# vim: ft=cucumber fileencoding=utf-8 sts=4 sw=4 et: Feature: Caret mode In caret mode, the user can select and yank text using the keyboard. Background: Given I open data/caret.html And I run :tab-only And I also run :mode-enter caret # :yank selection Scenario: :yank selection without selection When I run :yank selection Then the message "Nothing to yank" should be shown. Scenario: :yank selection message When I run :selection-toggle And I run :move-to-end-of-word And I run :yank selection Then the message "3 chars yanked to clipboard" should be shown. Scenario: :yank selection message with one char When I run :selection-toggle And I run :move-to-next-char And I run :yank selection Then the message "1 char yanked to clipboard" should be shown. Scenario: :yank selection with primary selection When selection is supported And I run :selection-toggle And I run :move-to-end-of-word And I run :yank selection --sel Then the message "3 chars yanked to primary selection" should be shown. And the primary selection should contain "one" Scenario: :yank selection with --keep When I run :selection-toggle And I run :move-to-end-of-word And I run :yank selection --keep And I run :move-to-end-of-word And I run :yank selection --keep Then the message "3 chars yanked to clipboard" should be shown. And the message "7 chars yanked to clipboard" should be shown. And the clipboard should contain "one two" # :selection-follow Scenario: :selection-follow with --tab (with JS) When I set content.javascript.enabled to true And I run :tab-only And I run :mode-enter caret And I run :selection-toggle And I run :move-to-end-of-word And I run :selection-follow --tab Then data/hello.txt should be loaded And the following tabs should be open: - data/caret.html - data/hello.txt (active) Scenario: :selection-follow with --tab (without JS) When I set content.javascript.enabled to false And I run :tab-only And I run :mode-enter caret And I run :selection-toggle And I run :move-to-end-of-word And I run :selection-follow --tab Then data/hello.txt should be loaded And the following tabs should be open: - data/caret.html - data/hello.txt @flaky Scenario: :selection-follow with link tabbing (without JS) When I set content.javascript.enabled to false And I run :mode-leave And I run :jseval document.activeElement.blur(); And I run :fake-key And I run :selection-follow Then data/hello.txt should be loaded @flaky Scenario: :selection-follow with link tabbing (with JS) When I set content.javascript.enabled to true And I run :mode-leave And I run :jseval document.activeElement.blur(); And I run :fake-key And I run :selection-follow Then data/hello.txt should be loaded @flaky Scenario: :selection-follow with link tabbing in a tab (without JS) When I set content.javascript.enabled to false And I run :mode-leave And I run :jseval document.activeElement.blur(); And I run :fake-key And I run :selection-follow --tab Then data/hello.txt should be loaded @flaky Scenario: :selection-follow with link tabbing in a tab (with JS) When I set content.javascript.enabled to true And I run :mode-leave And I run :jseval document.activeElement.blur(); And I run :fake-key And I run :selection-follow --tab Then data/hello.txt should be loaded