import hmac import logging import os import queue import socket import sys import tempfile from distutils.version import LooseVersion as Version from urllib.request import urlopen import flask from flask import Flask, request, render_template, abort, make_response, __version__ as flask_version from .. import strings from .share_mode import ShareModeWeb from .receive_mode import ReceiveModeWeb, ReceiveModeWSGIMiddleware, ReceiveModeRequest # Stub out flask's show_server_banner function, to avoiding showing warnings that # are not applicable to OnionShare def stubbed_show_server_banner(env, debug, app_import_path, eager_loading): pass flask.cli.show_server_banner = stubbed_show_server_banner class Web(object): """ The Web object is the OnionShare web server, powered by flask """ REQUEST_LOAD = 0 REQUEST_STARTED = 1 REQUEST_PROGRESS = 2 REQUEST_OTHER = 3 REQUEST_CANCELED = 4 REQUEST_RATE_LIMIT = 5 REQUEST_UPLOAD_FILE_RENAMED = 6 REQUEST_UPLOAD_SET_DIR = 7 REQUEST_UPLOAD_FINISHED = 8 REQUEST_UPLOAD_CANCELED = 9 REQUEST_ERROR_DATA_DIR_CANNOT_CREATE = 10 def __init__(self, common, is_gui, mode='share'): self.common = common self.common.log('Web', '__init__', 'is_gui={}, mode={}'.format(is_gui, mode)) # The flask app = Flask(__name__, static_folder=self.common.get_resource_path('static'), template_folder=self.common.get_resource_path('templates')) = self.common.random_string(8) # Debug mode? if self.common.debug: self.debug_mode() # Are we running in GUI mode? self.is_gui = is_gui # If the user stops the server while a transfer is in progress, it should # immediately stop the transfer. In order to make it thread-safe, stop_q # is a queue. If anything is in it, then the user stopped the server self.stop_q = queue.Queue() # Are we using receive mode? self.mode = mode if self.mode == 'receive': # Use custom WSGI middleware, to modify environ = ReceiveModeWSGIMiddleware(, self) # Use a custom Request class to track upload progess = ReceiveModeRequest # Starting in Flask 0.11, render_template_string autoescapes template variables # by default. To prevent content injection through template variables in # earlier versions of Flask, we force autoescaping in the Jinja2 template # engine if we detect a Flask version with insecure default behavior. if Version(flask_version) < Version('0.11'): # Monkey-patch in the fix from Flask.select_jinja_autoescape = self._safe_select_jinja_autoescape self.security_headers = [ ('Content-Security-Policy', 'default-src \'self\'; style-src \'self\'; script-src \'self\'; img-src \'self\' data:;'), ('X-Frame-Options', 'DENY'), ('X-Xss-Protection', '1; mode=block'), ('X-Content-Type-Options', 'nosniff'), ('Referrer-Policy', 'no-referrer'), ('Server', 'OnionShare') ] self.q = queue.Queue() self.slug = None self.error404_count = 0 self.done = False # shutting down the server only works within the context of flask, so the easiest way to do it is over http self.shutdown_slug = self.common.random_string(16) # Keep track if the server is running self.running = False # Define the web app routes self.define_common_routes() # Create the mode web object, which defines its own routes self.share_mode = None self.receive_mode = None if self.mode == 'receive': self.receive_mode = ReceiveModeWeb(self.common, self) elif self.mode == 'share': self.share_mode = ShareModeWeb(self.common, self) def define_common_routes(self): """ Common web app routes between sending and receiving """ def page_not_found(e): """ 404 error page. """ return self.error404()"//shutdown") def shutdown(slug_candidate): """ Stop the flask web server, from the context of an http request. """ self.check_shutdown_slug_candidate(slug_candidate) self.force_shutdown() return """/noscript-xss-instructions") def noscript_xss_instructions(): """ Display instructions for disabling Tor Browser's NoScript XSS setting """ r = make_response(render_template('receive_noscript_xss.html')) return self.add_security_headers(r) def error404(self): self.add_request(Web.REQUEST_OTHER, request.path) if request.path != '/favicon.ico': self.error404_count += 1 # In receive mode, with public mode enabled, skip rate limiting 404s if not self.common.settings.get('public_mode'): if self.error404_count == 20: self.add_request(Web.REQUEST_RATE_LIMIT, request.path) self.force_shutdown() print(strings._('error_rate_limit')) r = make_response(render_template('404.html'), 404) return self.add_security_headers(r) def error403(self): self.add_request(Web.REQUEST_OTHER, request.path) r = make_response(render_template('403.html'), 403) return self.add_security_headers(r) def add_security_headers(self, r): """ Add security headers to a request """ for header, value in self.security_headers: r.headers.set(header, value) return r def _safe_select_jinja_autoescape(self, filename): if filename is None: return True return filename.endswith(('.html', '.htm', '.xml', '.xhtml')) def add_request(self, request_type, path, data=None): """ Add a request to the queue, to communicate with the GUI. """ self.q.put({ 'type': request_type, 'path': path, 'data': data }) def generate_slug(self, persistent_slug=None): self.common.log('Web', 'generate_slug', 'persistent_slug={}'.format(persistent_slug)) if persistent_slug != None and persistent_slug != '': self.slug = persistent_slug self.common.log('Web', 'generate_slug', 'persistent_slug sent, so slug is: "{}"'.format(self.slug)) else: self.slug = self.common.build_slug() self.common.log('Web', 'generate_slug', 'built random slug: "{}"'.format(self.slug)) def debug_mode(self): """ Turn on debugging mode, which will log flask errors to a debug file. """ flask_debug_filename = os.path.join(self.common.build_data_dir(), 'flask_debug.log') log_handler = logging.FileHandler(flask_debug_filename) log_handler.setLevel(logging.WARNING) def check_slug_candidate(self, slug_candidate): self.common.log('Web', 'check_slug_candidate: slug_candidate={}'.format(slug_candidate)) if self.common.settings.get('public_mode'): abort(404) if not hmac.compare_digest(self.slug, slug_candidate): abort(404) def check_shutdown_slug_candidate(self, slug_candidate): self.common.log('Web', 'check_shutdown_slug_candidate: slug_candidate={}'.format(slug_candidate)) if not hmac.compare_digest(self.shutdown_slug, slug_candidate): abort(404) def force_shutdown(self): """ Stop the flask web server, from the context of the flask app. """ # Shutdown the flask service try: func = request.environ.get('werkzeug.server.shutdown') if func is None: raise RuntimeError('Not running with the Werkzeug Server') func() except: pass self.running = False def start(self, port, stay_open=False, public_mode=False, persistent_slug=None): """ Start the flask web server. """ self.common.log('Web', 'start', 'port={}, stay_open={}, public_mode={}, persistent_slug={}'.format(port, stay_open, public_mode, persistent_slug)) if not public_mode: self.generate_slug(persistent_slug) self.stay_open = stay_open # Make sure the stop_q is empty when starting a new server while not self.stop_q.empty(): try: self.stop_q.get(block=False) except queue.Empty: pass # In Whonix, listen on instead of (#220) if os.path.exists('/usr/share/anon-ws-base-files/workstation'): host = '' else: host = '' self.running = True, port=port, threaded=True) def stop(self, port): """ Stop the flask web server by loading /shutdown. """ self.common.log('Web', 'stop', 'stopping server') # Let the mode know that the user stopped the server self.stop_q.put(True) # Reset any slug that was in use self.slug = '' # To stop flask, load if self.running: try: s = socket.socket() s.connect(('', port)) s.sendall('GET /{0:s}/shutdown HTTP/1.1\r\n\r\n'.format(self.shutdown_slug)) except: try: urlopen('{0:d}/{1:s}/shutdown'.format(port, self.shutdown_slug)).read() except: pass