# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Florian Bruhin (The Compiler) # # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later # NSIS uninstaller header. Uses NsisMultiUser plugin and contains portions of # its demo code, copyright 2017 Richard Drizin, Alex Mitev. ; Variables Var SemiSilentMode ; installer started uninstaller in semi-silent mode using /SS parameter Var RunningFromInstaller ; installer started uninstaller using /uninstall parameter Var RunningAsUser ; uninstaller restarted itself using the user of the running shell Var UserName !insertmacro DeleteRetryAbortFunc "un." !insertmacro CheckSingleInstanceFunc "un." Function un.GetUserName System::Call "advapi32::GetUserName(t .r0, *i ${NSIS_MAX_STRLEN} r1) i.r2" FunctionEnd Function un.GetConfigDir SetShellVarContext current StrCpy $0 ${CONFIG_DIR} SetShellVarContext all FunctionEnd Function un.GetCacheDir SetShellVarContext current StrCpy $0 ${CACHE_DIR} SetShellVarContext all FunctionEnd Section "un.Program Files" SectionUninstallProgram SectionIn RO ; Call shell script to generate an uninstall-list nsh file !tempfile UNLIST !ifdef NSIS_WIN32_MAKENSIS !execute 'cmd.exe /c .\mkunlist.cmd "${DIST_DIR}" "${UNLIST}"' !else !error "POSIX script for uninstall list generation is not yet available." !endif ; Try to delete the EXE as the first step - if it's in use, don't remove anything else !insertmacro DeleteRetryAbort "$INSTDIR\${PROGEXE}" ; Clean up "Desktop Icon" !insertmacro MULTIUSER_GetCurrentUserString $0 !insertmacro DeleteRetryAbort "$DESKTOP\${PRODUCT_NAME}$0.lnk" ; Clean up "Start Menu Icon" !insertmacro MULTIUSER_GetCurrentUserString $0 !insertmacro DeleteRetryAbort "$STARTMENU\${PRODUCT_NAME}$0.lnk" ; Clean up Windows Registry ${if} $KeepReg = 0 ${if} $MultiUser.InstallMode == "AllUsers" ${orif} ${AtLeastWin8} DeleteRegValue SHCTX "SOFTWARE\RegisteredApplications" "${PRODUCT_NAME}" DeleteRegKey SHCTX "SOFTWARE\Clients\StartMenuInternet\${PRODUCT_NAME}" DeleteRegKey SHCTX "SOFTWARE\Classes\${PRODUCT_NAME}HTML" DeleteRegKey SHCTX "SOFTWARE\Classes\${PRODUCT_NAME}URL" DeleteRegValue SHCTX "SOFTWARE\Classes\.htm\OpenWithProgids" "${PRODUCT_NAME}HTML" DeleteRegValue SHCTX "SOFTWARE\Classes\.html\OpenWithProgids" "${PRODUCT_NAME}HTML" DeleteRegValue SHCTX "SOFTWARE\Classes\.pdf\OpenWithProgids" "${PRODUCT_NAME}HTML" DeleteRegValue SHCTX "SOFTWARE\Classes\.shtml\OpenWithProgids" "${PRODUCT_NAME}HTML" DeleteRegValue SHCTX "SOFTWARE\Classes\.svg\OpenWithProgids" "${PRODUCT_NAME}HTML" DeleteRegValue SHCTX "SOFTWARE\Classes\.xht\OpenWithProgids" "${PRODUCT_NAME}HTML" DeleteRegValue SHCTX "SOFTWARE\Classes\.xhtml\OpenWithProgids" "${PRODUCT_NAME}HTML" DeleteRegValue SHCTX "SOFTWARE\Classes\.webp\OpenWithProgids" "${PRODUCT_NAME}HTML" ${endif} ${endif} ; Include and then delete the uninstall nsh file !include "${UNLIST}" !delfile "${UNLIST}" SectionEnd SectionGroup /e "un.$UserName's Files" SectionGroupRemoveUserFiles Section /o "!un.Program Settings" SectionRemoveSettings ; this section is executed only explicitly and shouldn't be placed in SectionUninstallProgram ${if} $MultiUser.InstallMode == "CurrentUser" !insertmacro UAC_AsUser_GetGlobal $0 ${CONFIG_DIR} ${else} !insertmacro UAC_AsUser_Call Function un.GetConfigDir ${UAC_SYNCREGISTERS} ${endif} RMDIR /r "$0\data" RMDIR /r "$0\config" RMDIR "$0" SectionEnd Section /o "un.Program Cache" SectionRemoveCache ; this section is executed only explicitly and shouldn't be placed in SectionUninstallProgram ${if} $MultiUser.InstallMode == "CurrentUser" !insertmacro UAC_AsUser_GetGlobal $0 ${CACHE_DIR} ${else} !insertmacro UAC_AsUser_Call Function un.GetCacheDir ${UAC_SYNCREGISTERS} ${endif} RMDIR /r "$0\cache" RMDIR "$0" SectionEnd SectionGroupEnd Section "-Uninstall" ; hidden section, must always be the last one! ; we cannot use DeleteRetryAbort here - when using the _? parameter the ; uninstaller cannot delete itself and Delete fails, which is OK Delete "$INSTDIR\${UNINSTALL_FILENAME}" ; remove the directory only if it is empty - the user might have saved some files in it RMDir "$INSTDIR" ; Remove the uninstaller from registry as the very last step ; if something goes wrong, let the user run it again !insertmacro MULTIUSER_RegistryRemoveInstallInfo ; Remove registry keys ${RefreshShellIcons} ; If the uninstaller still exists, use cmd.exe on exit to remove it (along with $INSTDIR if it's empty) ${if} ${FileExists} "$INSTDIR\${UNINSTALL_FILENAME}" Exec '"$SYSDIR\cmd.exe" /c (del /f /q "$INSTDIR\${UNINSTALL_FILENAME}") & (rmdir "$INSTDIR")' ${endif} SectionEnd ; Modern install component descriptions !insertmacro MUI_UNFUNCTION_DESCRIPTION_BEGIN !insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${SectionGroupRemoveUserFiles} \ "Remove quterbowser files of user $UserName." !insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${SectionUninstallProgram} \ "Remove ${PRODUCT_NAME} application files." !insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${SectionRemoveSettings} \ "Remove ${PRODUCT_NAME} user files \ (configuration, bookmarks, history, sessions, scripts, cookies, etc.)." !insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${SectionRemoveCache} \ "Remove ${PRODUCT_NAME} cache files." !insertmacro MUI_UNFUNCTION_DESCRIPTION_END ; Callbacks Function un.onInit !insertmacro UAC_AsUser_Call Function un.GetUserName ${UAC_SYNCREGISTERS} StrCpy $UserName $0 ${GetParameters} $R0 ${GetOptions} $R0 "/user" $R1 ${ifnot} ${errors} StrCpy $RunningAsUser 1 ${else} StrCpy $RunningAsUser 0 ${endif} ${GetOptions} $R0 "/uninstall" $R1 ${ifnot} ${errors} StrCpy $RunningFromInstaller 1 ${else} StrCpy $RunningFromInstaller 0 ${endif} ${GetOptions} $R0 "/upgrade" $R1 ${ifnot} ${errors} StrCpy $KeepReg 1 ${else} StrCpy $KeepReg 0 ${endif} ${GetOptions} $R0 "/SS" $R1 ${ifnot} ${errors} StrCpy $SemiSilentMode 1 StrCpy $RunningFromInstaller 1 ; auto close (if no errors) if we are called from the installer ; if there are errors, will be automatically set to false SetAutoClose true ${else} StrCpy $SemiSilentMode 0 ${endif} ; Windows stars the uninstallers elevated when called from 'Cotrol Panel' or ; from 'Apps & features' (where it elevates even for per user installations). ; This causes the uninstaller to run for the account used for elevation, which ; may be different than the user doing the uninstall. As a workaround, the ; uninstaller is restarted using the non-elevated user. ${ifnot} ${UAC_IsInnerInstance} ${andif} $RunningFromInstaller = 0 ${if} ${UAC_IsAdmin} ${andif} $RunningAsUser = 0 ${StdUtils.ExecShellAsUser} $0 "$INSTDIR\${UNINSTALL_FILENAME}" "open" "/user $R0" Quit ${endif} !insertmacro CheckSingleInstance "Setup" "Global" "${SETUP_MUTEX}" !insertmacro CheckSingleInstance "Application" "Local" "${APP_MUTEX}" ${endif} !insertmacro MULTIUSER_UNINIT !insertmacro MUI_UNGETLANGUAGE FunctionEnd Function un.PageInstallModeChangeMode FunctionEnd Function un.PageComponentsPre ${if} $SemiSilentMode = 1 ; if user is installing, no use to remove program settings anyway ; (should be compatible with all versions) Abort ${endif} FunctionEnd Function un.PageComponentsShow ; Show/hide the Back button GetDlgItem $0 $HWNDPARENT 3 ShowWindow $0 $UninstallShowBackButton FunctionEnd Function un.onUninstFailed ${if} $SemiSilentMode = 0 MessageBox MB_ICONSTOP \ "${PRODUCT_NAME} ${VERSION} could not be fully uninstalled.$\r$\n\ Please restart Windows and run the uninstaller again." \ /SD IDOK ${else} MessageBox MB_ICONSTOP \ "${PRODUCT_NAME} could not be fully installed.$\r$\n\ Please, restart Windows and run the setup program again." \ /SD IDOK ${endif} FunctionEnd