# vim: ft=python fileencoding=utf-8 sts=4 sw=4 et: # Copyright 2014-2021 Florian Bruhin (The Compiler) # # This file is part of qutebrowser. # # qutebrowser is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # qutebrowser is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with qutebrowser. If not, see . """Utilities for IPC with existing instances.""" import os import time import json import getpass import binascii import hashlib from PyQt5.QtCore import pyqtSignal, pyqtSlot, QObject, Qt from PyQt5.QtNetwork import QLocalSocket, QLocalServer, QAbstractSocket import qutebrowser from qutebrowser.utils import log, usertypes, error, standarddir, utils from qutebrowser.qt import sip CONNECT_TIMEOUT = 100 # timeout for connecting/disconnecting WRITE_TIMEOUT = 1000 READ_TIMEOUT = 5000 ATIME_INTERVAL = 5000 * 60 # 5 minutes PROTOCOL_VERSION = 1 # The ipc server instance server = None def _get_socketname_windows(basedir): """Get a socketname to use for Windows.""" try: username = getpass.getuser() except ImportError: # getpass.getuser() first tries a couple of environment variables. If # none of those are set (i.e., USERNAME is missing), it tries to import # the "pwd" module which is unavailable on Windows. raise Error("Could not find username. This should only happen if " "there is a bug in the application launching qutebrowser, " "preventing the USERNAME environment variable from being " "passed. If you know more about when this happens, please " "report this to mail@qutebrowser.org.") parts = ['qutebrowser', username] if basedir is not None: md5 = hashlib.md5(basedir.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest() parts.append(md5) return '-'.join(parts) def _get_socketname(basedir): """Get a socketname to use.""" if utils.is_windows: # pragma: no cover return _get_socketname_windows(basedir) parts_to_hash = [getpass.getuser()] if basedir is not None: parts_to_hash.append(basedir) data_to_hash = '-'.join(parts_to_hash).encode('utf-8') md5 = hashlib.md5(data_to_hash).hexdigest() prefix = 'i-' if utils.is_mac else 'ipc-' filename = '{}{}'.format(prefix, md5) return os.path.join(standarddir.runtime(), filename) class Error(Exception): """Base class for IPC exceptions.""" class SocketError(Error): """Exception raised when there was an error with a QLocalSocket. Args: code: The error code. message: The error message. action: The action which was taken when the error happened. """ def __init__(self, action, socket): """Constructor. Args: action: The action which was taken when the error happened. socket: The QLocalSocket which has the error set. """ super().__init__() self.action = action self.code = socket.error() self.message = socket.errorString() def __str__(self): return "Error while {}: {} (error {})".format( self.action, self.message, self.code) class ListenError(Error): """Exception raised when there was a problem with listening to IPC. Args: code: The error code. message: The error message. """ def __init__(self, local_server): """Constructor. Args: local_server: The QLocalServer which has the error set. """ super().__init__() self.code = local_server.serverError() self.message = local_server.errorString() def __str__(self): return "Error while listening to IPC server: {} (error {})".format( self.message, self.code) class AddressInUseError(ListenError): """Emitted when the server address is already in use.""" class IPCServer(QObject): """IPC server to which clients connect to. Attributes: ignored: Whether requests are ignored (in exception hook). _timer: A timer to handle timeouts. _server: A QLocalServer to accept new connections. _socket: The QLocalSocket we're currently connected to. _socketname: The socketname to use. _atime_timer: Timer to update the atime of the socket regularly. Signals: got_args: Emitted when there was an IPC connection and arguments were passed. got_args: Emitted with the raw data an IPC connection got. got_invalid_data: Emitted when there was invalid incoming data. """ got_args = pyqtSignal(list, str, str) got_raw = pyqtSignal(bytes) got_invalid_data = pyqtSignal() def __init__(self, socketname, parent=None): """Start the IPC server and listen to commands. Args: socketname: The socketname to use. parent: The parent to be used. """ super().__init__(parent) self.ignored = False self._socketname = socketname self._timer = usertypes.Timer(self, 'ipc-timeout') self._timer.setInterval(READ_TIMEOUT) self._timer.timeout.connect(self.on_timeout) if utils.is_windows: # pragma: no cover self._atime_timer = None else: self._atime_timer = usertypes.Timer(self, 'ipc-atime') self._atime_timer.setInterval(ATIME_INTERVAL) self._atime_timer.timeout.connect(self.update_atime) self._atime_timer.setTimerType(Qt.VeryCoarseTimer) self._server = QLocalServer(self) self._server.newConnection.connect(self.handle_connection) self._socket = None self._old_socket = None if utils.is_windows: # pragma: no cover # As a WORKAROUND for a Qt bug, we can't use UserAccessOption on Unix. If we # do, we don't get an AddressInUseError anymore: # https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-48635 # # Thus, we only do so on Windows, and handle permissions manually in # listen() on Linux. log.ipc.debug("Calling setSocketOptions") self._server.setSocketOptions(QLocalServer.UserAccessOption) else: # pragma: no cover log.ipc.debug("Not calling setSocketOptions") def _remove_server(self): """Remove an existing server.""" ok = QLocalServer.removeServer(self._socketname) if not ok: raise Error("Error while removing server {}!".format( self._socketname)) def listen(self): """Start listening on self._socketname.""" log.ipc.debug("Listening as {}".format(self._socketname)) if self._atime_timer is not None: # pragma: no branch self._atime_timer.start() self._remove_server() ok = self._server.listen(self._socketname) if not ok: if self._server.serverError() == QAbstractSocket.AddressInUseError: raise AddressInUseError(self._server) raise ListenError(self._server) if not utils.is_windows: # pragma: no cover # WORKAROUND for QTBUG-48635, see the comment in __init__ for details. try: os.chmod(self._server.fullServerName(), 0o700) except FileNotFoundError: # https://github.com/qutebrowser/qutebrowser/issues/1530 # The server doesn't actually exist even if ok was reported as # True, so report this as an error. raise ListenError(self._server) @pyqtSlot('QLocalSocket::LocalSocketError') def on_error(self, err): """Raise SocketError on fatal errors.""" if self._socket is None: # Sometimes this gets called from stale sockets. log.ipc.debug("In on_error with None socket!") return self._timer.stop() log.ipc.debug("Socket 0x{:x}: error {}: {}".format( id(self._socket), self._socket.error(), self._socket.errorString())) if err != QLocalSocket.PeerClosedError: raise SocketError("handling IPC connection", self._socket) @pyqtSlot() def handle_connection(self): """Handle a new connection to the server.""" if self.ignored: return if self._socket is not None: log.ipc.debug("Got new connection but ignoring it because we're " "still handling another one (0x{:x}).".format( id(self._socket))) return socket = self._server.nextPendingConnection() if socket is None: log.ipc.debug( # type: ignore[unreachable] "No new connection to handle.") return log.ipc.debug("Client connected (socket 0x{:x}).".format(id(socket))) self._socket = socket self._timer.start() socket.readyRead.connect(self.on_ready_read) if socket.canReadLine(): log.ipc.debug("We can read a line immediately.") self.on_ready_read() socket.error.connect(self.on_error) if socket.error() not in [QLocalSocket.UnknownSocketError, QLocalSocket.PeerClosedError]: log.ipc.debug("We got an error immediately.") self.on_error(socket.error()) socket.disconnected.connect(self.on_disconnected) if socket.state() == QLocalSocket.UnconnectedState: log.ipc.debug("Socket was disconnected immediately.") self.on_disconnected() @pyqtSlot() def on_disconnected(self): """Clean up socket when the client disconnected.""" log.ipc.debug("Client disconnected from socket 0x{:x}.".format( id(self._socket))) self._timer.stop() if self._old_socket is not None: self._old_socket.deleteLater() self._old_socket = self._socket self._socket = None # Maybe another connection is waiting. self.handle_connection() def _handle_invalid_data(self): """Handle invalid data we got from a QLocalSocket.""" assert self._socket is not None log.ipc.error("Ignoring invalid IPC data from socket 0x{:x}.".format( id(self._socket))) self.got_invalid_data.emit() self._socket.error.connect(self.on_error) self._socket.disconnectFromServer() def _handle_data(self, data): """Handle data (as bytes) we got from on_ready_read.""" try: decoded = data.decode('utf-8') except UnicodeDecodeError: log.ipc.error("invalid utf-8: {!r}".format(binascii.hexlify(data))) self._handle_invalid_data() return log.ipc.debug("Processing: {}".format(decoded)) try: json_data = json.loads(decoded) except ValueError: log.ipc.error("invalid json: {}".format(decoded.strip())) self._handle_invalid_data() return for name in ['args', 'target_arg']: if name not in json_data: log.ipc.error("Missing {}: {}".format(name, decoded.strip())) self._handle_invalid_data() return try: protocol_version = int(json_data['protocol_version']) except (KeyError, ValueError): log.ipc.error("invalid version: {}".format(decoded.strip())) self._handle_invalid_data() return if protocol_version != PROTOCOL_VERSION: log.ipc.error("incompatible version: expected {}, got {}".format( PROTOCOL_VERSION, protocol_version)) self._handle_invalid_data() return args = json_data['args'] target_arg = json_data['target_arg'] if target_arg is None: # https://www.riverbankcomputing.com/pipermail/pyqt/2016-April/037375.html target_arg = '' cwd = json_data.get('cwd', '') assert cwd is not None self.got_args.emit(args, target_arg, cwd) def _get_socket(self, warn=True): """Get the current socket for on_ready_read. Arguments: warn: Whether to warn if no socket was found. """ if self._socket is None: # pragma: no cover # This happens when doing a connection while another one is already # active for some reason. if self._old_socket is None: if warn: log.ipc.warning("In _get_socket with None socket and old_socket!") return None log.ipc.debug("In _get_socket with None socket!") socket = self._old_socket else: socket = self._socket if sip.isdeleted(socket): # pragma: no cover log.ipc.warning("Ignoring deleted IPC socket") return None return socket @pyqtSlot() def on_ready_read(self): """Read json data from the client.""" self._timer.stop() socket = self._get_socket() while socket is not None and socket.canReadLine(): data = bytes(socket.readLine()) self.got_raw.emit(data) log.ipc.debug("Read from socket 0x{:x}: {!r}".format( id(socket), data)) self._handle_data(data) socket = self._get_socket(warn=False) if self._socket is not None: self._timer.start() @pyqtSlot() def on_timeout(self): """Cancel the current connection if it was idle for too long.""" assert self._socket is not None log.ipc.error("IPC connection timed out " "(socket 0x{:x}).".format(id(self._socket))) self._socket.disconnectFromServer() if self._socket is not None: # pragma: no cover # on_socket_disconnected sets it to None self._socket.waitForDisconnected(CONNECT_TIMEOUT) if self._socket is not None: # pragma: no cover # on_socket_disconnected sets it to None self._socket.abort() @pyqtSlot() def update_atime(self): """Update the atime of the socket file all few hours. From the XDG basedir spec: To ensure that your files are not removed, they should have their access time timestamp modified at least once every 6 hours of monotonic time or the 'sticky' bit should be set on the file. """ path = self._server.fullServerName() if not path: log.ipc.error("In update_atime with no server path!") return log.ipc.debug("Touching {}".format(path)) try: os.utime(path) except OSError: log.ipc.exception("Failed to update IPC socket, trying to " "re-listen...") self._server.close() self.listen() @pyqtSlot() def shutdown(self): """Shut down the IPC server cleanly.""" log.ipc.debug("Shutting down IPC (socket 0x{:x})".format( id(self._socket))) if self._socket is not None: self._socket.deleteLater() self._socket = None self._timer.stop() if self._atime_timer is not None: # pragma: no branch self._atime_timer.stop() try: self._atime_timer.timeout.disconnect(self.update_atime) except TypeError: pass self._server.close() self._server.deleteLater() self._remove_server() def send_to_running_instance(socketname, command, target_arg, *, socket=None): """Try to send a commandline to a running instance. Blocks for CONNECT_TIMEOUT ms. Args: socketname: The name which should be used for the socket. command: The command to send to the running instance. target_arg: --target command line argument socket: The socket to read data from, or None. Return: True if connecting was successful, False if no connection was made. """ if socket is None: socket = QLocalSocket() log.ipc.debug("Connecting to {}".format(socketname)) socket.connectToServer(socketname) connected = socket.waitForConnected(CONNECT_TIMEOUT) if connected: log.ipc.info("Opening in existing instance") json_data = {'args': command, 'target_arg': target_arg, 'version': qutebrowser.__version__, 'protocol_version': PROTOCOL_VERSION} try: cwd = os.getcwd() except OSError: pass else: json_data['cwd'] = cwd line = json.dumps(json_data) + '\n' data = line.encode('utf-8') log.ipc.debug("Writing: {!r}".format(data)) socket.writeData(data) socket.waitForBytesWritten(WRITE_TIMEOUT) if socket.error() != QLocalSocket.UnknownSocketError: raise SocketError("writing to running instance", socket) socket.disconnectFromServer() if socket.state() != QLocalSocket.UnconnectedState: socket.waitForDisconnected(CONNECT_TIMEOUT) return True else: if socket.error() not in [QLocalSocket.ConnectionRefusedError, QLocalSocket.ServerNotFoundError]: raise SocketError("connecting to running instance", socket) log.ipc.debug("No existing instance present (error {})".format( socket.error())) return False def display_error(exc, args): """Display a message box with an IPC error.""" error.handle_fatal_exc( exc, "Error while connecting to running instance!", no_err_windows=args.no_err_windows) def send_or_listen(args): """Send the args to a running instance or start a new IPCServer. Args: args: The argparse namespace. Return: The IPCServer instance if no running instance was detected. None if an instance was running and received our request. """ global server try: socketname = _get_socketname(args.basedir) try: sent = send_to_running_instance(socketname, args.command, args.target) if sent: return None log.init.debug("Starting IPC server...") server = IPCServer(socketname) server.listen() return server except AddressInUseError: # This could be a race condition... log.init.debug("Got AddressInUseError, trying again.") time.sleep(0.5) sent = send_to_running_instance(socketname, args.command, args.target) if sent: return None else: raise except Error as e: display_error(e, args) raise