# vim: ft=python fileencoding=utf-8 sts=4 sw=4 et: # Copyright 2014-2021 Florian Bruhin (The Compiler) # # This file is part of qutebrowser. # # qutebrowser is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # qutebrowser is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with qutebrowser. If not, see . """Launcher for an external editor.""" import os import tempfile from PyQt5.QtCore import (pyqtSignal, pyqtSlot, QObject, QProcess, QFileSystemWatcher) from qutebrowser.config import config from qutebrowser.utils import message, log from qutebrowser.misc import guiprocess from qutebrowser.qt import sip class ExternalEditor(QObject): """Class to simplify editing a text in an external editor. Attributes: _text: The current text before the editor is opened. _filename: The name of the file to be edited. _remove_file: Whether the file should be removed when the editor is closed. _proc: The GUIProcess of the editor. _watcher: A QFileSystemWatcher to watch the edited file for changes. Only set if watch=True. _content: The last-saved text of the editor. Signals: file_updated: The text in the edited file was updated. arg: The new text. editing_finished: The editor process was closed. """ file_updated = pyqtSignal(str) editing_finished = pyqtSignal() def __init__(self, parent=None, watch=False): super().__init__(parent) self._filename = None self._proc = None self._remove_file = None self._watcher = QFileSystemWatcher(parent=self) if watch else None self._content = None def _cleanup(self, *, successful): """Clean up temporary files after the editor closed. Args: successful: Whether the editor exited successfully, i.e. the file can be deleted. """ assert self._remove_file is not None if (self._watcher is not None and not sip.isdeleted(self._watcher) and self._watcher.files()): failed = self._watcher.removePaths(self._watcher.files()) if failed: log.procs.error("Failed to unwatch paths: {}".format(failed)) if self._filename is None or not self._remove_file: # Could not create initial file. return assert self._proc is not None if successful: try: os.remove(self._filename) except OSError as e: # NOTE: Do not replace this with "raise CommandError" as it's # executed async. message.error("Failed to delete tempfile... ({})".format(e)) else: message.info(f"Keeping file {self._filename} as the editor process exited " "abnormally") @pyqtSlot(int, QProcess.ExitStatus) def _on_proc_closed(self, _exitcode, exitstatus): """Write the editor text into the form field and clean up tempfile. Callback for QProcess when the editor was closed. """ if sip.isdeleted(self): # pragma: no cover log.procs.debug("Ignoring _on_proc_closed for deleted editor") return log.procs.debug("Editor closed") if exitstatus != QProcess.NormalExit: # No error/cleanup here, since we already handle this in # on_proc_error. return # do a final read to make sure we don't miss the last signal assert self._proc is not None self._on_file_changed(self._filename) self.editing_finished.emit() self._cleanup(successful=self._proc.outcome.was_successful()) @pyqtSlot(QProcess.ProcessError) def _on_proc_error(self, _err): self._cleanup(successful=False) def edit(self, text, caret_position=None): """Edit a given text. Args: text: The initial text to edit. caret_position: The position of the caret in the text. """ if self._filename is not None: raise ValueError("Already editing a file!") try: self._filename = self._create_tempfile(text, 'qutebrowser-editor-') except (OSError, UnicodeEncodeError) as e: message.error("Failed to create initial file: {}".format(e)) return self._remove_file = True line, column = self._calc_line_and_column(text, caret_position) self._start_editor(line=line, column=column) def backup(self): """Create a backup if the content has changed from the original.""" if not self._content: return try: fname = self._create_tempfile(self._content, 'qutebrowser-editor-backup-') message.info('Editor backup at {}'.format(fname)) except OSError as e: message.error('Failed to create editor backup: {}'.format(e)) def _create_tempfile(self, text, prefix): # Close while the external process is running, as otherwise systems # with exclusive write access (e.g. Windows) may fail to update # the file from the external editor, see # https://github.com/qutebrowser/qutebrowser/issues/1767 with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile( mode='w', prefix=prefix, encoding=config.val.editor.encoding, delete=False) as fobj: if text: fobj.write(text) return fobj.name @pyqtSlot(str) def _on_file_changed(self, path): try: with open(path, 'r', encoding=config.val.editor.encoding) as f: text = f.read() except OSError as e: # NOTE: Do not replace this with "raise CommandError" as it's # executed async. message.error("Failed to read back edited file: {}".format(e)) return log.procs.debug("Read back: {}".format(text)) if self._content != text: self._content = text self.file_updated.emit(text) def edit_file(self, filename): """Edit the file with the given filename.""" if not os.path.exists(filename): with open(filename, 'w', encoding='utf-8'): pass self._filename = filename self._remove_file = False self._start_editor() def _start_editor(self, line=1, column=1): """Start the editor with the file opened as self._filename. Args: line: the line number to pass to the editor column: the column number to pass to the editor """ self._proc = guiprocess.GUIProcess(what='editor', parent=self) self._proc.finished.connect(self._on_proc_closed) self._proc.error.connect(self._on_proc_error) editor = config.val.editor.command executable = editor[0] if self._watcher: assert self._filename is not None ok = self._watcher.addPath(self._filename) if not ok: log.procs.error("Failed to watch path: {}" .format(self._filename)) self._watcher.fileChanged.connect( # type: ignore[attr-defined] self._on_file_changed) args = [self._sub_placeholder(arg, line, column) for arg in editor[1:]] log.procs.debug("Calling \"{}\" with args {}".format(executable, args)) self._proc.start(executable, args) def _calc_line_and_column(self, text, caret_position): r"""Calculate line and column numbers given a text and caret position. Both line and column are 1-based indexes, because that's what most editors use as line and column starting index. By "most" we mean at least vim, nvim, gvim, emacs, atom, sublimetext, notepad++, brackets, visual studio, QtCreator and so on. To find the line we just count how many newlines there are before the caret and add 1. To find the column we calculate the difference between the caret and the last newline before the caret. For example in the text `aaa\nbb|bbb` (| represents the caret): caret_position = 6 text[:caret_position] = `aaa\nbb` text[:caret_position].count('\n') = 1 caret_position - text[:caret_position].rfind('\n') = 3 Thus line, column = 2, 3, and the caret is indeed in the second line, third column Args: text: the text for which the numbers must be calculated caret_position: the position of the caret in the text, or None Return: A (line, column) tuple of (int, int) """ if caret_position is None: return 1, 1 line = text[:caret_position].count('\n') + 1 column = caret_position - text[:caret_position].rfind('\n') return line, column def _sub_placeholder(self, arg, line, column): """Substitute a single placeholder. If the `arg` input to this function is a valid placeholder it will be substituted with the appropriate value, otherwise it will be left unchanged. Args: arg: an argument of editor.command. line: the previously-calculated line number for the text caret. column: the previously-calculated column number for the text caret. Return: The substituted placeholder or the original argument. """ replacements = { '{}': self._filename, '{file}': self._filename, '{line}': str(line), '{line0}': str(line-1), '{column}': str(column), '{column0}': str(column-1) } for old, new in replacements.items(): arg = arg.replace(old, new) return arg