#!/usr/bin/env python3 # vim: ft=python fileencoding=utf-8 sts=4 sw=4 et: # Copyright 2014-2021 Florian Bruhin (The Compiler) # # This file is part of qutebrowser. # # qutebrowser is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # qutebrowser is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with qutebrowser. If not, see . """Various small code checkers.""" import os import os.path import re import sys import argparse import subprocess import tokenize import traceback import pathlib from typing import List, Iterator, Optional REPO_ROOT = pathlib.Path(__file__).resolve().parents[2] sys.path.insert(0, str(REPO_ROOT)) from scripts import utils from scripts.dev import recompile_requirements BINARY_EXTS = {'.png', '.icns', '.ico', '.bmp', '.gz', '.bin', '.pdf', '.sqlite', '.woff2', '.whl', '.egg'} def _get_files( *, verbose: bool, ignored: List[pathlib.Path] = None ) -> Iterator[pathlib.Path]: """Iterate over all files and yield filenames.""" filenames = subprocess.run( ['git', 'ls-files', '--cached', '--others', '--exclude-standard', '-z'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, text=True, check=True, ) all_ignored = ignored or [] all_ignored.append( pathlib.Path('tests', 'unit', 'scripts', 'importer_sample', 'chrome')) for filename in filenames.stdout.split('\0'): path = pathlib.Path(filename) is_ignored = any(path == p or p in path.parents for p in all_ignored) if not filename or path.suffix in BINARY_EXTS or is_ignored: continue try: with tokenize.open(path): pass except SyntaxError as e: # Could not find encoding utils.print_col("{} - maybe {} should be added to BINARY_EXTS?".format( str(e).capitalize(), path.suffix), 'yellow') continue if verbose: print(path) yield path def check_changelog_urls(_args: argparse.Namespace = None) -> bool: """Ensure we have changelog URLs for all requirements.""" ok = True all_requirements = set() for name in recompile_requirements.get_all_names(): outfile = recompile_requirements.get_outfile(name) missing = set() with open(outfile, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: for line in f: line = line.strip() if line.startswith('#') or not line: continue req, _version = recompile_requirements.parse_versioned_line(line) if req.startswith('./'): continue all_requirements.add(req) if req not in recompile_requirements.CHANGELOG_URLS: missing.add(req) if missing: ok = False req_str = ', '.join(sorted(missing)) utils.print_col( f"Missing changelog URLs in {name} requirements: {req_str}", 'red') extra = set(recompile_requirements.CHANGELOG_URLS) - all_requirements if extra: ok = False req_str = ', '.join(sorted(extra)) utils.print_col(f"Extra changelog URLs: {req_str}", 'red') if not ok: print("Hint: Changelog URLs are in scripts/dev/changelog_urls.json") return ok def check_git(_args: argparse.Namespace = None) -> bool: """Check for uncommitted git files.""" if not os.path.isdir(".git"): print("No .git dir, ignoring") print() return False untracked = [] gitst = subprocess.run(['git', 'status', '--porcelain'], check=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout gitst = gitst.decode('UTF-8').strip() for line in gitst.splitlines(): s, name = line.split(maxsplit=1) if s == '??' and name != '.venv/': untracked.append(name) status = True if untracked: status = False utils.print_col("Untracked files:", 'red') print('\n'.join(untracked)) print() return status def _check_spelling_file(path, fobj, patterns): ok = True for num, line in enumerate(fobj, start=1): for pattern, explanation in patterns: match = pattern.search(line) if match: ok = False print(f'{path}:{num}: ', end='') utils.print_col(f'Found "{match.group(0)}" - {explanation}', 'blue') return ok def check_spelling(args: argparse.Namespace) -> Optional[bool]: """Check commonly misspelled words.""" # Words which I often misspell words = {'behaviour', 'quitted', 'likelyhood', 'sucessfully', 'occur[^rs .!,]', 'seperator', 'explicitely', 'auxillary', 'accidentaly', 'ambigious', 'loosly', 'initialis', 'convienence', 'similiar', 'uncommited', 'reproducable', 'an user', 'convienience', 'wether', 'programatically', 'splitted', 'exitted', 'mininum', 'resett?ed', 'recieved', 'regularily', 'underlaying', 'inexistant', 'elipsis', 'commiting', 'existant', 'resetted', 'similarily', 'informations', 'an url', 'treshold', 'artefact', 'an unix', 'an utf', 'an unicode', 'unparseable', 'dependancies', 'convertable', 'chosing', 'authentification'} # Words which look better when split, but might need some fine tuning. words |= {'webelements', 'mouseevent', 'keysequence', 'normalmode', 'eventloops', 'sizehint', 'statemachine', 'metaobject', 'logrecord'} patterns = [ ( re.compile(r'[{}{}]{}'.format(w[0], w[0].upper(), w[1:])), "Common misspelling or non-US spelling" ) for w in words ] qtbot_methods = { 'keyPress', 'keyRelease', 'keyClick', 'keyClicks', 'keyEvent', 'mousePress', 'mouseRelease', 'mouseClick', 'mouseMove', 'mouseDClick', 'keySequence', } qtbot_excludes = '|'.join(qtbot_methods) patterns += [ ( re.compile(r'(?i)# noqa(?!: )'), "Don't use a blanket 'noqa', use something like 'noqa: X123' instead.", ), ( re.compile(r'# type: (?!ignore(\[|$))'), "Don't use type comments, use type annotations instead.", ), ( re.compile(r': typing\.'), "Don't use typing.SomeType, do 'from typing import SomeType' instead.", ), ( re.compile(r"""monkeypatch\.setattr\(['"]"""), "Don't use monkeypatch.setattr('obj.attr', value), use " "setattr(obj, 'attr', value) instead.", ), ( re.compile(r'(exec|print)_\('), ".exec_()/.print_() are removed in PyQt 6, use .exec()/.print() instead.", ), ( re.compile(r'qApp'), "qApp is removed in PyQt 6, use QApplication.instance() instead.", ), ( re.compile(r'PYQT_CONFIGURATION'), "PYQT_CONFIGURATION is removed in PyQt 6", ), ( re.compile(r'Q_(ENUM|FLAG)'), "Q_ENUM and Q_FLAG are removed in PyQt 6", ), ( re.compile(r'attr\.(s|ib)($|\()'), "attrs have been replaced by dataclasses in qutebrowser.", ), ( re.compile(r'http://www\.gnu\.org/licenses/'), "use https:// URL.", ), ( re.compile(r'IOError'), "use OSError", ), ( re.compile(fr'qtbot\.(?!{qtbot_excludes})[a-z]+[A-Z].*'), "use snake-case instead", ), ( re.compile(r'\.joinpath\((?!\*)'), "use the / operator for joining paths", ), ( re.compile(r"""pathlib\.Path\(["']~["']\)\.expanduser\(\)"""), "use pathlib.Path.home() instead", ), ( re.compile(r'pathlib\.Path\(tmp_path\)'), "tmp_path already is a pathlib.Path", ), ( re.compile(r'pathlib\.Path\(tmpdir\)'), "use tmp_path instead", ), ] # Files which should be ignored, e.g. because they come from another # package hint_data = pathlib.Path('tests', 'end2end', 'data', 'hints') ignored = [ pathlib.Path('scripts', 'dev', 'misc_checks.py'), pathlib.Path('scripts', 'dev', 'enums.txt'), pathlib.Path('qutebrowser', '3rdparty', 'pdfjs'), pathlib.Path('qutebrowser', 'qt', '_core_pyqtproperty.py'), hint_data / 'ace' / 'ace.js', hint_data / 'bootstrap' / 'bootstrap.css', ] try: ok = True for path in _get_files(verbose=args.verbose, ignored=ignored): with tokenize.open(path) as f: if not _check_spelling_file(path, f, patterns): ok = False print() return ok except Exception: traceback.print_exc() return None def check_pyqt_imports(args: argparse.Namespace) -> Optional[bool]: """Check for direct PyQt imports.""" ignored = [ pathlib.Path("qutebrowser", "qt"), # FIXME:qt6 fix those too? pathlib.Path("misc", "userscripts"), pathlib.Path("scripts"), ] patterns = [ ( re.compile(r"from PyQt.* import"), "Use 'from qutebrowser.qt.MODULE import ...' instead", ), ( re.compile(r"import PyQt.*"), "Use 'import qutebrowser.qt.MODULE' instead", ) ] # FIXME:qt6 unify this with check_spelling somehow? try: ok = True for path in _get_files(verbose=args.verbose, ignored=ignored): with tokenize.open(str(path)) as f: if not _check_spelling_file(path, f, patterns): ok = False print() return ok except Exception: traceback.print_exc() return None def check_vcs_conflict(args: argparse.Namespace) -> Optional[bool]: """Check VCS conflict markers.""" try: ok = True for path in _get_files(verbose=args.verbose): if path.suffix in {'.rst', '.asciidoc'}: # False positives continue with tokenize.open(path) as f: for line in f: if any(line.startswith(c * 7) for c in '<>=|'): print("Found conflict marker in {}".format(path)) ok = False print() return ok except Exception: traceback.print_exc() return None def check_userscripts_descriptions(_args: argparse.Namespace = None) -> bool: """Make sure all userscripts are described properly.""" folder = pathlib.Path('misc/userscripts') readme = folder / 'README.md' described = set() for line in readme.open('r'): line = line.strip() if line == '## Others': break match = re.fullmatch(r'- \[([^]]*)\].*', line) if match: described.add(match.group(1)) present = {path.name for path in folder.iterdir()} present -= {'README.md', '.mypy_cache', '__pycache__'} missing = present - described additional = described - present ok = True if missing: print("Missing userscript descriptions: {}".format(missing)) ok = False if additional: print("Additional userscript descriptions: {}".format(additional)) ok = False return ok def check_userscript_shebangs(_args: argparse.Namespace) -> bool: """Check that we're using /usr/bin/env in shebangs and scripts are executable.""" ok = True folder = pathlib.Path('misc/userscripts') for sub in folder.iterdir(): if sub.is_dir() or sub.name == 'README.md': continue if not os.access(sub, os.X_OK): print(f"{sub} is not marked as executable") ok = False with sub.open('r', encoding='utf-8') as f: shebang = f.readline().rstrip('\n') assert shebang.startswith('#!'), shebang shebang = shebang[2:] binary = shebang.split()[0] if binary not in ['/bin/sh', '/usr/bin/env']: bin_name = pathlib.Path(binary).name print(f"In {sub}, use #!/usr/bin/env {bin_name} instead of #!{binary}") ok = False elif shebang in ['/usr/bin/env python', '/usr/bin/env python2']: print(f"In {sub}, use #!/usr/bin/env python3 instead of #!{shebang}") ok = False return ok def main() -> int: checkers = { 'git': check_git, 'vcs': check_vcs_conflict, 'spelling': check_spelling, 'pyqt-imports': check_pyqt_imports, 'userscript-descriptions': check_userscripts_descriptions, 'userscript-shebangs': check_userscript_shebangs, 'changelog-urls': check_changelog_urls, } parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--verbose', action='store_true', help='Show checked filenames') parser.add_argument('checker', choices=list(checkers) + ['all'], help="Which checker to run.") args = parser.parse_args() if args.checker == 'all': retvals = [] for name, checker in checkers.items(): utils.print_title(name) retvals.append(checker(args)) return 0 if all(retvals) else 1 checker = checkers[args.checker] ok = checker(args) return 0 if ok else 1 if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(main())