*.o tags include/GENERATED_*.h include/all.h.pch *~ *.swp *.gcda *.gcno *.dSYM test.commands_parser test.config_parser testcases/MYMETA.json testcases/MYMETA.yml testcases/blib/ testcases/pm_to_blib AnyEvent-I3/Makefile AnyEvent-I3/META.yml AnyEvent-I3/MYMETA.json AnyEvent-I3/MYMETA.yml AnyEvent-I3/blib/ AnyEvent-I3/inc/ AnyEvent-I3/pm_to_blib *.output *.tab.* *.yy.c man/*.1 man/*.xml man/*.html *.tar.bz2* i3 i3-input/i3-input i3-nagbar/i3-nagbar i3-msg/i3-msg i3-config-wizard/i3-config-wizard i3-dump-log/i3-dump-log libi3.a docs/*.pdf docs/*.html !/docs/refcard.html i3-command-parser.stamp i3-config-parser.stamp .clang_complete compile_commands.json /.ccls-cache /.clangd LAST_VERSION # We recommend building in a subdirectory called build. # If you chose a different directory name, # it is up to you to arrange for it to be ignored by git, # e.g. by listing your directory in .git/info/exclude. /build