# vim: ft=python fileencoding=utf-8 sts=4 sw=4 et: # Copyright 2014-2021 Florian Bruhin (The Compiler) # # This file is part of qutebrowser. # # qutebrowser is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # qutebrowser is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with qutebrowser. If not, see . """KeyChainParser for "hint" and "normal" modes. Module attributes: STARTCHARS: Possible chars for starting a commandline input. """ import traceback import enum from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Sequence from PyQt6.QtCore import pyqtSlot, Qt, QObject from PyQt6.QtGui import QKeySequence, QKeyEvent from qutebrowser.browser import hints from qutebrowser.commands import cmdexc from qutebrowser.config import config from qutebrowser.keyinput import basekeyparser, keyutils, macros from qutebrowser.utils import usertypes, log, message, objreg, utils if TYPE_CHECKING: from qutebrowser.commands import runners STARTCHARS = ":/?" class LastPress(enum.Enum): """Whether the last keypress filtered a text or was part of a keystring.""" none = enum.auto() filtertext = enum.auto() keystring = enum.auto() class CommandKeyParser(basekeyparser.BaseKeyParser): """KeyChainParser for command bindings. Attributes: _commandrunner: CommandRunner instance. """ def __init__(self, *, mode: usertypes.KeyMode, win_id: int, commandrunner: 'runners.CommandRunner', parent: QObject = None, do_log: bool = True, passthrough: bool = False, supports_count: bool = True) -> None: super().__init__(mode=mode, win_id=win_id, parent=parent, do_log=do_log, passthrough=passthrough, supports_count=supports_count) self._commandrunner = commandrunner def execute(self, cmdstr: str, count: int = None) -> None: try: self._commandrunner.run(cmdstr, count) except cmdexc.Error as e: message.error(str(e), stack=traceback.format_exc()) class NormalKeyParser(CommandKeyParser): """KeyParser for normal mode with added STARTCHARS detection and more. Attributes: _partial_timer: Timer to clear partial keypresses. """ _sequence: keyutils.KeySequence def __init__(self, *, win_id: int, commandrunner: 'runners.CommandRunner', parent: QObject = None) -> None: super().__init__(mode=usertypes.KeyMode.normal, win_id=win_id, commandrunner=commandrunner, parent=parent) self._partial_timer = usertypes.Timer(self, 'partial-match') self._partial_timer.setSingleShot(True) self._partial_timer.timeout.connect(self._clear_partial_match) self._inhibited = False self._inhibited_timer = usertypes.Timer(self, 'normal-inhibited') self._inhibited_timer.setSingleShot(True) def __repr__(self) -> str: return utils.get_repr(self) def handle(self, e: QKeyEvent, *, dry_run: bool = False) -> QKeySequence.SequenceMatch: """Override to abort if the key is a startchar.""" txt = e.text().strip() if self._inhibited: self._debug_log("Ignoring key '{}', because the normal mode is " "currently inhibited.".format(txt)) return QKeySequence.SequenceMatch.NoMatch match = super().handle(e, dry_run=dry_run) if match == QKeySequence.SequenceMatch.PartialMatch and not dry_run: timeout = config.val.input.partial_timeout if timeout != 0: self._partial_timer.setInterval(timeout) self._partial_timer.start() return match def set_inhibited_timeout(self, timeout: int) -> None: """Ignore keypresses for the given duration.""" if timeout != 0: self._debug_log("Inhibiting the normal mode for {}ms.".format( timeout)) self._inhibited = True self._inhibited_timer.setInterval(timeout) self._inhibited_timer.timeout.connect(self._clear_inhibited) self._inhibited_timer.start() @pyqtSlot() def _clear_partial_match(self) -> None: """Clear a partial keystring after a timeout.""" self._debug_log("Clearing partial keystring {}".format( self._sequence)) self._sequence = keyutils.KeySequence() self.keystring_updated.emit(str(self._sequence)) @pyqtSlot() def _clear_inhibited(self) -> None: """Reset inhibition state after a timeout.""" self._debug_log("Releasing inhibition state of normal mode.") self._inhibited = False class HintKeyParser(basekeyparser.BaseKeyParser): """KeyChainParser for hints. Attributes: _filtertext: The text to filter with. _hintmanager: The HintManager to use. _last_press: The nature of the last keypress, a LastPress member. """ _sequence: keyutils.KeySequence def __init__(self, *, win_id: int, commandrunner: 'runners.CommandRunner', hintmanager: hints.HintManager, parent: QObject = None) -> None: super().__init__(mode=usertypes.KeyMode.hint, win_id=win_id, parent=parent, supports_count=False) self._command_parser = CommandKeyParser(mode=usertypes.KeyMode.hint, win_id=win_id, commandrunner=commandrunner, parent=self, supports_count=False) self._hintmanager = hintmanager self._filtertext = '' self._last_press = LastPress.none self.keystring_updated.connect(self._hintmanager.handle_partial_key) def _handle_filter_key(self, e: QKeyEvent) -> QKeySequence.SequenceMatch: """Handle keys for string filtering.""" log.keyboard.debug("Got filter key 0x{:x} text {}".format( e.key(), e.text())) if e.key() == Qt.Key.Key_Backspace: log.keyboard.debug("Got backspace, mode {}, filtertext '{}', " "sequence '{}'".format(self._last_press, self._filtertext, self._sequence)) if self._last_press != LastPress.keystring and self._filtertext: self._filtertext = self._filtertext[:-1] self._hintmanager.filter_hints(self._filtertext) return QKeySequence.SequenceMatch.ExactMatch elif self._last_press == LastPress.keystring and self._sequence: self._sequence = self._sequence[:-1] self.keystring_updated.emit(str(self._sequence)) if not self._sequence and self._filtertext: # Switch back to hint filtering mode (this can happen only # in numeric mode after the number has been deleted). self._hintmanager.filter_hints(self._filtertext) self._last_press = LastPress.filtertext return QKeySequence.SequenceMatch.ExactMatch else: return QKeySequence.SequenceMatch.NoMatch elif self._hintmanager.current_mode() != 'number': return QKeySequence.SequenceMatch.NoMatch elif not e.text(): return QKeySequence.SequenceMatch.NoMatch else: self._filtertext += e.text() self._hintmanager.filter_hints(self._filtertext) self._last_press = LastPress.filtertext return QKeySequence.SequenceMatch.ExactMatch def handle(self, e: QKeyEvent, *, dry_run: bool = False) -> QKeySequence.SequenceMatch: """Handle a new keypress and call the respective handlers.""" if dry_run: return super().handle(e, dry_run=True) assert not dry_run if (self._command_parser.handle(e, dry_run=True) != QKeySequence.SequenceMatch.NoMatch): log.keyboard.debug("Handling key via command parser") self.clear_keystring() return self._command_parser.handle(e) match = super().handle(e) if match == QKeySequence.SequenceMatch.PartialMatch: self._last_press = LastPress.keystring elif match == QKeySequence.SequenceMatch.ExactMatch: self._last_press = LastPress.none elif match == QKeySequence.SequenceMatch.NoMatch: # We couldn't find a keychain so we check if it's a special key. return self._handle_filter_key(e) else: raise ValueError("Got invalid match type {}!".format(match)) return match def update_bindings(self, strings: Sequence[str], preserve_filter: bool = False) -> None: """Update bindings when the hint strings changed. Args: strings: A list of hint strings. preserve_filter: Whether to keep the current value of `self._filtertext`. """ self._read_config() self.bindings.update({keyutils.KeySequence.parse(s): s for s in strings}) if not preserve_filter: self._filtertext = '' def execute(self, cmdstr: str, count: int = None) -> None: assert count is None self._hintmanager.handle_partial_key(cmdstr) class RegisterKeyParser(CommandKeyParser): """KeyParser for modes that record a register key. Attributes: _register_mode: One of KeyMode.set_mark, KeyMode.jump_mark, KeyMode.record_macro and KeyMode.run_macro. """ def __init__(self, *, win_id: int, mode: usertypes.KeyMode, commandrunner: 'runners.CommandRunner', parent: QObject = None) -> None: super().__init__(mode=usertypes.KeyMode.register, win_id=win_id, commandrunner=commandrunner, parent=parent, supports_count=False) self._register_mode = mode def handle(self, e: QKeyEvent, *, dry_run: bool = False) -> QKeySequence.SequenceMatch: """Override to always match the next key and use the register.""" match = super().handle(e, dry_run=dry_run) if match or dry_run: return match if keyutils.is_special(Qt.Key(e.key()), e.modifiers()): # this is not a proper register key, let it pass and keep going return QKeySequence.SequenceMatch.NoMatch key = e.text() tabbed_browser = objreg.get('tabbed-browser', scope='window', window=self._win_id) try: if self._register_mode == usertypes.KeyMode.set_mark: tabbed_browser.set_mark(key) elif self._register_mode == usertypes.KeyMode.jump_mark: tabbed_browser.jump_mark(key) elif self._register_mode == usertypes.KeyMode.record_macro: macros.macro_recorder.record_macro(key) elif self._register_mode == usertypes.KeyMode.run_macro: macros.macro_recorder.run_macro(self._win_id, key) else: raise ValueError("{} is not a valid register mode".format( self._register_mode)) except cmdexc.Error as err: message.error(str(err), stack=traceback.format_exc()) self.request_leave.emit( self._register_mode, "valid register key", True) return QKeySequence.SequenceMatch.ExactMatch