# vim: ft=python fileencoding=utf-8 sts=4 sw=4 et: # Copyright 2018-2021 Florian Bruhin (The Compiler) # # This file is part of qutebrowser. # # qutebrowser is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # qutebrowser is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with qutebrowser. If not, see . """Utilities and data structures used by various config code.""" import collections import itertools import operator from typing import ( TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Dict, Iterator, List, Optional, Sequence, Set, Union, MutableMapping) from PyQt6.QtCore import QUrl from PyQt6.QtGui import QFontDatabase from PyQt6.QtWidgets import QApplication from qutebrowser.utils import utils, urlmatch, urlutils, usertypes, qtutils from qutebrowser.config import configexc if TYPE_CHECKING: from qutebrowser.config import configdata class ScopedValue: """A configuration value which is valid for a UrlPattern. Attributes: value: The value itself. pattern: The UrlPattern for the value, or None for global values. hide_userconfig: Hide this customization from config.dump_userconfig(). """ id_gen = itertools.count(0) def __init__(self, value: Any, pattern: Optional[urlmatch.UrlPattern], hide_userconfig: bool = False) -> None: self.value = value self.pattern = pattern self.hide_userconfig = hide_userconfig self.pattern_id = next(ScopedValue.id_gen) def __repr__(self) -> str: return utils.get_repr(self, value=self.value, pattern=self.pattern, hide_userconfig=self.hide_userconfig, pattern_id=self.pattern_id) class Values: """A collection of values for a single setting. Currently, we store patterns in two dictionaries for different types of lookups. A ordered, pattern keyed map, and an unordered, domain keyed map. This means that finding a value based on a pattern is fast, and matching url patterns is fast if all domains are unique. If there are many patterns under the domain (or subdomain) that is being evaluated, or any patterns that cannot have a concrete domain found, this will become slow again. Attributes: opt: The Option being customized. _vmap: A mapping of all pattern objects to ScopedValues. _domain_map: A mapping from hostnames to all associated ScopedValues. """ _VmapKeyType = Optional[urlmatch.UrlPattern] def __init__(self, opt: 'configdata.Option', values: Sequence[ScopedValue] = ()) -> None: self.opt = opt self._vmap: MutableMapping[ Values._VmapKeyType, ScopedValue] = collections.OrderedDict() # A map from domain parts to rules that fall under them. self._domain_map: Dict[ Optional[str], Set[ScopedValue]] = collections.defaultdict(set) for scoped in values: self._add_scoped(scoped) def __repr__(self) -> str: return utils.get_repr(self, opt=self.opt, values=list(self._vmap.values()), constructor=True) def __str__(self) -> str: """Get the values as human-readable string.""" lines = self.dump(include_hidden=True) if lines: return '\n'.join(lines) return '{}: '.format(self.opt.name) def dump(self, include_hidden: bool = False) -> Sequence[str]: """Dump all customizations for this value. Arguments: include_hidden: Also show values with hide_userconfig=True. """ lines = [] for scoped in self._vmap.values(): if scoped.hide_userconfig and not include_hidden: continue str_value = self.opt.typ.to_str(scoped.value) if scoped.pattern is None: lines.append('{} = {}'.format(self.opt.name, str_value)) else: lines.append('{}: {} = {}'.format( scoped.pattern, self.opt.name, str_value)) return lines def __iter__(self) -> Iterator['ScopedValue']: """Yield ScopedValue elements. This yields in "normal" order, i.e. global and then first-set settings first. """ yield from self._vmap.values() def __bool__(self) -> bool: """Check whether this value is customized.""" return bool(self._vmap) def _check_pattern_support( self, arg: Union[urlmatch.UrlPattern, QUrl, None]) -> None: """Make sure patterns are supported if one was given.""" if arg is not None and not self.opt.supports_pattern: raise configexc.NoPatternError(self.opt.name) def add(self, value: Any, pattern: urlmatch.UrlPattern = None, *, hide_userconfig: bool = False) -> None: """Add a value with the given pattern to the list of values. If hide_userconfig is given, the value is hidden from config.dump_userconfig() and thus qute://configdiff. """ scoped = ScopedValue(value, pattern, hide_userconfig=hide_userconfig) self._add_scoped(scoped) def _add_scoped(self, scoped: ScopedValue) -> None: """Add an existing ScopedValue object.""" self._check_pattern_support(scoped.pattern) self.remove(scoped.pattern) self._vmap[scoped.pattern] = scoped host = scoped.pattern.host if scoped.pattern else None self._domain_map[host].add(scoped) def remove(self, pattern: urlmatch.UrlPattern = None) -> bool: """Remove the value with the given pattern. If a matching pattern was removed, True is returned. If no matching pattern was found, False is returned. """ self._check_pattern_support(pattern) if pattern not in self._vmap: return False host = pattern.host if pattern else None scoped_value = self._vmap[pattern] # If we error here, that means domain_map and vmap are out of sync, # report a bug! assert host in self._domain_map self._domain_map[host].remove(scoped_value) del self._vmap[pattern] return True def clear(self) -> None: """Clear all customization for this value.""" self._vmap.clear() self._domain_map.clear() def _get_fallback(self, fallback: bool) -> Any: """Get the fallback global/default value.""" if None in self._vmap: return self._vmap[None].value if fallback: return self.opt.default else: return usertypes.UNSET def get_for_url(self, url: QUrl = None, *, fallback: bool = True) -> Any: """Get a config value, falling back when needed. This first tries to find a value matching the URL (if given). If there's no match: With fallback=True, the global/default setting is returned. With fallback=False, usertypes.UNSET is returned. """ self._check_pattern_support(url) if url is None: return self._get_fallback(fallback) qtutils.ensure_valid(url) candidates: List[ScopedValue] = [] # Urls trailing with '.' are equivalent to non-trailing types. # urlutils strips them, so in order to match we will need to as well. widened_hosts = urlutils.widened_hostnames(url.host().rstrip('.')) # We must check the 'None' key as well, in case any patterns that # did not have a domain match. for host in itertools.chain(widened_hosts, [None]): host_set = self._domain_map.get(host, ()) for scoped in host_set: if scoped.pattern is not None and scoped.pattern.matches(url): candidates.append(scoped) if candidates: scoped = max(candidates, key=operator.attrgetter('pattern_id')) return scoped.value if not fallback: return usertypes.UNSET return self._get_fallback(fallback) def get_for_pattern(self, pattern: Optional[urlmatch.UrlPattern], *, fallback: bool = True) -> Any: """Get a value only if it's been overridden for the given pattern. This is useful when showing values to the user. If there's no match: With fallback=True, the global/default setting is returned. With fallback=False, usertypes.UNSET is returned. """ self._check_pattern_support(pattern) if pattern is not None: if pattern in self._vmap: return self._vmap[pattern].value if not fallback: return usertypes.UNSET return self._get_fallback(fallback) class FontFamilies: """A list of font family names.""" def __init__(self, families: Sequence[str]) -> None: self._families = families self.family = families[0] if families else None def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[str]: yield from self._families def __len__(self) -> int: return len(self._families) def __repr__(self) -> str: return utils.get_repr(self, families=self._families, constructor=True) def __str__(self) -> str: return self.to_str() def _quoted_families(self) -> Iterator[str]: for f in self._families: needs_quoting = any(c in f for c in '., ') yield '"{}"'.format(f) if needs_quoting else f def to_str(self, *, quote: bool = True) -> str: families = self._quoted_families() if quote else self._families return ', '.join(families) @classmethod def from_system_default( cls, font_type: QFontDatabase.SystemFont = QFontDatabase.SystemFont.FixedFont, ) -> 'FontFamilies': """Get a FontFamilies object for the default system font. By default, the monospace font is returned, though via the "font_type" argument, other types can be requested as well. Note that (at least) three ways of getting the default monospace font exist: 1) f = QFont() f.setStyleHint(QFont.StyleHint.Monospace) print(f.defaultFamily()) 2) f = QFont() f.setStyleHint(QFont.StyleHint.TypeWriter) print(f.defaultFamily()) 3) f = QFontDatabase.systemFont(QFontDatabase.SystemFont.FixedFont) print(f.family()) They yield different results depending on the OS: QFont.StyleHint.Monospace | QFont.StyleHint.TypeWriter | QFontDatabase ------------------------------------------------------ Windows: Courier New | Courier New | Courier New Linux: DejaVu Sans Mono | DejaVu Sans Mono | monospace macOS: Menlo | American Typewriter | Monaco Test script: https://p.cmpl.cc/d4dfe573 On Linux, it seems like both actually resolve to the same font. On macOS, "American Typewriter" looks like it indeed tries to imitate a typewriter, so it's not really a suitable UI font. Looking at those Wikipedia articles: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monaco_(typeface) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Menlo_(typeface) the "right" choice isn't really obvious. Thus, let's go for the QFontDatabase approach here, since it's by far the simplest one. """ assert QApplication.instance() is not None font = QFontDatabase.systemFont(font_type) return cls([font.family()]) @classmethod def from_str(cls, family_str: str) -> 'FontFamilies': """Parse a CSS-like string of font families.""" families = [] for part in family_str.split(','): part = part.strip() # The Qt CSS parser handles " and ' before passing the string to # QFont.setFamily. if ((part.startswith("'") and part.endswith("'")) or (part.startswith('"') and part.endswith('"'))): part = part[1:-1] if not part: continue families.append(part) return cls(families)