# pylint: disable=import-error,wildcard-import,unused-wildcard-import """Wrapped Qt imports for Qt Core. All code in qutebrowser should use this module instead of importing from PyQt/PySide directly. This allows supporting both Qt 5 and Qt 6. See machinery.py for details on how Qt wrapper selection works. Any API exported from this module is based on the Qt 6 API: https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/qtcore-index.html """ from typing import TYPE_CHECKING from qutebrowser.qt import machinery machinery.init_implicit() if machinery.USE_PYSIDE6: from PySide6.QtCore import * elif machinery.USE_PYQT5: from PyQt5.QtCore import * elif machinery.USE_PYQT6: from PyQt6.QtCore import * if TYPE_CHECKING: from qutebrowser.qt._core_pyqtproperty import pyqtProperty else: raise machinery.UnknownWrapper()