# vim: ft=python fileencoding=utf-8 sts=4 sw=4 et: # Copyright 2015-2021 Florian Bruhin (The Compiler) # # This file is part of qutebrowser. # # qutebrowser is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # qutebrowser is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with qutebrowser. If not, see . """Management of sessions - saved tabs/windows.""" import os import os.path import itertools import urllib import shutil import pathlib from typing import Any, Iterable, MutableMapping, MutableSequence, Optional, Union, cast from PyQt6.QtCore import Qt, QUrl, QObject, QPoint, QTimer, QDateTime import yaml from qutebrowser.utils import (standarddir, objreg, qtutils, log, message, utils, usertypes, version) from qutebrowser.api import cmdutils from qutebrowser.config import config, configfiles from qutebrowser.completion.models import miscmodels from qutebrowser.mainwindow import mainwindow from qutebrowser.qt import sip from qutebrowser.misc import objects, throttle _JsonType = MutableMapping[str, Any] class Sentinel: """Sentinel value for default argument.""" default = Sentinel() session_manager = cast('SessionManager', None) ArgType = Union[str, Sentinel] def init(parent=None): """Initialize sessions. Args: parent: The parent to use for the SessionManager. """ base_path = pathlib.Path(standarddir.data()) / 'sessions' # WORKAROUND for https://github.com/qutebrowser/qutebrowser/issues/5359 backup_path = base_path / 'before-qt-515' if objects.backend == usertypes.Backend.QtWebEngine: webengine_version = version.qtwebengine_versions().webengine do_backup = webengine_version >= utils.VersionNumber(5, 15) else: do_backup = False if base_path.exists() and not backup_path.exists() and do_backup: backup_path.mkdir() for path in base_path.glob('*.yml'): shutil.copy(path, backup_path) base_path.mkdir(exist_ok=True) global session_manager session_manager = SessionManager(str(base_path), parent) def shutdown(session: Optional[ArgType], last_window: bool) -> None: """Handle a shutdown by saving sessions and removing the autosave file.""" if session_manager is None: return # type: ignore[unreachable] try: if session is not None: session_manager.save(session, last_window=last_window, load_next_time=True) elif config.val.auto_save.session: session_manager.save(default, last_window=last_window, load_next_time=True) except SessionError as e: log.sessions.error("Failed to save session: {}".format(e)) session_manager.delete_autosave() class SessionError(Exception): """Exception raised when a session failed to load/save.""" class SessionNotFoundError(SessionError): """Exception raised when a session to be loaded was not found.""" class TabHistoryItem: """A single item in the tab history. Attributes: url: The QUrl of this item. original_url: The QUrl of this item which was originally requested. title: The title as string of this item. active: Whether this item is the item currently navigated to. user_data: The user data for this item. """ def __init__(self, url, title, *, original_url=None, active=False, user_data=None, last_visited=None): self.url = url if original_url is None: self.original_url = url else: self.original_url = original_url self.title = title self.active = active self.user_data = user_data self.last_visited = last_visited def __repr__(self): return utils.get_repr(self, constructor=True, url=self.url, original_url=self.original_url, title=self.title, active=self.active, user_data=self.user_data, last_visited=self.last_visited) class SessionManager(QObject): """Manager for sessions. Attributes: _base_path: The path to store sessions under. _last_window_session: The session data of the last window which was closed. current: The name of the currently loaded session, or None. did_load: Set when a session was loaded. """ def __init__(self, base_path, parent=None): super().__init__(parent) self.current: Optional[str] = None self._base_path = base_path self._last_window_session = None self.did_load = False # throttle autosaves to one minute apart self.save_autosave = throttle.Throttle(self._save_autosave, 60 * 1000) def _get_session_path(self, name, check_exists=False): """Get the session path based on a session name or absolute path. Args: name: The name of the session. check_exists: Whether it should also be checked if the session exists. """ path = os.path.expanduser(name) if os.path.isabs(path) and ((not check_exists) or os.path.exists(path)): return path else: path = os.path.join(self._base_path, name + '.yml') if check_exists and not os.path.exists(path): raise SessionNotFoundError(path) return path def exists(self, name): """Check if a named session exists.""" try: self._get_session_path(name, check_exists=True) except SessionNotFoundError: return False else: return True def _save_tab_item(self, tab, idx, item): """Save a single history item in a tab. Args: tab: The tab to save. idx: The index of the current history item. item: The history item. Return: A dict with the saved data for this item. """ data: _JsonType = { 'url': bytes(item.url().toEncoded()).decode('ascii'), } if item.title(): data['title'] = item.title() else: # https://github.com/qutebrowser/qutebrowser/issues/879 if tab.history.current_idx() == idx: data['title'] = tab.title() else: data['title'] = data['url'] if item.originalUrl() != item.url(): encoded = item.originalUrl().toEncoded() data['original-url'] = bytes(encoded).decode('ascii') if tab.history.current_idx() == idx: data['active'] = True try: user_data = item.userData() except AttributeError: # QtWebEngine user_data = None data['last_visited'] = item.lastVisited().toString(Qt.DateFormat.ISODate) if tab.history.current_idx() == idx: pos = tab.scroller.pos_px() data['zoom'] = tab.zoom.factor() data['scroll-pos'] = {'x': pos.x(), 'y': pos.y()} elif user_data is not None: if 'zoom' in user_data: data['zoom'] = user_data['zoom'] if 'scroll-pos' in user_data: pos = user_data['scroll-pos'] data['scroll-pos'] = {'x': pos.x(), 'y': pos.y()} data['pinned'] = tab.data.pinned return data def _save_tab(self, tab, active): """Get a dict with data for a single tab. Args: tab: The WebView to save. active: Whether the tab is currently active. """ data: _JsonType = {'history': []} if active: data['active'] = True for idx, item in enumerate(tab.history): qtutils.ensure_valid(item) item_data = self._save_tab_item(tab, idx, item) if item.url().scheme() == 'qute' and item.url().host() == 'back': # don't add qute://back to the session file if item_data.get('active', False) and data['history']: # mark entry before qute://back as active data['history'][-1]['active'] = True else: data['history'].append(item_data) return data def _save_all(self, *, only_window=None, with_private=False): """Get a dict with data for all windows/tabs.""" data: _JsonType = {'windows': []} if only_window is not None: winlist: Iterable[int] = [only_window] else: winlist = objreg.window_registry for win_id in sorted(winlist): tabbed_browser = objreg.get('tabbed-browser', scope='window', window=win_id) main_window = objreg.get('main-window', scope='window', window=win_id) # We could be in the middle of destroying a window here if sip.isdeleted(main_window): continue if tabbed_browser.is_private and not with_private: continue win_data: _JsonType = {} active_window = objects.qapp.activeWindow() if getattr(active_window, 'win_id', None) == win_id: win_data['active'] = True win_data['geometry'] = bytes(main_window.saveGeometry()) win_data['tabs'] = [] if tabbed_browser.is_private: win_data['private'] = True for i, tab in enumerate(tabbed_browser.widgets()): active = i == tabbed_browser.widget.currentIndex() win_data['tabs'].append(self._save_tab(tab, active)) data['windows'].append(win_data) return data def _get_session_name(self, name): """Helper for save to get the name to save the session to. Args: name: The name of the session to save, or the 'default' sentinel object. """ if name is default: name = config.val.session.default_name if name is None: if self.current is not None: name = self.current else: name = 'default' return name def save(self, name, last_window=False, load_next_time=False, only_window=None, with_private=False): """Save a named session. Args: name: The name of the session to save, or the 'default' sentinel object. last_window: If set, saves the saved self._last_window_session instead of the currently open state. load_next_time: If set, prepares this session to be load next time. only_window: If set, only tabs in the specified window is saved. with_private: Include private windows. Return: The name of the saved session. """ name = self._get_session_name(name) path = self._get_session_path(name) log.sessions.debug("Saving session {} to {}...".format(name, path)) if last_window: data = self._last_window_session if data is None: log.sessions.error("last_window_session is None while saving!") return None else: data = self._save_all(only_window=only_window, with_private=with_private) log.sessions.vdebug( # type: ignore[attr-defined] "Saving data: {}".format(data)) try: with qtutils.savefile_open(path) as f: utils.yaml_dump(data, f) except (OSError, UnicodeEncodeError, yaml.YAMLError) as e: raise SessionError(e) if load_next_time: configfiles.state['general']['session'] = name return name def _save_autosave(self): """Save the autosave session.""" try: self.save('_autosave') except SessionError as e: log.sessions.error("Failed to save autosave session: {}".format(e)) def delete_autosave(self): """Delete the autosave session.""" # cancel any in-flight saves self.save_autosave.cancel() try: self.delete('_autosave') except SessionNotFoundError: # Exiting before the first load finished pass except SessionError as e: log.sessions.error("Failed to delete autosave session: {}" .format(e)) def save_last_window_session(self): """Temporarily save the session for the last closed window.""" self._last_window_session = self._save_all() def _load_tab(self, new_tab, data): # noqa: C901 """Load yaml data into a newly opened tab.""" entries = [] lazy_load: MutableSequence[_JsonType] = [] # use len(data['history']) # -> dropwhile empty if not session.lazy_session lazy_index = len(data['history']) gen = itertools.chain( itertools.takewhile(lambda _: not lazy_load, enumerate(data['history'])), enumerate(lazy_load), itertools.dropwhile(lambda i: i[0] < lazy_index, enumerate(data['history']))) for i, histentry in gen: user_data = {} if 'zoom' in data: # The zoom was accidentally stored in 'data' instead of per-tab # earlier. # See https://github.com/qutebrowser/qutebrowser/issues/728 user_data['zoom'] = data['zoom'] elif 'zoom' in histentry: user_data['zoom'] = histentry['zoom'] if 'scroll-pos' in data: # The scroll position was accidentally stored in 'data' instead # of per-tab earlier. # See https://github.com/qutebrowser/qutebrowser/issues/728 pos = data['scroll-pos'] user_data['scroll-pos'] = QPoint(pos['x'], pos['y']) elif 'scroll-pos' in histentry: pos = histentry['scroll-pos'] user_data['scroll-pos'] = QPoint(pos['x'], pos['y']) if 'pinned' in histentry: new_tab.data.pinned = histentry['pinned'] if (config.val.session.lazy_restore and histentry.get('active', False) and not histentry['url'].startswith('qute://back')): # remove "active" mark and insert back page marked as active lazy_index = i + 1 lazy_load.append({ 'title': histentry['title'], 'url': 'qute://back#' + urllib.parse.quote(histentry['title']), 'active': True }) histentry['active'] = False active = histentry.get('active', False) url = QUrl.fromEncoded(histentry['url'].encode('ascii')) if 'original-url' in histentry: orig_url = QUrl.fromEncoded( histentry['original-url'].encode('ascii')) else: orig_url = url if histentry.get("last_visited"): last_visited: Optional[QDateTime] = QDateTime.fromString( histentry.get("last_visited"), Qt.DateFormat.ISODate, ) else: last_visited = None entry = TabHistoryItem(url=url, original_url=orig_url, title=histentry['title'], active=active, user_data=user_data, last_visited=last_visited) entries.append(entry) if active: new_tab.title_changed.emit(histentry['title']) try: new_tab.history.private_api.load_items(entries) except ValueError as e: raise SessionError(e) def _load_window(self, win): """Turn yaml data into windows.""" window = mainwindow.MainWindow(geometry=win['geometry'], private=win.get('private', None)) window.show() tabbed_browser = objreg.get('tabbed-browser', scope='window', window=window.win_id) tab_to_focus = None for i, tab in enumerate(win['tabs']): new_tab = tabbed_browser.tabopen(background=False) self._load_tab(new_tab, tab) if tab.get('active', False): tab_to_focus = i if new_tab.data.pinned: new_tab.set_pinned(True) if tab_to_focus is not None: tabbed_browser.widget.setCurrentIndex(tab_to_focus) if win.get('active', False): QTimer.singleShot(0, tabbed_browser.widget.activateWindow) def load(self, name, temp=False): """Load a named session. Args: name: The name of the session to load. temp: If given, don't set the current session. """ path = self._get_session_path(name, check_exists=True) try: with open(path, encoding='utf-8') as f: data = utils.yaml_load(f) except (OSError, UnicodeDecodeError, yaml.YAMLError) as e: raise SessionError(e) log.sessions.debug("Loading session {} from {}...".format(name, path)) if data is None: raise SessionError("Got empty session file") if qtutils.is_single_process(): if any(win.get('private') for win in data['windows']): raise SessionError("Can't load a session with private windows " "in single process mode.") for win in data['windows']: self._load_window(win) if data['windows']: self.did_load = True if not name.startswith('_') and not temp: self.current = name def delete(self, name): """Delete a session.""" path = self._get_session_path(name, check_exists=True) try: os.remove(path) except OSError as e: raise SessionError(e) def list_sessions(self): """Get a list of all session names.""" sessions = [] for filename in os.listdir(self._base_path): base, ext = os.path.splitext(filename) if ext == '.yml': sessions.append(base) return sorted(sessions) @cmdutils.register() @cmdutils.argument('name', completion=miscmodels.session) def session_load(name: str, *, clear: bool = False, temp: bool = False, force: bool = False, delete: bool = False) -> None: """Load a session. Args: name: The name of the session. clear: Close all existing windows. temp: Don't set the current session for :session-save. force: Force loading internal sessions (starting with an underline). delete: Delete the saved session once it has loaded. """ if name.startswith('_') and not force: raise cmdutils.CommandError("{} is an internal session, use --force " "to load anyways.".format(name)) old_windows = list(objreg.window_registry.values()) try: session_manager.load(name, temp=temp) except SessionNotFoundError: raise cmdutils.CommandError("Session {} not found!".format(name)) except SessionError as e: raise cmdutils.CommandError("Error while loading session: {}" .format(e)) else: if clear: for win in old_windows: win.close() if delete: try: session_manager.delete(name) except SessionError as e: log.sessions.exception("Error while deleting session!") raise cmdutils.CommandError("Error while deleting session: {}" .format(e)) else: log.sessions.debug("Loaded & deleted session {}.".format(name)) @cmdutils.register() @cmdutils.argument('name', completion=miscmodels.session) @cmdutils.argument('win_id', value=cmdutils.Value.win_id) @cmdutils.argument('with_private', flag='p') def session_save(name: ArgType = default, *, current: bool = False, quiet: bool = False, force: bool = False, only_active_window: bool = False, with_private: bool = False, win_id: int = None) -> None: """Save a session. Args: name: The name of the session. If not given, the session configured in session.default_name is saved. current: Save the current session instead of the default. quiet: Don't show confirmation message. force: Force saving internal sessions (starting with an underline). only_active_window: Saves only tabs of the currently active window. with_private: Include private windows. """ if not isinstance(name, Sentinel) and name.startswith('_') and not force: raise cmdutils.CommandError("{} is an internal session, use --force " "to save anyways.".format(name)) if current: if session_manager.current is None: raise cmdutils.CommandError("No session loaded currently!") name = session_manager.current assert not name.startswith('_') try: if only_active_window: name = session_manager.save(name, only_window=win_id, with_private=True) else: name = session_manager.save(name, with_private=with_private) except SessionError as e: raise cmdutils.CommandError("Error while saving session: {}".format(e)) else: if quiet: log.sessions.debug("Saved session {}.".format(name)) else: message.info("Saved session {}.".format(name)) @cmdutils.register() @cmdutils.argument('name', completion=miscmodels.session) def session_delete(name: str, *, force: bool = False) -> None: """Delete a session. Args: name: The name of the session. force: Force deleting internal sessions (starting with an underline). """ if name.startswith('_') and not force: raise cmdutils.CommandError("{} is an internal session, use --force " "to delete anyways.".format(name)) try: session_manager.delete(name) except SessionNotFoundError: raise cmdutils.CommandError("Session {} not found!".format(name)) except SessionError as e: log.sessions.exception("Error while deleting session!") raise cmdutils.CommandError("Error while deleting session: {}" .format(e)) else: log.sessions.debug("Deleted session {}.".format(name)) def load_default(name): """Load the default session. Args: name: The name of the session to load, or None to read state file. """ if name is None and session_manager.exists('_autosave'): name = '_autosave' elif name is None: try: name = configfiles.state['general']['session'] except KeyError: # No session given as argument and none in the session file -> # start without loading a session return try: session_manager.load(name) except SessionNotFoundError: message.error("Session {} not found!".format(name)) except SessionError as e: message.error("Failed to load session {}: {}".format(name, e)) try: del configfiles.state['general']['session'] except KeyError: pass # If this was a _restart session, delete it. if name == '_restart': session_manager.delete('_restart')