+ +

Online /info


Render SearXNG instance documentation.


Usage in a Flask app route:

from searx import infopage
+_INFO_PAGES = infopage.InfoPageSet(infopage.MistletoePage)
+@app.route('/info/<pagename>', methods=['GET'])
+def info(pagename):
+    locale = request.preferences.get_value('locale')
+    page = _INFO_PAGES.get_page(pagename, locale)
+class searx.infopage.InfoPage(fname)[source]

A page of the online documentation.


Jinja context to render InfoPage.content

+ +
+property content

Content of the page (rendered in a Jinja context)

+ +
+property html

Render Markdown (CommonMark) to HTML by using markdown-it-py.

+ +
+property raw_content

Raw content of the page (without any jinja rendering)

+ +
+property title

Title of the content (without any markup)

+ +
+ +
+class searx.infopage.InfoPageSet(page_class: Type[InfoPage] | None = None, info_folder: str | None = None)[source]

Cached rendering of the online documentation a SearXNG instance has.

  • page_class (InfoPage) – render online documentation by InfoPage parser.

  • +
  • info_folder (str) – information directory

  • +
+get_page(pagename: str, locale: str | None = None)[source]

Return pagename instance of InfoPage

  • pagename (str) – name of the page, a value from InfoPageSet.toc

  • +
  • locale (str) – language of the page, e.g. en, zh_Hans_CN +(default: InfoPageSet.i18n_origin)

  • +
+ +
+iter_pages(locale: str | None = None, fallback_to_default=False)[source]

Iterate over all pages of the TOC

+ +
+folder: str

location of the Markdown files

+ +
+locale_default: str

default language

+ +
+locales: List[str]

list of supported languages (aka locales)

+ +
+toc: List[str]

list of articles in the online documentation

+ +
+ +
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