stages: - test - deploy - container-build variables: DEBIAN_FRONTEND: noninteractive DEBIAN_OLD_STABLE: buster DEBIAN_STABLE: bullseye REPRODUCIBLE_FLAGS: -trimpath -ldflags=-buildid= # set up apt for automated use .apt-template: &apt-template - export LC_ALL=C.UTF-8 - export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive - echo Etc/UTC > /etc/timezone - echo 'quiet "1";' 'APT::Install-Recommends "0";' 'APT::Install-Suggests "0";' 'APT::Acquire::Retries "20";' 'APT::Get::Assume-Yes "true";' 'Dpkg::Use-Pty "0";' > /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/99gitlab - apt-get update - apt-get dist-upgrade # Set things up to use the OS-native packages for Go. Anything that # is downloaded by go during the `go fmt` stage is not coming from the # Debian/Ubuntu repo. So those would need to be packaged for this to # make it into Debian and/or Ubuntu. .debian-native-template: &debian-native-template variables: GOPATH: /usr/share/gocode before_script: - apt-get update - apt-get -qy install --no-install-recommends build-essential ca-certificates git golang golang-github-cheekybits-genny-dev golang-github-jtolds-gls-dev golang-github-klauspost-reedsolomon-dev golang-github-lucas-clemente-quic-go-dev golang-github-smartystreets-assertions-dev golang-github-smartystreets-goconvey-dev golang-github-tjfoc-gmsm-dev golang-github-xtaci-kcp-dev golang-github-xtaci-smux-dev golang-golang-x-crypto-dev golang-golang-x-net-dev golang-goptlib-dev golang-golang-x-sys-dev golang-golang-x-text-dev golang-golang-x-xerrors-dev lbzip2 # use Go installed as part of the official, Debian-based Docker images .golang-docker-debian-template: &golang-docker-debian-template before_script: - apt-get update - apt-get -qy install --no-install-recommends ca-certificates git lbzip2 .go-test: &go-test - gofmt -d . - test -z "$(go fmt ./...)" - go vet ./... - go test -v -race ./... - cd $CI_PROJECT_DIR/client/ - go get - go build $REPRODUCIBLE_FLAGS .test-template: &test-template artifacts: name: "${CI_PROJECT_PATH}_${CI_JOB_STAGE}_${CI_JOB_ID}_${CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME}_${CI_COMMIT_SHA}" paths: - client/*.aar - client/*.jar - client/client expire_in: 1 week when: on_success after_script: - echo "Download debug artifacts from${CI_PROJECT_PATH}/-/jobs" # this file changes every time but should not be cached - rm -f $GRADLE_USER_HOME/caches/modules-2/modules-2.lock - rm -rf $GRADLE_USER_HOME/caches/*/plugin-resolution/ # -- jobs ------------------------------------------------------------ android: image: golang:1.21-$DEBIAN_STABLE variables: ANDROID_HOME: /usr/lib/android-sdk LANG: C.UTF-8 cache: paths: - .gradle/wrapper - .gradle/caches <<: *test-template before_script: - *apt-template - apt-get install android-sdk-platform-23 android-sdk-platform-tools build-essential curl default-jdk-headless git gnupg unzip wget ca-certificates lbzip2 - - wget --continue --no-verbose$ndk - echo "ad7ce5467e18d40050dc51b8e7affc3e635c85bd8c59be62de32352328ed467e $ndk" > $ndk.sha256 - sha256sum -c $ndk.sha256 - unzip -q $ndk - rm ${ndk}* - mv android-ndk-* $ANDROID_HOME/ndk-bundle/ - chmod -R a+rX $ANDROID_HOME script: - *go-test - export GRADLE_USER_HOME=$CI_PROJECT_DIR/.gradle - go version - go env - go get - go get - go install - go install - gomobile init - cd $CI_PROJECT_DIR/client # gomobile builds a shared library not a CLI executable - sed -i 's,^package main$,package snowflakeclient,' *.go - go get - gomobile bind -v -target=android $REPRODUCIBLE_FLAGS . go-1.21: image: golang:1.21-$DEBIAN_STABLE <<: *golang-docker-debian-template <<: *test-template script: - *go-test debian-testing: image: debian:testing <<: *debian-native-template <<: *test-template script: - *go-test shadow-integration: image: golang:1.21-$DEBIAN_STABLE variables: SHADOW_VERSION: "193924aae0dab30ffda0abe29467f552949849fa" TGEN_VERSION: "v1.1.2" cache: key: sf-integration-$SHADOW_VERSION-$TGEN_VERSION paths: - /opt/ artifacts: paths: - when: on_failure tags: - amd64 - tpa script: - apt-get update - apt-get install -y git tor - mkdir -p ~/.local/bin - mkdir -p ~/.local/src - export PATH=$PATH:$CI_PROJECT_DIR/opt/bin/ # Install shadow and tgen - pushd ~/.local/src - | if [ ! -f opt/shadow/bin/shadow ] then echo "The required version of shadow was not cached, building from source" git clone --shallow-since=2021-08-01 pushd shadow/ git checkout $SHADOW_VERSION CONTAINER=debian:stable-slim ci/container_scripts/ CC=gcc CONTAINER=debian:stable-slim ci/container_scripts/ export PATH="$HOME/.cargo/bin:${PATH}" ./setup build --jobs $(nproc) --prefix $CI_PROJECT_DIR/opt/ ./setup install popd fi - | if [ ! -f opt/shadow/bin/tgen ] then echo "The required version of tgen was not cached, building from source" git clone --branch $TGEN_VERSION --depth 1 pushd tgen/ apt-get install -y cmake libglib2.0-dev libigraph-dev mkdir build && cd build cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$CI_PROJECT_DIR/opt/ make make install popd fi install $CI_PROJECT_DIR/opt/bin/tgen ~/.local/bin/tgen - popd # Apply snowflake patch(es) - | git clone --depth 1 git am -3 shadow-snowflake-minimal/*.patch # Install snowflake binaries to .local folder - | for app in "proxy" "client" "server" "broker" "probetest"; do pushd $app go build install $app ~/.local/bin/snowflake-$app popd done # Install stun server - GOBIN=~/.local/bin go install # Run a minimal snowflake shadow experiment - pushd shadow-snowflake-minimal/ - shadow --log-level=debug --model-unblocked-syscall-latency=true snowflake-minimal.yaml > shadow.log - tar -czvf $CI_PROJECT_DIR/ # Check to make sure streams succeeded - | if [ $(grep -c "stream-success"*.stdout) = 10 ] then echo "All streams in shadow completed successfully" else echo "Shadow simulation failed" exit 1 fi generate_tarball: stage: deploy image: golang:1.21-$DEBIAN_STABLE rules: - if: $CI_COMMIT_TAG script: - go mod vendor - tar czf ${CI_PROJECT_NAME}-${CI_COMMIT_TAG}.tar.gz --transform "s,^,${CI_PROJECT_NAME}-${CI_COMMIT_TAG}/," * after_script: - echo TAR_JOB_ID=$CI_JOB_ID >> generate_tarball.env artifacts: paths: - ${CI_PROJECT_NAME}-${CI_COMMIT_TAG}.tar.gz reports: dotenv: generate_tarball.env release-job: stage: deploy image: rules: - if: $CI_COMMIT_TAG needs: - job: generate_tarball artifacts: true script: - echo "running release_job" release: name: 'Release $CI_COMMIT_TAG' description: 'Created using the release-cli' tag_name: '$CI_COMMIT_TAG' ref: '$CI_COMMIT_TAG' assets: links: - name: '${CI_PROJECT_NAME}-${CI_COMMIT_TAG}.tar.gz' url: '${CI_PROJECT_URL}/-/jobs/${TAR_JOB_ID}/artifacts/file/${CI_PROJECT_NAME}-${CI_COMMIT_TAG}.tar.gz' # Build the container only if the commit is to main, or it is a tag. # If the commit is to main, then the docker image tag should be set to `latest`. # If it is a tag, then the docker image tag should be set to the tag name. build-container: variables: TAG: $CI_COMMIT_TAG # Will not be set on a non-tag build, will be set later stage: container-build parallel: matrix: - ARCH: amd64 - ARCH: arm64 - ARCH: s390x tags: - $ARCH image: name: entrypoint: [""] script: - if [ $CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME == "main" ]; then export TAG='latest'; fi - >- /kaniko/executor --context "${CI_PROJECT_DIR}" --dockerfile "${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/Dockerfile" --destination "${CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE}:${TAG}_${ARCH}" rules: - if: $CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME == "main" - if: $CI_COMMIT_TAG merge-manifests: variables: TAG: $CI_COMMIT_TAG stage: container-build needs: - job: build-container artifacts: false image: name: mplatform/manifest-tool:alpine entrypoint: [""] script: - if [ $CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME == "main" ]; then export TAG='latest'; fi - >- manifest-tool --username="${CI_REGISTRY_USER}" --password="${CI_REGISTRY_PASSWORD}" push from-args --platforms linux/amd64,linux/arm64,linux/s390x --template "${CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE}:${TAG}_ARCH" --target "${CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE}:${TAG}" rules: - if: $CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME == "main" when: always - if: $CI_COMMIT_TAG when: always # If this is a tag, then we want to additionally tag the image as `stable` tag-container-release: stage: container-build needs: - job: merge-manifests artifacts: false image: allow_failure: false variables: IMAGE_TAG: $CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE:$CI_COMMIT_TAG RELEASE_TAG: $CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE:stable script: - echo "Tagging docker image with stable tag" - echo -n "$CI_JOB_TOKEN" | podman login -u gitlab-ci-token --password-stdin $CI_REGISTRY - podman pull $IMAGE_TAG || true - podman tag $IMAGE_TAG $RELEASE_TAG - podman push $RELEASE_TAG rules: - if: $CI_COMMIT_TAG when: always clean-image-tags: stage: container-build needs: - job: merge-manifests artifacts: false image: before_script: - *apt-template - apt-get install -y jq curl script: - "REGISTRY_ID=$(curl --silent --request GET --header \"JOB-TOKEN: ${CI_JOB_TOKEN}\" \"${CI_PROJECT_ID}/registry/repositories\" | jq '.[].id')" - "curl --request DELETE --data \"name_regex_delete=(latest|${CI_COMMIT_TAG})_.*\" --header \"JOB-TOKEN: ${CI_JOB_TOKEN}\" \"${CI_PROJECT_ID}/registry/repositories/${REGISTRY_ID}/tags\"" rules: - if: $CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME == "main" when: always - if: $CI_COMMIT_TAG when: always