Filename: 201-bridge-v3-reqs-stats.txt Title: Make bridges report statistics on daily v3 network status requests Author: Karsten Loesing Created: 10-May-2012 Status: Open Target: 0.2.4.x Overview: Our current approach [0] to estimate daily bridge users is based on unique IP addresses reported by bridges, and it is very likely broken. A bridge user can connect to two or more bridges, so that unique IP address sets overlap to an unknown extent. We should instead count requests for v3 network statuses, sum them up for all bridges, and divide by the average number of requests that a bridge client makes per day. This approach is similar to how we estimate directly connecting users. This proposal describes how bridges would report v3 network status requests in their extra-info descriptors. Specification: Bridges include a new keyword line in their extra-info descriptors that contains the number of v3 network status requests by country they saw over a period of 24 hours. The reported numbers refer to the period stated in the "bridge-stats-end" line. The new keyword line would go after the "bridge-ips" line in dir-spec.txt: "bridge-v3-reqs" CC=N,CC=N,... NL [At most once.] List of mappings from two-letter country codes to the number of requests for v3 network statuses from that country as seen by the bridge, rounded up to the nearest multiple of 8. Only those requests are counted that the directory can answer with a 200 OK status code. [0]