Filename: 204-hidserv-subdomains.txt Title: Subdomain support for Hidden Service addresses Author: Alessandro Preite Martinez Created: 6 July 2012 Status: Finished 1. Overview This proposal aims to extend the .onion naming scheme for Hidden Service addresses with sub-domain components, which will be ignored by the Tor layer but will appear in HTTP Host headers, allowing subdomain-based virtual hosting. 2. Motivation Sites doing large-scale HTTP virtual hosting on subdomains currently do not have a good option for exposure via Hidden Services, short of creating a separate HS for every subdomain (which in some cases is simply not possible due to the subdomains not being fully known beforehand). 3. Implementation Tor should ignore any subdomain components besides the Hidden Service key, i.e. "foo.aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.onion" should be treated simply as "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.onion".