#!/usr/bin/python # Copyright 2014-2019, The Tor Project, Inc # See LICENSE for licensing information """ Reference implementations for the ed25519 tweaks that Tor uses. Includes self-tester and test vector generator. """ # Future imports for Python 2.7, mandatory in 3.0 from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function from __future__ import unicode_literals import slow_ed25519 from slow_ed25519 import * import os import random import slownacl_curve25519 import unittest import binascii import textwrap #define a synonym that doesn't look like 1 ell = l # This replaces expmod above and makes it go a lot faster. slow_ed25519.expmod = pow def curve25519ToEd25519(c, sign): u = decodeint(c) y = ((u - 1) * inv(u + 1)) % q x = xrecover(y) if x & 1 != sign: x = q-x return encodepoint([x,y]) def blindESK(esk, param): mult = 2**(b-2) + sum(2**i * bit(param,i) for i in range(3,b-2)) s = decodeint(esk[:32]) s_prime = (s * mult) % ell k = esk[32:] assert(len(k) == 32) k_prime = H("Derive temporary signing key hash input" + k)[:32] return encodeint(s_prime) + k_prime def blindPK(pk, param): mult = 2**(b-2) + sum(2**i * bit(param,i) for i in range(3,b-2)) P = decodepoint(pk) return encodepoint(scalarmult(P, mult)) def expandSK(sk): h = H(sk) a = 2**(b-2) + sum(2**i * bit(h,i) for i in range(3,b-2)) k = ''.join([h[i] for i in range(b/8,b/4)]) assert len(k) == 32 return encodeint(a)+k def publickeyFromESK(h): a = decodeint(h[:32]) A = scalarmult(B,a) return encodepoint(A) def signatureWithESK(m,h,pk): a = decodeint(h[:32]) r = Hint(''.join([h[i] for i in range(b/8,b/4)]) + m) R = scalarmult(B,r) S = (r + Hint(encodepoint(R) + pk + m) * a) % l return encodepoint(R) + encodeint(S) def newSK(): return os.urandom(32) def random_scalar(entropy_f): # 0..L-1 inclusive # reduce the bias to a safe level by generating 256 extra bits oversized = int(binascii.hexlify(entropy_f(32+32)), 16) return oversized % ell # ------------------------------------------------------------ MSG = "This is extremely silly. But it is also incredibly serious business!" class SelfTest(unittest.TestCase): def _testSignatures(self, esk, pk): sig = signatureWithESK(MSG, esk, pk) checkvalid(sig, MSG, pk) bad = False try: checkvalid(sig, MSG*2, pk) bad = True except Exception: pass self.failIf(bad) def testExpand(self): sk = newSK() pk = publickey(sk) esk = expandSK(sk) sig1 = signature(MSG, sk, pk) sig2 = signatureWithESK(MSG, esk, pk) self.assertEquals(sig1, sig2) def testSignatures(self): sk = newSK() esk = expandSK(sk) pk = publickeyFromESK(esk) pk2 = publickey(sk) self.assertEquals(pk, pk2) self._testSignatures(esk, pk) def testDerivation(self): priv = slownacl_curve25519.Private() pub = priv.get_public() ed_pub0 = publickeyFromESK(priv.private) sign = (ord(ed_pub0[31]) & 255) >> 7 ed_pub1 = curve25519ToEd25519(pub.public, sign) self.assertEquals(ed_pub0, ed_pub1) def testBlinding(self): sk = newSK() esk = expandSK(sk) pk = publickeyFromESK(esk) param = os.urandom(32) besk = blindESK(esk, param) bpk = blindPK(pk, param) bpk2 = publickeyFromESK(besk) self.assertEquals(bpk, bpk2) self._testSignatures(besk, bpk) def testIdentity(self): # Base point: # B is the unique point (x, 4/5) \in E for which x is positive By = 4 * inv(5) Bx = xrecover(By) B = [Bx % q,By % q] # Get identity E by doing: E = l*B, where l is the group order identity = scalarmult(B, ell) # Get identity E by doing: E = l*A, where A is a random point sk = newSK() pk = decodepoint(publickey(sk)) identity2 = scalarmult(pk, ell) # Check that identities match assert(identity == identity2) # Check that identity is the point (0,1) assert(identity == [0L,1L]) # Check identity element: a*E = E, where a is a random scalar scalar = random_scalar(os.urandom) result = scalarmult(identity, scalar) assert(result == identity == identity2) # ------------------------------------------------------------ # From pprint.pprint([ binascii.b2a_hex(os.urandom(32)) for _ in xrange(8) ]) RAND_INPUTS = [ '26c76712d89d906e6672dafa614c42e5cb1caac8c6568e4d2493087db51f0d36', 'fba7a5366b5cb98c2667a18783f5cf8f4f8d1a2ce939ad22a6e685edde85128d', '67e3aa7a14fac8445d15e45e38a523481a69ae35513c9e4143eb1c2196729a0e', 'd51385942033a76dc17f089a59e6a5a7fe80d9c526ae8ddd8c3a506b99d3d0a6', '5c8eac469bb3f1b85bc7cd893f52dc42a9ab66f1b02b5ce6a68e9b175d3bb433', 'eda433d483059b6d1ff8b7cfbd0fe406bfb23722c8f3c8252629284573b61b86', '4377c40431c30883c5fbd9bc92ae48d1ed8a47b81d13806beac5351739b5533d', 'c6bbcce615839756aed2cc78b1de13884dd3618f48367a17597a16c1cd7a290b'] # From pprint.pprint([ binascii.b2a_hex(os.urandom(32)) for _ in xrange(8) ]) BLINDING_PARAMS = [ '54a513898b471d1d448a2f3c55c1de2c0ef718c447b04497eeb999ed32027823', '831e9b5325b5d31b7ae6197e9c7a7baf2ec361e08248bce055908971047a2347', 'ac78a1d46faf3bfbbdc5af5f053dc6dc9023ed78236bec1760dadfd0b2603760', 'f9c84dc0ac31571507993df94da1b3d28684a12ad14e67d0a068aba5c53019fc', 'b1fe79d1dec9bc108df69f6612c72812755751f21ecc5af99663b30be8b9081f', '81f1512b63ab5fb5c1711a4ec83d379c420574aedffa8c3368e1c3989a3a0084', '97f45142597c473a4b0e9a12d64561133ad9e1155fe5a9807fe6af8a93557818', '3f44f6a5a92cde816635dfc12ade70539871078d2ff097278be2a555c9859cd0'] PREFIX = "ED25519_" def writeArray(name, array): print "static const char *{prefix}{name}[] = {{".format( prefix=PREFIX,name=name) for a in array: h = binascii.b2a_hex(a) if len(h) > 70: h1 = h[:70] h2 = h[70:] print ' "{0}"\n "{1}",'.format(h1,h2) else: print ' "{0}",'.format(h) print "};\n" def comment(text, initial="/**"): print initial print textwrap.fill(text,initial_indent=" * ",subsequent_indent=" * ") print " */" def makeTestVectors(): comment("""Test vectors for our ed25519 implementation and related functions. These were automatically generated by the ed25519_exts_ref.py script.""", initial="/*") comment("""Secret key seeds used as inputs for the ed25519 test vectors. Randomly generated. """) secretKeys = [ binascii.a2b_hex(r) for r in RAND_INPUTS ] writeArray("SECRET_KEYS", secretKeys) comment("""Secret ed25519 keys after expansion from seeds. This is how Tor represents them internally.""") expandedSecretKeys = [ expandSK(sk) for sk in secretKeys ] writeArray("EXPANDED_SECRET_KEYS", expandedSecretKeys) comment("""Public keys derived from the above secret keys""") publicKeys = [ publickey(sk) for sk in secretKeys ] writeArray("PUBLIC_KEYS", publicKeys) comment("""The curve25519 public keys from which the ed25519 keys can be derived. Used to test our 'derive ed25519 from curve25519' code.""") writeArray("CURVE25519_PUBLIC_KEYS", (slownacl_curve25519.smult_curve25519_base(sk[:32]) for sk in expandedSecretKeys)) comment("""Parameters used for key blinding tests. Randomly generated.""") blindingParams = [ binascii.a2b_hex(r) for r in BLINDING_PARAMS ] writeArray("BLINDING_PARAMS", blindingParams) comment("""Blinded secret keys for testing key blinding. The nth blinded key corresponds to the nth secret key blidned with the nth blinding parameter.""") writeArray("BLINDED_SECRET_KEYS", (blindESK(expandSK(sk), bp) for sk,bp in zip(secretKeys,blindingParams))) comment("""Blinded public keys for testing key blinding. The nth blinded key corresponds to the nth public key blidned with the nth blinding parameter.""") writeArray("BLINDED_PUBLIC_KEYS", (blindPK(pk, bp) for pk,bp in zip(publicKeys,blindingParams))) comment("""Signatures of the public keys, made with their corresponding secret keys.""") writeArray("SELF_SIGNATURES", (signature(pk, sk, pk) for pk,sk in zip(publicKeys,secretKeys))) if __name__ == '__main__': import sys if len(sys.argv) == 1 or sys.argv[1] not in ("SelfTest", "MakeVectors"): print "You should specify one of 'SelfTest' or 'MakeVectors'" sys.exit(1) if sys.argv[1] == 'SelfTest': unittest.main() else: makeTestVectors()