# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Florian Bruhin (The Compiler) # # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later """Showing prompts above the statusbar.""" import os.path import html import collections import functools import dataclasses from typing import Deque, MutableSequence, Optional, cast from qutebrowser.qt.core import (pyqtSlot, pyqtSignal, Qt, QTimer, QDir, QModelIndex, QItemSelectionModel, QObject, QEventLoop) from qutebrowser.qt.widgets import (QWidget, QGridLayout, QVBoxLayout, QLineEdit, QLabel, QTreeView, QSizePolicy, QSpacerItem, QFileIconProvider) from qutebrowser.qt.gui import (QFileSystemModel, QIcon) from qutebrowser.browser import downloads from qutebrowser.config import config, configtypes, configexc, stylesheet from qutebrowser.utils import usertypes, log, utils, qtutils, objreg, message from qutebrowser.keyinput import modeman from qutebrowser.api import cmdutils from qutebrowser.utils import urlmatch prompt_queue = cast('PromptQueue', None) @dataclasses.dataclass class AuthInfo: """Authentication info returned by a prompt.""" user: str password: str class Error(Exception): """Base class for errors in this module.""" class UnsupportedOperationError(Error): """Raised when the prompt class doesn't support the requested operation.""" class PromptQueue(QObject): """Global manager and queue for upcoming prompts. The way in which multiple questions are handled deserves some explanation. If a question is blocking, we *need* to ask it immediately, and can't wait for previous questions to finish. We could theoretically ask a blocking question inside of another blocking one, so in ask_question we simply save the current question on the stack, let the user answer the *most recent* question, and then restore the previous state. With a non-blocking question, things are a bit easier. We simply add it to self._queue if we're still busy handling another question, since it can be answered at any time. In either case, as soon as we finished handling a question, we call _pop_later() which schedules a _pop to ask the next question in _queue. We schedule it rather than doing it immediately because then the order of how things happen is clear, e.g. on_mode_left can't happen after we already set up the *new* question. Attributes: _shutting_down: Whether we're currently shutting down the prompter and should ignore future questions to avoid segfaults. _loops: A list of local EventLoops to spin in when blocking. _queue: A deque of waiting questions. _question: The current Question object if we're handling a question. Signals: show_prompts: Emitted with a Question object when prompts should be shown. """ show_prompts = pyqtSignal(usertypes.Question) def __init__(self, parent=None): super().__init__(parent) self._question = None self._shutting_down = False self._loops: MutableSequence[qtutils.EventLoop] = [] self._queue: Deque[usertypes.Question] = collections.deque() message.global_bridge.mode_left.connect(self._on_mode_left) def __repr__(self): return utils.get_repr(self, loops=len(self._loops), queue=len(self._queue), question=self._question) def _pop_later(self): """Helper to call self._pop as soon as everything else is done.""" QTimer.singleShot(0, self._pop) def _pop(self): """Pop a question from the queue and ask it, if there are any.""" log.prompt.debug("Popping from queue {}".format(self._queue)) if self._queue: question = self._queue.popleft() if not question.is_aborted: # the question could already be aborted, e.g. by a cancelled # download. See # https://github.com/qutebrowser/qutebrowser/issues/415 and # https://github.com/qutebrowser/qutebrowser/issues/1249 self.ask_question(question, blocking=False) def shutdown(self): """Cancel all blocking questions. Quits and removes all running event loops. """ log.prompt.debug(f"Shutting down with loops {self._loops}") self._shutting_down = True for loop in self._loops: loop.quit() loop.deleteLater() @pyqtSlot(usertypes.Question, bool) def ask_question(self, question, blocking): """Display a prompt for a given question. Args: question: The Question object to ask. blocking: If True, this function blocks and returns the result. Return: The answer of the user when blocking=True. None if blocking=False. """ log.prompt.debug("Asking question {}, blocking {}, loops {}, queue " "{}".format(question, blocking, self._loops, self._queue)) if self._shutting_down: # If we're currently shutting down we have to ignore this question # to avoid segfaults - see # https://github.com/qutebrowser/qutebrowser/issues/95 log.prompt.debug("Ignoring question because we're shutting down.") question.abort() return None if self._question is not None and not blocking: # We got an async question, but we're already busy with one, so we # just queue it up for later. log.prompt.debug("Adding {} to queue.".format(question)) self._queue.append(question) return None if blocking: # If we're blocking we save the old question on the stack, so we # can restore it after exec, if exec gets called multiple times. log.prompt.debug("New question is blocking, saving {}".format( self._question)) old_question = self._question if old_question is not None: old_question.interrupted = True self._question = question self.show_prompts.emit(question) if blocking: loop = qtutils.EventLoop() self._loops.append(loop) loop.destroyed.connect(lambda: self._loops.remove(loop)) question.completed.connect(loop.quit) question.completed.connect(loop.deleteLater) log.prompt.debug("Starting loop.exec() for {}".format(question)) flags = QEventLoop.ProcessEventsFlag.ExcludeSocketNotifiers loop.exec(flags) log.prompt.debug("Ending loop.exec() for {}".format(question)) log.prompt.debug("Restoring old question {}".format(old_question)) self._question = old_question self.show_prompts.emit(old_question) if old_question is None: # Nothing left to restore, so we can go back to popping async # questions. if self._queue: self._pop_later() return question.answer else: question.completed.connect(self._pop_later) return None @pyqtSlot(usertypes.KeyMode) def _on_mode_left(self, mode): """Abort question when a prompt mode was left.""" if mode not in [usertypes.KeyMode.prompt, usertypes.KeyMode.yesno]: return if self._question is None: return log.prompt.debug("Left mode {}, hiding {}".format( mode, self._question)) self.show_prompts.emit(None) if self._question.answer is None and not self._question.is_aborted: log.prompt.debug("Cancelling {} because {} was left".format( self._question, mode)) self._question.cancel() self._question = None class PromptContainer(QWidget): """Container for prompts to be shown above the statusbar. This is a per-window object, however each window shows the same prompt. Attributes: _layout: The layout used to show prompts in. _win_id: The window ID this object is associated with. Signals: update_geometry: Emitted when the geometry should be updated. """ STYLESHEET = """ QWidget#PromptContainer { {% if conf.statusbar.position == 'top' %} border-bottom-left-radius: {{ conf.prompt.radius }}px; border-bottom-right-radius: {{ conf.prompt.radius }}px; {% else %} border-top-left-radius: {{ conf.prompt.radius }}px; border-top-right-radius: {{ conf.prompt.radius }}px; {% endif %} } QWidget { font: {{ conf.fonts.prompts }}; color: {{ conf.colors.prompts.fg }}; background-color: {{ conf.colors.prompts.bg }}; } QLineEdit { border: {{ conf.colors.prompts.border }}; } QTreeView { selection-color: {{ conf.colors.prompts.selected.fg }}; selection-background-color: {{ conf.colors.prompts.selected.bg }}; border: {{ conf.colors.prompts.border }}; } QTreeView::branch { background-color: {{ conf.colors.prompts.bg }}; } QTreeView::item:selected, QTreeView::item:selected:hover, QTreeView::branch:selected { color: {{ conf.colors.prompts.selected.fg }}; background-color: {{ conf.colors.prompts.selected.bg }}; } """ update_geometry = pyqtSignal() def __init__(self, win_id, parent=None): super().__init__(parent) self._layout = QVBoxLayout(self) self._layout.setContentsMargins(10, 10, 10, 10) self._win_id = win_id self._prompt: Optional[_BasePrompt] = None self.setObjectName('PromptContainer') self.setAttribute(Qt.WidgetAttribute.WA_StyledBackground, True) stylesheet.set_register(self) message.global_bridge.prompt_done.connect(self._on_prompt_done) prompt_queue.show_prompts.connect(self._on_show_prompts) message.global_bridge.mode_left.connect(self._on_global_mode_left) def __repr__(self): return utils.get_repr(self, win_id=self._win_id) @pyqtSlot(usertypes.Question) def _on_show_prompts(self, question): """Show a prompt for the given question. Args: question: A Question object or None. """ item = self._layout.takeAt(0) if item is not None: widget = item.widget() assert widget is not None log.prompt.debug("Deleting old prompt {}".format(widget)) widget.hide() widget.deleteLater() if question is None: log.prompt.debug("No prompts left, hiding prompt container.") self._prompt = None self.hide() return classes = { usertypes.PromptMode.yesno: YesNoPrompt, usertypes.PromptMode.text: LineEditPrompt, usertypes.PromptMode.user_pwd: AuthenticationPrompt, usertypes.PromptMode.download: DownloadFilenamePrompt, usertypes.PromptMode.alert: AlertPrompt, } klass = classes[question.mode] prompt = klass(question) log.prompt.debug("Displaying prompt {}".format(prompt)) self._prompt = prompt # If this question was interrupted, we already connected the signal if not question.interrupted: question.aborted.connect( functools.partial(self._on_aborted, prompt.KEY_MODE)) modeman.enter(self._win_id, prompt.KEY_MODE, 'question asked') self.setSizePolicy(prompt.sizePolicy()) self._layout.addWidget(prompt) prompt.show() self.show() prompt.setFocus() self.update_geometry.emit() @pyqtSlot() def _on_aborted(self, key_mode): """Leave KEY_MODE whenever a prompt is aborted.""" try: modeman.leave(self._win_id, key_mode, 'aborted', maybe=True) except objreg.RegistryUnavailableError: # window was deleted: ignore pass @pyqtSlot(usertypes.KeyMode) def _on_prompt_done(self, key_mode): """Leave the prompt mode in this window if a question was answered.""" modeman.leave(self._win_id, key_mode, ':prompt-accept', maybe=True) @pyqtSlot(usertypes.KeyMode) def _on_global_mode_left(self, mode): """Leave prompt/yesno mode in this window if it was left elsewhere. This ensures no matter where a prompt was answered, we leave the prompt mode and dispose of the prompt object in every window. """ if mode not in [usertypes.KeyMode.prompt, usertypes.KeyMode.yesno]: return modeman.leave(self._win_id, mode, 'left in other window', maybe=True) item = self._layout.takeAt(0) if item is not None: widget = item.widget() assert widget is not None log.prompt.debug("Deleting prompt {}".format(widget)) widget.hide() widget.deleteLater() @cmdutils.register(instance='prompt-container', scope='window', modes=[usertypes.KeyMode.prompt, usertypes.KeyMode.yesno]) def prompt_accept(self, value=None, *, save=False): """Accept the current prompt. // This executes the next action depending on the question mode, e.g. asks for the password or leaves the mode. Args: value: If given, uses this value instead of the entered one. For boolean prompts, "yes"/"no" are accepted as value. save: Save the value to the config. """ assert self._prompt is not None question = self._prompt.question try: done = self._prompt.accept(value, save=save) except Error as e: raise cmdutils.CommandError(str(e)) if done: message.global_bridge.prompt_done.emit(self._prompt.KEY_MODE) question.done() @cmdutils.register(instance='prompt-container', scope='window', modes=[usertypes.KeyMode.prompt], maxsplit=0) def prompt_open_download(self, cmdline: str = None, pdfjs: bool = False) -> None: """Immediately open a download. If no specific command is given, this will use the system's default application to open the file. Args: cmdline: The command which should be used to open the file. A `{}` is expanded to the temporary file name. If no `{}` is present, the filename is automatically appended to the cmdline. pdfjs: Open the download via PDF.js. """ assert self._prompt is not None try: self._prompt.download_open(cmdline, pdfjs=pdfjs) except UnsupportedOperationError: pass @cmdutils.register(instance='prompt-container', scope='window', modes=[usertypes.KeyMode.prompt]) @cmdutils.argument('which', choices=['next', 'prev']) def prompt_item_focus(self, which): """Shift the focus of the prompt file completion menu to another item. Args: which: 'next', 'prev' """ assert self._prompt is not None try: self._prompt.item_focus(which) except UnsupportedOperationError: pass @cmdutils.register( instance='prompt-container', scope='window', modes=[usertypes.KeyMode.prompt, usertypes.KeyMode.yesno]) def prompt_yank(self, sel=False): """Yank URL to clipboard or primary selection. Args: sel: Use the primary selection instead of the clipboard. """ assert self._prompt is not None question = self._prompt.question if question.url is None: message.error('No URL found.') return if sel and utils.supports_selection(): target = 'primary selection' else: sel = False target = 'clipboard' utils.set_clipboard(question.url, sel) message.info("Yanked to {}: {}".format(target, question.url)) @cmdutils.register( instance='prompt-container', scope='window', modes=[usertypes.KeyMode.prompt]) def prompt_fileselect_external(self): """Choose a location using a configured external picker. This spawns the external fileselector configured via `fileselect.folder.command`. """ assert self._prompt is not None if not isinstance(self._prompt, FilenamePrompt): raise cmdutils.CommandError( "Can only launch external fileselect for FilenamePrompt, " f"not {self._prompt.__class__.__name__}" ) # XXX to avoid current cyclic import from qutebrowser.browser import shared folders = shared.choose_file(shared.FileSelectionMode.folder) if not folders: message.info("No folder chosen.") return # choose_file already checks that this is max one folder assert len(folders) == 1 self.prompt_accept(folders[0]) class LineEdit(QLineEdit): """A line edit used in prompts.""" def __init__(self, parent=None): super().__init__(parent) self.setStyleSheet(""" QLineEdit { background-color: transparent; } """) self.setAttribute(Qt.WidgetAttribute.WA_MacShowFocusRect, False) def keyPressEvent(self, e): """Override keyPressEvent to paste primary selection on Shift + Ins.""" if e.key() == Qt.Key.Key_Insert and e.modifiers() == Qt.KeyboardModifier.ShiftModifier: try: text = utils.get_clipboard(selection=True, fallback=True) except utils.ClipboardError: # pragma: no cover e.ignore() else: e.accept() self.insert(text) return super().keyPressEvent(e) def __repr__(self): return utils.get_repr(self) class _BasePrompt(QWidget): """Base class for all prompts.""" KEY_MODE = usertypes.KeyMode.prompt def __init__(self, question, parent=None): super().__init__(parent) self.question = question self._vbox = QVBoxLayout(self) self._vbox.setSpacing(15) self._key_grid = None def __repr__(self): return utils.get_repr(self, question=self.question, constructor=True) def _init_texts(self, question): assert question.title is not None, question title = '{}'.format( html.escape(question.title)) title_label = QLabel(title, self) self._vbox.addWidget(title_label) if question.text is not None: # Not doing any HTML escaping here as the text can be formatted text_label = QLabel(question.text) text_label.setWordWrap(True) text_label.setTextInteractionFlags(Qt.TextInteractionFlag.TextSelectableByMouse) self._vbox.addWidget(text_label) def _init_key_label(self): assert self._key_grid is None, self._key_grid self._key_grid = QGridLayout() self._key_grid.setVerticalSpacing(0) all_bindings = config.key_instance.get_reverse_bindings_for( self.KEY_MODE.name) labels = [] has_bindings = False for cmd, text in self._allowed_commands(): bindings = all_bindings.get(cmd, []) if bindings: has_bindings = True binding = None preferred = ['', ''] for pref in preferred: if pref in bindings: binding = pref if binding is None: binding = bindings[0] key_label = QLabel('{}'.format(html.escape(binding))) else: key_label = QLabel(f'unbound ({html.escape(cmd)})') text_label = QLabel(text) labels.append((key_label, text_label)) for i, (key_label, text_label) in enumerate(labels): self._key_grid.addWidget(key_label, i, 0) self._key_grid.addWidget(text_label, i, 1) spacer = QSpacerItem(0, 0, QSizePolicy.Policy.Expanding) self._key_grid.addItem(spacer, 0, 2) self._vbox.addLayout(self._key_grid) if not has_bindings: label = QLabel( "Note: You seem to have unbound all keys for this prompt " f"({self.KEY_MODE.name} key mode)." "
Run qutebrowser :CMD with a command from above to " "close this prompt, then fix this in your config.") self._vbox.addWidget(label) def _check_save_support(self, save): if save: raise UnsupportedOperationError("Saving answers is only possible " "with yes/no prompts.") def accept(self, value=None, save=False): raise NotImplementedError def download_open(self, cmdline, pdfjs): """Open the download directly if this is a download prompt.""" utils.unused(cmdline) utils.unused(pdfjs) raise UnsupportedOperationError def item_focus(self, _which): """Switch to next file item if this is a filename prompt..""" raise UnsupportedOperationError def _allowed_commands(self): """Get the commands we could run as response to this message.""" raise NotImplementedError class LineEditPrompt(_BasePrompt): """A prompt for a single text value.""" def __init__(self, question, parent=None): super().__init__(question, parent) self._lineedit = LineEdit(self) self._init_texts(question) self._vbox.addWidget(self._lineedit) if question.default: self._lineedit.setText(question.default) self._lineedit.selectAll() self.setFocusProxy(self._lineedit) self._init_key_label() def accept(self, value=None, save=False): self._check_save_support(save) text = value if value is not None else self._lineedit.text() self.question.answer = text return True def _allowed_commands(self): return [('prompt-accept', 'Accept'), ('mode-leave', 'Abort')] class NullIconProvider(QFileIconProvider): """Returns empty icon for everything.""" def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.null_icon = QIcon() def icon(self, _t): return self.null_icon def type(self, _info): return 'unknown' class FilenamePrompt(_BasePrompt): """A prompt for a filename.""" def __init__(self, question, parent=None): super().__init__(question, parent) self._init_texts(question) self._init_key_label() self._lineedit = LineEdit(self) if question.default: self._lineedit.setText(question.default) self._lineedit.textEdited.connect(self._set_fileview_root) self._vbox.addWidget(self._lineedit) self.setFocusProxy(self._lineedit) self._init_fileview() self._set_fileview_root(question.default) if config.val.prompt.filebrowser: self.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Policy.Expanding, QSizePolicy.Policy.Preferred) self._to_complete = '' self._root_index = QModelIndex() def _directories_hide_show_model(self): """Get rid of non-matching directories.""" num_rows = self._file_model.rowCount(self._root_index) for row in range(num_rows): index = self._file_model.index(row, 0, self._root_index) filename = index.data() hidden = self._to_complete not in filename and filename != '..' self._file_view.setRowHidden(index.row(), index.parent(), hidden) @pyqtSlot(str) def _set_fileview_root(self, path, *, tabbed=False): """Set the root path for the file display.""" separators = os.sep if os.altsep is not None: separators += os.altsep dirname = os.path.dirname(path) basename = os.path.basename(path) if not tabbed: self._to_complete = '' try: if not path: pass elif path in separators and os.path.isdir(path): # Input "/" -> don't strip anything pass elif path[-1] in separators and os.path.isdir(path): # Input like /foo/bar/ -> show /foo/bar/ contents path = path.rstrip(separators) elif os.path.isdir(dirname) and not tabbed: # Input like /foo/ba -> show /foo contents path = dirname self._to_complete = basename else: return except OSError: log.prompt.exception("Failed to get directory information") return self._root_index = self._file_model.setRootPath(path) self._file_view.setRootIndex(self._root_index) self._directories_hide_show_model() @pyqtSlot(QModelIndex) def _insert_path(self, index, *, clicked=True): """Handle an element selection. Args: index: The QModelIndex of the selected element. clicked: Whether the element was clicked. """ if index == QModelIndex(): path = os.path.join(self._file_model.rootPath(), self._to_complete) else: path = os.path.normpath(self._file_model.filePath(index)) if clicked: path += os.sep else: # On Windows, when we have C:\foo and tab over .., we get C:\ path = path.rstrip(os.sep) log.prompt.debug('Inserting path {}'.format(path)) self._lineedit.setText(path) self._lineedit.setFocus() self._set_fileview_root(path, tabbed=True) if clicked: # Avoid having a ..-subtree highlighted self._file_view.setCurrentIndex(QModelIndex()) def _init_fileview(self): self._file_view = QTreeView(self) self._file_model = QFileSystemModel(self) # avoid icon and mime type lookups, they are slow in Qt6 self._file_model.setIconProvider(NullIconProvider()) self._file_view.setModel(self._file_model) self._file_view.clicked.connect(self._insert_path) if config.val.prompt.filebrowser: self._vbox.addWidget(self._file_view) else: self._file_view.hide() # Only show name self._file_view.setHeaderHidden(True) for col in range(1, 4): self._file_view.setColumnHidden(col, True) # Nothing selected initially self._file_view.setCurrentIndex(QModelIndex()) self._file_model.directoryLoaded.connect(self.on_directory_loaded) @pyqtSlot() def on_directory_loaded(self): """Sort the model after a directory gets loaded. The model needs to be sorted so we get the correct first/last index. NOTE: This needs to be a proper @pystSlot() function, and not a lambda. Otherwise, PyQt seems to fail to disconnect it immediately after the object gets destroyed, and we get segfaults when deleting the directory in unit tests. """ self._file_model.sort(0) def accept(self, value=None, save=False): self._check_save_support(save) text = value if value is not None else self._lineedit.text() text = downloads.transform_path(text) if text is None: message.error("Invalid filename") return False self.question.answer = text return True def item_focus(self, which): # This duplicates some completion code, but I don't see a nicer way... assert which in ['prev', 'next'], which selmodel = self._file_view.selectionModel() assert selmodel is not None parent = self._file_view.rootIndex() first_index = self._file_model.index(0, 0, parent) row = self._file_model.rowCount(parent) - 1 last_index = self._file_model.index(row, 0, parent) if not first_index.isValid(): # No entries return assert last_index.isValid() idx = selmodel.currentIndex() if not idx.isValid(): # No item selected yet idx = last_index if which == 'prev' else first_index elif which == 'prev': idx = self._file_view.indexAbove(idx) else: assert which == 'next', which idx = self._file_view.indexBelow(idx) # wrap around if we arrived at beginning/end if not idx.isValid(): idx = last_index if which == 'prev' else first_index idx = self._do_completion(idx, which) selmodel.setCurrentIndex( idx, QItemSelectionModel.SelectionFlag.ClearAndSelect | QItemSelectionModel.SelectionFlag.Rows) self._insert_path(idx, clicked=False) def _do_completion(self, idx, which): while idx.isValid() and self._file_view.isIndexHidden(idx): if which == 'prev': idx = self._file_view.indexAbove(idx) else: assert which == 'next', which idx = self._file_view.indexBelow(idx) return idx def _allowed_commands(self): return [('prompt-accept', 'Accept'), ('mode-leave', 'Abort')] class DownloadFilenamePrompt(FilenamePrompt): """A prompt for a filename for downloads.""" def __init__(self, question, parent=None): super().__init__(question, parent) self._file_model.setFilter( QDir.Filter.AllDirs | QDir.Filter.Drives | QDir.Filter.NoDotAndDotDot) def accept(self, value=None, save=False): done = super().accept(value, save) answer = self.question.answer if answer is not None: self.question.answer = downloads.FileDownloadTarget(answer) return done def download_open(self, cmdline, pdfjs): if pdfjs: target: 'downloads._DownloadTarget' = downloads.PDFJSDownloadTarget() else: target = downloads.OpenFileDownloadTarget(cmdline) self.question.answer = target self.question.done() message.global_bridge.prompt_done.emit(self.KEY_MODE) def _allowed_commands(self): cmds = [ ('prompt-accept', 'Accept'), ('mode-leave', 'Abort'), ('rl-filename-rubout', "Go to parent directory"), ('prompt-open-download', "Open download"), ('prompt-open-download --pdfjs', "Open download via PDF.js"), ('prompt-yank', "Yank URL"), ('prompt-fileselect-external', "Launch external file selector"), ] return cmds class AuthenticationPrompt(_BasePrompt): """A prompt for username/password.""" def __init__(self, question, parent=None): super().__init__(question, parent) self._init_texts(question) user_label = QLabel("Username:", self) self._user_lineedit = LineEdit(self) password_label = QLabel("Password:", self) self._password_lineedit = LineEdit(self) self._password_lineedit.setEchoMode(QLineEdit.EchoMode.Password) grid = QGridLayout() grid.addWidget(user_label, 1, 0) grid.addWidget(self._user_lineedit, 1, 1) grid.addWidget(password_label, 2, 0) grid.addWidget(self._password_lineedit, 2, 1) self._vbox.addLayout(grid) self._init_key_label() assert not question.default, question.default self.setFocusProxy(self._user_lineedit) def accept(self, value=None, save=False): self._check_save_support(save) if value is not None: if ':' not in value: raise Error("Value needs to be in the format " "username:password, but {} was given".format( value)) username, password = value.split(':', maxsplit=1) self.question.answer = AuthInfo(username, password) return True elif self._user_lineedit.hasFocus(): # Earlier, tab was bound to :prompt-accept, so to still support # that we simply switch the focus when tab was pressed. self._password_lineedit.setFocus() return False else: self.question.answer = AuthInfo(self._user_lineedit.text(), self._password_lineedit.text()) return True def item_focus(self, which): """Support switching between fields with tab.""" assert which in ['prev', 'next'], which if which == 'next' and self._user_lineedit.hasFocus(): self._password_lineedit.setFocus() elif which == 'prev' and self._password_lineedit.hasFocus(): self._user_lineedit.setFocus() def _allowed_commands(self): return [('prompt-accept', "Accept"), ('mode-leave', "Abort")] class YesNoPrompt(_BasePrompt): """A prompt with yes/no answers.""" KEY_MODE = usertypes.KeyMode.yesno def __init__(self, question, parent=None): super().__init__(question, parent) self._init_texts(question) self._init_key_label() def _check_save_support(self, save): if save and self.question.option is None: raise Error("No setting available to save the answer for this " "question.") def accept(self, value=None, save=False): self._check_save_support(save) if value is None: if self.question.default is None: raise Error("No default value was set for this question!") self.question.answer = self.question.default elif value == 'yes': self.question.answer = True elif value == 'no': self.question.answer = False else: raise Error("Invalid value {} - expected yes/no!".format(value)) if save: opt = config.instance.get_opt(self.question.option) assert isinstance(opt.typ, configtypes.Bool) pattern = urlmatch.UrlPattern(self.question.url) try: config.instance.set_obj(opt.name, self.question.answer, pattern=pattern, save_yaml=True) except configexc.Error as e: raise Error(str(e)) return True def _allowed_commands(self): cmds = [] cmds.append(('prompt-accept yes', "Yes")) if self.question.option is not None: cmds.append(('prompt-accept --save yes', "Always")) cmds.append(('prompt-accept no', "No")) if self.question.option is not None: cmds.append(('prompt-accept --save no', "Never")) if self.question.default is not None: assert self.question.default in [True, False] default = 'yes' if self.question.default else 'no' cmds.append(('prompt-accept', "Use default ({})".format(default))) cmds.append(('mode-leave', "Abort")) cmds.append(('prompt-yank', "Yank URL")) return cmds class AlertPrompt(_BasePrompt): """A prompt without any answer possibility.""" def __init__(self, question, parent=None): super().__init__(question, parent) self._init_texts(question) self._init_key_label() def accept(self, value=None, save=False): self._check_save_support(save) if value is not None: raise Error("No value is permitted with alert prompts!") # Simply mark prompt as done without setting self.question.answer return True def _allowed_commands(self): return [('prompt-accept', "Hide")] def init(): """Initialize global prompt objects.""" global prompt_queue prompt_queue = PromptQueue() message.global_bridge.ask_question.connect( # type: ignore[call-arg] prompt_queue.ask_question, Qt.ConnectionType.DirectConnection)