the extension should be used by the introduction point to learn what values the denial of service subsystem should be using. The EXT_FIELD content format is: N_PARAMS [1 byte] N_PARAMS times: PARAM_TYPE [1 byte] PARAM_VALUE [8 byte] The PARAM_TYPE proposed values are: [01] -- DOS_INTRODUCE2_RATE_PER_SEC The rate per second of INTRODUCE2 cell relayed to the service. [02] -- DOS_INTRODUCE2_BURST_PER_SEC The burst per second of INTRODUCE2 cell relayed to the service. The PARAM_VALUE size is 8 bytes in order to accomodate 64bit values (uint64_t). It MUST match the specified limit for the following PARAM_TYPE: [01] -- Min: 0, Max: 2147483647 [02] -- Min: 0, Max: 2147483647 A value of 0 means the defense is disabled. If the rate per second is set to 0 (param 0x01) then the burst value should be ignored. And vice-versa, if the burst value is 0 (param 0x02), then the rate value should be ignored. In other words, setting one single parameter to 0 disables the INTRODUCE2 rate limiting defense. The burst can NOT be smaller than the rate. If so, the parameters should be ignored by the introduction point. The maximum is set to INT32_MAX meaning (2^31 - 1). Our consensus parameters are capped to that limit and these parameters happen to be also consensus parameters as well hence the common limit. Any valid value does have precedence over the network wide consensus parameter. This will increase the payload size by 21 bytes: This extension type and length is 2 extra bytes, the N_EXTENSIONS field is always present and currently set to 0. Then the EXT_FIELD is 19 bytes because one parameter is 9 bytes so for two parameters, it is 18 bytes plus 1 byte for the N_PARAMS for a total of 19. The ESTABLISH_INTRO v3 cell currently uses 134 bytes for its payload. With this increase, 343 bytes remain unused (498 maximum payload size minus 155 bytes new payload). 3. Protocol Version We introduce a new protocol version in order for onion service that wants to specifically select introduction points supporting this new extension. But also, it should be used to know when to send this extension or not. The new version for the "HSIntro" protocol is: "5" -- support ESTABLISH_INTRO cell DoS parameters extension for onion service version 3 only. 4. Configuration Options We also propose new torrc options in order for the operator to control those values passed through the ESTABLISH_INTRO cell. "HiddenServiceEnableIntroDoSDefense 0|1" If this option is set to 1, the onion service will always send to an introduction point, supporting this extension (using protover), the denial of service defense parameters regardless if the consensus enables them or not. The values are taken from HiddenServiceEnableIntroDoSRatePerSec and HiddenServiceEnableIntroDoSBurstPerSec torrc option. (Default: 0) "HiddenServiceEnableIntroDoSRatePerSec N sec" Controls the introduce rate per second the introduction point should impose on the introduction circuit. The default values are only used if the consensus param is not set. (Default: 25, Min: 0, Max: 4294967295) "HiddenServiceEnableIntroDoSBurstPerSec N sec" Controls the introduce burst per second the introduction point should impose on the introduction circuit. The default values are only used if the consensus param is not set. (Default: 200, Min: 0, Max: 4294967295) They respectively control the parameter type 0x01 and 0x02 in the ESTABLISH_INTRO cell detailed in section 2. The default values of the rate and burst are taken from ongoing anti-DoS implementation work [1][2]. They aren't meant to be defined with this proposal. 5. Security Considerations Using this new extension leaks to the introduction point the service's tor version. This could in theory help any kind of de-anonymization attack on a service since at first it partitions it in a very small group of running tor. Furthermore, when the first tor version supporting this extension will be released, very few introduction points will be updated to that version. Which means that we could end up in a situation where many services want to use this feature and thus will only select a very small subset of relays supporting it overloading them but also making it an easier vector for an attacker that whishes to be the service introduction point. For the above reasons, we propose a new consensus parameter that will provide a "go ahead" for all service out there to start using this extension only if the introduction point supports it. "HiddenServiceEnableIntroDoSDefense" If set to 1, this makes tor start using this new proposed extension if available by the introduction point (looking at the new protover). This parameter should be switched on when a majority of relays have upgraded to a tor version that supports this extension for which we believe will also give enough time for most services to move to this new stable version making the anonymity set much bigger. We believe that there are services that do not care about anonymity on the service side and thus could benefit from this feature right away if they wish to use it. 5. Discussions One possible new avenue to explore is for the introduction point to send back a new type of cell which would tell the service that the DoS defenses have been triggered. It could include some statistics in the cell which can ultimately be reported back to the service operator to use those for better decisions for the parameters. But also for the operator to be noticed that their service is under attack or very popular which could mean time to increase or disable the denial of service defenses. A. Acknowledgements This research was supported by NSF grants CNS-1526306 and CNS-1619454. References: [1] https://lists.torproject.org/pipermail/tor-dev/2019-May/013837.html [2] https://trac.torproject.org/15516 ```