#!/usr/bin/python # Copyright 2014-2015, The Tor Project, Inc. # See LICENSE for license information # This is a kludgey python script that uses ctypes and openssl to sign # router descriptors and extrainfo documents and put all the keys in # the right places. There are examples at the end of the file. # I've used this to make inputs for unit tests. I wouldn't suggest # using it for anything else. import base64 import binascii import ctypes import ctypes.util import hashlib import optparse import os import struct import time import UserDict import slow_ed25519 import slownacl_curve25519 import ed25519_exts_ref # Pull in the openssl stuff we need. crypt = ctypes.CDLL(ctypes.util.find_library('crypto')) BIO_s_mem = crypt.BIO_s_mem BIO_s_mem.argtypes = [] BIO_s_mem.restype = ctypes.c_void_p BIO_new = crypt.BIO_new BIO_new.argtypes = [ctypes.c_void_p] BIO_new.restype = ctypes.c_void_p crypt.BIO_free.argtypes = [ctypes.c_void_p] crypt.BIO_free.restype = ctypes.c_int crypt.BIO_ctrl.argtypes = [ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_long, ctypes.c_void_p ] crypt.BIO_ctrl.restype = ctypes.c_long crypt.PEM_write_bio_RSAPublicKey.argtypes = [ ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_void_p ] crypt.PEM_write_bio_RSAPublicKey.restype = ctypes.c_int RSA_generate_key = crypt.RSA_generate_key RSA_generate_key.argtypes = [ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_ulong, ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_void_p] RSA_generate_key.restype = ctypes.c_void_p RSA_private_encrypt = crypt.RSA_private_encrypt RSA_private_encrypt.argtypes = [ ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_char_p, ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_int ] RSA_private_encrypt.restype = ctypes.c_int i2d_RSAPublicKey = crypt.i2d_RSAPublicKey i2d_RSAPublicKey.argtypes = [ ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_char_p) ] i2d_RSAPublicKey.restype = ctypes.c_int def rsa_sign(msg, rsa): buf = ctypes.create_string_buffer(1024) n = RSA_private_encrypt(len(msg), msg, buf, rsa, 1) if n <= 0: raise Exception() return buf.raw[:n] def b64(x): x = base64.b64encode(x) res = [] for i in xrange(0, len(x), 64): res.append(x[i:i+64]+"\n") return "".join(res) def bio_extract(bio): buf = ctypes.c_char_p() length = crypt.BIO_ctrl(bio, 3, 0, ctypes.byref(buf)) return ctypes.string_at(buf, length) def make_rsa_key(e=65537): rsa = crypt.RSA_generate_key(1024, e, None, None) bio = BIO_new(BIO_s_mem()) crypt.PEM_write_bio_RSAPublicKey(bio, rsa) pem = bio_extract(bio).rstrip() crypt.BIO_free(bio) buf = ctypes.create_string_buffer(1024) pBuf = ctypes.c_char_p(ctypes.addressof(buf)) n = crypt.i2d_RSAPublicKey(rsa, ctypes.byref(pBuf)) s = buf.raw[:n] digest = hashlib.sha1(s).digest() return (rsa,pem,digest) def makeEdSigningKeyCert(sk_master, pk_master, pk_signing, date, includeSigning=False, certType=1): assert len(pk_signing) == len(pk_master) == 32 expiration = struct.pack("!L", date//3600) if includeSigning: extensions = "\x01\x00\x20\x04\x00%s"%(pk_master) else: extensions = "\x00" signed = "\x01%s%s\x01%s%s" % ( chr(certType), expiration, pk_signing, extensions) signature = ed25519_exts_ref.signatureWithESK(signed, sk_master, pk_master) assert len(signature) == 64 return signed+signature def objwrap(identifier, body): return ("-----BEGIN {0}-----\n" "{1}" "-----END {0}-----").format(identifier, body) MAGIC1 = "<<<<<>>>>>" MAGIC2 = "<<<<>>>>" class OnDemandKeys(object): def __init__(self, certDate=None): if certDate is None: certDate = time.time() + 86400 self.certDate = certDate self.rsa_id = None self.rsa_onion_key = None self.ed_id_sk = None self.ntor_sk = None self.ntor_crosscert = None self.rsa_crosscert_ed = None self.rsa_crosscert_noed = None @property def RSA_IDENTITY(self): if self.rsa_id is None: self.rsa_id, self.rsa_ident_pem, self.rsa_id_digest = make_rsa_key() return self.rsa_ident_pem @property def RSA_ID_DIGEST(self): self.RSA_IDENTITY return self.rsa_id_digest @property def RSA_FINGERPRINT_NOSPACE(self): return binascii.b2a_hex(self.RSA_ID_DIGEST).upper() @property def RSA_ONION_KEY(self): if self.rsa_onion_key is None: self.rsa_onion_key, self.rsa_onion_pem, _ = make_rsa_key() return self.rsa_onion_pem @property def RSA_FINGERPRINT(self): hexdigest = self.RSA_FINGERPRINT_NOSPACEK return " ".join(hexdigest[i:i+4] for i in range(0,len(hexdigest),4)) @property def RSA_SIGNATURE(self): return MAGIC1 @property def ED_SIGNATURE(self): return MAGIC2 @property def NTOR_ONION_KEY(self): if self.ntor_sk is None: self.ntor_sk = slownacl_curve25519.Private() self.ntor_pk = self.ntor_sk.get_public() return base64.b64encode(self.ntor_pk.serialize()) @property def ED_CERT(self): if self.ed_id_sk is None: self.ed_id_sk = ed25519_exts_ref.expandSK(os.urandom(32)) self.ed_signing_sk = ed25519_exts_ref.expandSK(os.urandom(32)) self.ed_id_pk = ed25519_exts_ref.publickeyFromESK(self.ed_id_sk) self.ed_signing_pk = ed25519_exts_ref.publickeyFromESK(self.ed_signing_sk) self.ed_cert = makeEdSigningKeyCert(self.ed_id_sk, self.ed_id_pk, self.ed_signing_pk, self.certDate, includeSigning=True, certType=4) return objwrap('ED25519 CERT', b64(self.ed_cert)) @property def NTOR_CROSSCERT(self): if self.ntor_crosscert is None: self.ED_CERT self.NTOR_ONION_KEY ed_privkey = self.ntor_sk.serialize() + os.urandom(32) ed_pub0 = ed25519_exts_ref.publickeyFromESK(ed_privkey) sign = (ord(ed_pub0[31]) & 255) >> 7 self.ntor_crosscert = makeEdSigningKeyCert(self.ntor_sk.serialize() + os.urandom(32), ed_pub0, self.ed_id_pk, self.certDate, certType=10) self.ntor_crosscert_sign = sign return objwrap('ED25519 CERT', b64(self.ntor_crosscert)) @property def NTOR_CROSSCERT_SIGN(self): self.NTOR_CROSSCERT return self.ntor_crosscert_sign @property def RSA_CROSSCERT_NOED(self): if self.rsa_crosscert_noed is None: self.RSA_ONION_KEY signed = self.RSA_ID_DIGEST self.rsa_crosscert_noed = rsa_sign(signed, self.rsa_onion_key) return objwrap("CROSSCERT",b64(self.rsa_crosscert_noed)) @property def RSA_CROSSCERT_ED(self): if self.rsa_crosscert_ed is None: self.RSA_ONION_KEY self.ED_CERT signed = self.RSA_ID_DIGEST + self.ed_id_pk self.rsa_crosscert_ed = rsa_sign(signed, self.rsa_onion_key) return objwrap("CROSSCERT",b64(self.rsa_crosscert_ed)) def sign_desc(self, body): idx = body.rfind("\nrouter-sig-ed25519 ") if idx >= 0: self.ED_CERT signed_part = body[:idx+len("\nrouter-sig-ed25519 ")] signed_part = "Tor router descriptor signature v1" + signed_part digest = hashlib.sha256(signed_part).digest() ed_sig = ed25519_exts_ref.signatureWithESK(digest, self.ed_signing_sk, self.ed_signing_pk) body = body.replace(MAGIC2, base64.b64encode(ed_sig).replace("=","")) idx = body.rindex("\nrouter-signature") end_of_sig = body.index("\n", idx+1) signed_part = body[:end_of_sig+1] digest = hashlib.sha1(signed_part).digest() assert len(digest) == 20 rsasig = rsa_sign(digest, self.rsa_id) body = body.replace(MAGIC1, objwrap("SIGNATURE", b64(rsasig))) return body def signdesc(body, args_out=None): rsa, ident_pem, id_digest = make_key() _, onion_pem, _ = make_key() need_ed = '{ED25519-CERT}' in body or '{ED25519-SIGNATURE}' in body if need_ed: sk_master = os.urandom(32) sk_signing = os.urandom(32) pk_master = slow_ed25519.pubkey(sk_master) pk_signing = slow_ed25519.pubkey(sk_signing) hexdigest = binascii.b2a_hex(id_digest).upper() fingerprint = " ".join(hexdigest[i:i+4] for i in range(0,len(hexdigest),4)) MAGIC = "<<<<<>>>>>" MORE_MAGIC = "<<<<>>>>" args = { "RSA-IDENTITY" : ident_pem, "ONION-KEY" : onion_pem, "FINGERPRINT" : fingerprint, "FINGERPRINT-NOSPACE" : hexdigest, "RSA-SIGNATURE" : MAGIC } if need_ed: args['ED25519-CERT'] = makeEdSigningKeyCert( sk_master, pk_master, pk_signing) args['ED25519-SIGNATURE'] = MORE_MAGIC if args_out: args_out.update(args) body = body.format(**args) idx = body.rindex("\nrouter-signature") end_of_sig = body.index("\n", idx+1) signed_part = body[:end_of_sig+1] digest = hashlib.sha1(signed_part).digest() assert len(digest) == 20 buf = ctypes.create_string_buffer(1024) n = RSA_private_encrypt(20, digest, buf, rsa, 1) sig = buf.raw[:n] sig = """-----BEGIN SIGNATURE----- %s -----END SIGNATURE-----""" % b64(sig).rstrip() body = body.replace(MAGIC, sig) return body.rstrip() def print_c_string(ident, body): print "static const char EX %s[] =" % ident for line in body.split("\n"): print ' "%s\\n"' %(line) print " ;" def emit_ri(name, body): info = OnDemandKeys() body = body.format(d=info) body = info.sign_desc(body) print_c_string("EX_RI_%s"%name.upper(), body) def emit_ei(name, body): info = OnDemandKeys() body = body.format(d=info) body = info.sign_desc(body) print_c_string("EX_EI_%s"%name.upper(), body) print 'const char {NAME}_FP[] = "{d.RSA_FINGERPRINT_NOSPACE}";'.format( d=info, NAME=name.upper()) prnit_c_string("%s_KEY"%name.upper(), d.RSA_IDENTITY) def analyze(s): fields = {} while s.startswith(":::"): first,s=s.split("\n", 1) m = re.match(r'^:::(\w+)=(.*)',first) if not m: raise ValueError(first) k,v = m.groups() fields[k] = v return fields, s def process_file(s): try: name = fields['name'] tp = fields['type'] except KeyError: raise ValueError("missing required field") if tp == 'ei': emit_ei(name, s) elif tp == 'ri': emit_ri(name, s) else: raise ValueError("unrecognized type") if 0: emit_ri("minimal_ed", """\ router fred 9001 0 9002 identity-ed25519 {d.ED_CERT} signing-key {d.RSA_IDENTITY} onion-key {d.RSA_ONION_KEY} ntor-onion-key {d.NTOR_ONION_KEY} ntor-onion-key-crosscert {d.NTOR_CROSSCERT_SIGN} {d.NTOR_CROSSCERT} onion-key-crosscert {d.RSA_CROSSCERT_ED} published 2014-10-05 12:00:00 bandwidth 1000 1000 1000 reject *:* router-sig-ed25519 {d.ED_SIGNATURE} router-signature {d.RSA_SIGNATURE} """)