// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. package runtime import ( "runtime/internal/atomic" "runtime/internal/sys" "unsafe" ) // TODO(brainman): should not need those const ( _NSIG = 65 ) //go:cgo_import_dynamic runtime._AddVectoredExceptionHandler AddVectoredExceptionHandler%2 "kernel32.dll" //go:cgo_import_dynamic runtime._CloseHandle CloseHandle%1 "kernel32.dll" //go:cgo_import_dynamic runtime._CreateEventA CreateEventA%4 "kernel32.dll" //go:cgo_import_dynamic runtime._CreateIoCompletionPort CreateIoCompletionPort%4 "kernel32.dll" //go:cgo_import_dynamic runtime._CreateThread CreateThread%6 "kernel32.dll" //go:cgo_import_dynamic runtime._CreateWaitableTimerA CreateWaitableTimerA%3 "kernel32.dll" //go:cgo_import_dynamic runtime._CreateWaitableTimerExW CreateWaitableTimerExW%4 "kernel32.dll" //go:cgo_import_dynamic runtime._DuplicateHandle DuplicateHandle%7 "kernel32.dll" //go:cgo_import_dynamic runtime._ExitProcess ExitProcess%1 "kernel32.dll" //go:cgo_import_dynamic runtime._FreeEnvironmentStringsW FreeEnvironmentStringsW%1 "kernel32.dll" //go:cgo_import_dynamic runtime._GetConsoleMode GetConsoleMode%2 "kernel32.dll" //go:cgo_import_dynamic runtime._GetEnvironmentStringsW GetEnvironmentStringsW%0 "kernel32.dll" //go:cgo_import_dynamic runtime._GetProcAddress GetProcAddress%2 "kernel32.dll" //go:cgo_import_dynamic runtime._GetProcessAffinityMask GetProcessAffinityMask%3 "kernel32.dll" //go:cgo_import_dynamic runtime._GetQueuedCompletionStatusEx GetQueuedCompletionStatusEx%6 "kernel32.dll" //go:cgo_import_dynamic runtime._GetStdHandle GetStdHandle%1 "kernel32.dll" //go:cgo_import_dynamic runtime._GetSystemDirectoryA GetSystemDirectoryA%2 "kernel32.dll" //go:cgo_import_dynamic runtime._GetSystemInfo GetSystemInfo%1 "kernel32.dll" //go:cgo_import_dynamic runtime._GetThreadContext GetThreadContext%2 "kernel32.dll" //go:cgo_import_dynamic runtime._SetThreadContext SetThreadContext%2 "kernel32.dll" //go:cgo_import_dynamic runtime._LoadLibraryW LoadLibraryW%1 "kernel32.dll" //go:cgo_import_dynamic runtime._LoadLibraryA LoadLibraryA%1 "kernel32.dll" //go:cgo_import_dynamic runtime._PostQueuedCompletionStatus PostQueuedCompletionStatus%4 "kernel32.dll" //go:cgo_import_dynamic runtime._ResumeThread ResumeThread%1 "kernel32.dll" //go:cgo_import_dynamic runtime._SetConsoleCtrlHandler SetConsoleCtrlHandler%2 "kernel32.dll" //go:cgo_import_dynamic runtime._SetErrorMode SetErrorMode%1 "kernel32.dll" //go:cgo_import_dynamic runtime._SetEvent SetEvent%1 "kernel32.dll" //go:cgo_import_dynamic runtime._SetProcessPriorityBoost SetProcessPriorityBoost%2 "kernel32.dll" //go:cgo_import_dynamic runtime._SetThreadPriority SetThreadPriority%2 "kernel32.dll" //go:cgo_import_dynamic runtime._SetUnhandledExceptionFilter SetUnhandledExceptionFilter%1 "kernel32.dll" //go:cgo_import_dynamic runtime._SetWaitableTimer SetWaitableTimer%6 "kernel32.dll" //go:cgo_import_dynamic runtime._SuspendThread SuspendThread%1 "kernel32.dll" //go:cgo_import_dynamic runtime._SwitchToThread SwitchToThread%0 "kernel32.dll" //go:cgo_import_dynamic runtime._TlsAlloc TlsAlloc%0 "kernel32.dll" //go:cgo_import_dynamic runtime._VirtualAlloc VirtualAlloc%4 "kernel32.dll" //go:cgo_import_dynamic runtime._VirtualFree VirtualFree%3 "kernel32.dll" //go:cgo_import_dynamic runtime._VirtualQuery VirtualQuery%3 "kernel32.dll" //go:cgo_import_dynamic runtime._WaitForSingleObject WaitForSingleObject%2 "kernel32.dll" //go:cgo_import_dynamic runtime._WaitForMultipleObjects WaitForMultipleObjects%4 "kernel32.dll" //go:cgo_import_dynamic runtime._WriteConsoleW WriteConsoleW%5 "kernel32.dll" //go:cgo_import_dynamic runtime._WriteFile WriteFile%5 "kernel32.dll" type stdFunction unsafe.Pointer var ( // Following syscalls are available on every Windows PC. // All these variables are set by the Windows executable // loader before the Go program starts. _AddVectoredExceptionHandler, _CloseHandle, _CreateEventA, _CreateIoCompletionPort, _CreateThread, _CreateWaitableTimerA, _CreateWaitableTimerExW, _DuplicateHandle, _ExitProcess, _FreeEnvironmentStringsW, _GetConsoleMode, _GetEnvironmentStringsW, _GetProcAddress, _GetProcessAffinityMask, _GetQueuedCompletionStatusEx, _GetStdHandle, _GetSystemDirectoryA, _GetSystemInfo, _GetSystemTimeAsFileTime, _GetThreadContext, _SetThreadContext, _LoadLibraryW, _LoadLibraryA, _PostQueuedCompletionStatus, _QueryPerformanceCounter, _QueryPerformanceFrequency, _ResumeThread, _SetConsoleCtrlHandler, _SetErrorMode, _SetEvent, _SetProcessPriorityBoost, _SetThreadPriority, _SetUnhandledExceptionFilter, _SetWaitableTimer, _SuspendThread, _SwitchToThread, _TlsAlloc, _VirtualAlloc, _VirtualFree, _VirtualQuery, _WaitForSingleObject, _WaitForMultipleObjects, _WriteConsoleW, _WriteFile, _ stdFunction // Following syscalls are only available on some Windows PCs. // We will load syscalls, if available, before using them. _AddDllDirectory, _AddVectoredContinueHandler, _LoadLibraryExA, _LoadLibraryExW, _ stdFunction // Use RtlGenRandom to generate cryptographically random data. // This approach has been recommended by Microsoft (see issue // 15589 for details). // The RtlGenRandom is not listed in advapi32.dll, instead // RtlGenRandom function can be found by searching for SystemFunction036. // Also some versions of Mingw cannot link to SystemFunction036 // when building executable as Cgo. So load SystemFunction036 // manually during runtime startup. _RtlGenRandom stdFunction // Load ntdll.dll manually during startup, otherwise Mingw // links wrong printf function to cgo executable (see issue // 12030 for details). _NtWaitForSingleObject stdFunction // These are from non-kernel32.dll, so we prefer to LoadLibraryEx them. _timeBeginPeriod, _timeEndPeriod, _WSAGetOverlappedResult, _ stdFunction ) // Function to be called by windows CreateThread // to start new os thread. func tstart_stdcall(newm *m) // Called by OS using stdcall ABI. func ctrlhandler() type mOS struct { threadLock mutex // protects "thread" and prevents closing thread uintptr // thread handle waitsema uintptr // semaphore for parking on locks resumesema uintptr // semaphore to indicate suspend/resume highResTimer uintptr // high resolution timer handle used in usleep // preemptExtLock synchronizes preemptM with entry/exit from // external C code. // // This protects against races between preemptM calling // SuspendThread and external code on this thread calling // ExitProcess. If these happen concurrently, it's possible to // exit the suspending thread and suspend the exiting thread, // leading to deadlock. // // 0 indicates this M is not being preempted or in external // code. Entering external code CASes this from 0 to 1. If // this fails, a preemption is in progress, so the thread must // wait for the preemption. preemptM also CASes this from 0 to // 1. If this fails, the preemption fails (as it would if the // PC weren't in Go code). The value is reset to 0 when // returning from external code or after a preemption is // complete. // // TODO(austin): We may not need this if preemption were more // tightly synchronized on the G/P status and preemption // blocked transition into _Gsyscall/_Psyscall. preemptExtLock uint32 } //go:linkname os_sigpipe os.sigpipe func os_sigpipe() { throw("too many writes on closed pipe") } // Stubs so tests can link correctly. These should never be called. func open(name *byte, mode, perm int32) int32 { throw("unimplemented") return -1 } func closefd(fd int32) int32 { throw("unimplemented") return -1 } func read(fd int32, p unsafe.Pointer, n int32) int32 { throw("unimplemented") return -1 } type sigset struct{} // Call a Windows function with stdcall conventions, // and switch to os stack during the call. func asmstdcall(fn unsafe.Pointer) var asmstdcallAddr unsafe.Pointer func windowsFindfunc(lib uintptr, name []byte) stdFunction { if name[len(name)-1] != 0 { throw("usage") } f := stdcall2(_GetProcAddress, lib, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&name[0]))) return stdFunction(unsafe.Pointer(f)) } var sysDirectory [521]byte var sysDirectoryLen uintptr func windowsLoadSystemLib(name []byte) uintptr { if useLoadLibraryEx { return stdcall3(_LoadLibraryExA, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&name[0])), 0, _LOAD_LIBRARY_SEARCH_SYSTEM32) } else { if sysDirectoryLen == 0 { l := stdcall2(_GetSystemDirectoryA, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&sysDirectory[0])), uintptr(len(sysDirectory)-1)) if l == 0 || l > uintptr(len(sysDirectory)-1) { throw("Unable to determine system directory") } sysDirectory[l] = '\\' sysDirectoryLen = l + 1 } absName := append(sysDirectory[:sysDirectoryLen], name...) return stdcall1(_LoadLibraryA, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&absName[0]))) } } func loadOptionalSyscalls() { var kernel32dll = []byte("kernel32.dll\000") k32 := stdcall1(_LoadLibraryA, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&kernel32dll[0]))) if k32 == 0 { throw("kernel32.dll not found") } _AddDllDirectory = windowsFindfunc(k32, []byte("AddDllDirectory\000")) _AddVectoredContinueHandler = windowsFindfunc(k32, []byte("AddVectoredContinueHandler\000")) _LoadLibraryExA = windowsFindfunc(k32, []byte("LoadLibraryExA\000")) _LoadLibraryExW = windowsFindfunc(k32, []byte("LoadLibraryExW\000")) useLoadLibraryEx = (_LoadLibraryExW != nil && _LoadLibraryExA != nil && _AddDllDirectory != nil) var advapi32dll = []byte("advapi32.dll\000") a32 := windowsLoadSystemLib(advapi32dll) if a32 == 0 { throw("advapi32.dll not found") } _RtlGenRandom = windowsFindfunc(a32, []byte("SystemFunction036\000")) var ntdll = []byte("ntdll.dll\000") n32 := windowsLoadSystemLib(ntdll) if n32 == 0 { throw("ntdll.dll not found") } _NtWaitForSingleObject = windowsFindfunc(n32, []byte("NtWaitForSingleObject\000")) if GOARCH == "arm" { _QueryPerformanceCounter = windowsFindfunc(k32, []byte("QueryPerformanceCounter\000")) if _QueryPerformanceCounter == nil { throw("could not find QPC syscalls") } } var winmmdll = []byte("winmm.dll\000") m32 := windowsLoadSystemLib(winmmdll) if m32 == 0 { throw("winmm.dll not found") } _timeBeginPeriod = windowsFindfunc(m32, []byte("timeBeginPeriod\000")) _timeEndPeriod = windowsFindfunc(m32, []byte("timeEndPeriod\000")) if _timeBeginPeriod == nil || _timeEndPeriod == nil { throw("timeBegin/EndPeriod not found") } var ws232dll = []byte("ws2_32.dll\000") ws232 := windowsLoadSystemLib(ws232dll) if ws232 == 0 { throw("ws2_32.dll not found") } _WSAGetOverlappedResult = windowsFindfunc(ws232, []byte("WSAGetOverlappedResult\000")) if _WSAGetOverlappedResult == nil { throw("WSAGetOverlappedResult not found") } if windowsFindfunc(n32, []byte("wine_get_version\000")) != nil { // running on Wine initWine(k32) } } func monitorSuspendResume() { const ( _DEVICE_NOTIFY_CALLBACK = 2 ) type _DEVICE_NOTIFY_SUBSCRIBE_PARAMETERS struct { callback uintptr context uintptr } powrprof := windowsLoadSystemLib([]byte("powrprof.dll\000")) if powrprof == 0 { return // Running on Windows 7, where we don't need it anyway. } powerRegisterSuspendResumeNotification := windowsFindfunc(powrprof, []byte("PowerRegisterSuspendResumeNotification\000")) if powerRegisterSuspendResumeNotification == nil { return // Running on Windows 7, where we don't need it anyway. } var fn interface{} = func(context uintptr, changeType uint32, setting uintptr) uintptr { for mp := (*m)(atomic.Loadp(unsafe.Pointer(&allm))); mp != nil; mp = mp.alllink { if mp.resumesema != 0 { stdcall1(_SetEvent, mp.resumesema) } } return 0 } params := _DEVICE_NOTIFY_SUBSCRIBE_PARAMETERS{ callback: compileCallback(*efaceOf(&fn), true), } handle := uintptr(0) stdcall3(powerRegisterSuspendResumeNotification, _DEVICE_NOTIFY_CALLBACK, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(¶ms)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&handle))) } //go:nosplit func getLoadLibrary() uintptr { return uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_LoadLibraryW)) } //go:nosplit func getLoadLibraryEx() uintptr { return uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_LoadLibraryExW)) } //go:nosplit func getGetProcAddress() uintptr { return uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_GetProcAddress)) } func getproccount() int32 { var mask, sysmask uintptr ret := stdcall3(_GetProcessAffinityMask, currentProcess, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&mask)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&sysmask))) if ret != 0 { n := 0 maskbits := int(unsafe.Sizeof(mask) * 8) for i := 0; i < maskbits; i++ { if mask&(1< (1<<31 - 1) { throw("QueryPerformanceFrequency overflow 32 bit divider, check nosplit discussion to proceed") } qpcFrequency := int32(tmp) stdcall1(_QueryPerformanceCounter, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&qpcStartCounter))) // Since we are supposed to run this time calls only on Wine, it does not lose precision, // since Wine's timer is kind of emulated at 10 Mhz, so it will be a nice round multiplier of 100 // but for general purpose system (like 3.3 Mhz timer on i7) it will not be very precise. // We have to do it this way (or similar), since multiplying QPC counter by 100 millions overflows // int64 and resulted time will always be invalid. qpcMultiplier = int64(timediv(1000000000, qpcFrequency, nil)) useQPCTime = 1 } //go:nosplit func getRandomData(r []byte) { n := 0 if stdcall2(_RtlGenRandom, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r[0])), uintptr(len(r)))&0xff != 0 { n = len(r) } extendRandom(r, n) } func goenvs() { // strings is a pointer to environment variable pairs in the form: // "envA=valA\x00envB=valB\x00\x00" (in UTF-16) // Two consecutive zero bytes end the list. strings := unsafe.Pointer(stdcall0(_GetEnvironmentStringsW)) p := (*[1 << 24]uint16)(strings)[:] n := 0 for from, i := 0, 0; true; i++ { if p[i] == 0 { // empty string marks the end if i == from { break } from = i + 1 n++ } } envs = make([]string, n) for i := range envs { envs[i] = gostringw(&p[0]) for p[0] != 0 { p = p[1:] } p = p[1:] // skip nil byte } stdcall1(_FreeEnvironmentStringsW, uintptr(strings)) // We call this all the way here, late in init, so that malloc works // for the callback function this generates. monitorSuspendResume() } // exiting is set to non-zero when the process is exiting. var exiting uint32 //go:nosplit func exit(code int32) { // Disallow thread suspension for preemption. Otherwise, // ExitProcess and SuspendThread can race: SuspendThread // queues a suspension request for this thread, ExitProcess // kills the suspending thread, and then this thread suspends. lock(&suspendLock) atomic.Store(&exiting, 1) stdcall1(_ExitProcess, uintptr(code)) } // write1 must be nosplit because it's used as a last resort in // functions like badmorestackg0. In such cases, we'll always take the // ASCII path. // //go:nosplit func write1(fd uintptr, buf unsafe.Pointer, n int32) int32 { const ( _STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE = ^uintptr(10) // -11 _STD_ERROR_HANDLE = ^uintptr(11) // -12 ) var handle uintptr switch fd { case 1: handle = stdcall1(_GetStdHandle, _STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE) case 2: handle = stdcall1(_GetStdHandle, _STD_ERROR_HANDLE) default: // assume fd is real windows handle. handle = fd } isASCII := true b := (*[1 << 30]byte)(buf)[:n] for _, x := range b { if x >= 0x80 { isASCII = false break } } if !isASCII { var m uint32 isConsole := stdcall2(_GetConsoleMode, handle, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&m))) != 0 // If this is a console output, various non-unicode code pages can be in use. // Use the dedicated WriteConsole call to ensure unicode is printed correctly. if isConsole { return int32(writeConsole(handle, buf, n)) } } var written uint32 stdcall5(_WriteFile, handle, uintptr(buf), uintptr(n), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&written)), 0) return int32(written) } var ( utf16ConsoleBack [1000]uint16 utf16ConsoleBackLock mutex ) // writeConsole writes bufLen bytes from buf to the console File. // It returns the number of bytes written. func writeConsole(handle uintptr, buf unsafe.Pointer, bufLen int32) int { const surr2 = (surrogateMin + surrogateMax + 1) / 2 // Do not use defer for unlock. May cause issues when printing a panic. lock(&utf16ConsoleBackLock) b := (*[1 << 30]byte)(buf)[:bufLen] s := *(*string)(unsafe.Pointer(&b)) utf16tmp := utf16ConsoleBack[:] total := len(s) w := 0 for _, r := range s { if w >= len(utf16tmp)-2 { writeConsoleUTF16(handle, utf16tmp[:w]) w = 0 } if r < 0x10000 { utf16tmp[w] = uint16(r) w++ } else { r -= 0x10000 utf16tmp[w] = surrogateMin + uint16(r>>10)&0x3ff utf16tmp[w+1] = surr2 + uint16(r)&0x3ff w += 2 } } writeConsoleUTF16(handle, utf16tmp[:w]) unlock(&utf16ConsoleBackLock) return total } // writeConsoleUTF16 is the dedicated windows calls that correctly prints // to the console regardless of the current code page. Input is utf-16 code points. // The handle must be a console handle. func writeConsoleUTF16(handle uintptr, b []uint16) { l := uint32(len(b)) if l == 0 { return } var written uint32 stdcall5(_WriteConsoleW, handle, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&b[0])), uintptr(l), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&written)), 0, ) return } // walltime1 isn't implemented on Windows, but will never be called. func walltime1() (sec int64, nsec int32) //go:nosplit func semasleep(ns int64) int32 { const ( _WAIT_ABANDONED = 0x00000080 _WAIT_OBJECT_0 = 0x00000000 _WAIT_TIMEOUT = 0x00000102 _WAIT_FAILED = 0xFFFFFFFF ) var result uintptr if ns < 0 { result = stdcall2(_WaitForSingleObject, getg().m.waitsema, uintptr(_INFINITE)) } else { start := nanotime() elapsed := int64(0) for { ms := int64(timediv(ns-elapsed, 1000000, nil)) if ms == 0 { ms = 1 } result = stdcall4(_WaitForMultipleObjects, 2, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&[2]uintptr{getg().m.waitsema, getg().m.resumesema})), 0, uintptr(ms)) if result != _WAIT_OBJECT_0+1 { // Not a suspend/resume event break } elapsed = nanotime() - start if elapsed >= ns { return -1 } } } switch result { case _WAIT_OBJECT_0: // Signaled return 0 case _WAIT_TIMEOUT: return -1 case _WAIT_ABANDONED: systemstack(func() { throw("runtime.semasleep wait_abandoned") }) case _WAIT_FAILED: systemstack(func() { print("runtime: waitforsingleobject wait_failed; errno=", getlasterror(), "\n") throw("runtime.semasleep wait_failed") }) default: systemstack(func() { print("runtime: waitforsingleobject unexpected; result=", result, "\n") throw("runtime.semasleep unexpected") }) } return -1 // unreachable } //go:nosplit func semawakeup(mp *m) { if stdcall1(_SetEvent, mp.waitsema) == 0 { systemstack(func() { print("runtime: setevent failed; errno=", getlasterror(), "\n") throw("runtime.semawakeup") }) } } //go:nosplit func semacreate(mp *m) { if mp.waitsema != 0 { return } mp.waitsema = stdcall4(_CreateEventA, 0, 0, 0, 0) if mp.waitsema == 0 { systemstack(func() { print("runtime: createevent failed; errno=", getlasterror(), "\n") throw("runtime.semacreate") }) } mp.resumesema = stdcall4(_CreateEventA, 0, 0, 0, 0) if mp.resumesema == 0 { systemstack(func() { print("runtime: createevent failed; errno=", getlasterror(), "\n") throw("runtime.semacreate") }) stdcall1(_CloseHandle, mp.waitsema) mp.waitsema = 0 } } // May run with m.p==nil, so write barriers are not allowed. This // function is called by newosproc0, so it is also required to // operate without stack guards. //go:nowritebarrierrec //go:nosplit func newosproc(mp *m) { // We pass 0 for the stack size to use the default for this binary. thandle := stdcall6(_CreateThread, 0, 0, funcPC(tstart_stdcall), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(mp)), 0, 0) if thandle == 0 { if atomic.Load(&exiting) != 0 { // CreateThread may fail if called // concurrently with ExitProcess. If this // happens, just freeze this thread and let // the process exit. See issue #18253. lock(&deadlock) lock(&deadlock) } print("runtime: failed to create new OS thread (have ", mcount(), " already; errno=", getlasterror(), ")\n") throw("runtime.newosproc") } // Close thandle to avoid leaking the thread object if it exits. stdcall1(_CloseHandle, thandle) } // Used by the C library build mode. On Linux this function would allocate a // stack, but that's not necessary for Windows. No stack guards are present // and the GC has not been initialized, so write barriers will fail. //go:nowritebarrierrec //go:nosplit func newosproc0(mp *m, stk unsafe.Pointer) { // TODO: this is completely broken. The args passed to newosproc0 (in asm_amd64.s) // are stacksize and function, not *m and stack. // Check os_linux.go for an implementation that might actually work. throw("bad newosproc0") } func exitThread(wait *uint32) { // We should never reach exitThread on Windows because we let // the OS clean up threads. throw("exitThread") } // Called to initialize a new m (including the bootstrap m). // Called on the parent thread (main thread in case of bootstrap), can allocate memory. func mpreinit(mp *m) { } //go:nosplit func sigsave(p *sigset) { } //go:nosplit func msigrestore(sigmask sigset) { } //go:nosplit //go:nowritebarrierrec func clearSignalHandlers() { } //go:nosplit func sigblock() { } // Called to initialize a new m (including the bootstrap m). // Called on the new thread, cannot allocate memory. func minit() { var thandle uintptr stdcall7(_DuplicateHandle, currentProcess, currentThread, currentProcess, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&thandle)), 0, 0, _DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS) // Configure usleep timer, if possible. var timer uintptr if haveHighResTimer { timer = createHighResTimer() if timer == 0 { print("runtime: CreateWaitableTimerEx failed; errno=", getlasterror(), "\n") throw("CreateWaitableTimerEx when creating timer failed") } } mp := getg().m lock(&mp.threadLock) mp.thread = thandle mp.highResTimer = timer unlock(&mp.threadLock) // Query the true stack base from the OS. Currently we're // running on a small assumed stack. var mbi memoryBasicInformation res := stdcall3(_VirtualQuery, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&mbi)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&mbi)), unsafe.Sizeof(mbi)) if res == 0 { print("runtime: VirtualQuery failed; errno=", getlasterror(), "\n") throw("VirtualQuery for stack base failed") } // The system leaves an 8K PAGE_GUARD region at the bottom of // the stack (in theory VirtualQuery isn't supposed to include // that, but it does). Add an additional 8K of slop for // calling C functions that don't have stack checks and for // lastcontinuehandler. We shouldn't be anywhere near this // bound anyway. base := mbi.allocationBase + 16<<10 // Sanity check the stack bounds. g0 := getg() if base > g0.stack.hi || g0.stack.hi-base > 64<<20 { print("runtime: g0 stack [", hex(base), ",", hex(g0.stack.hi), ")\n") throw("bad g0 stack") } g0.stack.lo = base g0.stackguard0 = g0.stack.lo + _StackGuard g0.stackguard1 = g0.stackguard0 // Sanity check the SP. stackcheck() } // Called from dropm to undo the effect of an minit. //go:nosplit func unminit() { mp := getg().m lock(&mp.threadLock) stdcall1(_CloseHandle, mp.thread) mp.thread = 0 if mp.highResTimer != 0 { stdcall1(_CloseHandle, mp.highResTimer) mp.highResTimer = 0 } unlock(&mp.threadLock) } // Calling stdcall on os stack. // May run during STW, so write barriers are not allowed. //go:nowritebarrier //go:nosplit func stdcall(fn stdFunction) uintptr { gp := getg() mp := gp.m mp.libcall.fn = uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(fn)) resetLibcall := false if mp.profilehz != 0 && mp.libcallsp == 0 { // leave pc/sp for cpu profiler mp.libcallg.set(gp) mp.libcallpc = getcallerpc() // sp must be the last, because once async cpu profiler finds // all three values to be non-zero, it will use them mp.libcallsp = getcallersp() resetLibcall = true // See comment in sys_darwin.go:libcCall } asmcgocall(asmstdcallAddr, unsafe.Pointer(&mp.libcall)) if resetLibcall { mp.libcallsp = 0 } return mp.libcall.r1 } //go:nosplit func stdcall0(fn stdFunction) uintptr { mp := getg().m mp.libcall.n = 0 mp.libcall.args = uintptr(noescape(unsafe.Pointer(&fn))) // it's unused but must be non-nil, otherwise crashes return stdcall(fn) } //go:nosplit func stdcall1(fn stdFunction, a0 uintptr) uintptr { mp := getg().m mp.libcall.n = 1 mp.libcall.args = uintptr(noescape(unsafe.Pointer(&a0))) return stdcall(fn) } //go:nosplit func stdcall2(fn stdFunction, a0, a1 uintptr) uintptr { mp := getg().m mp.libcall.n = 2 mp.libcall.args = uintptr(noescape(unsafe.Pointer(&a0))) return stdcall(fn) } //go:nosplit func stdcall3(fn stdFunction, a0, a1, a2 uintptr) uintptr { mp := getg().m mp.libcall.n = 3 mp.libcall.args = uintptr(noescape(unsafe.Pointer(&a0))) return stdcall(fn) } //go:nosplit func stdcall4(fn stdFunction, a0, a1, a2, a3 uintptr) uintptr { mp := getg().m mp.libcall.n = 4 mp.libcall.args = uintptr(noescape(unsafe.Pointer(&a0))) return stdcall(fn) } //go:nosplit func stdcall5(fn stdFunction, a0, a1, a2, a3, a4 uintptr) uintptr { mp := getg().m mp.libcall.n = 5 mp.libcall.args = uintptr(noescape(unsafe.Pointer(&a0))) return stdcall(fn) } //go:nosplit func stdcall6(fn stdFunction, a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5 uintptr) uintptr { mp := getg().m mp.libcall.n = 6 mp.libcall.args = uintptr(noescape(unsafe.Pointer(&a0))) return stdcall(fn) } //go:nosplit func stdcall7(fn stdFunction, a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6 uintptr) uintptr { mp := getg().m mp.libcall.n = 7 mp.libcall.args = uintptr(noescape(unsafe.Pointer(&a0))) return stdcall(fn) } // In sys_windows_386.s and sys_windows_amd64.s. func onosstack(fn unsafe.Pointer, arg uint32) // These are not callable functions. They should only be called via onosstack. func usleep2(usec uint32) func usleep2HighRes(usec uint32) func switchtothread() var usleep2Addr unsafe.Pointer var switchtothreadAddr unsafe.Pointer //go:nosplit func osyield() { onosstack(switchtothreadAddr, 0) } //go:nosplit func usleep(us uint32) { // Have 1us units; want 100ns units. onosstack(usleep2Addr, 10*us) } func ctrlhandler1(_type uint32) uint32 { var s uint32 switch _type { case _CTRL_C_EVENT, _CTRL_BREAK_EVENT: s = _SIGINT case _CTRL_CLOSE_EVENT, _CTRL_LOGOFF_EVENT, _CTRL_SHUTDOWN_EVENT: s = _SIGTERM default: return 0 } if sigsend(s) { return 1 } return 0 } // in sys_windows_386.s and sys_windows_amd64.s func profileloop() // called from zcallback_windows_*.s to sys_windows_*.s func callbackasm1() var profiletimer uintptr func profilem(mp *m, thread uintptr) { // Align Context to 16 bytes. var c *context var cbuf [unsafe.Sizeof(*c) + 15]byte c = (*context)(unsafe.Pointer((uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&cbuf[15]))) &^ 15)) c.contextflags = _CONTEXT_CONTROL stdcall2(_GetThreadContext, thread, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(c))) gp := gFromTLS(mp) sigprof(c.ip(), c.sp(), c.lr(), gp, mp) } func gFromTLS(mp *m) *g { switch GOARCH { case "arm": tls := &mp.tls[0] return **((***g)(unsafe.Pointer(tls))) case "386", "amd64": tls := &mp.tls[0] return *((**g)(unsafe.Pointer(tls))) } throw("unsupported architecture") return nil } func profileloop1(param uintptr) uint32 { stdcall2(_SetThreadPriority, currentThread, _THREAD_PRIORITY_HIGHEST) for { stdcall2(_WaitForSingleObject, profiletimer, _INFINITE) first := (*m)(atomic.Loadp(unsafe.Pointer(&allm))) for mp := first; mp != nil; mp = mp.alllink { lock(&mp.threadLock) // Do not profile threads blocked on Notes, // this includes idle worker threads, // idle timer thread, idle heap scavenger, etc. if mp.thread == 0 || mp.profilehz == 0 || mp.blocked { unlock(&mp.threadLock) continue } // Acquire our own handle to the thread. var thread uintptr stdcall7(_DuplicateHandle, currentProcess, mp.thread, currentProcess, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&thread)), 0, 0, _DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS) unlock(&mp.threadLock) // mp may exit between the DuplicateHandle // above and the SuspendThread. The handle // will remain valid, but SuspendThread may // fail. if int32(stdcall1(_SuspendThread, thread)) == -1 { // The thread no longer exists. stdcall1(_CloseHandle, thread) continue } if mp.profilehz != 0 && !mp.blocked { // Pass the thread handle in case mp // was in the process of shutting down. profilem(mp, thread) } stdcall1(_ResumeThread, thread) stdcall1(_CloseHandle, thread) } } } func setProcessCPUProfiler(hz int32) { if profiletimer == 0 { timer := stdcall3(_CreateWaitableTimerA, 0, 0, 0) atomic.Storeuintptr(&profiletimer, timer) thread := stdcall6(_CreateThread, 0, 0, funcPC(profileloop), 0, 0, 0) stdcall2(_SetThreadPriority, thread, _THREAD_PRIORITY_HIGHEST) stdcall1(_CloseHandle, thread) } } func setThreadCPUProfiler(hz int32) { ms := int32(0) due := ^int64(^uint64(1 << 63)) if hz > 0 { ms = 1000 / hz if ms == 0 { ms = 1 } due = int64(ms) * -10000 } stdcall6(_SetWaitableTimer, profiletimer, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&due)), uintptr(ms), 0, 0, 0) atomic.Store((*uint32)(unsafe.Pointer(&getg().m.profilehz)), uint32(hz)) } const preemptMSupported = GOARCH != "arm" // suspendLock protects simultaneous SuspendThread operations from // suspending each other. var suspendLock mutex func preemptM(mp *m) { if GOARCH == "arm" { // TODO: Implement call injection return } if mp == getg().m { throw("self-preempt") } // Synchronize with external code that may try to ExitProcess. if !atomic.Cas(&mp.preemptExtLock, 0, 1) { // External code is running. Fail the preemption // attempt. atomic.Xadd(&mp.preemptGen, 1) return } // Acquire our own handle to mp's thread. lock(&mp.threadLock) if mp.thread == 0 { // The M hasn't been minit'd yet (or was just unminit'd). unlock(&mp.threadLock) atomic.Store(&mp.preemptExtLock, 0) atomic.Xadd(&mp.preemptGen, 1) return } var thread uintptr stdcall7(_DuplicateHandle, currentProcess, mp.thread, currentProcess, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&thread)), 0, 0, _DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS) unlock(&mp.threadLock) // Prepare thread context buffer. This must be aligned to 16 bytes. var c *context var cbuf [unsafe.Sizeof(*c) + 15]byte c = (*context)(unsafe.Pointer((uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&cbuf[15]))) &^ 15)) c.contextflags = _CONTEXT_CONTROL // Serialize thread suspension. SuspendThread is asynchronous, // so it's otherwise possible for two threads to suspend each // other and deadlock. We must hold this lock until after // GetThreadContext, since that blocks until the thread is // actually suspended. lock(&suspendLock) // Suspend the thread. if int32(stdcall1(_SuspendThread, thread)) == -1 { unlock(&suspendLock) stdcall1(_CloseHandle, thread) atomic.Store(&mp.preemptExtLock, 0) // The thread no longer exists. This shouldn't be // possible, but just acknowledge the request. atomic.Xadd(&mp.preemptGen, 1) return } // We have to be very careful between this point and once // we've shown mp is at an async safe-point. This is like a // signal handler in the sense that mp could have been doing // anything when we stopped it, including holding arbitrary // locks. // We have to get the thread context before inspecting the M // because SuspendThread only requests a suspend. // GetThreadContext actually blocks until it's suspended. stdcall2(_GetThreadContext, thread, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(c))) unlock(&suspendLock) // Does it want a preemption and is it safe to preempt? gp := gFromTLS(mp) if wantAsyncPreempt(gp) { if ok, newpc := isAsyncSafePoint(gp, c.ip(), c.sp(), c.lr()); ok { // Inject call to asyncPreempt targetPC := funcPC(asyncPreempt) switch GOARCH { default: throw("unsupported architecture") case "386", "amd64": // Make it look like the thread called targetPC. sp := c.sp() sp -= sys.PtrSize *(*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(sp)) = newpc c.set_sp(sp) c.set_ip(targetPC) } stdcall2(_SetThreadContext, thread, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(c))) } } atomic.Store(&mp.preemptExtLock, 0) // Acknowledge the preemption. atomic.Xadd(&mp.preemptGen, 1) stdcall1(_ResumeThread, thread) stdcall1(_CloseHandle, thread) } // osPreemptExtEnter is called before entering external code that may // call ExitProcess. // // This must be nosplit because it may be called from a syscall with // untyped stack slots, so the stack must not be grown or scanned. // //go:nosplit func osPreemptExtEnter(mp *m) { for !atomic.Cas(&mp.preemptExtLock, 0, 1) { // An asynchronous preemption is in progress. It's not // safe to enter external code because it may call // ExitProcess and deadlock with SuspendThread. // Ideally we would do the preemption ourselves, but // can't since there may be untyped syscall arguments // on the stack. Instead, just wait and encourage the // SuspendThread APC to run. The preemption should be // done shortly. osyield() } // Asynchronous preemption is now blocked. } // osPreemptExtExit is called after returning from external code that // may call ExitProcess. // // See osPreemptExtEnter for why this is nosplit. // //go:nosplit func osPreemptExtExit(mp *m) { atomic.Store(&mp.preemptExtLock, 0) }