#!/usr/bin/env python3 """ Behavior: A qutebrowser userscript that creates bookmarks in Nextcloud's Bookmarks app. Requirements: requests userscript setup: Optionally create ~/.config/qutebrowser/add-nextcloud-bookmarks.ini like: [nextcloud] HOST=https://nextcloud.example.com USER=username ;PASSWORD=lamepassword DESCRIPTION=None ;TAGS=just-one TAGS=read-me-later,added-by-qutebrowser, Another-One If settings aren't in the configuration file, the user will be prompted during bookmark creation. If DESCRIPTION and TAGS are set to None, they will be left blank. If the user does not want to be prompted for a password, it is recommended to set up an 'app password'. See the following for instructions: https://docs.nextcloud.com/server/latest/user_manual/en/session_management.html#managing-devices # noqa: E501 qutebrowser setup: add bookmark via hints config.bind('X', 'hint links userscript add-nextcloud-bookmarks') add bookmark of current URL config.bind('X', 'spawn --userscript add-nextcloud-bookmarks') troubleshooting: Errors detected within this userscript will have an exit of 231. All other exit codes will come from requests. """ import configparser from json import dumps from os import environ, path from sys import argv, exit from PyQt6.QtWidgets import QApplication, QInputDialog, QLineEdit from requests import get, post from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth def get_text(name, info): """Get input from the user.""" _app = QApplication(argv) # noqa: F841 if name == "password": text, ok = QInputDialog.getText( None, "add-nextcloud-bookmarks userscript", "Please enter {}".format(info), QLineEdit.Password, ) else: text, ok = QInputDialog.getText( None, "add-nextcloud-bookmarks userscript", "Please enter {}".format(info) ) if not ok: message("info", "Dialog box canceled.") exit(0) return text def message(level, text): """display message""" with open(environ["QUTE_FIFO"], "w") as fifo: fifo.write( 'message-{} "add-nextcloud-bookmarks userscript: {}"\n'.format(level, text) ) fifo.flush() if "QUTE_FIFO" not in environ: print( "This script is designed to run as a qutebrowser userscript, " "not as a standalone script." ) exit(231) if "QUTE_CONFIG_DIR" not in environ: if "XDG_CONFIG_HOME" in environ: QUTE_CONFIG_DIR = environ["XDG_CONFIG_HOME"] + "/qutebrowser" else: QUTE_CONFIG_DIR = environ["HOME"] + "/.config/qutebrowser" else: QUTE_CONFIG_DIR = environ["QUTE_CONFIG_DIR"] config_file = QUTE_CONFIG_DIR + "/add-nextcloud-bookmarks.ini" if path.isfile(config_file): config = configparser.ConfigParser() config.read(config_file) settings = dict(config.items("nextcloud")) else: settings = {} settings_info = [ ("host", "host information.", "required"), ("user", "username.", "required"), ("password", "password.", "required"), ("description", "description or leave blank", "optional"), ("tags", "tags (comma separated) or leave blank", "optional"), ] # check for settings that need user interaction and clear optional setting if need be for setting in settings_info: if setting[0] not in settings: userInput = get_text(setting[0], setting[1]) settings[setting[0]] = userInput if setting[2] == "optional": if settings[setting[0]] == "None": settings[setting[0]] = "" tags = settings["tags"].split(",") QUTE_URL = environ["QUTE_URL"] api_url = settings["host"] + "/index.php/apps/bookmarks/public/rest/v2/bookmark" auth = HTTPBasicAuth(settings["user"], settings["password"]) headers = {"Content-Type": "application/json"} params = {"url": QUTE_URL} # check if there is already a bookmark for the URL r = get( api_url, auth=auth, headers=headers, params=params, timeout=(3.05, 27), ) if r.status_code != 200: message( "error", "Could not connect to {} with status code {}".format( settings["host"], r.status_code ), ) exit(r.status_code) try: r.json()["data"][0]["id"] except IndexError: pass else: message("info", "bookmark already exists for {}".format(QUTE_URL)) exit(0) if environ["QUTE_MODE"] == "hints": QUTE_TITLE = QUTE_URL else: QUTE_TITLE = environ["QUTE_TITLE"] # JSON format # https://nextcloud-bookmarks.readthedocs.io/en/latest/bookmark.html#create-a-bookmark dict = { "url": QUTE_URL, "title": QUTE_TITLE, "description": settings["description"], "tags": tags, } data = dumps(dict) r = post(api_url, data=data, headers=headers, auth=auth, timeout=(3.05, 27)) if r.status_code == 200: message("info", "bookmark {} added".format(QUTE_URL)) else: message("error", "something went wrong {} bookmark not added".format(QUTE_URL)) exit(r.status_code)