+ +


+ +

Herein you will find some hints and suggestions about typical architectures of +SearXNG infrastructures.


uWSGI Setup


We start with a reference setup for public SearXNG instances which can be build +up and maintained by the scripts from our DevOps tooling box.

+arch_public.dot +

Fig. 2 Reference architecture of a public SearXNG setup.


The reference installation activates server.limiter, server.image_proxy +and ui.static_use_hash (/etc/searxng/settings.yml)

# SearXNG settings
+use_default_settings: true
+  debug: false
+  instance_name: "SearXNG"
+  safe_search: 2
+  autocomplete: 'duckduckgo'
+  # Is overwritten by ${SEARXNG_SECRET}
+  secret_key: "ultrasecretkey"
+  limiter: true
+  image_proxy: true
+  # public URL of the instance, to ensure correct inbound links. Is overwritten
+  # by ${SEARXNG_URL}.
+  # base_url: http://example.com/location
+  # URL to connect redis database. Is overwritten by ${SEARXNG_REDIS_URL}.
+  url: unix:///usr/local/searxng-redis/run/redis.sock?db=0
+  static_use_hash: true
+ + +