import os import sys import tempfile import zipfile import mimetypes import gzip from flask import Response, request, render_template, make_response from .. import strings class ShareModeWeb(object): """ All of the web logic for share mode """ def __init__(self, common, web): self.common = common self.common.log('ShareModeWeb', '__init__') self.web = web # Information about the file to be shared self.file_info = [] self.is_zipped = False self.download_filename = None self.download_filesize = None self.gzip_filename = None self.gzip_filesize = None self.zip_writer = None self.download_count = 0 # If "Stop After First Download" is checked (stay_open == False), only allow # one download at a time. self.download_in_progress = False self.define_routes() def define_routes(self): """ The web app routes for sharing files """"/") def index(slug_candidate): self.web.check_slug_candidate(slug_candidate) return index_logic()"/") def index_public(): if not self.common.settings.get('public_mode'): return self.web.error404() return index_logic() def index_logic(slug_candidate=''): """ Render the template for the onionshare landing page. """ self.web.add_request(self.web.REQUEST_LOAD, request.path) # Deny new downloads if "Stop After First Download" is checked and there is # currently a download deny_download = not self.web.stay_open and self.download_in_progress if deny_download: r = make_response(render_template('denied.html')) return self.web.add_security_headers(r) # If download is allowed to continue, serve download page if self.should_use_gzip(): self.filesize = self.gzip_filesize else: self.filesize = self.download_filesize if self.web.slug: r = make_response(render_template( 'send.html', slug=self.web.slug, file_info=self.file_info, filename=os.path.basename(self.download_filename), filesize=self.filesize, filesize_human=self.common.human_readable_filesize(self.download_filesize), is_zipped=self.is_zipped)) else: # If download is allowed to continue, serve download page r = make_response(render_template( 'send.html', file_info=self.file_info, filename=os.path.basename(self.download_filename), filesize=self.filesize, filesize_human=self.common.human_readable_filesize(self.download_filesize), is_zipped=self.is_zipped)) return self.web.add_security_headers(r)"//download") def download(slug_candidate): self.web.check_slug_candidate(slug_candidate) return download_logic()"/download") def download_public(): if not self.common.settings.get('public_mode'): return self.web.error404() return download_logic() def download_logic(slug_candidate=''): """ Download the zip file. """ # Deny new downloads if "Stop After First Download" is checked and there is # currently a download deny_download = not self.web.stay_open and self.download_in_progress if deny_download: r = make_response(render_template('denied.html')) return self.web.add_security_headers(r) # Each download has a unique id download_id = self.download_count self.download_count += 1 # Prepare some variables to use inside generate() function below # which is outside of the request context shutdown_func = request.environ.get('werkzeug.server.shutdown') path = request.path # If this is a zipped file, then serve as-is. If it's not zipped, then, # if the http client supports gzip compression, gzip the file first # and serve that use_gzip = self.should_use_gzip() if use_gzip: file_to_download = self.gzip_filename self.filesize = self.gzip_filesize else: file_to_download = self.download_filename self.filesize = self.download_filesize # Tell GUI the download started self.web.add_request(self.web.REQUEST_STARTED, path, { 'id': download_id, 'use_gzip': use_gzip }) basename = os.path.basename(self.download_filename) def generate(): # Starting a new download if not self.web.stay_open: self.download_in_progress = True chunk_size = 102400 # 100kb fp = open(file_to_download, 'rb') self.web.done = False canceled = False while not self.web.done: # The user has canceled the download, so stop serving the file if not self.web.stop_q.empty(): self.web.add_request(self.web.REQUEST_CANCELED, path, { 'id': download_id }) break chunk = if chunk == b'': self.web.done = True else: try: yield chunk # tell GUI the progress downloaded_bytes = fp.tell() percent = (1.0 * downloaded_bytes / self.filesize) * 100 # only output to stdout if running onionshare in CLI mode, or if using Linux (#203, #304) if not self.web.is_gui or self.common.platform == 'Linux' or self.common.platform == 'BSD': sys.stdout.write( "\r{0:s}, {1:.2f}% ".format(self.common.human_readable_filesize(downloaded_bytes), percent)) sys.stdout.flush() self.web.add_request(self.web.REQUEST_PROGRESS, path, { 'id': download_id, 'bytes': downloaded_bytes }) self.web.done = False except: # looks like the download was canceled self.web.done = True canceled = True # tell the GUI the download has canceled self.web.add_request(self.web.REQUEST_CANCELED, path, { 'id': download_id }) fp.close() if self.common.platform != 'Darwin': sys.stdout.write("\n") # Download is finished if not self.web.stay_open: self.download_in_progress = False # Close the server, if necessary if not self.web.stay_open and not canceled: print("Stopped because transfer is complete") self.web.running = False try: if shutdown_func is None: raise RuntimeError('Not running with the Werkzeug Server') shutdown_func() except: pass r = Response(generate()) if use_gzip: r.headers.set('Content-Encoding', 'gzip') r.headers.set('Content-Length', self.filesize) r.headers.set('Content-Disposition', 'attachment', filename=basename) r = self.web.add_security_headers(r) # guess content type (content_type, _) = mimetypes.guess_type(basename, strict=False) if content_type is not None: r.headers.set('Content-Type', content_type) return r def set_file_info(self, filenames, processed_size_callback=None): """ Using the list of filenames being shared, fill in details that the web page will need to display. This includes zipping up the file in order to get the zip file's name and size. """ self.common.log("ShareModeWeb", "set_file_info") self.web.cancel_compression = False self.cleanup_filenames = [] # build file info list self.file_info = {'files': [], 'dirs': []} for filename in filenames: info = { 'filename': filename, 'basename': os.path.basename(filename.rstrip('/')) } if os.path.isfile(filename): info['size'] = os.path.getsize(filename) info['size_human'] = self.common.human_readable_filesize(info['size']) self.file_info['files'].append(info) if os.path.isdir(filename): info['size'] = self.common.dir_size(filename) info['size_human'] = self.common.human_readable_filesize(info['size']) self.file_info['dirs'].append(info) self.file_info['files'] = sorted(self.file_info['files'], key=lambda k: k['basename']) self.file_info['dirs'] = sorted(self.file_info['dirs'], key=lambda k: k['basename']) # Check if there's only 1 file and no folders if len(self.file_info['files']) == 1 and len(self.file_info['dirs']) == 0: self.download_filename = self.file_info['files'][0]['filename'] self.download_filesize = self.file_info['files'][0]['size'] # Compress the file with gzip now, so we don't have to do it on each request self.gzip_filename = tempfile.mkstemp('wb+')[1] self._gzip_compress(self.download_filename, self.gzip_filename, 6, processed_size_callback) self.gzip_filesize = os.path.getsize(self.gzip_filename) # Make sure the gzip file gets cleaned up when onionshare stops self.cleanup_filenames.append(self.gzip_filename) self.is_zipped = False else: # Zip up the files and folders self.zip_writer = ZipWriter(self.common, processed_size_callback=processed_size_callback) self.download_filename = self.zip_writer.zip_filename for info in self.file_info['files']: self.zip_writer.add_file(info['filename']) # Canceling early? if self.web.cancel_compression: self.zip_writer.close() return False for info in self.file_info['dirs']: if not self.zip_writer.add_dir(info['filename']): return False self.zip_writer.close() self.download_filesize = os.path.getsize(self.download_filename) # Make sure the zip file gets cleaned up when onionshare stops self.cleanup_filenames.append(self.zip_writer.zip_filename) self.is_zipped = True return True def should_use_gzip(self): """ Should we use gzip for this browser? """ return (not self.is_zipped) and ('gzip' in request.headers.get('Accept-Encoding', '').lower()) def _gzip_compress(self, input_filename, output_filename, level, processed_size_callback=None): """ Compress a file with gzip, without loading the whole thing into memory Thanks: """ bytes_processed = 0 blocksize = 1 << 16 # 64kB with open(input_filename, 'rb') as input_file: output_file =, 'wb', level) while True: if processed_size_callback is not None: processed_size_callback(bytes_processed) block = if len(block) == 0: break output_file.write(block) bytes_processed += blocksize output_file.close() class ZipWriter(object): """ ZipWriter accepts files and directories and compresses them into a zip file with. If a zip_filename is not passed in, it will use the default onionshare filename. """ def __init__(self, common, zip_filename=None, processed_size_callback=None): self.common = common self.cancel_compression = False if zip_filename: self.zip_filename = zip_filename else: self.zip_filename = '{0:s}/onionshare_{1:s}.zip'.format(tempfile.mkdtemp(), self.common.random_string(4, 6)) self.z = zipfile.ZipFile(self.zip_filename, 'w', allowZip64=True) self.processed_size_callback = processed_size_callback if self.processed_size_callback is None: self.processed_size_callback = lambda _: None self._size = 0 self.processed_size_callback(self._size) def add_file(self, filename): """ Add a file to the zip archive. """ self.z.write(filename, os.path.basename(filename), zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) self._size += os.path.getsize(filename) self.processed_size_callback(self._size) def add_dir(self, filename): """ Add a directory, and all of its children, to the zip archive. """ dir_to_strip = os.path.dirname(filename.rstrip('/'))+'/' for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(filename): for f in filenames: # Canceling early? if self.cancel_compression: return False full_filename = os.path.join(dirpath, f) if not os.path.islink(full_filename): arc_filename = full_filename[len(dir_to_strip):] self.z.write(full_filename, arc_filename, zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) self._size += os.path.getsize(full_filename) self.processed_size_callback(self._size) return True def close(self): """ Close the zip archive. """ self.z.close()