# vim: ft=python fileencoding=utf-8 sts=4 sw=4 et: # Copyright 2014-2021 Florian Bruhin (The Compiler) # # This file is part of qutebrowser. # # qutebrowser is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # qutebrowser is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with qutebrowser. If not, see . """The qutebrowser test suite conftest file.""" import os import pathlib import sys import pytest import hypothesis pytest.register_assert_rewrite('helpers') # pylint: disable=wildcard-import,unused-import,unused-wildcard-import from helpers import logfail from helpers.logfail import fail_on_logging from helpers.messagemock import message_mock from helpers.fixtures import * # noqa: F403 # pylint: enable=wildcard-import,unused-import,unused-wildcard-import from helpers import testutils from qutebrowser.utils import usertypes, utils, version from qutebrowser.misc import objects, earlyinit # To register commands import qutebrowser.app # pylint: disable=unused-import _qute_scheme_handler = None # Set hypothesis settings hypothesis.settings.register_profile( 'default', hypothesis.settings( deadline=600, suppress_health_check=[hypothesis.HealthCheck.function_scoped_fixture], ) ) hypothesis.settings.register_profile( 'ci', hypothesis.settings( deadline=None, suppress_health_check=[ hypothesis.HealthCheck.function_scoped_fixture, hypothesis.HealthCheck.too_slow, ] ) ) hypothesis.settings.load_profile('ci' if testutils.ON_CI else 'default') def _apply_platform_markers(config, item): """Apply a skip marker to a given item.""" markers = [ ('posix', pytest.mark.skipif, not utils.is_posix, "Requires a POSIX os"), ('windows', pytest.mark.skipif, not utils.is_windows, "Requires Windows"), ('linux', pytest.mark.skipif, not utils.is_linux, "Requires Linux"), ('mac', pytest.mark.skipif, not utils.is_mac, "Requires macOS"), ('not_mac', pytest.mark.skipif, utils.is_mac, "Skipped on macOS"), ('not_frozen', pytest.mark.skipif, getattr(sys, 'frozen', False), "Can't be run when frozen"), ('not_flatpak', pytest.mark.skipif, version.is_flatpak(), "Can't be run with Flatpak"), ('frozen', pytest.mark.skipif, not getattr(sys, 'frozen', False), "Can only run when frozen"), ('ci', pytest.mark.skipif, not testutils.ON_CI, "Only runs on CI."), ('no_ci', pytest.mark.skipif, testutils.ON_CI, "Skipped on CI."), ('unicode_locale', pytest.mark.skipif, sys.getfilesystemencoding() == 'ascii', "Skipped because of ASCII locale"), ] for searched_marker, new_marker_kind, condition, default_reason in markers: marker = item.get_closest_marker(searched_marker) if not marker or not condition: continue if 'reason' in marker.kwargs: reason = '{}: {}'.format(default_reason, marker.kwargs['reason']) del marker.kwargs['reason'] else: reason = default_reason + '.' new_marker = new_marker_kind(condition, *marker.args, reason=reason, **marker.kwargs) item.add_marker(new_marker) def pytest_collection_modifyitems(config, items): """Handle custom markers. pytest hook called after collection has been performed. Adds a marker named "gui" which can be used to filter gui tests from the command line. For example: pytest -m "not gui" # run all tests except gui tests pytest -m "gui" # run only gui tests It also handles the platform specific markers by translating them to skipif markers. Args: items: list of _pytest.main.Node items, where each item represents a python test that will be executed. Reference: https://pytest.org/latest/plugins.html """ remaining_items = [] deselected_items = [] for item in items: deselected = False if 'qapp' in getattr(item, 'fixturenames', ()): item.add_marker('gui') if hasattr(item, 'module'): test_basedir = pathlib.Path(__file__).parent module_path = pathlib.Path(item.module.__file__) module_root_dir = module_path.relative_to(test_basedir).parts[0] assert module_root_dir in ['end2end', 'unit', 'helpers', 'test_conftest.py'] if module_root_dir == 'end2end': item.add_marker(pytest.mark.end2end) _apply_platform_markers(config, item) if list(item.iter_markers('xfail_norun')): item.add_marker(pytest.mark.xfail(run=False)) if deselected: deselected_items.append(item) else: remaining_items.append(item) config.hook.pytest_deselected(items=deselected_items) items[:] = remaining_items def pytest_ignore_collect(path): """Ignore BDD tests if we're unable to run them.""" fspath = pathlib.Path(path) skip_bdd = hasattr(sys, 'frozen') rel_path = fspath.relative_to(pathlib.Path(__file__).parent) return rel_path == pathlib.Path('end2end') / 'features' and skip_bdd @pytest.fixture(scope='session') def qapp_args(): """Make QtWebEngine unit tests run on older Qt versions + newer kernels.""" if testutils.disable_seccomp_bpf_sandbox(): return [sys.argv[0], testutils.DISABLE_SECCOMP_BPF_FLAG] return [] @pytest.fixture(scope='session') def qapp(qapp): """Change the name of the QApplication instance.""" qapp.setApplicationName('qute_test') return qapp def pytest_addoption(parser): parser.addoption('--qute-delay', action='store', default=0, type=int, help="Delay between qutebrowser commands.") parser.addoption('--qute-profile-subprocs', action='store_true', default=False, help="Run cProfile for subprocesses.") parser.addoption('--qute-backend', action='store', choices=['webkit', 'webengine'], help='Set backend for BDD tests') def pytest_configure(config): backend = _select_backend(config) config.webengine = backend == 'webengine' earlyinit.configure_pyqt() def _select_backend(config): """Select the backend for running tests. The backend is auto-selected in the following manner: 1. Use QtWebKit if available 2. Otherwise use QtWebEngine as a fallback Auto-selection is overridden by either passing a backend via `--qute-backend=` or setting the environment variable `QUTE_TESTS_BACKEND=`. Args: config: pytest config Raises: ImportError if the selected backend is not available. Returns: The selected backend as a string (e.g. 'webkit'). """ backend_arg = config.getoption('--qute-backend') backend_env = os.environ.get('QUTE_TESTS_BACKEND') backend = backend_arg or backend_env or _auto_select_backend() # Fail early if selected backend is not available # pylint: disable=unused-import if backend == 'webkit': import PyQt5.QtWebKitWidgets elif backend == 'webengine': import PyQt5.QtWebEngineWidgets else: raise utils.Unreachable(backend) return backend def _auto_select_backend(): # pylint: disable=unused-import try: # Try to use QtWebKit as the default backend import PyQt5.QtWebKitWidgets return 'webkit' except ImportError: # Try to use QtWebEngine as a fallback and fail early # if that's also not available import PyQt5.QtWebEngineWidgets return 'webengine' def pytest_report_header(config): if config.webengine: backend_version = version.qtwebengine_versions(avoid_init=True) else: backend_version = version.qWebKitVersion() return f'backend: {backend_version}' @pytest.fixture(scope='session', autouse=True) def check_display(request): if utils.is_linux and not os.environ.get('DISPLAY', ''): raise Exception("No display and no Xvfb available!") @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def set_backend(monkeypatch, request): """Make sure the backend global is set.""" if not request.config.webengine and version.qWebKitVersion: backend = usertypes.Backend.QtWebKit else: backend = usertypes.Backend.QtWebEngine monkeypatch.setattr(objects, 'backend', backend) @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def apply_fake_os(monkeypatch, request): fake_os = request.node.get_closest_marker('fake_os') if not fake_os: return name = fake_os.args[0] mac = False windows = False linux = False posix = False if name == 'unknown': pass elif name == 'mac': mac = True posix = True elif name == 'windows': windows = True elif name == 'linux': linux = True posix = True elif name == 'posix': posix = True else: raise ValueError("Invalid fake_os {}".format(name)) monkeypatch.setattr(utils, 'is_mac', mac) monkeypatch.setattr(utils, 'is_linux', linux) monkeypatch.setattr(utils, 'is_windows', windows) monkeypatch.setattr(utils, 'is_posix', posix) @pytest.fixture(scope='session', autouse=True) def check_yaml_c_exts(): """Make sure PyYAML C extensions are available on CI. Not available yet with a nightly Python, see: https://github.com/yaml/pyyaml/issues/630 """ if testutils.ON_CI and sys.version_info[:2] != (3, 11): from yaml import CLoader # pylint: disable=unused-import @pytest.hookimpl(tryfirst=True, hookwrapper=True) def pytest_runtest_makereport(item, call): """Make test information available in fixtures. See https://pytest.org/latest/example/simple.html#making-test-result-information-available-in-fixtures """ outcome = yield rep = outcome.get_result() setattr(item, "rep_" + rep.when, rep) @pytest.hookimpl(hookwrapper=True) def pytest_terminal_summary(terminalreporter): """Group benchmark results on CI.""" if testutils.ON_CI: terminalreporter.write_line( testutils.gha_group_begin('Benchmark results')) yield terminalreporter.write_line(testutils.gha_group_end()) else: yield