# vim: ft=python fileencoding=utf-8 sts=4 sw=4 et: # Copyright 2020-2021 Florian Bruhin (The Compiler) # # This file is part of qutebrowser. # # qutebrowser is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # qutebrowser is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with qutebrowser. If not, see . """Functions related to the Brave adblocker.""" import io import logging import pathlib import functools from typing import Optional, IO from PyQt5.QtCore import QUrl from qutebrowser.api import ( hook, config, message, interceptor, apitypes, qtutils, ) from qutebrowser.api.interceptor import ResourceType from qutebrowser.components.utils import blockutils from qutebrowser.utils import version # FIXME: Move needed parts into api namespace? try: import adblock except ImportError: adblock = None # type: ignore[assignment] logger = logging.getLogger("network") ad_blocker: Optional["BraveAdBlocker"] = None def _should_be_used() -> bool: """Whether the Brave adblocker should be used or not. Here we assume the adblock dependency is satisfied. """ return config.val.content.blocking.method in ("auto", "both", "adblock") def _possibly_show_missing_dependency_warning() -> None: """Show missing dependency warning, if appropriate. If the adblocking method is configured such that the Brave adblocker should be used, but the optional dependency is not satisfied, we show an error message. """ adblock_info = version.MODULE_INFO["adblock"] method = config.val.content.blocking.method if method not in ("both", "adblock"): return if adblock_info.is_outdated(): message.warning( f"Installed version {adblock_info.get_version()} of the 'adblock' " f"dependency is too old. Minimum supported is {adblock_info.min_version}." ) elif not adblock_info.is_installed(): message.warning( f"Ad blocking method is set to '{method}' but 'adblock' dependency is not " "installed." ) else: message.warning( "The 'adblock' dependency was unavailable when qutebrowser was started, " "but now seems to be installed. Please :restart qutebrowser to use it." ) _RESOURCE_TYPE_STRINGS = { ResourceType.main_frame: "main_frame", ResourceType.sub_frame: "sub_frame", ResourceType.stylesheet: "stylesheet", ResourceType.script: "script", ResourceType.image: "image", ResourceType.font_resource: "font", ResourceType.sub_resource: "sub_frame", ResourceType.object: "object", ResourceType.media: "media", ResourceType.worker: "other", ResourceType.shared_worker: "other", ResourceType.prefetch: "other", ResourceType.favicon: "image", ResourceType.xhr: "xhr", ResourceType.ping: "ping", ResourceType.service_worker: "other", ResourceType.csp_report: "csp_report", ResourceType.plugin_resource: "other", ResourceType.preload_main_frame: "other", ResourceType.preload_sub_frame: "other", ResourceType.unknown: "other", None: "", } def _resource_type_to_string(resource_type: Optional[ResourceType]) -> str: return _RESOURCE_TYPE_STRINGS.get(resource_type, "other") class BraveAdBlocker: """Manage blocked hosts based on Brave's adblocker. Attributes: enabled: Whether to block ads or not. _has_basedir: Whether a custom --basedir is set. _cache_path: The path of the adblock engine cache file _engine: Brave ad-blocking engine. """ def __init__(self, *, data_dir: pathlib.Path, has_basedir: bool = False) -> None: self.enabled = _should_be_used() self._has_basedir = has_basedir self._cache_path = data_dir / "adblock-cache.dat" self._engine = adblock.Engine(adblock.FilterSet()) def _is_blocked( self, request_url: QUrl, first_party_url: Optional[QUrl] = None, resource_type: Optional[interceptor.ResourceType] = None, ) -> bool: """Check whether the given request is blocked.""" if not self.enabled: # Do nothing if `content.blocking.method` is not set to enable the # use of this adblocking module. return False if ( first_party_url is None or not first_party_url.isValid() or first_party_url.scheme() == "file" ): # FIXME: It seems that when `first_party_url` is None, every URL # I try is blocked. This may have been a result of me incorrectly # using the upstream library, or an upstream bug. For now we don't # block any request with `first_party_url=None`. return False qtutils.ensure_valid(request_url) if not config.get("content.blocking.enabled", url=first_party_url): # Do nothing if adblocking is disabled for this site. return False result = self._engine.check_network_urls( request_url.toString(), first_party_url.toString(), _resource_type_to_string(resource_type), ) if not result.matched: return False elif result.exception is not None and not result.important: # Exception is not `None` when the blocker matched on an exception # rule. Effectively this means that there was a match, but the # request should not be blocked. # # An `important` match means that exceptions should not apply and # no further checking is necessary--the request should be blocked. logger.debug( "Excepting %s from being blocked by %s because of %s", request_url.toDisplayString(), result.filter, result.exception, ) return False elif blockutils.is_whitelisted_url(request_url): logger.debug( "Request to %s is whitelisted, thus not blocked", request_url.toDisplayString(), ) return False return True def filter_request(self, info: interceptor.Request) -> None: """Block the given request if necessary.""" if self._is_blocked(info.request_url, info.first_party_url, info.resource_type): logger.debug( "Request to %s blocked by ad blocker.", info.request_url.toDisplayString(), ) info.block() def read_cache(self) -> None: """Initialize the adblocking engine from cache file.""" try: cache_exists = self._cache_path.is_file() except OSError: logger.error("Failed to read adblock cache", exc_info=True) return if cache_exists: logger.debug("Loading cached adblock data: %s", self._cache_path) self._engine.deserialize_from_file(str(self._cache_path)) else: if ( config.val.content.blocking.adblock.lists and not self._has_basedir and config.val.content.blocking.enabled and self.enabled ): message.info("Run :adblock-update to get adblock lists.") def adblock_update(self) -> blockutils.BlocklistDownloads: """Update the adblock block lists.""" logger.info("Downloading adblock filter lists...") filter_set = adblock.FilterSet() dl = blockutils.BlocklistDownloads(config.val.content.blocking.adblock.lists) dl.single_download_finished.connect( functools.partial(self._on_download_finished, filter_set=filter_set) ) dl.all_downloads_finished.connect( functools.partial(self._on_lists_downloaded, filter_set=filter_set) ) dl.initiate() return dl def _on_lists_downloaded( self, done_count: int, filter_set: "adblock.FilterSet" ) -> None: """Install block lists after files have been downloaded.""" self._engine = adblock.Engine(filter_set) self._engine.serialize_to_file(str(self._cache_path)) message.info( f"braveadblock: Filters successfully read from {done_count} sources.") def update_files(self) -> None: """Update files when the config changed.""" if not config.val.content.blocking.adblock.lists: try: self._cache_path.unlink() except FileNotFoundError: pass except OSError as e: logger.exception("Failed to remove adblock cache file: %s", e) def _on_download_finished( self, fileobj: IO[bytes], filter_set: "adblock.FilterSet" ) -> None: """When a blocklist download finishes, add it to the given filter set. Arguments: fileobj: The finished download's contents. """ fileobj.seek(0) try: with io.TextIOWrapper(fileobj, encoding="utf-8") as text_io: filter_set.add_filter_list(text_io.read()) except UnicodeDecodeError: message.info("braveadblock: Block list is not valid utf-8") @hook.config_changed("content.blocking.adblock.lists") def on_lists_changed() -> None: """Remove cached blocker from disk when blocklist changes.""" if ad_blocker is not None: ad_blocker.update_files() @hook.config_changed("content.blocking.method") def on_method_changed() -> None: """When the adblocking method changes, update blocker accordingly.""" if ad_blocker is not None: # This implies the 'adblock' dependency is satisfied ad_blocker.enabled = _should_be_used() else: _possibly_show_missing_dependency_warning() @hook.init() def init(context: apitypes.InitContext) -> None: """Initialize the Brave ad blocker.""" global ad_blocker adblock_info = version.MODULE_INFO["adblock"] if not adblock_info.is_usable(): # We want 'adblock' to be an optional dependency. If the module is # not installed or is outdated, we simply keep the `ad_blocker` global at # `None`. _possibly_show_missing_dependency_warning() return ad_blocker = BraveAdBlocker( data_dir=context.data_dir, has_basedir=context.args.basedir is not None ) ad_blocker.read_cache() interceptor.register(ad_blocker.filter_request)