# vim: ft=python fileencoding=utf-8 sts=4 sw=4 et: # Copyright 2017-2021 Florian Bruhin (The Compiler) # # This file is part of qutebrowser. # # qutebrowser is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # qutebrowser is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with qutebrowser. If not, see . """Load, parse and make available Greasemonkey scripts.""" import re import os import json import fnmatch import functools import glob import textwrap import dataclasses from typing import cast, List, Sequence from PyQt5.QtCore import pyqtSignal, QObject, QUrl from qutebrowser.utils import (log, standarddir, jinja, objreg, utils, javascript, urlmatch, version, usertypes, message) from qutebrowser.api import cmdutils from qutebrowser.browser import downloads from qutebrowser.misc import objects gm_manager = cast('GreasemonkeyManager', None) def _scripts_dirs(): """Get the directory of the scripts.""" return [ os.path.join(standarddir.data(), 'greasemonkey'), os.path.join(standarddir.config(), 'greasemonkey'), ] class GreasemonkeyScript: """Container class for userscripts, parses metadata blocks.""" def __init__(self, properties, code, # noqa: C901 pragma: no mccabe filename=None): self._code = code self.includes: Sequence[str] = [] self.matches: Sequence[str] = [] self.excludes: Sequence[str] = [] self.requires: Sequence[str] = [] self.description = None self.namespace = None self.run_at = None self.script_meta = None self.runs_on_sub_frames = True self.jsworld = "main" self.name = '' self.dedup_suffix = 1 for name, value in properties: if name == 'name': self.name = value elif name == 'namespace': self.namespace = value elif name == 'description': self.description = value elif name == 'include': self.includes.append(value) elif name == 'match': self.matches.append(value) elif name in ['exclude', 'exclude_match']: self.excludes.append(value) elif name == 'run-at': self.run_at = value elif name == 'noframes': self.runs_on_sub_frames = False elif name == 'require': self.requires.append(value) elif name == 'qute-js-world': self.jsworld = value if not self.name: if filename: self.name = filename else: raise ValueError( "@name key required or pass filename to init." ) HEADER_REGEX = r'// ==UserScript==|\n+// ==/UserScript==\n' PROPS_REGEX = r'// @(?P[^\s]+)\s*(?P.*)' def __str__(self): return self.name def full_name(self) -> str: """Get the full name of this script. This includes a GM- prefix, its namespace (if any) and deduplication counter suffix, if set. """ parts = ['GM-'] if self.namespace is not None: parts += [self.namespace, '/'] parts.append(self.name) if self.dedup_suffix > 1: parts.append(f"-{self.dedup_suffix}") return ''.join(parts) @classmethod def parse(cls, source, filename=None): """GreasemonkeyScript factory. Takes a userscript source and returns a GreasemonkeyScript. Parses the Greasemonkey metadata block, if present, to fill out attributes. """ matches = re.split(cls.HEADER_REGEX, source, maxsplit=2) try: _head, props, _code = matches except ValueError: props = "" script = cls( re.findall(cls.PROPS_REGEX, props), source, filename=filename ) script.script_meta = props if not script.includes and not script.matches: script.includes = ['*'] return script def needs_document_end_workaround(self): """Check whether to force @run-at document-end. This needs to be done on QtWebEngine (since Qt 5.12) for known-broken scripts. On Qt 5.12, accessing the DOM isn't possible with "@run-at document-start". It was documented to be impossible before, but seems to work fine. However, some scripts do DOM access with "@run-at document-start". Fix those by forcing them to use document-end instead. """ if objects.backend == usertypes.Backend.QtWebKit: return False assert objects.backend == usertypes.Backend.QtWebEngine, objects.backend broken_scripts = [ ('http://userstyles.org', None), ('https://github.com/ParticleCore', 'Iridium'), ] return any(self._matches_id(namespace=namespace, name=name) for namespace, name in broken_scripts) def _matches_id(self, *, namespace, name): """Check if this script matches the given namespace/name. Both namespace and name can be None in order to match any script. """ matches_namespace = namespace is None or self.namespace == namespace matches_name = name is None or self.name == name return matches_namespace and matches_name def code(self): """Return the processed JavaScript code of this script. Adorns the source code with GM_* methods for Greasemonkey compatibility and wraps it in an IIFE to hide it within a lexical scope. Note that this means line numbers in your browser's debugger/inspector will not match up to the line numbers in the source script directly. """ # Don't use Proxy on this webkit version, the support isn't there. use_proxy = not ( objects.backend == usertypes.Backend.QtWebKit and version.qWebKitVersion() == '602.1') template = jinja.js_environment.get_template('greasemonkey_wrapper.js') return template.render( scriptName=javascript.string_escape( "/".join([self.namespace or '', self.name])), scriptInfo=self._meta_json(), scriptMeta=javascript.string_escape(self.script_meta or ''), scriptSource=self._code, use_proxy=use_proxy) def _meta_json(self): return json.dumps({ 'name': self.name, 'description': self.description, 'matches': self.matches, 'includes': self.includes, 'excludes': self.excludes, 'run-at': self.run_at, }) def add_required_script(self, source): """Add the source of a required script to this script.""" # The additional source is indented in case it also contains a # metadata block. Because we pass everything at once to # QWebEngineScript and that would parse the first metadata block # found as the valid one. self._code = "\n".join([textwrap.indent(source, " "), self._code]) @dataclasses.dataclass class MatchingScripts: """All userscripts registered to run on a particular url.""" url: QUrl start: List[GreasemonkeyScript] = dataclasses.field(default_factory=list) end: List[GreasemonkeyScript] = dataclasses.field(default_factory=list) idle: List[GreasemonkeyScript] = dataclasses.field(default_factory=list) class GreasemonkeyMatcher: """Check whether scripts should be loaded for a given URL.""" # https://wiki.greasespot.net/Include_and_exclude_rules#Greaseable_schemes # Limit the schemes scripts can run on due to unreasonable levels of # exploitability GREASEABLE_SCHEMES = ['http', 'https', 'ftp', 'file'] def __init__(self, url): self._url = url self._url_string = url.toString(QUrl.FullyEncoded) self.is_greaseable = url.scheme() in self.GREASEABLE_SCHEMES def _match_pattern(self, pattern): # For include and exclude rules if they start and end with '/' they # should be treated as a (ecma syntax) regular expression. if pattern.startswith('/') and pattern.endswith('/'): matches = re.search(pattern[1:-1], self._url_string, flags=re.I) return matches is not None # Otherwise they are glob expressions. return fnmatch.fnmatch(self._url_string, pattern) def matches(self, script): """Check whether the URL matches filtering rules of the script.""" assert self.is_greaseable matching_includes = any(self._match_pattern(pat) for pat in script.includes) matching_match = any(urlmatch.UrlPattern(pat).matches(self._url) for pat in script.matches) matching_excludes = any(self._match_pattern(pat) for pat in script.excludes) return (matching_includes or matching_match) and not matching_excludes class GreasemonkeyManager(QObject): """Manager of userscripts and a Greasemonkey compatible environment. Signals: scripts_reloaded: Emitted when scripts are reloaded from disk. Any cached or already-injected scripts should be considered obsolete. """ scripts_reloaded = pyqtSignal() def __init__(self, parent=None): super().__init__(parent) self._run_start: List[GreasemonkeyScript] = [] self._run_end: List[GreasemonkeyScript] = [] self._run_idle: List[GreasemonkeyScript] = [] self._in_progress_dls: List[downloads.AbstractDownloadItem] = [] self.load_scripts() def load_scripts(self, *, force: bool = False) -> List[GreasemonkeyScript]: """Re-read Greasemonkey scripts from disk. The scripts are read from a 'greasemonkey' subdirectory in qutebrowser's data directory (see `:version`). Args: force: For any scripts that have required dependencies, re-download them. Return: A list of loaded scripts. """ self._run_start = [] self._run_end = [] self._run_idle = [] scripts = [] for scripts_dir in _scripts_dirs(): scripts_dir = os.path.abspath(scripts_dir) log.greasemonkey.debug("Reading scripts from: {}".format(scripts_dir)) for script_filename in glob.glob(os.path.join(scripts_dir, '*.js')): if not os.path.isfile(script_filename): continue script_path = os.path.join(scripts_dir, script_filename) with open(script_path, encoding='utf-8-sig') as script_file: script = GreasemonkeyScript.parse(script_file.read(), script_filename) assert script.name, script self.add_script(script, force) scripts.append(script) self.scripts_reloaded.emit() return sorted(scripts, key=str) def add_script(self, script, force=False): """Add a GreasemonkeyScript to this manager. Args: force: Fetch and overwrite any dependencies which are already locally cached. """ if script.requires: log.greasemonkey.debug( f"Deferring script until requirements are fulfilled: {script}") self._get_required_scripts(script, force) else: self._add_script(script) def _add_script(self, script): if script.run_at == 'document-start': self._run_start.append(script) elif script.run_at == 'document-end': self._run_end.append(script) elif script.run_at == 'document-idle': self._run_idle.append(script) else: if script.run_at: log.greasemonkey.warning( f"Script {script} has invalid run-at defined, defaulting to " "document-end") # Default as per # https://wiki.greasespot.net/Metadata_Block#.40run-at self._run_end.append(script) log.greasemonkey.debug(f"Loaded script: {script}") def _required_url_to_file_path(self, url): requires_dir = os.path.join(_scripts_dirs()[0], 'requires') if not os.path.exists(requires_dir): os.mkdir(requires_dir) return os.path.join(requires_dir, utils.sanitize_filename(url)) def _on_required_download_finished(self, script, download): self._in_progress_dls.remove(download) if not self._add_script_with_requires(script): log.greasemonkey.debug( "Finished download {download.basename} for script {script} " "but some requirements are still pending") def _add_script_with_requires(self, script, quiet=False): """Add a script with pending downloads to this GreasemonkeyManager. Specifically a script that has dependencies specified via an `@require` rule. Args: script: The GreasemonkeyScript to add. quiet: True to suppress the scripts_reloaded signal after adding `script`. Returns: True if the script was added, False if there are still dependencies being downloaded. """ # See if we are still waiting on any required scripts for this one for dl in self._in_progress_dls: if dl.requested_url in script.requires: return False # Need to add the required scripts to the IIFE now for url in reversed(script.requires): target_path = self._required_url_to_file_path(url) log.greasemonkey.debug( f"Adding required script for {script} to IIFE: {url}") with open(target_path, encoding='utf8') as f: script.add_required_script(f.read()) self._add_script(script) if not quiet: self.scripts_reloaded.emit() return True def _get_required_scripts(self, script, force=False): required_dls = [(url, self._required_url_to_file_path(url)) for url in script.requires] if not force: required_dls = [(url, path) for (url, path) in required_dls if not os.path.exists(path)] if not required_dls: # All the required files exist already self._add_script_with_requires(script, quiet=True) return download_manager = objreg.get('qtnetwork-download-manager') for url, target_path in required_dls: target = downloads.FileDownloadTarget(target_path, force_overwrite=True) download = download_manager.get(QUrl(url), target=target, auto_remove=True) download.requested_url = url self._in_progress_dls.append(download) if download.successful: self._on_required_download_finished(script, download) else: download.finished.connect( functools.partial(self._on_required_download_finished, script, download)) def scripts_for(self, url): """Fetch scripts that are registered to run for url. returns a tuple of lists of scripts meant to run at (document-start, document-end, document-idle) """ matcher = GreasemonkeyMatcher(url) if not matcher.is_greaseable: return MatchingScripts(url, [], [], []) return MatchingScripts( url=url, start=[script for script in self._run_start if matcher.matches(script)], end=[script for script in self._run_end if matcher.matches(script)], idle=[script for script in self._run_idle if matcher.matches(script)] ) def all_scripts(self): """Return all scripts found in the configured script directory.""" return self._run_start + self._run_end + self._run_idle @cmdutils.register() def greasemonkey_reload(force: bool = False, quiet: bool = False) -> None: """Re-read Greasemonkey scripts from disk. The scripts are read from a 'greasemonkey' subdirectory in qutebrowser's data or config directories (see `:version`). Args: force: For any scripts that have required dependencies, re-download them. quiet: Suppress message after loading scripts. """ scripts = gm_manager.load_scripts(force=force) names = '\n'.join(str(script) for script in scripts) if not quiet: message.info(f"Loaded scripts:\n\n{names}") def init(): """Initialize Greasemonkey support.""" global gm_manager gm_manager = GreasemonkeyManager() for scripts_dir in _scripts_dirs(): try: os.mkdir(scripts_dir) except FileExistsError: pass