{% extends "styled.html" %} {% block content %}

{{ title }}

Note this warning will only appear once. Use :open qute://warning/sessions to show it again at a later time.

You're using qutebrowser with Qt 5.15. While this is the recommended Qt version to use (due to QtWebEngine security updates), qutebrowser only provides partial support for session files.

Since Qt doesn't provide an API to load the history of a tab, qutebrowser relies on a reverse-engineered binary serialization format to load tab history from session files. With Qt 5.15, unfortunately that format changed (due to the underlying Chromium upgrade), in a way which makes it impossible for qutebrowser to load tab history from existing session data.

At the time of writing (January 2021), a new session format which stores part of the needed binary data in saved sessions is in development. However, it unfortunately wasn't ready in time for qutebrowser v2.0.0, as it's a rather big refactoring. It's currently expected to be released in a future v2.x.0 release.

As a stop-gap measure:

{% endblock %}