dist: xenial language: python group: edge python: 3.8 os: linux matrix: fast_finish: true # allow_failures: # - env: DOCKER=archlinux-webengine-unstable QUTE_BDD_WEBENGINE=true # services: docker include: ### Archlinux QtWebKit - env: DOCKER=archlinux-webkit services: docker ### Archlinux QtWebEngine - env: DOCKER=archlinux-webengine QUTE_BDD_WEBENGINE=true services: docker ### Archlinux QtWebEngine with testing/KDE-Unstable - env: DOCKER=archlinux-webengine-unstable QUTE_BDD_WEBENGINE=true services: docker ### PyQt 5.7.1 (Python 3.5) - python: 3.5 env: TESTENV=py35-pyqt57 ### PyQt 5.9 (Python 3.6) - python: 3.6 env: TESTENV=py36-pyqt59 ### PyQt 5.10 (Python 3.6) - python: 3.6 env: TESTENV=py36-pyqt510 addons: apt: packages: - xfonts-base ### PyQt 5.11 (Python 3.7) - python: 3.7 env: TESTENV=py37-pyqt511 ### PyQt 5.12 (Python 3.8) - env: TESTENV=py38-pyqt512 # http://code.qt.io/cgit/qt/qtbase.git/commit/?id=c3a963da1f9e7b1d37e63eedded61da4fbdaaf9a addons: apt: packages: - libxkbcommon-x11-0 ### PyQt 5.13 (Python 3.8, with coverage) - env: TESTENV=py38-pyqt513-cov # http://code.qt.io/cgit/qt/qtbase.git/commit/?id=c3a963da1f9e7b1d37e63eedded61da4fbdaaf9a addons: apt: packages: - libxkbcommon-x11-0 ### macOS Mojave (10.14) - os: osx env: TESTENV=py37-pyqt513 OSX=mojave osx_image: xcode11.2 language: generic python: 3.7 ### macOS High Sierra (10.13) - os: osx env: TESTENV=py37-pyqt513 OSX=highsierra osx_image: xcode10.1 language: generic python: 3.7 ### pylint/flake8/mypy - env: TESTENV=pylint - env: TESTENV=flake8 - env: TESTENV=mypy ### docs - env: TESTENV=docs addons: apt: packages: - asciidoc ### vulture/misc/pyroma/check-manifest - env: TESTENV=vulture - env: TESTENV=misc - env: TESTENV=pyroma - env: TESTENV=check-manifest ### eslint - env: TESTENV=eslint language: node_js python: null node_js: "lts/*" ### shellcheck - language: generic env: TESTENV=shellcheck services: docker cache: directories: - $HOME/.cache/pip - $HOME/build/qutebrowser/qutebrowser/.cache install: - bash scripts/dev/ci/travis_install.sh - ulimit -c unlimited script: - bash scripts/dev/ci/travis_run.sh after_success: - '[[ $TESTENV == *-cov ]] && codecov -e TESTENV -X gcov' after_failure: - bash scripts/dev/ci/travis_backtrace.sh