# vim: ft=python fileencoding=utf-8 sts=4 sw=4 et: # Copyright 2015-2021 Florian Bruhin (The Compiler) # # This file is part of qutebrowser. # # qutebrowser is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # qutebrowser is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with qutebrowser. If not, see . """Tests for webelement.tabhistory.""" import dataclasses from typing import Any import pytest pytest.importorskip('PyQt5.QtWebKit') from PyQt5.QtCore import QUrl, QPoint from PyQt5.QtWebKit import QWebHistory from qutebrowser.browser.webkit import tabhistory from qutebrowser.misc.sessions import TabHistoryItem as Item from qutebrowser.utils import qtutils pytestmark = pytest.mark.qt_log_ignore('QIODevice::read.*: device not open') ITEMS = [ Item(QUrl('https://www.heise.de/'), 'heise'), Item(QUrl('about:blank'), 'blank', active=True), Item(QUrl('http://example.com/%E2%80%A6'), 'percent'), Item(QUrl('http://example.com/?foo=bar'), 'arg', original_url=QUrl('http://original.url.example.com/'), user_data={'foo': 23, 'bar': 42}), # From https://github.com/OtterBrowser/otter-browser/issues/709#issuecomment-74749471 Item(QUrl('http://github.com/OtterBrowser/24/134/2344/otter-browser/' 'issues/709/'), 'Page not found | github', user_data={'zoom': 149, 'scroll-pos': QPoint(0, 0)}), Item(QUrl('https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#label/some+label/' '234lkjsd0932lkjf884jqwerdf4'), '"some label" - email@gmail.com - Gmail"', user_data={'zoom': 120, 'scroll-pos': QPoint(0, 0)}), ] @dataclasses.dataclass class Objects: history: QWebHistory user_data: Any @pytest.fixture def empty_history(webpage): """Fixture providing an empty QWebHistory.""" hist = webpage.history() assert hist.count() == 0 return hist @pytest.fixture def objects(empty_history): """Fixture providing a history (and userdata) filled with example data.""" stream, _data, user_data = tabhistory.serialize(ITEMS) qtutils.deserialize_stream(stream, empty_history) return Objects(history=empty_history, user_data=user_data) def test_count(objects): """Check if the history's count was loaded correctly.""" assert objects.history.count() == len(ITEMS) @pytest.mark.parametrize('i', range(len(ITEMS))) def test_valid(objects, i): """Check if all items are valid.""" assert objects.history.itemAt(i).isValid() @pytest.mark.parametrize('i', range(len(ITEMS))) def test_no_userdata(objects, i): """Check if all items have no user data.""" assert objects.history.itemAt(i).userData() is None def test_userdata(objects): """Check if all user data has been restored to user_data.""" userdata_items = [item.user_data for item in ITEMS] assert userdata_items == objects.user_data def test_currentitem(objects): """Check if the current item index was loaded correctly.""" assert objects.history.currentItemIndex() == 1 @pytest.mark.parametrize('i, item', enumerate(ITEMS)) def test_urls(objects, i, item): """Check if the URLs were loaded correctly.""" assert objects.history.itemAt(i).url() == item.url @pytest.mark.parametrize('i, item', enumerate(ITEMS)) def test_original_urls(objects, i, item): """Check if the original URLs were loaded correctly.""" assert objects.history.itemAt(i).originalUrl() == item.original_url @pytest.mark.parametrize('i, item', enumerate(ITEMS)) def test_titles(objects, i, item): """Check if the titles were loaded correctly.""" assert objects.history.itemAt(i).title() == item.title def test_no_active_item(): """Check tabhistory.serialize with no active item.""" items = [Item(QUrl(), '')] with pytest.raises(ValueError): tabhistory.serialize(items) def test_two_active_items(): """Check tabhistory.serialize with two active items.""" items = [Item(QUrl(), '', active=True), Item(QUrl(), ''), Item(QUrl(), '', active=True)] with pytest.raises(ValueError): tabhistory.serialize(items) def test_empty(empty_history): """Check tabhistory.serialize with no items.""" items = [] stream, _data, user_data = tabhistory.serialize(items) qtutils.deserialize_stream(stream, empty_history) assert empty_history.count() == 0 assert empty_history.currentItemIndex() == 0 assert not user_data