[pytest] log_level = NOTSET addopts = --strict-markers --strict-config --instafail --benchmark-columns=Min,Max,Median testpaths = tests required_plugins = pytest-bdd pytest-benchmark pytest-instafail pytest-mock pytest-qt pytest-rerunfailures markers = gui: Tests using the GUI (e.g. spawning widgets) posix: Tests which only can run on a POSIX OS. windows: Tests which only can run on Windows. linux: Tests which only can run on Linux. mac: Tests which only can run on macOS. not_mac: Tests which can not run on macOS. not_frozen: Tests which can't be run if sys.frozen is True. not_flatpak: Tests which can't be run if running with Flatpak. no_xvfb: Tests which can't be run with Xvfb. frozen: Tests which can only be run if sys.frozen is True. integration: Tests which test a bigger portion of code end2end: End to end tests which run qutebrowser as subprocess xfail_norun: xfail the test with out running it ci: Tests which should only run on CI. no_ci: Tests which should not run on CI. qtwebengine_todo: Features still missing with QtWebEngine qtwebengine_skip: Tests not applicable with QtWebEngine qtwebkit_skip: Tests not applicable with QtWebKit qtwebengine_flaky: Tests which are flaky (and currently skipped) with QtWebEngine qtwebengine_mac_xfail: Tests which fail on macOS with QtWebEngine this: Used to mark tests during development no_invalid_lines: Don't fail on unparsable lines in end2end tests fake_os: Fake utils.is_* to a fake operating system unicode_locale: Tests which need a unicode locale to work qtwebkit_pdf_imageformat_skip: Broken on QtWebKit with PDF image format plugin installed qtwebkit_openssl3_skip: Broken due to cheroot bug with OpenSSL 3 on QtWebKit windows_skip: Tests which should be skipped on Windows qt5_only: Tests which should only run with Qt 5 qt6_only: Tests which should only run with Qt 6 qt5_xfail: Tests which fail with Qt 5 qt6_xfail: Tests which fail with Qt 6 qt_log_level_fail = WARNING qt_log_ignore = # GitHub Actions ^QStandardPaths: XDG_RUNTIME_DIR not set, defaulting to .* # test_on_focus_changed_issue1484 on macOS ^The available OpenGL surface format was either not version 3\.2 or higher or not a Core Profile.* # tests/unit/mainwindow/test_messageview.py and # tests/unit/mainwindow/statusbar/test_textbase.py::test_resize # on Windows ^QWindowsWindow::setGeometry(Dp)?: Unable to set geometry .* # tests/unit/commands/test_userscripts.py::test_killed_command # on Windows ^QProcess: Destroyed while process .* is still running\. # Qt 6.5 debug build # WORKAROUND for https://www.riverbankcomputing.com/pipermail/pyqt/2023-March/045215.html ^QObject::connect: Connecting from COMPAT signal \(QSocketNotifier::activated\(int\)\)$ # Randomly started showing up on Qt 5.15.2 ^QBackingStore::endPaint\(\) called with active painter; did you forget to destroy it or call QPainter::end\(\) on it\?$ # Qt 6.5 after system update, from qt-qt.accessibility.atspi Error in contacting registry: "org\.freedesktop\.DBus\.Error\.Disconnected" "Not connected to D-Bus server" # Seen in Qt 6.6.2 on CI, https://github.com/qutebrowser/qutebrowser/pull/8106#issuecomment-1952320663 ^QDBusConnection: couldn't handle call to Notify, no slot matched ^QDBusConnection: couldn't handle call to CloseNotification, no slot matched # Qt 6.7 ^Path override failed for key base::DIR_APP_DICTIONARIES and path '.*/qtwebengine_dictionaries' xfail_strict = true filterwarnings = error default:Test process .* failed to terminate!:UserWarning # Python 3.12: https://github.com/jendrikseipp/vulture/issues/314 ignore:ast\.Str is deprecated and will be removed in Python 3\.14; use ast\.Constant instead:DeprecationWarning:vulture\.core # Python 3.12: https://github.com/ionelmc/pytest-benchmark/issues/240 ignore:(datetime\.)?datetime\.utcnow\(\) is deprecated and scheduled for removal in a future version\. Use timezone-aware objects to represent datetimes in UTC. (datetime\.)?datetime\.now\(datetime\.UTC\)\.:DeprecationWarning:pytest_benchmark\.utils faulthandler_timeout = 90