# vim: ft=python fileencoding=utf-8 sts=4 sw=4 et: # Copyright 2016-2021 Ryan Roden-Corrent (rcorre) # # This file is part of qutebrowser. # # qutebrowser is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # qutebrowser is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with qutebrowser. If not, see . """Provides access to sqlite databases.""" import collections import contextlib import dataclasses import types from typing import Any, Dict, Iterator, List, Mapping, MutableSequence, Optional, Type from PyQt5.QtCore import QObject, pyqtSignal from PyQt5.QtSql import QSqlDatabase, QSqlError, QSqlQuery from qutebrowser.qt import sip from qutebrowser.utils import debug, log @dataclasses.dataclass class UserVersion: """The version of data stored in the history database. When we originally started using user_version, we only used it to signify that the completion database should be regenerated. However, sometimes there are backwards-incompatible changes. Instead, we now (ab)use the fact that the user_version in sqlite is a 32-bit integer to store both a major and a minor part. If only the minor part changed, we can deal with it (there are only new URLs to clean up or somesuch). If the major part changed, there are backwards-incompatible changes in how the database works, so newer databases are not compatible with older qutebrowser versions. """ major: int minor: int @classmethod def from_int(cls, num: int) -> 'UserVersion': """Parse a number from sqlite into a major/minor user version.""" assert 0 <= num <= 0x7FFF_FFFF, num # signed integer, but shouldn't be negative major = (num & 0x7FFF_0000) >> 16 minor = num & 0x0000_FFFF return cls(major, minor) def to_int(self) -> int: """Get a sqlite integer from a major/minor user version.""" assert 0 <= self.major <= 0x7FFF # signed integer assert 0 <= self.minor <= 0xFFFF return self.major << 16 | self.minor def __str__(self) -> str: return f'{self.major}.{self.minor}' class SqliteErrorCode: """Error codes as used by sqlite. See https://sqlite.org/rescode.html - note we only define the codes we use in qutebrowser here. """ ERROR = '1' # generic error code BUSY = '5' # database is locked READONLY = '8' # attempt to write a readonly database IOERR = '10' # disk I/O error CORRUPT = '11' # database disk image is malformed FULL = '13' # database or disk is full CANTOPEN = '14' # unable to open database file PROTOCOL = '15' # locking protocol error CONSTRAINT = '19' # UNIQUE constraint failed NOTADB = '26' # file is not a database class Error(Exception): """Base class for all SQL related errors.""" def __init__(self, msg: str, error: Optional[QSqlError] = None) -> None: super().__init__(msg) self.error = error def text(self) -> str: """Get a short text description of the error. This is a string suitable to show to the user as error message. """ if self.error is None: return str(self) else: return self.error.databaseText() class KnownError(Error): """Raised on an error interacting with the SQL database. This is raised in conditions resulting from the environment (like a full disk or I/O errors), where qutebrowser isn't to blame. """ class BugError(Error): """Raised on an error interacting with the SQL database. This is raised for errors resulting from a qutebrowser bug. """ def raise_sqlite_error(msg: str, error: QSqlError) -> None: """Raise either a BugError or KnownError.""" error_code = error.nativeErrorCode() database_text = error.databaseText() driver_text = error.driverText() log.sql.debug("SQL error:") log.sql.debug(f"type: {debug.qenum_key(QSqlError, error.type())}") log.sql.debug(f"database text: {database_text}") log.sql.debug(f"driver text: {driver_text}") log.sql.debug(f"error code: {error_code}") known_errors = [ SqliteErrorCode.BUSY, SqliteErrorCode.READONLY, SqliteErrorCode.IOERR, SqliteErrorCode.CORRUPT, SqliteErrorCode.FULL, SqliteErrorCode.CANTOPEN, SqliteErrorCode.PROTOCOL, SqliteErrorCode.NOTADB, ] # https://github.com/qutebrowser/qutebrowser/issues/4681 # If the query we built was too long too_long_err = ( error_code == SqliteErrorCode.ERROR and (database_text.startswith("Expression tree is too large") or database_text in ["too many SQL variables", "LIKE or GLOB pattern too complex"])) if error_code in known_errors or too_long_err: raise KnownError(msg, error) raise BugError(msg, error) class Database: """A wrapper over a QSqlDatabase connection.""" _USER_VERSION = UserVersion(0, 4) # The current / newest user version def __init__(self, path: str) -> None: if QSqlDatabase.database(path).isValid(): raise BugError(f'A connection to the database at "{path}" already exists') self._path = path database = QSqlDatabase.addDatabase('QSQLITE', path) if not database.isValid(): raise KnownError('Failed to add database. Are sqlite and Qt sqlite ' 'support installed?') database.setDatabaseName(path) if not database.open(): error = database.lastError() msg = f"Failed to open sqlite database at {path}: {error.text()}" raise_sqlite_error(msg, error) version_int = self.query('pragma user_version').run().value() self._user_version = UserVersion.from_int(version_int) if self._user_version.major > self._USER_VERSION.major: raise KnownError( "Database is too new for this qutebrowser version (database version " f"{self._user_version}, but {self._USER_VERSION.major}.x is supported)") if self.user_version_changed(): # Enable write-ahead-logging and reduce disk write frequency # see https://sqlite.org/pragma.html and issues #2930 and #3507 # # We might already have done this (without a migration) in earlier versions, # but as those are idempotent, let's make sure we run them once again. self.query("PRAGMA journal_mode=WAL").run() self.query("PRAGMA synchronous=NORMAL").run() def qt_database(self) -> QSqlDatabase: """Return the wrapped QSqlDatabase instance.""" database = QSqlDatabase.database(self._path, open=True) if not database.isValid(): raise BugError('Failed to get connection. Did you close() this Database ' 'instance?') return database def query(self, querystr: str, forward_only: bool = True) -> 'Query': """Return a Query instance linked to this Database.""" return Query(self, querystr, forward_only) def table(self, name: str, fields: List[str], constraints: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, parent: Optional[QObject] = None) -> 'SqlTable': """Return a SqlTable instance linked to this Database.""" return SqlTable(self, name, fields, constraints, parent) def user_version_changed(self) -> bool: """Whether the version stored in the database differs from the current one.""" return self._user_version != self._USER_VERSION def upgrade_user_version(self) -> None: """Upgrade the user version to the latest version. This method should be called once all required operations to migrate from one version to another have been run. """ log.sql.debug(f"Migrating from version {self._user_version} " f"to {self._USER_VERSION}") self.query(f'PRAGMA user_version = {self._USER_VERSION.to_int()}').run() self._user_version = self._USER_VERSION def close(self) -> None: """Close the SQL connection.""" database = self.qt_database() database.close() sip.delete(database) QSqlDatabase.removeDatabase(self._path) def transaction(self) -> 'Transaction': """Return a Transaction object linked to this Database.""" return Transaction(self) class Transaction(contextlib.AbstractContextManager): # type: ignore[type-arg] """A Database transaction that can be used as a context manager.""" def __init__(self, database: Database) -> None: self._database = database def __enter__(self) -> None: log.sql.debug('Starting a transaction') db = self._database.qt_database() ok = db.transaction() if not ok: error = db.lastError() msg = f'Failed to start a transaction: "{error.text()}"' raise_sqlite_error(msg, error) def __exit__(self, _exc_type: Optional[Type[BaseException]], exc_val: Optional[BaseException], _exc_tb: Optional[types.TracebackType]) -> None: db = self._database.qt_database() if exc_val: log.sql.debug('Rolling back a transaction') db.rollback() else: log.sql.debug('Committing a transaction') ok = db.commit() if not ok: error = db.lastError() msg = f'Failed to commit a transaction: "{error.text()}"' raise_sqlite_error(msg, error) class Query: """A prepared SQL query.""" def __init__(self, database: Database, querystr: str, forward_only: bool = True) -> None: """Prepare a new SQL query. Args: database: The Database object on which to operate. querystr: String to prepare query from. forward_only: Optimization for queries that will only step forward. Must be false for completion queries. """ self._database = database self.query = QSqlQuery(database.qt_database()) log.sql.vdebug(f'Preparing: {querystr}') # type: ignore[attr-defined] ok = self.query.prepare(querystr) self._check_ok('prepare', ok) self.query.setForwardOnly(forward_only) def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[Any]: if not self.query.isActive(): raise BugError("Cannot iterate inactive query") rec = self.query.record() fields = [rec.fieldName(i) for i in range(rec.count())] rowtype = collections.namedtuple( # type: ignore[misc] 'ResultRow', fields) while self.query.next(): rec = self.query.record() yield rowtype(*[rec.value(i) for i in range(rec.count())]) def _check_ok(self, step: str, ok: bool) -> None: if not ok: query = self.query.lastQuery() error = self.query.lastError() msg = f'Failed to {step} query "{query}": "{error.text()}"' raise_sqlite_error(msg, error) def _bind_values(self, values: Mapping[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]: for key, val in values.items(): self.query.bindValue(f':{key}', val) bound_values = self.bound_values() if None in bound_values.values(): raise BugError("Missing bound values!") return bound_values def run(self, **values: Any) -> 'Query': """Execute the prepared query.""" log.sql.debug(self.query.lastQuery()) bound_values = self._bind_values(values) if bound_values: log.sql.debug(f' {bound_values}') ok = self.query.exec() self._check_ok('exec', ok) return self def run_batch(self, values: Mapping[str, MutableSequence[Any]]) -> None: """Execute the query in batch mode.""" log.sql.debug(f'Running SQL query (batch): "{self.query.lastQuery()}"') self._bind_values(values) db = self._database.qt_database() ok = db.transaction() self._check_ok('transaction', ok) ok = self.query.execBatch() try: self._check_ok('execBatch', ok) except Error: # Not checking the return value here, as we're failing anyways... db.rollback() raise ok = db.commit() self._check_ok('commit', ok) def value(self) -> Any: """Return the result of a single-value query (e.g. an EXISTS).""" if not self.query.next(): raise BugError("No result for single-result query") return self.query.record().value(0) def rows_affected(self) -> int: """Return how many rows were affected by a non-SELECT query.""" assert not self.query.isSelect(), self assert self.query.isActive(), self rows = self.query.numRowsAffected() assert rows != -1 return rows def bound_values(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: return self.query.boundValues() class SqlTable(QObject): """Interface to a SQL table. Attributes: _name: Name of the SQL table this wraps. database: The Database to which this table belongs. Signals: changed: Emitted when the table is modified. """ changed = pyqtSignal() database: Database def __init__(self, database: Database, name: str, fields: List[str], constraints: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, parent: Optional[QObject] = None) -> None: """Wrapper over a table in the SQL database. Args: database: The Database to which this table belongs. name: Name of the table. fields: A list of field names. constraints: A dict mapping field names to constraint strings. """ super().__init__(parent) self._name = name self.database = database self._create_table(fields, constraints) def _create_table(self, fields: List[str], constraints: Optional[Dict[str, str]], *, force: bool = False) -> None: """Create the table if the database is uninitialized. If the table already exists, this does nothing (except with force=True), so it can e.g. be called on every user_version change. """ if not self.database.user_version_changed() and not force: return constraints = constraints or {} column_defs = [f'{field} {constraints.get(field, "")}' for field in fields] q = self.database.query( f"CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS {self._name} ({', '.join(column_defs)})" ) q.run() def create_index(self, name: str, field: str) -> None: """Create an index over this table if the database is uninitialized. Args: name: Name of the index, should be unique. field: Name of the field to index. """ if not self.database.user_version_changed(): return q = self.database.query( f"CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS {name} ON {self._name} ({field})" ) q.run() def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[Any]: """Iterate rows in the table.""" q = self.database.query(f"SELECT * FROM {self._name}") q.run() return iter(q) def contains_query(self, field: str) -> Query: """Return a prepared query that checks for the existence of an item. Args: field: Field to match. """ return self.database.query( f"SELECT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM {self._name} WHERE {field} = :val)" ) def __len__(self) -> int: """Return the count of rows in the table.""" q = self.database.query(f"SELECT count(*) FROM {self._name}") q.run() return q.value() def __bool__(self) -> bool: """Check whether there's any data in the table.""" q = self.database.query(f"SELECT 1 FROM {self._name} LIMIT 1") q.run() return q.query.next() def delete(self, field: str, value: Any) -> None: """Remove all rows for which `field` equals `value`. Args: field: Field to use as the key. value: Key value to delete. Return: The number of rows deleted. """ q = self.database.query(f"DELETE FROM {self._name} where {field} = :val") q.run(val=value) if not q.rows_affected(): raise KeyError('No row with {field} = "{value}"') self.changed.emit() def _insert_query(self, values: Mapping[str, Any], replace: bool) -> Query: params = ', '.join(f':{key}' for key in values) columns = ', '.join(values) verb = "REPLACE" if replace else "INSERT" return self.database.query( f"{verb} INTO {self._name} ({columns}) values({params})" ) def insert(self, values: Mapping[str, Any], replace: bool = False) -> None: """Append a row to the table. Args: values: A dict with a value to insert for each field name. replace: If set, replace existing values. """ q = self._insert_query(values, replace) q.run(**values) self.changed.emit() def insert_batch(self, values: Mapping[str, MutableSequence[Any]], replace: bool = False) -> None: """Performantly append multiple rows to the table. Args: values: A dict with a list of values to insert for each field name. replace: If true, overwrite rows with a primary key match. """ q = self._insert_query(values, replace) q.run_batch(values) self.changed.emit() def delete_all(self) -> None: """Remove all rows from the table.""" self.database.query(f"DELETE FROM {self._name}").run() self.changed.emit() def select(self, sort_by: str, sort_order: str, limit: int = -1) -> Query: """Prepare, run, and return a select statement on this table. Args: sort_by: name of column to sort by. sort_order: 'asc' or 'desc'. limit: max number of rows in result, defaults to -1 (unlimited). Return: A prepared and executed select query. """ q = self.database.query( f"SELECT * FROM {self._name} ORDER BY {sort_by} {sort_order} LIMIT :limit" ) q.run(limit=limit) return q def version() -> str: """Return the sqlite version string.""" try: with contextlib.closing(Database(':memory:')) as in_memory_db: return in_memory_db.query("select sqlite_version()").run().value() except KnownError as e: return f'UNAVAILABLE ({e})'