// errorcheck -G // Copyright 2020 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. // Basic type parameter list type-checking (not syntax) errors. package tparam1 // The predeclared identifier "any" may be used in place of interface{}. var _ any func _(_ any) type _[_ any] struct{} const N = 10 type ( _ []struct{} // slice _ [N]struct{} // array _[T any] struct{} _[T, T any] struct{} // ERROR "T redeclared" _[T1, T2 any, T3 any] struct{} ) func _[T any]() {} func _[T, T any]() {} // ERROR "T redeclared" func _[T1, T2 any](x T1) T2 { panic(0) } // Type parameters are visible from opening [ to end of function. type C interface{} func _[T interface{}]() {} func _[T C]() {} func _[T struct{}]() {} // ok if #48424 is accepted func _[T interface{ m() T }]() {} func _[T1 interface{ m() T2 }, T2 interface{ m() T1 }]() { var _ T1 } // TODO(gri) expand this