From b07ba724e1c1cfe0c98cd25f94a497ab346592d4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Roger Dingledine
We have installers for Windows, Mac OS X 10.3, and Red Hat. We -have contributed packages for Debian, Gentoo, and *BSD. See the download page for pointers and details. - -
If you got Tor from a tarball, unpack it: tar xzf -tor-; cd tor- Run ./configure, then -make, and then make install (as root if necessary). Then -you can launch tor from the command-line by running tor. -Otherwise, if you got it prepackaged, these steps are already done -for you, and you may even already have Tor started in the background -(logging to /var/log/something).
- -In any case, see the next section for what to -do with it now that you've got it running.
- -Tor comes configured as a client by default. It uses a built-in -default configuration file, and most people won't need to change any of -the settings.
- -See the Windows instructions or the -OS X instructions if you're using those. -The below are generic instructions for Linux, BSD, Solaris, etc. -
- -
-After installing Tor, you should install privoxy, which is a filtering web
-proxy that integrates well with Tor. (If you installed the Win32 or OS
-X package, see those instructions instead.)
-To configure privoxy to use Tor, add the line
-forward-socks4a / localhost:9050 .
-(don't forget the dot) to privoxy's config file (you can just add it to the
-top). Then change your browser to http proxy at localhost port 8118.
-(In Firefox on Linux, this is in Edit|Preferences|Advanced|Proxies.)
-You should also set your SSL proxy to the same
-thing, to hide your SSL traffic. Using privoxy is necessary because
-browsers leak your
-DNS requests when they use a SOCKS proxy directly. Privoxy also gives
-you good html scrubbing.
To test if it's working, you need to know your normal IP address so you can -verify that the address really changes when running Tor. -If you are using Linux or OS X your local IP address is shown by the ifconfig -command. Under Windows go to the Start menu, click Run and enter cmd. -At the command prompt, enter ipconfig. If you are behind a NAT/Firewall - you can use one of the sites listed below to check which IP you are using. -When that is done, start Tor and Privoxy and visit any of the sites again. -If everything works, your IP address should have changed. -
+- and -are sites that show your current IP so you can see -what address and country you're coming from. -
- --If you have a personal firewall that limits your computer's ability -to connect to itself, be sure to allow connections from your local -applications to -local port 8118 and port 9050. If your firewall blocks outgoing connections, -punch a hole so it can connect to at least TCP ports 80, 443, and 9001-9033. - -For more troubleshooting suggestions, see the FAQ. -
- -To Torify an application that supports http, just point it at Privoxy -(that is, localhost port 8118). To use SOCKS directly (for example, for -instant messaging, Jabber, IRC, etc.), point your application directly at -Tor (localhost port 9050). For applications that support neither SOCKS -nor http, you should look at -using tsocks -to dynamically replace the system calls in your program to -route through Tor. If you want to use SOCKS 4A, consider using socat (specific instructions -are in the -Tor Wiki).
- -(Windows doesn't have tsocks; see the bottom of the -Win32 instructions for alternatives.) -
+See the Windows, +OS X, and Linux/BSD/Unix documentation guides.