# vim: ft=python fileencoding=utf-8 sts=4 sw=4 et: # Copyright 2016-2021 Florian Bruhin (The Compiler) # # This file is part of qutebrowser. # # qutebrowser is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # qutebrowser is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with qutebrowser. If not, see . """Various utilities shared between webpage/webview subclasses.""" import os import sys import html import enum import netrc import tempfile from typing import Callable, Mapping, List, Optional, Iterable, Iterator from PyQt6.QtCore import QUrl, pyqtBoundSignal from qutebrowser.config import config from qutebrowser.utils import (usertypes, message, log, objreg, jinja, utils, qtutils, version) from qutebrowser.mainwindow import mainwindow from qutebrowser.misc import guiprocess, objects class CallSuper(Exception): """Raised when the caller should call the superclass instead.""" def custom_headers(url): """Get the combined custom headers.""" headers = {} dnt_config = config.instance.get('content.headers.do_not_track', url=url) if dnt_config is not None: dnt = b'1' if dnt_config else b'0' headers[b'DNT'] = dnt conf_headers = config.instance.get('content.headers.custom', url=url) for header, value in conf_headers.items(): headers[header.encode('ascii')] = value.encode('ascii') accept_language = config.instance.get('content.headers.accept_language', url=url) if accept_language is not None: headers[b'Accept-Language'] = accept_language.encode('ascii') return sorted(headers.items()) def authentication_required(url, authenticator, abort_on): """Ask a prompt for an authentication question.""" realm = authenticator.realm() if realm: msg = '{} says:
{}'.format( html.escape(url.toDisplayString()), html.escape(realm)) else: msg = '{} needs authentication'.format( html.escape(url.toDisplayString())) urlstr = url.toString(QUrl.UrlFormattingOption.RemovePassword | QUrl.ComponentFormattingOption.FullyEncoded) answer = message.ask(title="Authentication required", text=msg, mode=usertypes.PromptMode.user_pwd, abort_on=abort_on, url=urlstr) if answer is not None: authenticator.setUser(answer.user) authenticator.setPassword(answer.password) return answer def _format_msg(msg: str) -> str: """Convert message to HTML suitable for rendering.""" return html.escape(msg).replace('\n', '
') def javascript_confirm(url, js_msg, abort_on): """Display a javascript confirm prompt.""" log.js.debug("confirm: {}".format(js_msg)) if config.val.content.javascript.modal_dialog: raise CallSuper msg = 'From {}:
{}'.format(html.escape(url.toDisplayString()), _format_msg(js_msg)) urlstr = url.toString(QUrl.UrlFormattingOption.RemovePassword | QUrl.ComponentFormattingOption.FullyEncoded) ans = message.ask('Javascript confirm', msg, mode=usertypes.PromptMode.yesno, abort_on=abort_on, url=urlstr) return bool(ans) def javascript_prompt(url, js_msg, default, abort_on): """Display a javascript prompt.""" log.js.debug("prompt: {}".format(js_msg)) if config.val.content.javascript.modal_dialog: raise CallSuper if not config.val.content.javascript.prompt: return (False, "") msg = '{} asks:
{}'.format(html.escape(url.toDisplayString()), _format_msg(js_msg)) urlstr = url.toString(QUrl.UrlFormattingOption.RemovePassword | QUrl.ComponentFormattingOption.FullyEncoded) answer = message.ask('Javascript prompt', msg, mode=usertypes.PromptMode.text, default=default, abort_on=abort_on, url=urlstr) if answer is None: return (False, "") else: return (True, answer) def javascript_alert(url, js_msg, abort_on): """Display a javascript alert.""" log.js.debug("alert: {}".format(js_msg)) if config.val.content.javascript.modal_dialog: raise CallSuper if not config.val.content.javascript.alert: return msg = 'From {}:
{}'.format(html.escape(url.toDisplayString()), _format_msg(js_msg)) urlstr = url.toString(QUrl.UrlFormattingOption.RemovePassword | QUrl.ComponentFormattingOption.FullyEncoded) message.ask('Javascript alert', msg, mode=usertypes.PromptMode.alert, abort_on=abort_on, url=urlstr) # Needs to line up with the values allowed for the # content.javascript.log setting. _JS_LOGMAP: Mapping[str, Callable[[str], None]] = { 'none': lambda arg: None, 'debug': log.js.debug, 'info': log.js.info, 'warning': log.js.warning, 'error': log.js.error, } def javascript_log_message(level, source, line, msg): """Display a JavaScript log message.""" logstring = "[{}:{}] {}".format(source, line, msg) logger = _JS_LOGMAP[config.cache['content.javascript.log'][level.name]] logger(logstring) def ignore_certificate_error( *, request_url: QUrl, first_party_url: QUrl, error: usertypes.AbstractCertificateErrorWrapper, abort_on: Iterable[pyqtBoundSignal], ) -> bool: """Display a certificate error question. Args: request_url: The URL of the request where the errors happened. first_party_url: The URL of the page we're visiting. Might be an invalid QUrl. error: A single error. abort_on: Signals aborting a question. Return: True if the error should be ignored, False otherwise. """ conf = config.instance.get('content.tls.certificate_errors', url=request_url) log.network.debug(f"Certificate error {error!r}, config {conf}") assert error.is_overridable(), repr(error) # We get the first party URL with a heuristic - with HTTP -> HTTPS redirects, the # scheme might not match. is_resource = ( first_party_url.isValid() and not request_url.matches( first_party_url, QUrl.UrlFormattingOption.RemoveScheme)) # type: ignore[arg-type] if conf == 'ask' or conf == 'ask-block-thirdparty' and not is_resource: err_template = jinja.environment.from_string(""" {% if is_resource %}

Error while loading resource {{request_url.toDisplayString()}}
on page {{first_party_url.toDisplayString()}}:

{% else %}

Error while loading page {{request_url.toDisplayString()}}:

{% endif %} {{error.html()|safe}} {% if is_resource %}

Consider reporting this to the website operator, or set content.tls.certificate_errors to ask-block-thirdparty to always block invalid resource loads.

{% endif %} Do you want to ignore these errors and continue loading the page insecurely? """.strip()) msg = err_template.render( request_url=request_url, first_party_url=first_party_url, is_resource=is_resource, error=error, ) urlstr = request_url.toString( QUrl.UrlFormattingOption.RemovePassword | QUrl.ComponentFormattingOption.FullyEncoded) # type: ignore[arg-type] ignore = message.ask(title="Certificate error", text=msg, mode=usertypes.PromptMode.yesno, default=False, abort_on=abort_on, url=urlstr) if ignore is None: # prompt aborted ignore = False return ignore elif conf == 'load-insecurely': message.error(f'Certificate error: {error}') return True elif conf == 'block': return False elif conf == 'ask-block-thirdparty' and is_resource: log.network.error( f"Certificate error in resource load: {error}\n" f" request URL: {request_url.toDisplayString()}\n" f" first party URL: {first_party_url.toDisplayString()}") return False raise utils.Unreachable(conf, is_resource) def feature_permission(url, option, msg, yes_action, no_action, abort_on, blocking=False): """Handle a feature permission request. Args: url: The URL the request was done for. option: An option name to check. msg: A string like "show notifications" yes_action: A callable to call if the request was approved no_action: A callable to call if the request was denied abort_on: A list of signals which interrupt the question. blocking: If True, ask a blocking question. Return: The Question object if a question was asked (and blocking=False), None otherwise. """ config_val = config.instance.get(option, url=url) if config_val == 'ask': if url.isValid(): urlstr = url.toString(QUrl.UrlFormattingOption.RemovePassword | QUrl.ComponentFormattingOption.FullyEncoded) text = "Allow the website at {} to {}?".format( html.escape(url.toDisplayString()), msg) else: urlstr = None option = None # For message.ask/confirm_async text = "Allow the website to {}?".format(msg) if blocking: answer = message.ask(abort_on=abort_on, title='Permission request', text=text, url=urlstr, option=option, mode=usertypes.PromptMode.yesno) if answer: yes_action() else: no_action() return None else: return message.confirm_async( yes_action=yes_action, no_action=no_action, cancel_action=no_action, abort_on=abort_on, title='Permission request', text=text, url=urlstr, option=option) elif config_val: yes_action() return None else: no_action() return None def get_tab(win_id, target): """Get a tab widget for the given usertypes.ClickTarget. Args: win_id: The window ID to open new tabs in target: A usertypes.ClickTarget """ if target == usertypes.ClickTarget.tab: bg_tab = False elif target == usertypes.ClickTarget.tab_bg: bg_tab = True elif target == usertypes.ClickTarget.window: tabbed_browser = objreg.get('tabbed-browser', scope='window', window=win_id) window = mainwindow.MainWindow(private=tabbed_browser.is_private) window.show() win_id = window.win_id bg_tab = False else: raise ValueError("Invalid ClickTarget {}".format(target)) tabbed_browser = objreg.get('tabbed-browser', scope='window', window=win_id) return tabbed_browser.tabopen(url=None, background=bg_tab) def get_user_stylesheet(searching=False): """Get the combined user-stylesheet.""" css = '' stylesheets = config.val.content.user_stylesheets for filename in stylesheets: with open(filename, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: css += f.read() setting = config.val.scrolling.bar if setting == 'overlay' and utils.is_mac: setting = 'when-searching' if setting == 'never' or setting == 'when-searching' and not searching: css += '\nhtml > ::-webkit-scrollbar { width: 0px; height: 0px; }' if (objects.backend == usertypes.Backend.QtWebEngine and version.qtwebengine_versions().chromium_major in [69, 73, 80, 87] and config.val.colors.webpage.darkmode.enabled and config.val.colors.webpage.darkmode.policy.images == 'smart' and config.val.content.site_specific_quirks.enabled and 'misc-mathml-darkmode' not in config.val.content.site_specific_quirks.skip): # WORKAROUND for MathML-output on Wikipedia being black on black. # See https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=1126606 css += '\nimg.mwe-math-fallback-image-inline { filter: invert(100%); }' return css def netrc_authentication(url, authenticator): """Perform authorization using netrc. Args: url: The URL the request was done for. authenticator: QAuthenticator object used to set credentials provided. Return: True if netrc found credentials for the URL. False otherwise. """ if 'HOME' not in os.environ: # We'll get an OSError by netrc if 'HOME' isn't available in # os.environ. We don't want to log that, so we prevent it # altogether. return False user = None password = None authenticators = None try: net = netrc.netrc(config.val.content.netrc_file) if url.port() != -1: authenticators = net.authenticators( "{}:{}".format(url.host(), url.port())) if not authenticators: authenticators = net.authenticators(url.host()) if authenticators: user, _account, password = authenticators except FileNotFoundError: log.misc.debug("No .netrc file found") except OSError as e: log.misc.exception("Unable to read the netrc file: {}".format(e)) except netrc.NetrcParseError as e: log.misc.exception("Error when parsing the netrc file: {}".format(e)) if user is None: return False authenticator.setUser(user) authenticator.setPassword(password) return True class FileSelectionMode(enum.Enum): """Mode to use for file selectors in choose_file.""" single_file = enum.auto() multiple_files = enum.auto() folder = enum.auto() def choose_file(qb_mode: FileSelectionMode) -> List[str]: """Select file(s)/folder for uploading, using external command defined in config. Args: qb_mode: File selection mode Return: A list of selected file paths, or empty list if no file is selected. If multiple is False, the return value will have at most 1 item. """ command = { FileSelectionMode.single_file: config.val.fileselect.single_file.command, FileSelectionMode.multiple_files: config.val.fileselect.multiple_files.command, FileSelectionMode.folder: config.val.fileselect.folder.command, }[qb_mode] use_tmp_file = any('{}' in arg for arg in command[1:]) if use_tmp_file: handle = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile( prefix='qutebrowser-fileselect-', delete=False, ) handle.close() tmpfilename = handle.name with utils.cleanup_file(tmpfilename): command = ( command[:1] + [arg.replace('{}', tmpfilename) for arg in command[1:]] ) return _execute_fileselect_command( command=command, qb_mode=qb_mode, tmpfilename=tmpfilename, ) else: return _execute_fileselect_command( command=command, qb_mode=qb_mode, ) def _execute_fileselect_command( command: List[str], qb_mode: FileSelectionMode, tmpfilename: Optional[str] = None ) -> List[str]: """Execute external command to choose file. Args: multiple: Should selecting multiple files be allowed. tmpfilename: Path to the temporary file if used, otherwise None. Return: A list of selected file paths, or empty list if no file is selected. If multiple is False, the return value will have at most 1 item. """ proc = guiprocess.GUIProcess(what='choose-file') proc.start(command[0], command[1:]) loop = qtutils.EventLoop() proc.finished.connect(lambda _code, _status: loop.exit()) loop.exec() if tmpfilename is None: selected_files = proc.stdout.splitlines() else: try: with open(tmpfilename, mode='r', encoding=sys.getfilesystemencoding()) as f: selected_files = f.read().splitlines() except OSError as e: message.error(f"Failed to open tempfile {tmpfilename} ({e})!") selected_files = [] return list(_validated_selected_files( qb_mode=qb_mode, selected_files=selected_files)) def _validated_selected_files( qb_mode: FileSelectionMode, selected_files: List[str], ) -> Iterator[str]: """Validates selected files if they are. * Of correct type * Of correct number * Existent Args: qb_mode: File selection mode used selected_files: files selected Return: List of selected files that pass the checks. """ if qb_mode != FileSelectionMode.multiple_files: if len(selected_files) > 1: message.warning("More than one file/folder chosen, using only the first") selected_files = selected_files[:1] for selected_file in selected_files: if not os.path.exists(selected_file): message.warning(f"Ignoring non-existent file '{selected_file}'") continue if qb_mode == FileSelectionMode.folder: if not os.path.isdir(selected_file): message.warning( f"Expected folder but got file, ignoring '{selected_file}'" ) continue else: if not os.path.isfile(selected_file): message.warning( f"Expected file but got folder, ignoring '{selected_file}'" ) continue yield selected_file