# Userscripts The following userscripts are included in the current directory. - [cast](./cast): Cast content on your Chromecast using [castnow][]. Only [youtube-dl][] downloadable content. - [dmenu_qutebrowser](./dmenu_qutebrowser): Pipes history, quickmarks, and URL into dmenu. - [format_json](./format_json): Pretty prints current page's JSON code in other tab. - [getbib](./getbib): Scraping the current web page for DOIs and downloading corresponding bibtex information. - [open_download](./open_download): Opens a rofi menu with all files from the download directory and opens the selected file. - [openfeeds](./openfeeds): Opens all links to feeds defined in the head of a site. - [password_fill](./password_fill): Find a username/password entry and fill it with credentials given by the configured backend (currently only pass) for the current website. - [qute-keepass](./qute-keepass): Insertion of usernames and passwords from keepass databases using pykeepass. - [qute-keepassxc](./qute-keepassxc): Insert credentials from open KeepassXC database using keepassxc-browser protocol. - [qute-pass](./qute-pass): Insert login information using pass and a dmenu-compatible application (e.g. dmenu, rofi -dmenu, ...). - [qute-lastpass](./qute-lastpass): Similar to qute-pass, for Lastpass. - [qute-bitwarden](./qute-bitwarden): Similar to qute-pass, for Bitwarden. - [qute-1pass](./qute-1pass): Insert login information using onepassword and rofi. - [qutedmenu](./qutedmenu): Handle open -s && open -t with bemenu. - [readability](./readability): Executes python-readability on current page and opens the summary as new tab. - [readability-js](./readability-js): Processes the current page with the readability library used in Firefox Reader View and opens the summary as new tab. - [ripbang](./ripbang): Adds DuckDuckGo bang as searchengine. - [rss](./rss): Keeps track of URLs in RSS feeds and opens new ones. - [taskadd](./taskadd): Adds a task to taskwarrior. - [tor_identity](./tor_identity): Change your tor identity. - [view_in_mpv](./view_in_mpv): Views the current web page in mpv using sensible mpv-flags. - [qr](./qr): Show a QR code for the current webpage via [qrencode](https://fukuchi.org/works/qrencode/). - [kodi](./kodi): Play videos in Kodi. - [add-nextcloud-bookmarks](./add-nextcloud-bookmarks): Create bookmarks in Nextcloud's Bookmarks app. - [add-nextcloud-cookbook](./add-nextcloud-cookbook): Add recipes to Nextcloud's Cookbook app. [castnow]: https://github.com/xat/castnow [youtube-dl]: https://rg3.github.io/youtube-dl/ ## Others The following userscripts can be found on their own repositories. - [qurlshare](https://github.com/sim590/qurlshare): *secure* sharing of a URL between qutebrowser instances using a distributed hash table. - [qutebrowser-userscripts](https://github.com/cryzed/qutebrowser-userscripts): a small pack of userscripts. - [qutebrowser-zotero](https://github.com/parchd-1/qutebrowser-zotero): connects qutebrowser to [Zotero][] standalone. - [qute.match](https://github.com/bziur/qute.match): execute script based on visited url. - [qutepocket](https://github.com/kepi/qutepocket): Add URL to your [Pocket][] bookmark manager. - [qb-scripts](https://github.com/peterjschroeder/qb-scripts): a small pack of userscripts. - [instapaper.zsh](https://github.com/dmcgrady/instapaper.zsh): Add URL to your [Instapaper][] bookmark manager. - [qtb.us](https://github.com/Chinggis6/qtb.us): small pack of userscripts. - [pinboard.zsh](https://github.com/dmix/pinboard.zsh): Add URL to your [Pinboard][] bookmark manager. - [qute-capture](https://github.com/alcah/qute-capture): Capture links with Emacs's org-mode to a read-later file. - [qute-code-hint](https://github.com/LaurenceWarne/qute-code-hint): Copy code snippets on web pages to the clipboard via hints. - [Qute-Translate](https://github.com/AckslD/Qute-Translate): Translate URLs or selections via Google Translate. - [qute-snippets](https://github.com/Aledosim/qute-snippets): Bind text snippets to a keyword and retrieve they when you want. - [doi](https://github.com/cadadr/configuration/blob/master/qutebrowser/userscripts/doi): Opens DOIs on Sci-Hub. - [qute-1password](https://github.com/fmartingr/qute-1password): Qutebrowser userscript to fill 1password credentials - [1password](https://github.com/tomoakley/dotfiles/blob/master/qutebrowser/userscripts/1password): Integration with 1password on macOS. - [localhost](https://github.com/SidharthArya/.qutebrowser/blob/master/userscripts/localhost): Quickly navigate to localhost:port. For reference: [A quicker way to reach localhost with qutebrowser](https://sidhartharya.me/a-quicker-way-to-reach-localhost-with-qutebrowser/) - [untrack-url](https://github.com/qutebrowser/qutebrowser/discussions/6555), convert various URLs (YouTube/Reddit/Twitter/Instagram/Google Maps) to other services (Invidious, Teddit, Nitter, Bibliogram, OpenStreetMap). - [CIAvash/qutebrowser-userscripts](https://github.com/CIAvash/qutebrowser-userscripts), various small userscripts written in Raku. - [bitwarden-rofi](https://github.com/haztecaso/bitwarden-rofi), rofi wrapper for bitwarden cli interface using gpg instead of keyctl. - [yomichad](https://github.com/potamides/yomichad): Japanese pop-up dictionary for looking up readings and definitions of currently selected words, kanji and names - [~palb91/qutescripts](https://git.sr.ht/~palb91/qutescripts): A list of personal userscripts for qutebrowser (`domcycle`: settings per domain, `gitclone`, `jsdownload`: smart download, and `substiqute`: bash-like url substitution) - [pseudo per domain stylesheets](https://github.com/bschnitz/qute): Userscript for generating url restricted greasemonkey scripts to apply user styles. - [qute-containers](https://github.com/s-praveen-kumar/qute-containers): A simple interface to manage browser containers by manipulating the basedir parameter. [Zotero]: https://www.zotero.org/ [Pocket]: https://getpocket.com/ [Instapaper]: https://www.instapaper.com/ [Pinboard]: https://pinboard.in/