# Tor specification repository **IF YOU WANT TO READ THESE SPECS, [GO HERE](https://people.torproject.org/~nickm/volatile/mdbook-specs/index.html).** (It is a temporoary location; we intend to move it to `spec.torproject.org`. This is the central location for editing and maintaining the Tor specifications and proposals for feature changes. The specification is rendered at [better-url-here](https://people.torproject.org/~nickm/volatile/mdbook-specs/index.html); if you want to _read_ the specifications, that is the place to start. The official site for this repository is on [gitlab.torproject.org](https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/core/torspec/) We use mdBook to convert these specifications into the webpages you see above. For more information about editing them, start with the [mdBook manual]([mdBook]((https://rust-lang.github.io/mdBook/)). The core of this repository is: * `spec` — A set of markdown files which contain the specifications. The file `src/SUMAMRY.md` controls their ordering within the rendered specification. * `proposals` — A directory of change proposals for the Tor protocols. Additionally, this repository contains: * `mdbook` — A configuration file controlling how the specifications are rendered. * `attic` — Obsolete specifications describing no-longer-in-use pieces of the Tor specification, and obsolete formats of the existing specifications.