# Copyright 2018 Florian Bruhin (The Compiler) # # This file is part of qutebrowser. # # qutebrowser is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # qutebrowser is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with qutebrowser. If not, see . # NSIS installer header. Uses NsisMultiUser plugin and contains portions of # its demo code, copyright 2017 Richard Drizin, Alex Mitev. ; Variables var KeepReg ; Languages (first is default language) - must be inserted after all pages !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "English" !insertmacro MULTIUSER_LANGUAGE_INIT ; Reserve files !insertmacro MUI_RESERVEFILE_LANGDLL ; Macros !macro UpdateRegStr ROOT_KEY SUBKEY KEY_NAME KEY_VALUE ClearErrors ReadRegStr $R0 ${ROOT_KEY} "${SUBKEY}" "${KEY_NAME}" ${if} ${errors} ${orif} $R0 != "${KEY_VALUE}" WriteRegStr ${ROOT_KEY} "${SUBKEY}" "${KEY_NAME}" "${KEY_VALUE}" ${endif} !macroend !macro UpdateRegDWORD ROOT_KEY SUBKEY KEY_NAME KEY_VALUE ClearErrors ReadRegDWORD $R0 ${ROOT_KEY} "${SUBKEY}" "${KEY_NAME}" ${if} ${errors} ${orif} $R0 != ${KEY_VALUE} WriteRegDWORD ${ROOT_KEY} "${SUBKEY}" "${KEY_NAME}" ${KEY_VALUE} ${endif} !macroend ; Push the 32-bit MSI Product Codes on the stack. !macro MSI32_STACK Push "${MSI32_010}" Push "${MSI32_011}" Push "${MSI32_012}" Push "${MSI32_013}" Push "${MSI32_014}" Push "${MSI32_020}" Push "${MSI32_021}" Push "${MSI32_030}" Push "${MSI32_040}" Push "${MSI32_041}" Push "${MSI32_050}" Push "${MSI32_051}" Push "${MSI32_060}" Push "${MSI32_061}" Push "${MSI32_062}" Push "${MSI32_070}" Push "${MSI32_080}" Push "${MSI32_081}" Push "${MSI32_082}" Push "${MSI32_084}" Push "${MSI32_090}" Push "${MSI32_091}" Push "${MSI32_100}" Push "${MSI32_101}" !macroend ; Push the 64-bit MSI Product Codes on the stack. !macro MSI64_STACK Push "${MSI64_010}" Push "${MSI64_011}" Push "${MSI64_012}" Push "${MSI64_013}" Push "${MSI64_014}" Push "${MSI64_020}" Push "${MSI64_021}" Push "${MSI64_030}" Push "${MSI64_040}" Push "${MSI64_041}" Push "${MSI64_050}" Push "${MSI64_051}" Push "${MSI64_060}" Push "${MSI64_061}" Push "${MSI64_062}" Push "${MSI64_070}" Push "${MSI64_080}" Push "${MSI64_081}" Push "${MSI64_082}" Push "${MSI64_084}" Push "${MSI64_090}" Push "${MSI64_091}" Push "${MSI64_100}" Push "${MSI64_101}" !macroend ; Check the existence of MSI installations. ; Must be inserted after MSI32_STACK and MSI64_STACK. ; Returns the detected code in $R1 or an empty string if none is found. !macro CheckMSI ${foreach} $9 ${MSI_COUNT} 1 - 1 Pop $R1 ReadRegStr $0 HKLM "${REG_UN}\$R1" "DisplayName" ${if} $0 == "${PRODUCT_NAME}" ${exitfor} ${else} StrCpy $R1 "" ${endif} ${next} !macroend ; Check the existence of the previous NSIS installations. ; Returns the uninstaller path in $R0 or an empty string if not found. !macro CheckOldNSIS ReadRegStr $R0 HKLM "${REG_UN}\${PRODUCT_NAME}" "QuietUninstallString" ${if} $R0 != "" ReadRegStr $R0 HKLM "${REG_UN}\${PRODUCT_NAME}" "UninstallString" ${if} $R0 != "" ; Remove the quotes from path in $R0 System::Call 'Shlwapi::PathUnquoteSpaces(t r10r10)' IfFileExists $R0 +2 0 ; Return 0 if the uninstaller is missing. StrCpy $R0 "" ${endif} ${endif} !macroend !macro RemoveOld PRG ARGS ClearErrors ; Using ExecShellWait so the EXE will get the elevation prompt. ExecShellWait "open" "${PRG}" "${ARGS}" ${if} ${errors} MessageBox MB_ICONSTOP \ "The uninstaller has failed to complete.$\r$\n\ Please restart Windows and try again." \ /SD IDOK Abort ${endif} !macroend ; Functions Function CheckInstallation ; if there's an installed version, uninstall it first (I chose not to start the uninstaller silently, so that user sees what failed) ; if both per-user and per-machine versions are installed, unistall the one that matches $MultiUser.InstallMode StrCpy $0 "" ${if} $HasCurrentModeInstallation = 1 StrCpy $0 "$MultiUser.InstallMode" ${else} !if ${MULTIUSER_INSTALLMODE_ALLOW_BOTH_INSTALLATIONS} = 0 ${if} $HasPerMachineInstallation = 1 StrCpy $0 "AllUsers" ; if there's no per-user installation, but there's per-machine installation, uninstall it ${elseif} $HasPerUserInstallation = 1 StrCpy $0 "CurrentUser" ; if there's no per-machine installation, but there's per-user installation, uninstall it ${endif} !endif ${endif} ${if} "$0" != "" ${if} $0 == "AllUsers" StrCpy $1 "$PerMachineUninstallString" StrCpy $3 "$PerMachineInstallationFolder" ${else} StrCpy $1 "$PerUserUninstallString" StrCpy $3 "$PerUserInstallationFolder" ${endif} ${if} ${silent} StrCpy $2 "/S" ${else} StrCpy $2 "" ${endif} ${if} $KeepReg = 1 StrCpy $4 "/upgrade" ${endif} ${endif} FunctionEnd Function RunUninstaller StrCpy $0 0 ; $1 is quoted in registry; the _? param stops the uninstaller from copying ; itself to the temporary directory, which is the only way for ExecWait to work ExecWait '$1 /SS $2 _?=$3' $0 ; $1 is quoted in registry; the _? param stops the uninstaller from copying itself to the temporary directory, which is the only way for ExecWait to work FunctionEnd Function GetDefaultBrowser ReadRegStr $0 HKCU "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\Associations\UrlAssociations\http\UserChoice" "ProgId" ReadRegStr $1 HKCU "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\Associations\UrlAssociations\https\UserChoice" "ProgId" ReadRegStr $2 HKCU "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\FileExts\.htm\UserChoice" "ProgId" ReadRegStr $3 HKCU "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\FileExts\.html\UserChoice" "ProgId" FunctionEnd Function SetDefaultBrowser StrCmp $0 "${PRODUCT_NAME}URL" +2 0 WriteRegStr HKCU "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\Associations\UrlAssociations\http\UserChoice" \ "ProgId" "${PRODUCT_NAME}URL" StrCmp $1 "${PRODUCT_NAME}URL" +2 0 WriteRegStr HKCU "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\Associations\UrlAssociations\https\UserChoice" \ "ProgId" "${PRODUCT_NAME}URL" StrCmp $2 "${PRODUCT_NAME}HTML" +3 0 DeleteRegKey HKCU "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\FileExts\.htm\UserChoice" WriteRegStr HKCU "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\FileExts\.htm\UserChoice" \ "ProgId" "${PRODUCT_NAME}HTML" StrCmp $3 "${PRODUCT_NAME}HTML" +3 0 DeleteRegKey HKCU "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\FileExts\.html\UserChoice" WriteRegStr HKCU "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\FileExts\.html\UserChoice" \ "ProgId" "${PRODUCT_NAME}HTML" FunctionEnd ; Sections InstType "Full" InstType "Typical" InstType "Minimal" Section "Core Files (required)" SectionCoreFiles SectionIn 1 2 3 RO !insertmacro UAC_AsUser_Call Function CheckInstallation ${UAC_SYNCREGISTERS} ${if} "$0" != "" ; Make sure the uninstaller is there before attempting to run it ${if} ${FileExists} "$3\${UNINSTALL_FILENAME}" HideWindow ClearErrors ${if} $0 == "AllUsers" Call RunUninstaller ${else} !insertmacro UAC_AsUser_Call Function RunUninstaller ${UAC_SYNCREGISTERS} ${endif} ${if} ${errors} ; stay in installer SetErrorLevel 2 ; Installation aborted by script BringToFront Abort "Error executing uninstaller." ${else} ${Switch} $0 ${Case} 0 ; uninstaller completed successfully - continue with installation BringToFront Sleep 1000 ; wait for cmd.exe (called by the uninstaller) to finish ${Break} ${Case} 1 ; Installation aborted by user (cancel button) ${Case} 2 ; Installation aborted by script SetErrorLevel $0 Quit ; uninstaller was started, but completed with errors - Quit installer ${Default} ; all other error codes - uninstaller could not start, elevate, etc. - Abort installer SetErrorLevel $0 BringToFront Abort "Error executing uninstaller." ${EndSwitch} ${endif} ${if} $IsAdmin = 1 !insertmacro DeleteRetryAbort "$3\${UNINSTALL_FILENAME}" RMDir "$3" ${endif} ${endif} ${endif} ; Remove any leftovers from the old NSIS installer IfFileExists "$INSTDIR\uninst.exe" 0 +2 Delete "$INSTDIR\uninst.exe" ${if} $MultiUser.InstallMode == "AllUsers" SetRegView 32 ; The old NSIS installer writes to 32-bit registry space ReadRegStr $R0 HKLM "${REG_UN}\${PRODUCT_NAME}" "QuietUninstallString" ${if} $R0 != "" DeleteRegKey HKLM "${REG_UN}\${PRODUCT_NAME}" ${endif} SetRegView lastused ${endif} SetOutPath $INSTDIR ; Write uninstaller and registry uninstall info as the first step, ; so that the user has the option to run the uninstaller if something goes wrong WriteUninstaller "${UNINSTALL_FILENAME}" ; or this if you're using signing: ; File "${UNINSTALL_FILENAME}" !insertmacro MULTIUSER_RegistryAddInstallInfo ; add registry keys ${if} ${silent} ; MUI doesn't write language in silent mode WriteRegStr "${MUI_LANGDLL_REGISTRY_ROOT}" "${MUI_LANGDLL_REGISTRY_KEY}" \ "${MUI_LANGDLL_REGISTRY_VALUENAME}" $LANGUAGE ${endif} File /r "${DIST_DIR}\*.*" SectionEnd SectionGroup /e "System Integration" SectionGroupIntegration Section "Register with Windows" SectionWindowsRegister SectionIn 1 2 ; No HKCU support for Windows versions earlier than Win8 ${if} $MultiUser.InstallMode == "AllUsers" ${orif} ${AtLeastWin8} ;StartMenuInternet StrCpy $0 "$INSTDIR\${PROGEXE}" System::Call 'kernel32::GetLongPathNameW(t r0, t .r1, i ${NSIS_MAX_STRLEN}) i .r2' StrCpy $0 "SOFTWARE\Clients\StartMenuInternet\${PRODUCT_NAME}" !insertmacro UpdateRegStr SHCTX "$0" "" "${PRODUCT_NAME}" !insertmacro UpdateRegStr SHCTX "$0\DefaultIcon" "" "$1,0" !insertmacro UpdateRegDWORD SHCTX "$0\InstallInfo" "IconsVisible" 1 !insertmacro UpdateRegStr SHCTX "$0\shell\open\command" "" "$\"$1$\"" !insertmacro UpdateRegStr SHCTX "$0\Capabilities" "ApplicationDescription" "${COMMENTS}" !insertmacro UpdateRegStr SHCTX "$0\Capabilities" "ApplicationIcon" "$1,0" !insertmacro UpdateRegStr SHCTX "$0\Capabilities" "ApplicationName" "${PRODUCT_NAME}" !insertmacro UpdateRegStr SHCTX "$0\Capabilities\FileAssociations" ".htm" "${PRODUCT_NAME}HTML" !insertmacro UpdateRegStr SHCTX "$0\Capabilities\FileAssociations" ".html" "${PRODUCT_NAME}HTML" !insertmacro UpdateRegStr SHCTX "$0\Capabilities\FileAssociations" ".pdf" "${PRODUCT_NAME}HTML" !insertmacro UpdateRegStr SHCTX "$0\Capabilities\FileAssociations" ".shtml" "${PRODUCT_NAME}HTML" !insertmacro UpdateRegStr SHCTX "$0\Capabilities\FileAssociations" ".svg" "${PRODUCT_NAME}HTML" !insertmacro UpdateRegStr SHCTX "$0\Capabilities\FileAssociations" ".xht" "${PRODUCT_NAME}HTML" !insertmacro UpdateRegStr SHCTX "$0\Capabilities\FileAssociations" ".xhtml" "${PRODUCT_NAME}HTML" !insertmacro UpdateRegStr SHCTX "$0\Capabilities\FileAssociations" ".webp" "${PRODUCT_NAME}HTML" !insertmacro UpdateRegStr SHCTX "$0\Capabilities\StartMenu" "StartMenuInternet" "${PRODUCT_NAME}" !insertmacro UpdateRegStr SHCTX "$0\Capabilities\URLAssociations" "ftp" "${PRODUCT_NAME}URL" !insertmacro UpdateRegStr SHCTX "$0\Capabilities\URLAssociations" "http" "${PRODUCT_NAME}URL" !insertmacro UpdateRegStr SHCTX "$0\Capabilities\URLAssociations" "https" "${PRODUCT_NAME}URL" ; Register Application !insertmacro UpdateRegStr SHCTX "SOFTWARE\RegisteredApplications" "${PRODUCT_NAME}" "$0\Capabilities" ; Associate file types !insertmacro UpdateRegStr SHCTX "SOFTWARE\Classes\.htm\OpenWithProgids" "${PRODUCT_NAME}HTML" "" !insertmacro UpdateRegStr SHCTX "SOFTWARE\Classes\.html\OpenWithProgids" "${PRODUCT_NAME}HTML" "" !insertmacro UpdateRegStr SHCTX "SOFTWARE\Classes\.pdf\OpenWithProgids" "${PRODUCT_NAME}HTML" "" !insertmacro UpdateRegStr SHCTX "SOFTWARE\Classes\.shtml\OpenWithProgids" "${PRODUCT_NAME}HTML" "" !insertmacro UpdateRegStr SHCTX "SOFTWARE\Classes\.svg\OpenWithProgids" "${PRODUCT_NAME}HTML" "" !insertmacro UpdateRegStr SHCTX "SOFTWARE\Classes\.xht\OpenWithProgids" "${PRODUCT_NAME}HTML" "" !insertmacro UpdateRegStr SHCTX "SOFTWARE\Classes\.xhtml\OpenWithProgids" "${PRODUCT_NAME}HTML" "" !insertmacro UpdateRegStr SHCTX "SOFTWARE\Classes\.webp\OpenWithProgids" "${PRODUCT_NAME}HTML" "" ; HTML and URL handlers StrCpy $2 "${PRODUCT_NAME}HTML" StrCpy $3 "${PRODUCT_NAME} HTML Document" WriteRegHandler: !insertmacro UpdateRegStr SHCTX "SOFTWARE\Classes\$2" "" "$3" !insertmacro UpdateRegStr SHCTX "SOFTWARE\Classes\$2" "FriendlyTypeName" "$3" !insertmacro UpdateRegDWORD SHCTX "SOFTWARE\Classes\$2" "EditFlags" 0x00000002 !insertmacro UpdateRegStr SHCTX "SOFTWARE\Classes\$2\DefaultIcon" "" "$1,0" !insertmacro UpdateRegStr SHCTX "SOFTWARE\Classes\$2\shell" "" "open" !insertmacro UpdateRegStr SHCTX "SOFTWARE\Classes\$2\shell\open\command" "" "$\"$1$\" --untrusted-args $\"%1$\"" !insertmacro UpdateRegStr SHCTX "SOFTWARE\Classes\$2\shell\open\ddeexec" "" "" StrCmp $2 "${PRODUCT_NAME}HTML" 0 +4 StrCpy $2 "${PRODUCT_NAME}URL" StrCpy $3 "${PRODUCT_NAME} URL" Goto WriteRegHandler ${endif} SectionEnd Section /o "Open Default Browser Settings" SectionDefaultBrowser SectionIn 1 !insertmacro UAC_AsUser_Call Function GetDefaultBrowser ${UAC_SYNCREGISTERS} ${ifnot} $0 == "${PRODUCT_NAME}URL" ${orifnot} $1 == "${PRODUCT_NAME}URL" ${orifnot} $2 == "${PRODUCT_NAME}HTML" ${orifnot} $3 == "${PRODUCT_NAME}HTML" ${if} ${AtLeastWin10} ExecShell "open" "ms-settings:defaultapps" ${elseif} ${AtLeastWin8} ExecShell "open" "control.exe" "/name Microsoft.DefaultPrograms /page \ pageDefaultProgram\pageAdvancedSettings?pszAppName=${PRODUCT_NAME}" ${else} !insertmacro UAC_AsUser_Call Function SetDefaultBrowser ${UAC_SYNCREGISTERS} ${endif} ${endif} SectionEnd SectionGroupEnd SectionGroup /e "Shortcuts" SectionGroupShortcuts Section "Desktop Icon" SectionDesktopIcon SectionIn 1 2 !insertmacro MULTIUSER_GetCurrentUserString $0 CreateShortCut "$DESKTOP\${PRODUCT_NAME}$0.lnk" "$INSTDIR\${PROGEXE}" SectionEnd Section "Start Menu Icon" SectionStartMenuIcon SectionIn 1 2 !insertmacro MULTIUSER_GetCurrentUserString $0 CreateShortCut "$STARTMENU\${PRODUCT_NAME}$0.lnk" "$INSTDIR\${PROGEXE}" SectionEnd SectionGroupEnd Section "-Write Install Info" ; hidden section, write install info as the final step !insertmacro MULTIUSER_RegistryAddInstallSizeInfo !insertmacro MULTIUSER_GetCurrentUserString $0 WriteRegStr SHCTX "${MULTIUSER_INSTALLMODE_UNINSTALL_REGISTRY_KEY_PATH}$0" "HelpLink" "${HELP_LINK}" WriteRegStr SHCTX "${MULTIUSER_INSTALLMODE_UNINSTALL_REGISTRY_KEY_PATH}$0" "URLInfoAbout" "${URL_ABOUT}" WriteRegStr SHCTX "${MULTIUSER_INSTALLMODE_UNINSTALL_REGISTRY_KEY_PATH}$0" "URLUpdateInfo" "${URL_UPDATE}" WriteRegStr SHCTX "${MULTIUSER_INSTALLMODE_UNINSTALL_REGISTRY_KEY_PATH}$0" "Comments" "${COMMENTS}" WriteRegStr SHCTX "${MULTIUSER_INSTALLMODE_UNINSTALL_REGISTRY_KEY_PATH}$0" "Contact" "${CONTACT}" ; Add InstallDate String System::Call /NOUNLOAD '*(&i2,&i2,&i2,&i2,&i2,&i2,&i2,&i2) i .r9' System::Call /NOUNLOAD 'kernel32::GetLocalTime(i)i(r9)' System::Call /NOUNLOAD '*$9(&i2,&i2,&i2,&i2,&i2,&i2,&i2,&i2)i(.r1,.r2,.r3,.r4,.r5,.r6,.r7,)' System::Free $9 IntCmp $2 9 0 0 +2 StrCpy $2 '0$2' IntCmp $4 9 0 0 +2 StrCpy $4 '0$4' WriteRegStr SHCTX "${MULTIUSER_INSTALLMODE_UNINSTALL_REGISTRY_KEY_PATH}$0" "InstallDate" "$1$2$4" ${RefreshShellIcons} SectionEnd ; Modern install component descriptions !insertmacro MUI_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTION_BEGIN !insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${SectionCoreFiles} \ "Core files required to run ${PRODUCT_NAME}." !insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${SectionGroupIntegration} \ "Integrate ${PRODUCT_NAME} with the Operating System." !insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${SectionWindowsRegister} \ "Register protocols and file extensions with ${PRODUCT_NAME}." !insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${SectionDefaultBrowser} \ "Set ${PRODUCT_NAME} as the default Web browser." !insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${SectionGroupShortcuts} \ "Create shortcut icons to run ${PRODUCT_NAME}." !insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${SectionDesktopIcon} \ "Create ${PRODUCT_NAME} icon on the Desktop." !insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${SectionStartMenuIcon} \ "Create ${PRODUCT_NAME} icon in the Start Menu." !insertmacro MUI_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTION_END ; Callbacks Function .onInit StrCpy $KeepReg 1 !insertmacro CheckPlatform ${PLATFORM} !insertmacro CheckMinWinVer ${MIN_WIN_VER} ${ifnot} ${UAC_IsInnerInstance} !insertmacro CheckSingleInstance "Setup" "Global" "${SETUP_MUTEX}" !insertmacro CheckSingleInstance "Application" "Local" "${APP_MUTEX}" ${endif} ; Detect existing setup from previous installers !insertmacro CheckOldNSIS !insertmacro MSI32_STACK !insertmacro CheckMSI ${if} $R1 == "" ${andif} ${RunningX64} SetRegView 64 ; Will be set again by MULTIUSER_INIT !insertmacro MSI64_STACK !insertmacro CheckMSI ${endif} ${if} $R0 != "" ${orif} $R1 != "" MessageBox MB_OKCANCEL|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION \ "An older version of ${PRODUCT_NAME} is already installed.$\r$\n$\r$\n\ Click `OK` to remove the previous version and continue,$\r$\n\ or `Cancel` to cancel this upgrade." \ IDOK +2 Abort ${if} $R0 != "" ${GetParent} $R0 $0 !insertmacro RemoveOld $R0 "/S _?=$0" ${endif} ${if} $R1 != "" !insertmacro RemoveOld "$SYSDIR\msiexec.exe" "/X$R1 /passive /promptrestart" ${endif} ${endif} !insertmacro MULTIUSER_INIT ${if} $IsInnerInstance = 0 !insertmacro MUI_LANGDLL_DISPLAY ${endif} FunctionEnd Function .onSelChange ${if} ${SectionIsSelected} ${SectionWindowsRegister} StrCpy $KeepReg 1 ${else} StrCpy $KeepReg 0 ${endif} ${if} ${SectionIsSelected} ${SectionDefaultBrowser} !insertmacro SetSectionFlag ${SectionWindowsRegister} ${SF_RO} !insertmacro SelectSection ${SectionWindowsRegister} ${else} !insertmacro ClearSectionFlag ${SectionWindowsRegister} ${SF_RO} ${endif} FunctionEnd Function PageWelcomeLicensePre ${if} $InstallShowPagesBeforeComponents = 0 Abort ; don't display the Welcome and License pages for the inner instance ${endif} FunctionEnd Function PageInstallModeChangeMode ; Disable integration for single user install on Win7 and older, as it's not supported ${if} ${AtMostWin7} SectionSetText ${SectionDefaultBrowser} "Set as Default Browser" ${if} $MultiUser.InstallMode == "CurrentUser" SectionSetText ${SectionGroupIntegration} "System Integration (not supported)" IntOP $0 ${SF_RO} & ${SECTION_OFF} SectionSetFlags ${SectionWindowsRegister} $0 SectionSetFlags ${SectionDefaultBrowser} $0 !insertmacro SetSectionFlag ${SectionGroupIntegration} ${SF_RO} !insertmacro ClearSectionFlag ${SectionGroupIntegration} ${SF_EXPAND} ${else} ; This is necessary because if the installer started under Win7/Vista as Administrator with UAC disabled, ; going back to All users after first selecting Single user, the integration component would still be disabled SectionSetText ${SectionGroupIntegration} "System Integration" !insertmacro ClearSectionFlag ${SectionWindowsRegister} ${SF_RO} !insertmacro ClearSectionFlag ${SectionDefaultBrowser} ${SF_RO} !insertmacro ClearSectionFlag ${SectionGroupIntegration} ${SF_RO} !insertmacro SetSectionFlag ${SectionGroupIntegration} ${SF_EXPAND} !insertmacro SelectSection ${SectionWindowsRegister} ; Select 'Default browser' if already set in registry !insertmacro UAC_AsUser_Call Function GetDefaultBrowser ${UAC_SYNCREGISTERS} ${if} $0 == "${PRODUCT_NAME}URL" ${orif} $1 == "${PRODUCT_NAME}URL" ${orif} $2 == "${PRODUCT_NAME}HTML" ${orif} $3 == "${PRODUCT_NAME}HTML" !insertmacro SetSectionFlag ${SectionWindowsRegister} ${SF_RO} !insertmacro SelectSection ${SectionDefaultBrowser} ${else} !insertmacro UnselectSection ${SectionDefaultBrowser} ${endif} ${endif} ${endif} FunctionEnd Function PageComponentsPre GetDlgItem $0 $HWNDPARENT 1 SendMessage $0 ${BCM_SETSHIELD} 0 0 ; hide SHIELD (Windows Vista and above) FunctionEnd Function PageDirectoryPre GetDlgItem $1 $HWNDPARENT 1 SendMessage $1 ${WM_SETTEXT} 0 "STR:$(^InstallBtn)" ; this is the last page before installing Call MultiUser.CheckPageElevationRequired ${if} $0 = 2 SendMessage $1 ${BCM_SETSHIELD} 0 1 ; display SHIELD (Windows Vista and above) ${endif} FunctionEnd Function PageDirectoryShow ${if} $CmdLineDir != "" FindWindow $R1 "#32770" "" $HWNDPARENT GetDlgItem $0 $R1 1019 ; Directory edit SendMessage $0 ${EM_SETREADONLY} 1 0 ; read-only is better than disabled, as user can copy contents GetDlgItem $0 $R1 1001 ; Browse button EnableWindow $0 0 ${endif} FunctionEnd Function PageInstFilesPre GetDlgItem $0 $HWNDPARENT 1 SendMessage $0 ${BCM_SETSHIELD} 0 0 ; hide SHIELD (Windows Vista and above) FunctionEnd Function PageFinishRun ; the installer might exit too soon before the application starts and it loses ; the right to be the foreground window and starts in the background ; however, if there's no active window when the application starts, it will ; become the active window, so we hide the installer HideWindow ; the installer will show itself again quickly before closing (w/o Taskbar button), we move it offscreen !define SWP_NOSIZE 0x0001 !define SWP_NOZORDER 0x0004 System::Call "User32::SetWindowPos(i, i, i, i, i, i, i) b \ ($HWNDPARENT, 0, -1000, -1000, 0, 0, ${SWP_NOZORDER}|${SWP_NOSIZE})" !insertmacro UAC_AsUser_ExecShell "open" "$INSTDIR\${PROGEXE}" "" "$INSTDIR" "" FunctionEnd Function .onInstFailed MessageBox MB_ICONSTOP \ "${PRODUCT_NAME} ${VERSION} could not be fully installed.$\r$\n\ Please, restart Windows and run the setup program again." \ /SD IDOK FunctionEnd