OpenBSD httpd TODO ================== There is no official bug tracker at the moment. You can look at the OpenBSD lists and the following summary which might be incomplete or outdated: #20150102-01 return **OPEN** ---------------------------- redirects / return 301 etc.: This can be done without regex by using a few built-in variables. Current workaround is to either do it in the fastcgi backend or with, ahem, html refresh. btw., nginx' "return 444;" is such an ugly workaround... #20150102-02 basic auth **OPEN** -------------------------------- We don't have a satisfying implementation for authentication yet. But it is needed and will be done. #20150102-03 block/deny **OPEN** -------------------------------- We cannot deny access to specific locations but the current workaround is to set a non-accessible root: location "*/.*" { # mkdir -m 0 /var/www/forbidden root "/forbidden" } #20150102-04 server aliases **OPEN** ------------------------------------ Server aliases and a few restrictions of the grammar: Individual server blocks can currently only have one name and listen statement. This will be fixed in the parser later. To avoid too much repeating configuration, I currently use includes: server "" { listen on $ip4_addr port 80 include "/etc/httpd/" } server "" { listen on $ip6_addr port 80 include "/etc/httpd/" } server "" { listen on $ip4_addr tls port 443 include "/etc/httpd/" include "/etc/httpd/" } server "" { listen on $ip6_addr tls port 443 include "/etc/httpd/" include "/etc/httpd/" } #20150102-05 charsets **OPEN** ------------------------------ Some minor things, eg. charsets (for auto index), fixes, ... #20150102-06 FAQ **OPEN** ------------------------- The web server needs some more FAQ-style documentation in addition to our excellent man pages and examples. Examples for each CMS would go beyond the scope of them, and probably don't fit into the OpenBSD FAQ. So I'm thinking about putting something on #20150102-07 root strip **OPEN** -------------------------------- Finish httpd URI stripping by Christopher Zimmermann.