# vim: ft=python fileencoding=utf-8 sts=4 sw=4 et: # Copyright 2014-2021 Florian Bruhin (The Compiler) # # This file is part of qutebrowser. # # qutebrowser is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # qutebrowser is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with qutebrowser. If not, see . """Configuration storage and config-related utilities.""" import copy import contextlib import functools from typing import (TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Callable, Dict, Iterator, List, Mapping, MutableMapping, MutableSequence, Optional, Tuple, cast) from PyQt5.QtCore import pyqtSignal, QObject, QUrl from qutebrowser.commands import cmdexc, parser from qutebrowser.config import configdata, configexc, configutils from qutebrowser.utils import utils, log, urlmatch from qutebrowser.misc import objects from qutebrowser.keyinput import keyutils if TYPE_CHECKING: from qutebrowser.config import configcache, configfiles from qutebrowser.misc import savemanager # An easy way to access the config from other code via config.val.foo val = cast('ConfigContainer', None) instance = cast('Config', None) key_instance = cast('KeyConfig', None) cache = cast('configcache.ConfigCache', None) # Keeping track of all change filters to validate them later. change_filters = [] # Sentinel UNSET = object() class change_filter: # noqa: N801,N806 pylint: disable=invalid-name """Decorator to filter calls based on a config section/option matching. This could also be a function, but as a class (with a "wrong" name) it's much cleaner to implement. Attributes: _option: An option or prefix to be filtered _function: Whether a function rather than a method is decorated. """ def __init__(self, option: str, function: bool = False) -> None: """Save decorator arguments. Gets called on parse-time with the decorator arguments. Args: option: The option to be filtered. function: Whether a function rather than a method is decorated. """ self._option = option self._function = function change_filters.append(self) def validate(self) -> None: """Make sure the configured option or prefix exists. We can't do this in __init__ as configdata isn't ready yet. """ if (self._option not in configdata.DATA and not configdata.is_valid_prefix(self._option)): raise configexc.NoOptionError(self._option) def check_match(self, option: Optional[str]) -> bool: """Check if the given option matches the filter.""" if option is None: # Called directly, not from a config change event. return True elif option == self._option: return True elif option.startswith(self._option + '.'): # prefix match return True else: return False def __call__( self, func: Callable[..., None], ) -> Callable[..., None]: """Filter calls to the decorated function. Gets called when a function should be decorated. Adds a filter which returns if we're not interested in the change-event and calls the wrapped function if we are. We assume the function passed doesn't take any parameters. However, it could take a "self" argument, so we can't cleary express this in the type above. Args: func: The function to be decorated. Return: The decorated function. """ if self._function: @functools.wraps(func) def func_wrapper(option: str = None) -> Any: """Call the underlying function.""" if self.check_match(option): return func() return None return func_wrapper else: @functools.wraps(func) def meth_wrapper(wrapper_self: Any, option: str = None) -> Any: """Call the underlying function.""" if self.check_match(option): return func(wrapper_self) return None return meth_wrapper class KeyConfig: """Utilities related to keybindings. Note that the actual values are saved in the config itself, not here. Attributes: _config: The Config object to be used. """ _ReverseBindings = Dict[str, MutableSequence[str]] def __init__(self, config: 'Config') -> None: self._config = config def _validate(self, key: keyutils.KeySequence, mode: str) -> None: """Validate the given key and mode.""" # Catch old usage of this code assert isinstance(key, keyutils.KeySequence), key if mode not in configdata.DATA['bindings.default'].default: raise configexc.KeybindingError("Invalid mode {}!".format(mode)) def get_bindings_for(self, mode: str) -> Dict[keyutils.KeySequence, str]: """Get the combined bindings for the given mode.""" bindings = dict(val.bindings.default[mode]) for key, binding in val.bindings.commands[mode].items(): if not binding: bindings.pop(key, None) else: bindings[key] = binding return bindings def _implied_cmd(self, cmdline: str) -> Optional[str]: """Return cmdline, or the implied cmd if cmdline is a set-cmd-text.""" try: results = parser.CommandParser().parse_all(cmdline) except cmdexc.NoSuchCommandError: return None result = results[0] if result.cmd.name != "set-cmd-text": return cmdline if not result.args: return None # doesn't look like this sets a command *flags, cmd = result.args if "-a" in flags or "--append" in flags or not cmd.startswith(":"): return None # doesn't look like this sets a command return cmd.lstrip(":") def get_reverse_bindings_for(self, mode: str) -> '_ReverseBindings': """Get a dict of commands to a list of bindings for the mode. This is intented for user-facing display of keybindings. As such, bindings for 'set-cmd-text [flags] : ...' are translated to ' ...', as from the user's perspective these keys behave like bindings for '' (that allow for further input before running). See #5942. """ cmd_to_keys: "KeyConfig._ReverseBindings" = {} bindings = self.get_bindings_for(mode) for seq, full_cmd in sorted(bindings.items()): for cmdtext in full_cmd.split(';;'): cmd = self._implied_cmd(cmdtext.strip()) if not cmd: continue cmd_to_keys.setdefault(cmd, []) # Put bindings involving modifiers last if any(info.modifiers for info in seq): cmd_to_keys[cmd].append(str(seq)) else: cmd_to_keys[cmd].insert(0, str(seq)) return cmd_to_keys def get_command(self, key: keyutils.KeySequence, mode: str, default: bool = False) -> Optional[str]: """Get the command for a given key (or None).""" self._validate(key, mode) if default: bindings = dict(val.bindings.default[mode]) else: bindings = self.get_bindings_for(mode) return bindings.get(key, None) def bind(self, key: keyutils.KeySequence, command: str, *, mode: str, save_yaml: bool = False) -> None: """Add a new binding from key to command.""" if not command.strip(): raise configexc.KeybindingError( "Can't add binding '{}' with empty command in {} " 'mode'.format(key, mode)) self._validate(key, mode) log.keyboard.vdebug( # type: ignore[attr-defined] "Adding binding {} -> {} in mode {}.".format(key, command, mode)) bindings = self._config.get_mutable_obj('bindings.commands') if mode not in bindings: bindings[mode] = {} bindings[mode][str(key)] = command self._config.update_mutables(save_yaml=save_yaml) def bind_default(self, key: keyutils.KeySequence, *, mode: str = 'normal', save_yaml: bool = False) -> None: """Restore a default keybinding.""" self._validate(key, mode) bindings_commands = self._config.get_mutable_obj('bindings.commands') try: del bindings_commands[mode][str(key)] except KeyError: raise configexc.KeybindingError( "Can't find binding '{}' in {} mode".format(key, mode)) self._config.update_mutables(save_yaml=save_yaml) def unbind(self, key: keyutils.KeySequence, *, mode: str = 'normal', save_yaml: bool = False) -> None: """Unbind the given key in the given mode.""" self._validate(key, mode) bindings_commands = self._config.get_mutable_obj('bindings.commands') if val.bindings.commands[mode].get(key, None) is not None: # In custom bindings -> remove it del bindings_commands[mode][str(key)] elif key in val.bindings.default[mode]: # In default bindings -> shadow it with None if mode not in bindings_commands: bindings_commands[mode] = {} bindings_commands[mode][str(key)] = None else: raise configexc.KeybindingError( "Can't find binding '{}' in {} mode".format(key, mode)) self._config.update_mutables(save_yaml=save_yaml) class Config(QObject): """Main config object. Class attributes: MUTABLE_TYPES: Types returned from the config which could potentially be mutated. Attributes: _values: A dict mapping setting names to configutils.Values objects. _mutables: A dictionary of mutable objects to be checked for changes. _yaml: A YamlConfig object or None. Signals: changed: Emitted with the option name when an option changed. """ MUTABLE_TYPES = (dict, list) changed = pyqtSignal(str) def __init__(self, yaml_config: 'configfiles.YamlConfig', parent: QObject = None) -> None: super().__init__(parent) self._mutables: MutableMapping[str, Tuple[Any, Any]] = {} self._yaml = yaml_config self._init_values() self.yaml_loaded = False self.config_py_loaded = False def _init_values(self) -> None: """Populate the self._values dict.""" self._values: Mapping[str, configutils.Values] = {} for name, opt in configdata.DATA.items(): self._values[name] = configutils.Values(opt) def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[configutils.Values]: """Iterate over configutils.Values items.""" yield from self._values.values() def init_save_manager(self, save_manager: 'savemanager.SaveManager') -> None: """Make sure the config gets saved properly. We do this outside of __init__ because the config gets created before the save_manager exists. """ self._yaml.init_save_manager(save_manager) def _set_value(self, opt: 'configdata.Option', value: Any, pattern: urlmatch.UrlPattern = None, hide_userconfig: bool = False) -> None: """Set the given option to the given value.""" if not isinstance(objects.backend, objects.NoBackend): if objects.backend not in opt.backends: raise configexc.BackendError(opt.name, objects.backend, opt.raw_backends) opt.typ.to_py(value) # for validation self._values[opt.name].add(opt.typ.from_obj(value), pattern, hide_userconfig=hide_userconfig) self.changed.emit(opt.name) log.config.debug("Config option changed: {} = {}".format( opt.name, value)) def _check_yaml(self, opt: 'configdata.Option', save_yaml: bool) -> None: """Make sure the given option may be set in autoconfig.yml.""" if save_yaml and opt.no_autoconfig: raise configexc.NoAutoconfigError(opt.name) def read_yaml(self) -> None: """Read the YAML settings from self._yaml.""" self._yaml.load() self.yaml_loaded = True for values in self._yaml: for scoped in values: self._set_value(values.opt, scoped.value, pattern=scoped.pattern) def get_opt(self, name: str) -> 'configdata.Option': """Get a configdata.Option object for the given setting.""" try: return configdata.DATA[name] except KeyError: deleted = name in configdata.MIGRATIONS.deleted renamed = configdata.MIGRATIONS.renamed.get(name) exception = configexc.NoOptionError( name, deleted=deleted, renamed=renamed) raise exception from None def ensure_has_opt(self, name: str) -> None: """Raise NoOptionError if the given setting does not exist.""" self.get_opt(name) def get(self, name: str, url: QUrl = None, *, fallback: bool = True) -> Any: """Get the given setting converted for Python code. Args: fallback: Use the global value if there's no URL-specific one. """ opt = self.get_opt(name) obj = self.get_obj(name, url=url, fallback=fallback) return opt.typ.to_py(obj) def _maybe_copy(self, value: Any) -> Any: """Copy the value if it could potentially be mutated.""" if isinstance(value, self.MUTABLE_TYPES): # For mutable objects, create a copy so we don't accidentally # mutate the config's internal value. return copy.deepcopy(value) else: # Shouldn't be mutable (and thus hashable) assert value.__hash__ is not None, value return value def get_obj(self, name: str, *, url: QUrl = None, fallback: bool = True) -> Any: """Get the given setting as object (for YAML/config.py). Note that the returned values are not watched for mutation. If a URL is given, return the value which should be used for that URL. """ self.ensure_has_opt(name) value = self._values[name].get_for_url(url, fallback=fallback) return self._maybe_copy(value) def get_obj_for_pattern( self, name: str, *, pattern: Optional[urlmatch.UrlPattern] ) -> Any: """Get the given setting as object (for YAML/config.py). This gets the overridden value for a given pattern, or usertypes.UNSET if no such override exists. """ self.ensure_has_opt(name) value = self._values[name].get_for_pattern(pattern, fallback=False) return self._maybe_copy(value) def get_mutable_obj(self, name: str, *, pattern: urlmatch.UrlPattern = None) -> Any: """Get an object which can be mutated, e.g. in a config.py. If a pattern is given, return the value for that pattern. Note that it's impossible to get a mutable object for a URL as we wouldn't know what pattern to apply. """ self.ensure_has_opt(name) # If we allow mutation, there is a chance that prior mutations already # entered the mutable dictionary and thus further copies are unneeded # until update_mutables() is called if name in self._mutables: _copy, obj = self._mutables[name] return obj value = self._values[name].get_for_pattern(pattern) copy_value = self._maybe_copy(value) # Watch the returned object for changes if it's mutable. if isinstance(copy_value, self.MUTABLE_TYPES): self._mutables[name] = (value, copy_value) # old, new return copy_value def get_str(self, name: str, *, pattern: urlmatch.UrlPattern = None) -> str: """Get the given setting as string. If a pattern is given, get the setting for the given pattern or usertypes.UNSET. """ opt = self.get_opt(name) values = self._values[name] value = values.get_for_pattern(pattern) return opt.typ.to_str(value) def set_obj(self, name: str, value: Any, *, pattern: urlmatch.UrlPattern = None, save_yaml: bool = False, hide_userconfig: bool = False) -> None: """Set the given setting from a YAML/config.py object. If save_yaml=True is given, store the new value to YAML. If hide_userconfig=True is given, hide the value from dump_userconfig(). """ opt = self.get_opt(name) self._check_yaml(opt, save_yaml) self._set_value(opt, value, pattern=pattern, hide_userconfig=hide_userconfig) if save_yaml: self._yaml.set_obj(name, value, pattern=pattern) def set_str(self, name: str, value: str, *, pattern: urlmatch.UrlPattern = None, save_yaml: bool = False) -> None: """Set the given setting from a string. If save_yaml=True is given, store the new value to YAML. """ opt = self.get_opt(name) self._check_yaml(opt, save_yaml) converted = opt.typ.from_str(value) log.config.debug("Setting {} (type {}) to {!r} (converted from {!r})" .format(name, opt.typ.__class__.__name__, converted, value)) self._set_value(opt, converted, pattern=pattern) if save_yaml: self._yaml.set_obj(name, converted, pattern=pattern) def unset(self, name: str, *, save_yaml: bool = False, pattern: urlmatch.UrlPattern = None) -> bool: """Set the given setting back to its default. Return: True if there was a change, False if nothing changed. """ opt = self.get_opt(name) self._check_yaml(opt, save_yaml) changed = self._values[name].remove(pattern) if changed: self.changed.emit(name) if save_yaml: self._yaml.unset(name, pattern=pattern) return changed def clear(self, *, save_yaml: bool = False) -> None: """Clear all settings in the config. If save_yaml=True is given, also remove all customization from the YAML file. """ for name, values in self._values.items(): if values: values.clear() self.changed.emit(name) if save_yaml: self._yaml.clear() def update_mutables(self, *, save_yaml: bool = False) -> None: """Update mutable settings if they changed. Every time someone calls get_obj() on a mutable object, we save a reference to the original object and a copy. Here, we check all those saved copies for mutations, and if something mutated, we call set_obj again so we save the new value. """ for name, (old_value, new_value) in self._mutables.items(): if old_value != new_value: log.config.debug("{} was mutated, updating".format(name)) self.set_obj(name, new_value, save_yaml=save_yaml) self._mutables = {} def dump_userconfig(self) -> str: """Get the part of the config which was changed by the user. Return: The changed config part as string. """ lines: List[str] = [] for values in sorted(self, key=lambda v: v.opt.name): lines += values.dump() if not lines: return '' return '\n'.join(lines) class ConfigContainer: """An object implementing config access via __getattr__. Attributes: _config: The Config object. _prefix: The __getattr__ chain leading up to this object. _configapi: If given, get values suitable for config.py and add errors to the given ConfigAPI object. _pattern: The URL pattern to be used. """ def __init__(self, config: Config, configapi: 'configfiles.ConfigAPI' = None, prefix: str = '', pattern: urlmatch.UrlPattern = None) -> None: self._config = config self._prefix = prefix self._configapi = configapi self._pattern = pattern if configapi is None and pattern is not None: raise TypeError("Can't use pattern without configapi!") def __repr__(self) -> str: return utils.get_repr(self, constructor=True, config=self._config, configapi=self._configapi, prefix=self._prefix, pattern=self._pattern) @contextlib.contextmanager def _handle_error(self, action: str, name: str) -> Iterator[None]: try: yield except configexc.Error as e: if self._configapi is None: raise text = "While {} '{}'".format(action, name) self._configapi.errors.append(configexc.ConfigErrorDesc(text, e)) def _with_prefix(self, prefix: str) -> 'ConfigContainer': """Get a new ConfigContainer for the given prefix.""" return ConfigContainer( config=self._config, configapi=self._configapi, pattern=self._pattern, prefix=prefix, ) def __getattr__(self, attr: str) -> Any: """Get an option or a new ConfigContainer with the added prefix. If we get an option which exists, we return the value for it. If we get a part of an option name, we return a new ConfigContainer. Those two never overlap as configdata.py ensures there are no shadowing options. """ if attr.startswith('_'): return self.__getattribute__(attr) name = self._join(attr) if configdata.is_valid_prefix(name): return self._with_prefix(name) with self._handle_error('getting', name): if self._configapi is None: # access from Python code return self._config.get(name) else: # access from config.py return self._config.get_mutable_obj( name, pattern=self._pattern) # If we arrived here, there was an error while getting the config option. Most # likely, someone did something like "c.content.host_blocking.lists" but # "c.content.host_blocking" doesn't actually exist. To avoid an AttributeError # which leads to a confusing error message, return another ConfigContainer so # that the chain can keep going. return self._with_prefix(name) # type: ignore[unreachable] def __setattr__(self, attr: str, value: Any) -> None: """Set the given option in the config.""" if attr.startswith('_'): super().__setattr__(attr, value) return name = self._join(attr) with self._handle_error('setting', name): self._config.set_obj(name, value, pattern=self._pattern) def _join(self, attr: str) -> str: """Get the prefix joined with the given attribute.""" if self._prefix: return '{}.{}'.format(self._prefix, attr) return attr