#!/usr/bin/env python #!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # tinytag - an audio meta info reader # Copyright (c) 2014-2018 Tom Wallroth # # Sources on github: # http://github.com/devsnd/tinytag/ # MIT License # Copyright (c) 2014-2019 Tom Wallroth # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all # copies or substantial portions of the Software. # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE # SOFTWARE. from __future__ import print_function import re from collections.abc import MutableMapping import codecs from functools import reduce import struct import os import io import sys from io import BytesIO DEBUG = os.environ.get('DEBUG', False) # some of the parsers will print some debug info when set to True class TinyTagException(LookupError): # inherit LookupError for backwards compat pass def _read(fh, nbytes): # helper function to check if we haven't reached EOF b = fh.read(nbytes) if len(b) < nbytes: raise TinyTagException('Unexpected end of file') return b def stderr(*args): sys.stderr.write('%s\n' % ' '.join(args)) sys.stderr.flush() def _bytes_to_int_le(b): fmt = {1: ' 0: return TinyTag(None, 0) if cls == TinyTag: # if `get` is invoked on TinyTag, find parser by ext parser_class = cls._get_parser_for_filename(filename, exception=True) else: # otherwise use the class on which `get` was invoked parser_class = cls with io.open(filename, 'rb') as af: tag = parser_class(af, size, ignore_errors=ignore_errors) tag.load(tags=tags, duration=duration, image=image) return tag def __str__(self): return str(dict( (k, v) for k, v in self.__dict__.items() if not k.startswith('_') )) def __repr__(self): return str(self) def load(self, tags, duration, image=False): self._load_image = image if tags: self._parse_tag(self._filehandler) if duration: if tags: # rewind file if the tags were already parsed self._filehandler.seek(0) self._determine_duration(self._filehandler) def _set_field(self, fieldname, bytestring, transfunc=None): """convienience function to set fields of the tinytag by name. the payload (bytestring) can be changed using the transfunc""" if getattr(self, fieldname): # do not overwrite existing data return value = bytestring if transfunc is None else transfunc(bytestring) if DEBUG: stderr('Setting field "%s" to "%s"' % (fieldname, value)) if fieldname == 'genre': if value.isdigit() and int(value) < len(ID3.ID3V1_GENRES): # funky: id3v1 genre hidden in a id3v2 field value = ID3.ID3V1_GENRES[int(value)] else: # funkier: the TCO may contain genres in parens, e.g. '(13)' genre_in_parens = re.match('^\\((\\d+)\\)$', value) if genre_in_parens: value = ID3.ID3V1_GENRES[int(genre_in_parens.group(1))] if fieldname in ("track", "disc"): if type(value).__name__ in ('str', 'unicode') and '/' in value: current, total = value.split('/')[:2] setattr(self, "%s_total" % fieldname, total) else: current = value setattr(self, fieldname, current) else: setattr(self, fieldname, value) def _determine_duration(self, fh): raise NotImplementedError() def _parse_tag(self, fh): raise NotImplementedError() def update(self, other): # update the values of this tag with the values from another tag for key in ['track', 'track_total', 'title', 'artist', 'album', 'albumartist', 'year', 'duration', 'genre', 'disc', 'disc_total', 'comment', 'composer']: if not getattr(self, key) and getattr(other, key): setattr(self, key, getattr(other, key)) @staticmethod def _unpad(s): # strings in mp3 and asf *may* be terminated with a zero byte at the end return s.replace('\x00', '') class MP4(TinyTag): # see: https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/documentation/QuickTime/QTFF/Metadata/Metadata.html # and: https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/documentation/QuickTime/QTFF/QTFFChap2/qtff2.html class Parser: # https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/documentation/QuickTime/QTFF/Metadata/Metadata.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40000939-CH1-SW34 ATOM_DECODER_BY_TYPE = { 0: lambda x: x, # 'reserved', 1: lambda x: codecs.decode(x, 'utf-8', 'replace'), # UTF-8 2: lambda x: codecs.decode(x, 'utf-16', 'replace'), # UTF-16 3: lambda x: codecs.decode(x, 's/jis', 'replace'), # S/JIS # 16: duration in millis 13: lambda x: x, # JPEG 14: lambda x: x, # PNG 21: lambda x: struct.unpack('>b', x)[0], # BE Signed int 22: lambda x: struct.unpack('>B', x)[0], # BE Unsigned int 23: lambda x: struct.unpack('>f', x)[0], # BE Float32 24: lambda x: struct.unpack('>d', x)[0], # BE Float64 # 27: lambda x: x, # BMP # 28: lambda x: x, # QuickTime Metadata atom 65: lambda x: struct.unpack('b', x)[0], # 8-bit Signed int 66: lambda x: struct.unpack('>h', x)[0], # BE 16-bit Signed int 67: lambda x: struct.unpack('>i', x)[0], # BE 32-bit Signed int 74: lambda x: struct.unpack('>q', x)[0], # BE 64-bit Signed int 75: lambda x: struct.unpack('B', x)[0], # 8-bit Unsigned int 76: lambda x: struct.unpack('>H', x)[0], # BE 16-bit Unsigned int 77: lambda x: struct.unpack('>I', x)[0], # BE 32-bit Unsigned int 78: lambda x: struct.unpack('>Q', x)[0], # BE 64-bit Unsigned int } @classmethod def make_data_atom_parser(cls, fieldname): def parse_data_atom(data_atom): data_type = struct.unpack('>I', data_atom[:4])[0] conversion = cls.ATOM_DECODER_BY_TYPE.get(data_type) if conversion is None: stderr('Cannot convert data type: %s' % data_type) return {} # don't know how to convert data atom # skip header & null-bytes, convert rest return {fieldname: conversion(data_atom[8:])} return parse_data_atom @classmethod def make_number_parser(cls, fieldname1, fieldname2): def _(data_atom): number_data = data_atom[8:14] numbers = struct.unpack('>HHH', number_data) # for some reason the first number is always irrelevant. return {fieldname1: numbers[1], fieldname2: numbers[2]} return _ @classmethod def parse_id3v1_genre(cls, data_atom): # dunno why the genre is offset by -1 but that's how mutagen does it idx = struct.unpack('>H', data_atom[8:])[0] - 1 if idx < len(ID3.ID3V1_GENRES): return {'genre': ID3.ID3V1_GENRES[idx]} return {'genre': None} @classmethod def parse_audio_sample_entry(cls, data): # this atom also contains the esds atom: # https://ffmpeg.org/doxygen/0.6/mov_8c-source.html # http://xhelmboyx.tripod.com/formats/mp4-layout.txt datafh = BytesIO(data) datafh.seek(16, os.SEEK_CUR) # jump over version and flags channels = struct.unpack('>H', datafh.read(2))[0] datafh.seek(2, os.SEEK_CUR) # jump over bit_depth datafh.seek(2, os.SEEK_CUR) # jump over QT compr id & pkt size sr = struct.unpack('>I', datafh.read(4))[0] esds_atom_size = struct.unpack('>I', data[28:32])[0] esds_atom = BytesIO(data[36:36 + esds_atom_size]) # http://sasperger.tistory.com/103 esds_atom.seek(22, os.SEEK_CUR) # jump over most data... esds_atom.seek(4, os.SEEK_CUR) # jump over max bitrate avg_br = struct.unpack('>I', esds_atom.read(4))[0] / 1000.0 # kbit/s return {'channels': channels, 'samplerate': sr, 'bitrate': avg_br} @classmethod def parse_mvhd(cls, data): # http://stackoverflow.com/a/3639993/1191373 walker = BytesIO(data) version = struct.unpack('b', walker.read(1))[0] walker.seek(3, os.SEEK_CUR) # jump over flags if version == 0: # uses 32 bit integers for timestamps walker.seek(8, os.SEEK_CUR) # jump over create & mod times time_scale = struct.unpack('>I', walker.read(4))[0] duration = struct.unpack('>I', walker.read(4))[0] else: # version == 1: # uses 64 bit integers for timestamps walker.seek(16, os.SEEK_CUR) # jump over create & mod times time_scale = struct.unpack('>I', walker.read(4))[0] duration = struct.unpack('>q', walker.read(8))[0] return {'duration': float(duration) / time_scale} @classmethod def debug_atom(cls, data): stderr(data) # use this function to inspect atoms in an atom tree return {} # The parser tree: Each key is an atom name which is traversed if existing. # Leaves of the parser tree are callables which receive the atom data. # callables return {fieldname: value} which is updates the TinyTag. META_DATA_TREE = {b'moov': {b'udta': {b'meta': {b'ilst': { # see: http://atomicparsley.sourceforge.net/mpeg-4files.html b'\xa9alb': {b'data': Parser.make_data_atom_parser('album')}, b'\xa9ART': {b'data': Parser.make_data_atom_parser('artist')}, b'aART': {b'data': Parser.make_data_atom_parser('albumartist')}, # b'cpil': {b'data': Parser.make_data_atom_parser('compilation')}, b'\xa9cmt': {b'data': Parser.make_data_atom_parser('comment')}, b'disk': {b'data': Parser.make_number_parser('disc', 'disc_total')}, b'\xa9wrt': {b'data': Parser.make_data_atom_parser('composer')}, b'\xa9day': {b'data': Parser.make_data_atom_parser('year')}, b'\xa9gen': {b'data': Parser.make_data_atom_parser('genre')}, b'gnre': {b'data': Parser.parse_id3v1_genre}, b'\xa9nam': {b'data': Parser.make_data_atom_parser('title')}, b'trkn': {b'data': Parser.make_number_parser('track', 'track_total')}, }}}}} # see: https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/documentation/QuickTime/QTFF/QTFFChap3/qtff3.html AUDIO_DATA_TREE = { b'moov': { b'mvhd': Parser.parse_mvhd, b'trak': {b'mdia': {b"minf": {b"stbl": {b"stsd": {b'mp4a': Parser.parse_audio_sample_entry }}}}} } } IMAGE_DATA_TREE = {b'moov': {b'udta': {b'meta': {b'ilst': { b'covr': {b'data': Parser.make_data_atom_parser('_image_data')}, }}}}} VERSIONED_ATOMS = {b'meta', b'stsd'} # those have an extra 4 byte header FLAGGED_ATOMS = {b'stsd'} # these also have an extra 4 byte header def _determine_duration(self, fh): self._traverse_atoms(fh, path=self.AUDIO_DATA_TREE) def _parse_tag(self, fh): self._traverse_atoms(fh, path=self.META_DATA_TREE) if self._load_image: # A bit inefficient, we rewind the file self._filehandler.seek(0) # to parse it again for the image self._traverse_atoms(fh, path=self.IMAGE_DATA_TREE) def _traverse_atoms(self, fh, path, stop_pos=None, curr_path=None): header_size = 8 atom_header = fh.read(header_size) while len(atom_header) == header_size: atom_size = struct.unpack('>I', atom_header[:4])[0] - header_size atom_type = atom_header[4:] if curr_path is None: # keep track how we traversed in the tree curr_path = [atom_type] if atom_size <= 0: # empty atom, jump to next one atom_header = fh.read(header_size) continue if DEBUG: stderr('%s pos: %d atom: %s len: %d' % (' ' * 4 * len(curr_path), fh.tell() - header_size, atom_type, atom_size + header_size)) if atom_type in self.VERSIONED_ATOMS: # jump atom version for now fh.seek(4, os.SEEK_CUR) if atom_type in self.FLAGGED_ATOMS: # jump atom flags for now fh.seek(4, os.SEEK_CUR) sub_path = path.get(atom_type, None) # if the path leaf is a dict, traverse deeper into the tree: if issubclass(type(sub_path), MutableMapping): atom_end_pos = fh.tell() + atom_size self._traverse_atoms(fh, path=sub_path, stop_pos=atom_end_pos, curr_path=curr_path + [atom_type]) # if the path-leaf is a callable, call it on the atom data elif callable(sub_path): for fieldname, value in sub_path(fh.read(atom_size)).items(): if DEBUG: stderr(' ' * 4 * len(curr_path), 'FIELD: ', fieldname) if fieldname: self._set_field(fieldname, value) # if no action was specified using dict or callable, jump over atom else: fh.seek(atom_size, os.SEEK_CUR) # check if we have reached the end of this branch: if stop_pos and fh.tell() >= stop_pos: return # return to parent (next parent node in tree) atom_header = fh.read(header_size) # read next atom class ID3(TinyTag): FRAME_ID_TO_FIELD = { # Mapping from Frame ID to a field of the TinyTag 'COMM': 'comment', 'COM': 'comment', 'TRCK': 'track', 'TRK': 'track', 'TYER': 'year', 'TYE': 'year', 'TALB': 'album', 'TAL': 'album', 'TPE1': 'artist', 'TP1': 'artist', 'TIT2': 'title', 'TT2': 'title', 'TCON': 'genre', 'TCO': 'genre', 'TPOS': 'disc', 'TPE2': 'albumartist', 'TCOM': 'composer', } IMAGE_FRAME_IDS = {'APIC', 'PIC'} PARSABLE_FRAME_IDS = set(FRAME_ID_TO_FIELD.keys()).union(IMAGE_FRAME_IDS) _MAX_ESTIMATION_SEC = 30 _CBR_DETECTION_FRAME_COUNT = 5 _USE_XING_HEADER = True # much faster, but can be deactivated for testing ID3V1_GENRES = [ 'Blues', 'Classic Rock', 'Country', 'Dance', 'Disco', 'Funk', 'Grunge', 'Hip-Hop', 'Jazz', 'Metal', 'New Age', 'Oldies', 'Other', 'Pop', 'R&B', 'Rap', 'Reggae', 'Rock', 'Techno', 'Industrial', 'Alternative', 'Ska', 'Death Metal', 'Pranks', 'Soundtrack', 'Euro-Techno', 'Ambient', 'Trip-Hop', 'Vocal', 'Jazz+Funk', 'Fusion', 'Trance', 'Classical', 'Instrumental', 'Acid', 'House', 'Game', 'Sound Clip', 'Gospel', 'Noise', 'AlternRock', 'Bass', 'Soul', 'Punk', 'Space', 'Meditative', 'Instrumental Pop', 'Instrumental Rock', 'Ethnic', 'Gothic', 'Darkwave', 'Techno-Industrial', 'Electronic', 'Pop-Folk', 'Eurodance', 'Dream', 'Southern Rock', 'Comedy', 'Cult', 'Gangsta', 'Top 40', 'Christian Rap', 'Pop/Funk', 'Jungle', 'Native American', 'Cabaret', 'New Wave', 'Psychadelic', 'Rave', 'Showtunes', 'Trailer', 'Lo-Fi', 'Tribal', 'Acid Punk', 'Acid Jazz', 'Polka', 'Retro', 'Musical', 'Rock & Roll', 'Hard Rock', # Wimamp Extended Genres 'Folk', 'Folk-Rock', 'National Folk', 'Swing', 'Fast Fusion', 'Bebob', 'Latin', 'Revival', 'Celtic', 'Bluegrass', 'Avantgarde', 'Gothic Rock', 'Progressive Rock', 'Psychedelic Rock', 'Symphonic Rock', 'Slow Rock', 'Big Band', 'Chorus', 'Easy Listening', 'Acoustic', 'Humour', 'Speech', 'Chanson', 'Opera', 'Chamber Music', 'Sonata', 'Symphony', 'Booty Bass', 'Primus', 'Porn Groove', 'Satire', 'Slow Jam', 'Club', 'Tango', 'Samba', 'Folklore', 'Ballad', 'Power Ballad', 'Rhythmic Soul', 'Freestyle', 'Duet', 'Punk Rock', 'Drum Solo', 'A capella', 'Euro-House', 'Dance Hall', 'Goa', 'Drum & Bass', # according to https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liste_der_ID3v1-Genres: 'Club-House', 'Hardcore Techno', 'Terror', 'Indie', 'BritPop', '', # don't use ethnic slur ("Negerpunk", WTF!) 'Polsk Punk', 'Beat', 'Christian Gangsta Rap', 'Heavy Metal', 'Black Metal', 'Contemporary Christian', 'Christian Rock', # WinAmp 1.91 'Merengue', 'Salsa', 'Thrash Metal', 'Anime', 'Jpop', 'Synthpop', # WinAmp 5.6 'Abstract', 'Art Rock', 'Baroque', 'Bhangra', 'Big Beat', 'Breakbeat', 'Chillout', 'Downtempo', 'Dub', 'EBM', 'Eclectic', 'Electro', 'Electroclash', 'Emo', 'Experimental', 'Garage', 'Illbient', 'Industro-Goth', 'Jam Band', 'Krautrock', 'Leftfield', 'Lounge', 'Math Rock', 'New Romantic', 'Nu-Breakz', 'Post-Punk', 'Post-Rock', 'Psytrance', 'Shoegaze', 'Space Rock', 'Trop Rock', 'World Music', 'Neoclassical', 'Audiobook', 'Audio Theatre', 'Neue Deutsche Welle', 'Podcast', 'Indie Rock', 'G-Funk', 'Dubstep', 'Garage Rock', 'Psybient', ] def __init__(self, filehandler, filesize, *args, **kwargs): TinyTag.__init__(self, filehandler, filesize, *args, **kwargs) # save position after the ID3 tag for duration mesurement speedup self._bytepos_after_id3v2 = 0 @classmethod def set_estimation_precision(cls, estimation_in_seconds): cls._MAX_ESTIMATION_SEC = estimation_in_seconds # see this page for the magic values used in mp3: # http://www.mpgedit.org/mpgedit/mpeg_format/mpeghdr.htm samplerates = [ [11025, 12000, 8000], # MPEG 2.5 [], # reserved [22050, 24000, 16000], # MPEG 2 [44100, 48000, 32000], # MPEG 1 ] v1l1 = [0, 32, 64, 96, 128, 160, 192, 224, 256, 288, 320, 352, 384, 416, 448, 0] v1l2 = [0, 32, 48, 56, 64, 80, 96, 112, 128, 160, 192, 224, 256, 320, 384, 0] v1l3 = [0, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 80, 96, 112, 128, 160, 192, 224, 256, 320, 0] v2l1 = [0, 32, 48, 56, 64, 80, 96, 112, 128, 144, 160, 176, 192, 224, 256, 0] v2l2 = [0, 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 80, 96, 112, 128, 144, 160, 0] v2l3 = v2l2 bitrate_by_version_by_layer = [ [None, v2l3, v2l2, v2l1], # MPEG Version 2.5 # note that the layers go None, # reserved # from 3 to 1 by design. [None, v2l3, v2l2, v2l1], # MPEG Version 2 # the first layer id is [None, v1l3, v1l2, v1l1], # MPEG Version 1 # reserved ] samples_per_frame = 1152 # the default frame size for mp3 channels_per_channel_mode = [ 2, # 00 Stereo 2, # 01 Joint stereo (Stereo) 2, # 10 Dual channel (2 mono channels) 1, # 11 Single channel (Mono) ] @staticmethod def _parse_xing_header(fh): # see: http://www.mp3-tech.org/programmer/sources/vbrheadersdk.zip fh.seek(4, os.SEEK_CUR) # read over Xing header header_flags = struct.unpack('>i', fh.read(4))[0] frames = byte_count = toc = vbr_scale = None if header_flags & 1: # FRAMES FLAG frames = struct.unpack('>i', fh.read(4))[0] if header_flags & 2: # BYTES FLAG byte_count = struct.unpack('>i', fh.read(4))[0] if header_flags & 4: # TOC FLAG toc = [struct.unpack('>i', fh.read(4))[0] for _ in range(100)] if header_flags & 8: # VBR SCALE FLAG vbr_scale = struct.unpack('>i', fh.read(4))[0] return frames, byte_count, toc, vbr_scale def _determine_duration(self, fh): max_estimation_frames = (ID3._MAX_ESTIMATION_SEC * 44100) // ID3.samples_per_frame frame_size_accu = 0 header_bytes = 4 frames = 0 # count frames for determining mp3 duration bitrate_accu = 0 # add up bitrates to find average bitrate to detect last_bitrates = [] # CBR mp3s (multiple frames with same bitrates) # seek to first position after id3 tag (speedup for large header) fh.seek(self._bytepos_after_id3v2) while True: # reading through garbage until 11 '1' sync-bits are found b = fh.peek(4) if len(b) < 4: break # EOF sync, conf, bitrate_freq, rest = struct.unpack('BBBB', b[0:4]) br_id = (bitrate_freq >> 4) & 0x0F # biterate id sr_id = (bitrate_freq >> 2) & 0x03 # sample rate id padding = 1 if bitrate_freq & 0x02 > 0 else 0 mpeg_id = (conf >> 3) & 0x03 layer_id = (conf >> 1) & 0x03 channel_mode = (rest >> 6) & 0x03 # check for eleven 1s, validate bitrate and sample rate if not b[:2] > b'\xFF\xE0' or br_id > 14 or br_id == 0 or sr_id == 3 or layer_id == 0 or mpeg_id == 1: idx = b.find(b'\xFF', 1) # invalid frame, find next sync header if idx == -1: idx = len(b) # not found: jump over the current peek buffer fh.seek(max(idx, 1), os.SEEK_CUR) continue try: self.channels = self.channels_per_channel_mode[channel_mode] frame_bitrate = ID3.bitrate_by_version_by_layer[mpeg_id][layer_id][br_id] self.samplerate = ID3.samplerates[mpeg_id][sr_id] except (IndexError, TypeError): raise TinyTagException('mp3 parsing failed') # There might be a xing header in the first frame that contains # all the info we need, otherwise parse multiple frames to find the # accurate average bitrate if frames == 0 and ID3._USE_XING_HEADER: xing_header_offset = b.find(b'Xing') if xing_header_offset != -1: fh.seek(xing_header_offset, os.SEEK_CUR) xframes, byte_count, toc, vbr_scale = ID3._parse_xing_header(fh) if xframes and xframes != 0 and byte_count: self.duration = xframes * ID3.samples_per_frame / float(self.samplerate) self.bitrate = byte_count * 8 / self.duration / 1000 self.audio_offset = fh.tell() return continue frames += 1 # it's most probably an mp3 frame bitrate_accu += frame_bitrate if frames == 1: self.audio_offset = fh.tell() if frames <= ID3._CBR_DETECTION_FRAME_COUNT: last_bitrates.append(frame_bitrate) fh.seek(4, os.SEEK_CUR) # jump over peeked bytes frame_length = (144000 * frame_bitrate) // self.samplerate + padding frame_size_accu += frame_length # if bitrate does not change over time its probably CBR is_cbr = (frames == ID3._CBR_DETECTION_FRAME_COUNT and len(set(last_bitrates)) == 1) if frames == max_estimation_frames or is_cbr: # try to estimate duration fh.seek(-128, 2) # jump to last byte (leaving out id3v1 tag) audio_stream_size = fh.tell() - self.audio_offset est_frame_count = audio_stream_size / (frame_size_accu / float(frames)) samples = est_frame_count * ID3.samples_per_frame self.duration = samples / float(self.samplerate) self.bitrate = bitrate_accu / frames return if frame_length > 1: # jump over current frame body fh.seek(frame_length - header_bytes, os.SEEK_CUR) if self.samplerate: self.duration = frames * ID3.samples_per_frame / float(self.samplerate) def _parse_tag(self, fh): self._parse_id3v2(fh) has_all_tags = all((self.track, self.track_total, self.title, self.artist, self.album, self.albumartist, self.year, self.genre)) if not has_all_tags and self.filesize > 128: fh.seek(-128, os.SEEK_END) # try parsing id3v1 in last 128 bytes self._parse_id3v1(fh) def _parse_id3v2(self, fh): # for info on the specs, see: http://id3.org/Developer%20Information header = struct.unpack('3sBBB4B', _read(fh, 10)) tag = codecs.decode(header[0], 'ISO-8859-1') # check if there is an ID3v2 tag at the beginning of the file if tag == 'ID3': major, rev = header[1:3] if DEBUG: stderr('Found id3 v2.%s' % major) # unsync = (header[3] & 0x80) > 0 extended = (header[3] & 0x40) > 0 # experimental = (header[3] & 0x20) > 0 # footer = (header[3] & 0x10) > 0 size = self._calc_size(header[4:8], 7) self._bytepos_after_id3v2 = size end_pos = fh.tell() + size parsed_size = 0 if extended: # just read over the extended header. size_bytes = struct.unpack('4B', _read(fh, 6)[0:4]) extd_size = self._calc_size(size_bytes, 7) fh.seek(extd_size - 6, os.SEEK_CUR) # jump over extended_header while parsed_size < size: frame_size = self._parse_frame(fh, id3version=major) if frame_size == 0: break parsed_size += frame_size fh.seek(end_pos, os.SEEK_SET) def _parse_id3v1(self, fh): if fh.read(3) == b'TAG': # check if this is an ID3 v1 tag def asciidecode(x): return self._unpad(codecs.decode(x, 'latin1')) fields = fh.read(30 + 30 + 30 + 4 + 30 + 1) self._set_field('title', fields[:30], transfunc=asciidecode) self._set_field('artist', fields[30:60], transfunc=asciidecode) self._set_field('album', fields[60:90], transfunc=asciidecode) self._set_field('year', fields[90:94], transfunc=asciidecode) comment = fields[94:124] if b'\x00\x00' < comment[-2:] < b'\x01\x00': self._set_field('track', str(ord(comment[-1:]))) comment = comment[:-2] self._set_field('comment', comment, transfunc=asciidecode) genre_id = ord(fields[124:125]) if genre_id < len(ID3.ID3V1_GENRES): self.genre = ID3.ID3V1_GENRES[genre_id] def _parse_frame(self, fh, id3version=False): # ID3v2.2 especially ugly. see: http://id3.org/id3v2-00 frame_header_size = 6 if id3version == 2 else 10 frame_size_bytes = 3 if id3version == 2 else 4 binformat = '3s3B' if id3version == 2 else '4s4B2B' bits_per_byte = 7 if id3version == 4 else 8 # only id3v2.4 is synchsafe frame_header_data = fh.read(frame_header_size) if len(frame_header_data) != frame_header_size: return 0 frame = struct.unpack(binformat, frame_header_data) frame_id = self._decode_string(frame[0]) frame_size = self._calc_size(frame[1:1+frame_size_bytes], bits_per_byte) if DEBUG: stderr('Found id3 Frame %s at %d-%d of %d' % (frame_id, fh.tell(), fh.tell() + frame_size, self.filesize)) if frame_size > 0: # flags = frame[1+frame_size_bytes:] # dont care about flags. if frame_id not in ID3.PARSABLE_FRAME_IDS: # jump over unparsable frames fh.seek(frame_size, os.SEEK_CUR) return frame_size content = fh.read(frame_size) fieldname = ID3.FRAME_ID_TO_FIELD.get(frame_id) if fieldname: self._set_field(fieldname, content, self._decode_string) elif frame_id in self.IMAGE_FRAME_IDS and self._load_image: # See section 4.14: http://id3.org/id3v2.4.0-frames if frame_id == 'PIC': # ID3 v2.2: desc_end_pos = content.index(b'\x00', 1) + 1 else: # ID3 v2.3+ mimetype_end_pos = content.index(b'\x00', 1) + 1 desc_start_pos = mimetype_end_pos + 1 # jump over picture type desc_end_pos = content.index(b'\x00', desc_start_pos) + 1 if content[desc_end_pos:desc_end_pos+1] == b'\x00': desc_end_pos += 1 # the description ends with 1 or 2 null bytes self._image_data = content[desc_end_pos:] return frame_size return 0 def _decode_string(self, b): try: # it's not my fault, this is the spec. first_byte = b[:1] if first_byte == b'\x00': # ISO-8859-1 bytestr = b[1:] encoding = 'ISO-8859-1' elif first_byte == b'\x01': # UTF-16 with BOM # read byte order mark to determine endianess encoding = 'UTF-16be' if b[1:3] == b'\xfe\xff' else 'UTF-16le' # strip the bom and optional null bytes bytestr = b[3:-1] if len(b) % 2 == 0 else b[3:] elif first_byte == b'\x02': # UTF-16LE # strip optional null byte, if byte count uneven bytestr = b[1:-1] if len(b) % 2 == 0 else b[1:] encoding = 'UTF-16le' elif first_byte == b'\x03': # UTF-8 bytestr = b[1:] encoding = 'UTF-8' else: bytestr = b encoding = 'ISO-8859-1' # wild guess if bytestr[:4] == b'eng\x00': bytestr = bytestr[4:] # remove language errors = 'ignore' if self._ignore_errors else 'strict' return self._unpad(codecs.decode(bytestr, encoding, errors)) except UnicodeDecodeError: raise TinyTagException('Error decoding ID3 Tag!') def _calc_size(self, bytestr, bits_per_byte): # length of some mp3 header fields is described by 7 or 8-bit-bytes return reduce(lambda accu, elem: (accu << bits_per_byte) + elem, bytestr, 0) class Ogg(TinyTag): def __init__(self, filehandler, filesize, *args, **kwargs): TinyTag.__init__(self, filehandler, filesize, *args, **kwargs) self._tags_parsed = False self._max_samplenum = 0 # maximum sample position ever read def _determine_duration(self, fh): max_page_size = 65536 # https://xiph.org/ogg/doc/libogg/ogg_page.html if not self._tags_parsed: self._parse_tag(fh) # determine sample rate fh.seek(0) # and rewind to start if self.filesize > max_page_size: fh.seek(-max_page_size, 2) # go to last possible page position while True: b = fh.peek(4) if len(b) == 0: return # EOF if b[:4] == b'OggS': # look for an ogg header for _ in self._parse_pages(fh): pass # parse all remaining pages self.duration = self._max_samplenum / float(self.samplerate) else: idx = b.find(b'OggS') # try to find header in peeked data seekpos = idx if idx != -1 else len(b) - 3 fh.seek(max(seekpos, 1), os.SEEK_CUR) def _parse_tag(self, fh): page_start_pos = fh.tell() # set audio_offest later if its audio data for packet in self._parse_pages(fh): walker = BytesIO(packet) if packet[0:7] == b"\x01vorbis": (channels, self.samplerate, max_bitrate, bitrate, min_bitrate) = struct.unpack(" # ---------------------------------------------- # H | <16> The minimum block size (in samples) # H | <16> The maximum block size (in samples) # 3s | <24> The minimum frame size (in bytes) # 3s | <24> The maximum frame size (in bytes) # 8B | <20> Sample rate in Hz. # | <3> (number of channels)-1. # | <5> (bits per sample)-1. # | <36> Total samples in stream. # 16s| <128> MD5 signature min_blk, max_blk, min_frm, max_frm = header[0:4] # min_frm = _bytes_to_int(struct.unpack('3B', min_frm)) # max_frm = _bytes_to_int(struct.unpack('3B', max_frm)) # channels--. bits total samples # |----- samplerate -----| |-||----| |---------~ ~----| # 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 # #---4---# #---5---# #---6---# #---7---# #--8-~ ~-12-# self.samplerate = _bytes_to_int(header[4:7]) >> 4 self.channels = ((header[6] >> 1) & 0x07) + 1 # bit_depth = ((header[6] & 1) << 4) + ((header[7] & 0xF0) >> 4) # bit_depth = (bit_depth + 1) total_sample_bytes = [(header[7] & 0x0F)] + list(header[8:12]) total_samples = _bytes_to_int(total_sample_bytes) self.duration = float(total_samples) / self.samplerate if self.duration > 0: self.bitrate = self.filesize / self.duration * 8 / 1024 elif block_type == Flac.METADATA_VORBIS_COMMENT and not skip_tags: oggtag = Ogg(fh, 0) oggtag._parse_vorbis_comment(fh) self.update(oggtag) elif block_type >= 127: return # invalid block type else: fh.seek(size, 1) # seek over this block if is_last_block: return header_data = fh.read(4) class Wma(TinyTag): ASF_CONTENT_DESCRIPTION_OBJECT = b'3&\xb2u\x8ef\xcf\x11\xa6\xd9\x00\xaa\x00b\xcel' ASF_EXTENDED_CONTENT_DESCRIPTION_OBJECT = b'@\xa4\xd0\xd2\x07\xe3\xd2\x11\x97\xf0\x00\xa0\xc9^\xa8P' STREAM_BITRATE_PROPERTIES_OBJECT = b'\xceu\xf8{\x8dF\xd1\x11\x8d\x82\x00`\x97\xc9\xa2\xb2' ASF_FILE_PROPERTY_OBJECT = b'\xa1\xdc\xab\x8cG\xa9\xcf\x11\x8e\xe4\x00\xc0\x0c Se' ASF_STREAM_PROPERTIES_OBJECT = b'\x91\x07\xdc\xb7\xb7\xa9\xcf\x11\x8e\xe6\x00\xc0\x0c Se' STREAM_TYPE_ASF_AUDIO_MEDIA = b'@\x9ei\xf8M[\xcf\x11\xa8\xfd\x00\x80_\\D+' # see: # http://web.archive.org/web/20131203084402/http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb643323.aspx # and (japanese, but none the less helpful) # http://uguisu.skr.jp/Windows/format_asf.html def __init__(self, filehandler, filesize, *args, **kwargs): TinyTag.__init__(self, filehandler, filesize, *args, **kwargs) self.__tag_parsed = False def _determine_duration(self, fh): if not self.__tag_parsed: self._parse_tag(fh) def read_blocks(self, fh, blocks): # blocks are a list(tuple('fieldname', byte_count, cast_int), ...) decoded = {} for block in blocks: val = fh.read(block[1]) if block[2]: val = _bytes_to_int_le(val) decoded[block[0]] = val return decoded def __bytes_to_guid(self, obj_id_bytes): return '-'.join([ hex(_bytes_to_int_le(obj_id_bytes[:-12]))[2:].zfill(6), hex(_bytes_to_int_le(obj_id_bytes[-12:-10]))[2:].zfill(4), hex(_bytes_to_int_le(obj_id_bytes[-10:-8]))[2:].zfill(4), hex(_bytes_to_int(obj_id_bytes[-8:-6]))[2:].zfill(4), hex(_bytes_to_int(obj_id_bytes[-6:]))[2:].zfill(12), ]) def __decode_string(self, bytestring): return self._unpad(codecs.decode(bytestring, 'utf-16')) def __decode_ext_desc(self, value_type, value): """ decode ASF_EXTENDED_CONTENT_DESCRIPTION_OBJECT values""" if value_type == 0: # Unicode string return self.__decode_string(value) elif value_type == 1: # BYTE array return value elif 1 < value_type < 6: # DWORD / QWORD / WORD return _bytes_to_int_le(value) def _parse_tag(self, fh): self.__tag_parsed = True guid = fh.read(16) # 128 bit GUID if guid != b'0&\xb2u\x8ef\xcf\x11\xa6\xd9\x00\xaa\x00b\xcel': return # not a valid ASF container! see: http://www.garykessler.net/library/file_sigs.html struct.unpack('Q', fh.read(8))[0] # size struct.unpack('I', fh.read(4))[0] # obj_count if fh.read(2) != b'\x01\x02': # http://web.archive.org/web/20131203084402/http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb643323.aspx#_Toc521913958 return # not a valid asf header! while True: object_id = fh.read(16) object_size = _bytes_to_int_le(fh.read(8)) if object_size == 0 or object_size > self.filesize: break # invalid object, stop parsing. if object_id == Wma.ASF_CONTENT_DESCRIPTION_OBJECT: len_blocks = self.read_blocks(fh, [ ('title_length', 2, True), ('author_length', 2, True), ('copyright_length', 2, True), ('description_length', 2, True), ('rating_length', 2, True), ]) data_blocks = self.read_blocks(fh, [ ('title', len_blocks['title_length'], False), ('artist', len_blocks['author_length'], False), ('', len_blocks['copyright_length'], True), ('comment', len_blocks['description_length'], False), ('', len_blocks['rating_length'], True), ]) for field_name, bytestring in data_blocks.items(): if field_name: self._set_field(field_name, bytestring, self.__decode_string) elif object_id == Wma.ASF_EXTENDED_CONTENT_DESCRIPTION_OBJECT: mapping = { 'WM/TrackNumber': 'track', 'WM/PartOfSet': 'disc', 'WM/Year': 'year', 'WM/AlbumArtist': 'albumartist', 'WM/Genre': 'genre', 'WM/AlbumTitle': 'album', 'WM/Composer': 'composer', } # see: http://web.archive.org/web/20131203084402/http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb643323.aspx#_Toc509555195 descriptor_count = _bytes_to_int_le(fh.read(2)) for _ in range(descriptor_count): name_len = _bytes_to_int_le(fh.read(2)) name = self.__decode_string(fh.read(name_len)) value_type = _bytes_to_int_le(fh.read(2)) value_len = _bytes_to_int_le(fh.read(2)) value = fh.read(value_len) field_name = mapping.get(name) if field_name: field_value = self.__decode_ext_desc(value_type, value) self._set_field(field_name, field_value) elif object_id == Wma.ASF_FILE_PROPERTY_OBJECT: blocks = self.read_blocks(fh, [ ('file_id', 16, False), ('file_size', 8, False), ('creation_date', 8, True), ('data_packets_count', 8, True), ('play_duration', 8, True), ('send_duration', 8, True), ('preroll', 8, True), ('flags', 4, False), ('minimum_data_packet_size', 4, True), ('maximum_data_packet_size', 4, True), ('maximum_bitrate', 4, False), ]) self.duration = blocks.get('play_duration') / float(10000000) elif object_id == Wma.ASF_STREAM_PROPERTIES_OBJECT: blocks = self.read_blocks(fh, [ ('stream_type', 16, False), ('error_correction_type', 16, False), ('time_offset', 8, True), ('type_specific_data_length', 4, True), ('error_correction_data_length', 4, True), ('flags', 2, True), ('reserved', 4, False) ]) already_read = 0 if blocks['stream_type'] == Wma.STREAM_TYPE_ASF_AUDIO_MEDIA: stream_info = self.read_blocks(fh, [ ('codec_id_format_tag', 2, True), ('number_of_channels', 2, True), ('samples_per_second', 4, True), ('avg_bytes_per_second', 4, True), ('block_alignment', 2, True), ('bits_per_sample', 2, True), ]) self.samplerate = stream_info['samples_per_second'] self.bitrate = stream_info['avg_bytes_per_second'] * 8 / float(1000) already_read = 16 fh.seek(blocks['type_specific_data_length'] - already_read, os.SEEK_CUR) fh.seek(blocks['error_correction_data_length'], os.SEEK_CUR) else: fh.seek(object_size - 24, os.SEEK_CUR) # read over onknown object ids