beautifulsoup4 cheroot coverage Flask hypothesis pytest # pytest-bdd<5 pytest-benchmark pytest-instafail pytest-mock pytest-qt pytest-rerunfailures ## optional: # To test :debug-trace, gets skipped if hunter is not installed hunter # To test scripts/dev/ which is not part of the release tarball vulture # For colored pytest output (though also a direct qutebrowser dependency)) pygments # --repeat switch (used to manually repeat tests) pytest-repeat # For coverage tests pytest-cov # To avoid windows from popping up pytest-xvfb PyVirtualDisplay # To run on multiple cores with -n pytest-xdist # For nicer output pytest-icdiff # Needed to test misc/userscripts/qute-lastpass tldextract #@ ignore: Jinja2, MarkupSafe, colorama # Python 3.6 #@ markers: jaraco.functools python_version>="3.7" #@ add: jaraco.functools<3.5 ; python_version=="3.6.*" #@ markers: tomli python_version>="3.7" #@ add: tomli<2 ; python_version=="3.6.*"