# vim: ft=python fileencoding=utf-8 sts=4 sw=4 et: # Copyright 2014-2021 Florian Bruhin (The Compiler) # # This file is part of qutebrowser. # # qutebrowser is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # qutebrowser is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with qutebrowser. If not, see . """Custom useful data types.""" import html import operator import enum import dataclasses from typing import Optional, Sequence, TypeVar, Union from PyQt6.QtCore import pyqtSignal, pyqtSlot, QObject, QTimer from PyQt6.QtCore import QUrl from qutebrowser.utils import log, qtutils, utils _T = TypeVar('_T', bound=utils.Comparable) class Unset: """Class for an unset object.""" __slots__ = () def __repr__(self) -> str: return '' UNSET = Unset() class NeighborList(Sequence[_T]): """A list of items which saves its current position. Class attributes: Modes: Different modes, see constructor documentation. Attributes: fuzzyval: The value which is currently set but not in the list. _idx: The current position in the list. _items: A list of all items, accessed through item property. _mode: The current mode. """ class Modes(enum.Enum): """Behavior for the 'mode' argument.""" edge = enum.auto() exception = enum.auto() def __init__(self, items: Sequence[_T] = None, default: Union[_T, Unset] = UNSET, mode: Modes = Modes.exception) -> None: """Constructor. Args: items: The list of items to iterate in. _default: The initially selected value. _mode: Behavior when the first/last item is reached. Modes.edge: Go to the first/last item Modes.exception: Raise an IndexError. """ if not isinstance(mode, self.Modes): raise TypeError("Mode {} is not a Modes member!".format(mode)) if items is None: self._items: Sequence[_T] = [] else: self._items = list(items) self._default = default if not isinstance(default, Unset): idx = self._items.index(default) self._idx: Optional[int] = idx else: self._idx = None self._mode = mode self.fuzzyval: Optional[int] = None def __getitem__(self, key: int) -> _T: # type: ignore[override] return self._items[key] def __len__(self) -> int: return len(self._items) def __repr__(self) -> str: return utils.get_repr(self, items=self._items, mode=self._mode, idx=self._idx, fuzzyval=self.fuzzyval) def _snap_in(self, offset: int) -> bool: """Set the current item to the closest item to self.fuzzyval. Args: offset: negative to get the next smaller item, positive for the next bigger one. Return: True if the value snapped in (changed), False when the value already was in the list. """ assert isinstance(self.fuzzyval, (int, float)), self.fuzzyval op = operator.le if offset < 0 else operator.ge items = [(idx, e) for (idx, e) in enumerate(self._items) if op(e, self.fuzzyval)] if items: item = min( items, key=lambda tpl: abs(self.fuzzyval - tpl[1])) # type: ignore[operator] else: sorted_items = sorted(enumerate(self.items), key=lambda e: e[1]) idx = 0 if offset < 0 else -1 item = sorted_items[idx] self._idx = item[0] return self.fuzzyval not in self._items def _get_new_item(self, offset: int) -> _T: """Logic for getitem to get the item at offset. Args: offset: The offset of the current item, relative to the last one. Return: The new item. """ assert self._idx is not None try: if self._idx + offset >= 0: new = self._items[self._idx + offset] else: raise IndexError except IndexError: if self._mode == self.Modes.edge: assert offset != 0 if offset > 0: new = self.lastitem() else: new = self.firstitem() elif self._mode == self.Modes.exception: # pragma: no branch raise else: self._idx += offset return new @property def items(self) -> Sequence[_T]: """Getter for items, which should not be set.""" return self._items def getitem(self, offset: int) -> _T: """Get the item with a relative position. Args: offset: The offset of the current item, relative to the last one. Return: The new item. """ log.misc.debug("{} items, idx {}, offset {}".format( len(self._items), self._idx, offset)) if not self._items: raise IndexError("No items found!") if self.fuzzyval is not None: # Value has been set to something not in the list, so we snap in to # the closest value in the right direction and count this as one # step towards offset. snapped = self._snap_in(offset) if snapped and offset > 0: offset -= 1 elif snapped: offset += 1 self.fuzzyval = None return self._get_new_item(offset) def curitem(self) -> _T: """Get the current item in the list.""" if self._idx is not None: return self._items[self._idx] else: raise IndexError("No current item!") def nextitem(self) -> _T: """Get the next item in the list.""" return self.getitem(1) def previtem(self) -> _T: """Get the previous item in the list.""" return self.getitem(-1) def firstitem(self) -> _T: """Get the first item in the list.""" if not self._items: raise IndexError("No items found!") self._idx = 0 return self.curitem() def lastitem(self) -> _T: """Get the last item in the list.""" if not self._items: raise IndexError("No items found!") self._idx = len(self._items) - 1 return self.curitem() def reset(self) -> _T: """Reset the position to the default.""" if self._default is UNSET: raise ValueError("No default set!") self._idx = self._items.index(self._default) return self.curitem() class PromptMode(enum.Enum): """The mode of a Question.""" yesno = enum.auto() text = enum.auto() user_pwd = enum.auto() alert = enum.auto() download = enum.auto() class ClickTarget(enum.Enum): """How to open a clicked link.""" normal = enum.auto() #: Open the link in the current tab tab = enum.auto() #: Open the link in a new foreground tab tab_bg = enum.auto() #: Open the link in a new background tab window = enum.auto() #: Open the link in a new window hover = enum.auto() #: Only hover over the link class KeyMode(enum.Enum): """Key input modes.""" normal = enum.auto() #: Normal mode (no mode was entered) hint = enum.auto() #: Hint mode (showing labels for links) command = enum.auto() #: Command mode (after pressing the colon key) yesno = enum.auto() #: Yes/No prompts prompt = enum.auto() #: Text prompts insert = enum.auto() #: Insert mode (passing through most keys) passthrough = enum.auto() #: Passthrough mode (passing through all keys) caret = enum.auto() #: Caret mode (moving cursor with keys) set_mark = enum.auto() jump_mark = enum.auto() record_macro = enum.auto() run_macro = enum.auto() # 'register' is a bit of an oddball here: It's not really a "real" mode, # but it's used in the config for common bindings for # set_mark/jump_mark/record_macro/run_macro. register = enum.auto() class Exit(enum.IntEnum): """Exit statuses for errors. Needs to be an int for sys.exit.""" ok = 0 reserved = 1 exception = 2 err_ipc = 3 err_init = 4 class LoadStatus(enum.Enum): """Load status of a tab.""" none = enum.auto() success = enum.auto() success_https = enum.auto() error = enum.auto() warn = enum.auto() loading = enum.auto() class Backend(enum.Enum): """The backend being used (usertypes.backend).""" QtWebKit = enum.auto() QtWebEngine = enum.auto() class JsWorld(enum.Enum): """World/context to run JavaScript code in.""" main = enum.auto() #: Same world as the web page's JavaScript. application = enum.auto() #: Application world, used by qutebrowser internally. user = enum.auto() #: User world, currently not used. jseval = enum.auto() #: World used for the jseval-command. class JsLogLevel(enum.Enum): """Log level of a JS message. This needs to match up with the keys allowed for the content.javascript.log setting. """ unknown = enum.auto() info = enum.auto() warning = enum.auto() error = enum.auto() class MessageLevel(enum.Enum): """The level of a message being shown.""" error = enum.auto() warning = enum.auto() info = enum.auto() class IgnoreCase(enum.Enum): """Possible values for the 'search.ignore_case' setting.""" smart = enum.auto() never = enum.auto() always = enum.auto() class CommandValue(enum.Enum): """Special values which are injected when running a command handler.""" count = enum.auto() win_id = enum.auto() cur_tab = enum.auto() count_tab = enum.auto() class Question(QObject): """A question asked to the user, e.g. via the status bar. Note the creator is responsible for cleaning up the question after it doesn't need it anymore, e.g. via connecting Question.completed to Question.deleteLater. Attributes: mode: A PromptMode enum member. yesno: A question which can be answered with yes/no. text: A question which requires a free text answer. user_pwd: A question for a username and password. default: The default value. For yesno, None (no default), True or False. For text, a default text as string. For user_pwd, a default username as string. title: The question title to show. text: The prompt text to display to the user. url: Any URL referenced in prompts. option: Boolean option to be set when answering always/never. answer: The value the user entered (as password for user_pwd). is_aborted: Whether the question was aborted. interrupted: Whether the question was interrupted by another one. Signals: answered: Emitted when the question has been answered by the user. arg: The answer to the question. cancelled: Emitted when the question has been cancelled by the user. aborted: Emitted when the question was aborted programmatically. In this case, cancelled is not emitted. answered_yes: Convenience signal emitted when a yesno question was answered with yes. answered_no: Convenience signal emitted when a yesno question was answered with no. completed: Emitted when the question was completed in any way. """ answered = pyqtSignal(object) cancelled = pyqtSignal() aborted = pyqtSignal() answered_yes = pyqtSignal() answered_no = pyqtSignal() completed = pyqtSignal() def __init__(self, parent: QObject = None) -> None: super().__init__(parent) self.mode: Optional[PromptMode] = None self.default: Union[bool, str, None] = None self.title: Optional[str] = None self.text: Optional[str] = None self.url: Optional[str] = None self.option: Optional[bool] = None self.answer: Union[str, bool, None] = None self.is_aborted = False self.interrupted = False def __repr__(self) -> str: return utils.get_repr(self, title=self.title, text=self.text, mode=self.mode, default=self.default, option=self.option) @pyqtSlot() def done(self) -> None: """Must be called when the question was answered completely.""" self.answered.emit(self.answer) if self.mode == PromptMode.yesno: if self.answer: self.answered_yes.emit() else: self.answered_no.emit() self.completed.emit() @pyqtSlot() def cancel(self) -> None: """Cancel the question (resulting from user-input).""" self.cancelled.emit() self.completed.emit() @pyqtSlot() def abort(self) -> None: """Abort the question.""" if self.is_aborted: log.misc.debug("Question was already aborted") return self.is_aborted = True self.aborted.emit() self.completed.emit() class Timer(QTimer): """A timer which has a name to show in __repr__ and checks for overflows. Attributes: _name: The name of the timer. """ def __init__(self, parent: QObject = None, name: str = None) -> None: super().__init__(parent) if name is None: self._name = "unnamed" else: self.setObjectName(name) self._name = name def __repr__(self) -> str: return utils.get_repr(self, name=self._name) def setInterval(self, msec: int) -> None: """Extend setInterval to check for overflows.""" qtutils.check_overflow(msec, 'int') super().setInterval(msec) def start(self, msec: int = None) -> None: """Extend start to check for overflows.""" if msec is not None: qtutils.check_overflow(msec, 'int') super().start(msec) else: super().start() class AbstractCertificateErrorWrapper: """A wrapper over an SSL/certificate error.""" def __str__(self) -> str: raise NotImplementedError def __repr__(self) -> str: raise NotImplementedError def is_overridable(self) -> bool: raise NotImplementedError def html(self) -> str: return f'


' @dataclasses.dataclass class NavigationRequest: """A request to navigate to the given URL.""" class Type(enum.Enum): """The type of a request. Based on QWebEngineUrlRequestInfo::NavigationType and QWebPage::NavigationType. """ #: Navigation initiated by clicking a link. link_clicked = 1 #: Navigation explicitly initiated by typing a URL (QtWebEngine only). typed = 2 #: Navigation submits a form. form_submitted = 3 #: An HTML form was submitted a second time (QtWebKit only). form_resubmitted = 4 #: Navigation initiated by a history action. back_forward = 5 #: Navigation initiated by refreshing the page. reloaded = 6 #: Navigation triggered automatically by page content or remote server #: (QtWebEngine >= 5.14 only) redirect = 7 #: None of the above. other = 8 url: QUrl navigation_type: Type is_main_frame: bool accepted: bool = True